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Öğe Akkaraman ırkı koyunlarda ve Ankara keçilerinde servikal mukus kaynatma testi ile gebelik tanısı(2004) Kaçar, Cihan; Özyurtlu, Nihat; Macun, H. Ceyhun; Zonturlu, Abuzer K.; Saban, Erdal; Aslan, SelimBu çalışmanın amacı, koyun ve keçilerde gebelik tanı yöntemi olarak kullanılan servikal mukus kaynatma testinin saha koşullarında uygulanabilirliği ve doğruluk oranının araştırılmasıdır. Çalışmada 50 baş Akkaraman ırkı koyun ve 50 baş Ankara keçisi materyal olarak kullanıldı. Servikal mukus testi ile koyunlarda % 80 doğruluk oranı, %73.3 sensitivite, % 82.9 spesivite, % 64.7 pozitif tanımlama oranı ve % 87.9 negatif tanımlama oranı elde edildi. Keçilerde ise bu oranlar sırasıyla % 70, % 60, % 72.5, % 35.3 ve % 87.9 olarak bulundu. Ayrıca korpus luteum büyüklüğü ve progesteron değerleri arasındaki korelasyon araştırıldı. Gebe ve gebe olmayan tüm hayvanlar içinde sadece gebe olmayan koyunlarda korelasyonun önemli olduğu (r=0.58; p<0.05) tespit edildi. Bunlara ilaveten yapılan vaginal sitoloji değerlendirmesinde gebe ve gebe olmayan hayvanlar arasında hücre kompozisyonu bakımından ayırıcı bir farklılığın olmadığı saptandı. Sonuç olarak, koyun ve keçilerde yapılan bu çalışmada servikal mukus kaynatma testiyle koyunlarda gebeliğin tanısında keçilere göre daha yüksek oranlar elde edilebileceği ve bu yöntemin saha koşullarında uygulanabileceği kanısına varıldı.Öğe The Change in Luteal Blood Flow and Luteal Size after Beta Carotene and GnRH Injections in Early Pregnant Dairy Cows(Kafkas Univ, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2012) Ay, Serhan Serhat; Kucukaslan, Ibrahim; Kaya, Duygu; Mulazimoglu, Serkan Baris; Emre, Birten; Kacar, Cihan; Aslan, SelimThe aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of intramuscular injections of beta-carotene (beta C) and GnRH on luteal size (LS), luteal blood flow (LBF) and serum beta C concentrations in early pregnant cows. Twenty-nine Holstein-Friesian cows with a mature corpus luteum (>19mm) were randomly assigned to two groups: pc not received (beta C-; n=15) or received (beta C-; n=14). All cows were treated with PGF(2)alpha and inseminated twice, 48 and 72h after the treatment. Last Al was considered to be day 0. All cows received GnRH on day inseminations, 7 and 17. Different from the beta C-, the beta C+ group received beta C intramuscularly on day 7 and 17. In both groups, measurement of LS and LBF were performed on days 7, 10, 17,27 and 37 by transrectal B-mode and colour Doppler ultrasonography. Blood samples were collected on each examination day. Only cows that became pregnant were included in the statistical evaluation. The concentration o beta C in the beta C+ group was higher than in the beta C- at all examination days except day 17 (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between groups concerning the progesterone concentrations (P>0.05). The LS and LBF of beta C+ group on day 7 (P<0.05) and 27 (P<0.01) was higher than in the beta C- group and values increased significantly until day 37 (LS: P<0.05, LBF: P<0.01). We conclude that beta C injections significantly increased serum beta C concentrations, as well as LS and LBF.Öğe Intravaginal application of misoprostol improves pregnancy termination with cabergoline and alfaprostol in dogs(Schluetersche Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh & Co Kg, 2010) Çetin, Yunus; Macun, Hasan C.; Beceriklisoy, Hakki B.; Schaefer-Somi, Sabine; Aslan, SelimThe goal of this study was to compare three different medications for the induction of abortion in bitches between day 22 and 40 after mismating, to reduce the dosage and frequency of PGF(2 alpha) applications and to investigate the effects of additional intravaginal applications of misoprostol, a PGE(1) analog. For this purpose, 22 bitches of different breeds were assigned to three groups: group 1 (n = 6) received cabergoline (Galastop (R), 10 mu g/kg daily, po) until abortion was complete (first application= day 0) and one administration of alfaprostol (Gabbrostim (R), 10 mu g/kg at day 3, s. c.); group 2 (n = 9) was administered cabergoline (10 mu g/kg daily, po) and alfaprostol (10 mu g/kg at days 0 and 3, s. c.); and group 3 (n = 7) received the same combination as group 2 in addition to misoprostol (Cytotec (R), 400 mu g for bitches with <= 20 kg bw, 600 mu g for bitches with >20 kg bw, every other day, intravaginally). Abortion occurred in 83.3%, 77.7% and 100% of cases in group 1, 2 and 3, respectively (p > 0.05). Cervical dilatation time was shortest in group 3 (3.1 +/- 0.9 days vs. group 1: 5.4 +/- 2.8 and group 2: 5.5 +/- 2.5; p < 0.05). Minor side effects like transient anorexia, weakness, mild vomiting and diarrhea or low grade hair loss were found in 30.3%, 54.3% and 54.0% of cases in group 1, 2 and 3, respectively. We conclude that a combination of oral cabergoline (10 mu g/kg) and alfaprostol (10 mu g/kg) is an effective method for inducing termination of pregnancy in bitches, However, a combination of oral cabergoline (10 mu g/kg), alfaprostol (10 mu g/kg) and administration of additional intravaginal misoprostol may be even more effective.