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Öğe Biomimetic dental implant production using selective laser powder bed fusion melting: In-vitro results(Elsevier, 2024) Önder, M. Ercüment; Çulhaoğlu, Ahmet; Özgül, Özkan; Tekin, Umut; Atil, Fethi; Taze, Cem; Yasa, EvrenInstead of a textured surface with irregular pore size and distribution as in conventional dental implants, the use of lattice structures with regular geometric structure and controlled pore size produced by selective laser powder bed fusion melting (LPDF) technique will provide more predictable and successful results regarding osseointe- gration and mechanics. In this study, biomimetic dental implants with 2 different pore designs were fabricated by LPDF technique and compared with conventional dental implants in terms of surface characterization and resistance to biomechanical forces. Finite element analysis, scanning electron microscopy, computed micro to- mography scanning, ISO 14801 tests and detork tests were used for the comparison. The tested biomimetic implants were found to be as durable as conventional implants in terms of mechanical strength and detork values. They were also found to be 40-60% more advantageous than conventional dental implants with respect to surface area and volume. As a result, it was concluded that biomimetic dental implants with sufficient me- chanical strength and complex surface geometries can be made as designed without changing the reliable base material and can be produced using a different manufacturing method.Öğe Çene yüz kırıklarının demografik özellikleri ve etiyolojik faktörleri: Retrospektif çalışma(2018) Özgül, ÖzkanAmaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı bölgemizde görülen çene yüz kırıklarının demografik ve klinik özelliklerini, etiyolojik faktörlerini ve tedavi protokollerini retrospektif olarak analiz etmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamızda Nisan 2015- Kasım 2017 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde çene yüz kırık tanısı ile tedavi edilmiş hastaların medikal kayıtları deg?erlendirmeye alındı. Yas?, cinsiyet, etiyolojik neden, kırıg?ın lokalizasyonu, uygulanan tedavi yöntemi belirlenerek veri dağılımı analiz edildi. Bulgular: Medikal kayıtların incelenmesi ile, 40’ı erkek (%77), 12’si kadın olan 52 hastada 62 çene yüz kırığı tespit edildi. Ortalama yaş 33.3 (9- 67), etiyolojik faktörler sırasıyla darp (%42), trafik kazası (%33), düşme (%25) olarak bulundu. 62 kırığın %92’si mandibulada; lokalizasyonlarına göre sırasıyla angulus (%34), simfiz (%31), kondil (%14), korpus (%8), ramus (%5) ve %8’i de maksillada görüldü. Sonuç: Çene yüz kırıklarının etiyolojisi ve insidansı; sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik ve çevresel şartlara bağımlıdır. Farklı coğrafik, ekonomik ve sosyal özelliklere sahip olan ülkemizde yapılacak çok merkezli çalışmalara ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır.Öğe Efficacy of platelet rich fibrin in the reduction of the pain and swelling after impacted third molar surgery: Randomized multicenter split-mouth clinical trial(Biomed Central Ltd, 2015) Özgül, Özkan; Şenses, Fatma; Er, Nilay; Tekin, Umut; Tuz, Hakan Hifzi; Alkan, Alper; Atil, FethiBackground: Impacted third molar removal is a routine procedure in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is a second generation platelet concentration which is produced by simplified protocol. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of PRF in the healing process by evaluating the changes in pain and swelling after third molar surgery. Methods: Fifty-six patients (23 male, 33 female) who provide the inclusion criteria were selected to participate in this study. The evaluation of the facial swelling was performed by using a horizontal and vertical guide. The pain was evaluated in the postoperative period using a visual analog scale (VAS) of 100 mm. Results: Horizontal and vertical measurements showed more swelling at the control side (without PRF) in 3th day postoperatively (p < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences regarding pain among the groups. Conclusion: As a conclusion, PRF seems to be effectiveness on postoperative horizontal swelling after third molar surgery. PRF could be used on a routine basis after third molar extraction surgery.