Öğe Quantitative Software Analysis of Ultrasonographic Textures in Experimental Testicular Torsion(Georg Thieme Verlag Kg, 2013) Aslan, Mustafa; Küçükaslan, İbrahim; Mulazimoğlu, Serkan; Soyer, Tutku; Şenyücel, Mine; Çakmak, Murat; Aslan, SelimAim Ultrasonography (US) has high diagnostic value in testicular torsion but is vulnerable to several potential errors, especially in the early period. Echotexture (ETX) analysis software provides a numerical expression of B-mode images and allows quantitative evaluation of blood flow due to ischemic damage using power Doppler US (PDUS) analysis. Our aim in this study was to determine the diagnostic value and effective parameters of EXT analysis software in the early period of torsion using B-mode and PDUS images. Materials and Methods In this study, eight rats were used. Following anesthesia, the right testis was rotated to a 1080-degree counterclockwise position whereas the left testis was left in place to have a control group. B-mode and PDUS images of both sides were recorded with a portable US device immediately (0 hour) and 1 and 2 hours after torsion. The B-mode images were analyzed in terms of gradient, homogeneity, and contrast using the BS200pro software (BAB Digital Imaging System 2007, Ankara, Turkey). Intensity (I)-red and area (A)-red values were measured on PDUS images with the Pixelflux (Version 1.0, Chameleon-Software, Leipzig, Germany). The data were evaluated by the Mann-Whitney U and Wilcoxon tests. Results Data from B-mode US image EXT analysis showed no significant difference between the right and left testicles in 0 to 2 hours (p > 0.05). The values obtained from PDUS analysis (I-red and A-red) significantly decreased at the testicular torsion side at the end of the second hour (p < 0.05). I-red and A-red values at 0 to 1 hour of torsion indicated similar blood flow alterations (p > 0.05) whereas the flow was significantly lower at 2 hours (p < 0.05). Conclusion In experimental testicular torsion, ischemic changes can be detected by PDUS power/angiomode using blood flow alterations as early as the second hour. Tissue damage cannot be evaluated within the first 2 hours of torsion with B-mode ETX analysis.Öğe Uterine involution, follicle development and concentrations of plasma progesterone, 20?-oh-progesterone and total estrogen levels during the postpartum period in anatolian donkeys(2012) Kalender, Hakan; Ürünal, Nil Maral; Fındık, Murat; Aslan, Selim; İzgür, Hakkı; Schwarzenberger, Franz; Handler, JohannesBu çalışmada Anadolu eşeklerinde postpartum dönemde (pp) siklus uzunluğu, preovulatorik follikül büyüklüğü, ovulasyon zamanı ve bu dönemlerdeki steroid düzeylerinin ortaya konulması amaçlandı. Çalışmada gebeliğin son dönemindeki, beş adet sağlıklı dişi eşek kullanıldı. Postpartum dönemde (pp), plazma progesteron (P4), total östrojen (E2) ve 20?-OH-progesteron (20?-OH-P4) düzeyleri RIA ile ölçüldü. Uterus involusyonu ve ovaryum aktiviteleri rektal palpasyon ve transrektal ultrason muayeneleriyle belirlendi. İlk östrus davranışları en erken postpartum 6. günde gözlendi. Folliküller, preovulatorik büyüklükleri olan 30-35 mm ye östrusun 2. gününde ulaştı. Preovulatorik folliküller saptandığında, plazma P4, E2 ve 20?-OH-P4 düzeyleri sırasıyla, 0.900.40 ng/ml, 6.824.64 ng/ml ve 0.980.21 ng/ml, olarak ölçüldü. Postpartum ilk ovulasyonlar 10-15. günler arasında gözlendi. Postpartum ilk siklusda, plazma P4 düzeyi ovulasyondan 14 gün sonra en yüksek düzeye çıktı. Postpartum ikinci östrus 32.201.58 günde gözlendi. Östrus davranışlarının süresi, birinci siklusta 6.01.00 gün, ikinci siklusta 5.61.67 gün olarak belirlendi. Rektal muayenelerde uterusun, doğumu izleyen 3-4. günlerde sınırlarının belirlenebildiği, 6-9. günlerde ise tamamen palpe edilebilecek kadar invole olduğu saptandı. P4 ve 20?-OH-P4 düzeyleri arasında önemli derecede, yüksek korelasyon saptandı.