Öğe Investigation of the Sodium Titanate Surface Behavior in Corrosive Oral Fluids by Comparing with Conventional Titanium Surfaces(2021) Çulhaoğlu, Ahmet Kürşad; Özgül, Özkan; Tekin, Umut; Önder, ErcümentObjective: Titanium (Ti) and Ti alloys are suitable options as implant material because they are biocompatible and form a corrosion protective titanium oxide layer. However, the oxide layer issensitive to corrosive ions such as fluoride (F) and hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) which are normally found in human mouth. Commercially produced toothpastes, mount rinses and cariostatic gels contain between0.1% and 1% content F concentration. Furthermore, H2O2 can be secreted during inflammatory reactions by bacteria in oral environment.The corrosion of dental implants and components can cause failure ofdental implant treatment. The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of different F and H2O2 concentrations on different treated Ti alloy(Ti6Al4V) in surfaces. Material and Methods: The effects of different F (0.5%, 2.5%) and H2O2 (0.1%, 10%) concentrations on differenttreated Ti6Al4V surfaces [electro-polished, roughed, fine-roughed andsodium titanate-treated (NaTi)] were analysed. Scanning electron microscopy and inductively coupled plasma with optical emission spectrometer provided quantitative bulk elemental composition for Tisamples. Results: Median corrosion values of Ti (mg/L) and V (mg/L)corrosion levels in 10% H2O2 and 2.5% F solutions were significantlyhigher than 0.1% H2O4, 0.5% F and control solutions. Median Ti corrosion values observed in electro-polished, roughed and fine-roughedgroups were statistically higher than NaTi treated surfaces. Conclusion: This study shows that low ion release on NaTi surfaces causesthe least amount of corrosion. Consequently, NaTi coating should beconsidered as the best alternative for protecting Ti surfaces from corrosion.Öğe KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND PERCEPTIONS OF DENTISTRY PATIENTS AND THEIR RELATIVES ABOUT THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC(2021) Erkan, Gözde Nur; Özgül, Özkan; Önder, Mustafa ErcümentObjective: The purpose of this cross-sectional survey was to investigate the attitudes, perceptions, awareness, and knowledge of dental patients and their relatives through concrete questions about behavior and prediction patterns among the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.Material and Methods: The questionnaire was administered face-to-face to 292 patients and their relatives who applied to the dental hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data were run through univariate and multivariable regression analyses. Survey variables include demographics, comorbidities, compliance with protective measures, prediction of disease severity in case of coronavirus infection, hospital admission behaviors, the presence of coronavirus infection in the relative and the severity of the disease experienced by the relative and the risk of transmission in dentistry interventions during the pandemic.Results: Participants showed high compliance with the use of masks in the proper area (77.4%). Generally, women's attitudes, knowledge, and perception levels were higher than men during the pandemic. Participants in the elderly age group (55-85 years) and with comorbidities predicted that they would get more seriously ill in case of coronavirus infection, but their knowledge, awareness, attitudes, and perception levels were lower than younger age groups. It was revealed that the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the participants with low education levels and existing comorbidities were lower in general than high educated and non-comorbid participants.Conclusion: In order to ensure full compliance with the protective measures, awareness and informative campaigns should primarily aim to inform male, low educated, comorbid, and elderly individuals.Öğe Stress Analysis of Prostheses Retained with Zygomatic Implants on Augmented and Non-Augmented Maxillary Sinus(AMER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS, 2020) Güngör, Hamiyet; Kaman, Süleyman; Özgül, Özkan; Önder, Ercüment Mustafa; Atil, Fethi; Tekin, Umut Saraçoğlu; Koçyiğit, İsmail DorukZygomatic implants for toothless, atrophic posterior maxilla are effective treatment options and it is known that graft use has a positive effect on the zygomatic implant stability with this treatment option. The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress values and their distribution at zygomatic implant-supported prosthetic infrastructure in augmented and non-augmented models. In this study, the three-dimensional finite element method was used and 2 zygomatic implants (47.5 x 4.0 mm), 2 conventional implants (13 x 3.75 mm) and atrophic maxilla with augmented and non-augmented maxillary sinus with prosthetic infrastructure, were modelled. A vertical load of 150 N was applied onto the maxillary model at 4 different regions (#9, #12, #14 and #15). The von Mises stress, which is produced as a result of loading of zygomatic implants and prosthetic infrastructure has been evaluated in augmented and non-augmented models. The highest von Mises stress value for the prosthetic infrastructure was determined in the non-augmented model as a result of the loading to region #9 (MPa 222,886). Consequently, grafting procedures will increase bone support and reduce stresses in the prosthetic substructure, especially in posterior loads in the maxilla with low bone density.