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Öğe The Area of Cross Sections and the Number of Myelinated Axons of Cranial Nerves III, IV and VI of Adult Horse(Kafkas Univ, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2013) Bolat, Durmus; Bahar, Sadullah; Kurum, Aytul; Gultiken, Murat ErdemIt was aimed to determine the number of myelinated axons and the area of cross sections of oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves providing motor innervation of extrinsic muscles of the eye. The study included 3 male and 3 female adult horses. Tissue samples were taken from the part of nerve being in subarachnoid space. Paraffin blocks of tissues were prepared and cut with a rotary microtome transversely at a thickness of 4 mu m and sections were stained with Masson's trichrome. The area of cross sections was determined with Cavalieri's method and the number of myelinated axons was calculated by fractionator technique. There were no statistically significance of cross sectional areas and the number of myelinated axons of the right and the left sides, thus the data belonging to both sides were accepted as a single data (median). The areas of cross sections of oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves were calculated to be 2.647 mm(2), 0.511 mm(2) and 1.092 mm(2) and the number of myelinated axons 13.523, 2.034 and 4.151 respectively. The results of the study performed to determine the area of cross sections and the number of myelinated axons of III., IV. and VI. cranial nerves of the horse will contribute to the knowledge of this area and shed light on the studies to be conducted in the future.Öğe Ergin atlarda III, IV ve VI. çift kranial sinirlerin transversal kesit alanları ve myelinli akson sayıları(2013) Bolat, Durmuş; Bahar, Sadullah; Kürüm, Aytül; Gültiken, Murat ErdemEkstrinsik göz kaslarının motor uyarımını sağlayan n. oculomotorius, n. trochlearis ve n. abducens’in transversal kesit alanları ve içerdiği myelinli akson sayılarının belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Çalışmada 3 dişi, 3 erkek yetişkin at kullanıldı. Doku örnekleri sinirlerin cavum subarachnoideale’de seyreden bölümlerinden alındı. Parafin blokları hazırlanan dokular 4 ?m kalınlığında transversal olarak rotary mikrotom ile kesildi, Masson trikrom ile boyandı. Sinirlerin kesit alanları Cavalieri metodu ile içerdikleri myelinli akson sayıları ise parçalama yöntemi ile araştırıldı. Sağ ve sol göze ait sinirlerin kesit alanları ve içerdikleri myelinli akson sayıları arasında istatistiki bir fark gözlenmediğinden sinirlerin akson sayıları taraf ayırt etmeksizin tek bir veri olarak (median) değerlendirildi. Sinir kesitlerinin alanları n. oculomotorius, n. trochlearis ve n. abducens için sırası ile 2.647 mm2, 0.511 mm2 ve 1.092 mm2 olarak, myelinli akson sayıları ise sırası ile 13.523, 2.034 ve 4.151 adet olarak tespit edildi. Atlarda III, IV ve VI. çift kranial sinirlerin transversal kesit alanlarının ve myelinli akson sayılarının belirlendiği çalışma sonuçlarının bu alandaki bilgi birikimine katkı sağlayacağı ve gelecekte yapılacak çalışmalara ışık tutacağı sonucuna varıldı.Öğe Histomorphometric examination of the pineal gland in foals and adult horses(Ankara Univ Press, 2018) Bolat, Durmus; Kurum, Aytul; Bahar, Sadullah; Karahan, SiyamiThis study was conducted to evaluate the pineal glands of the foal and adult horses with histomorphometry. The pineal glands were sectioned at a thickness of 40 mu m and stained with AgNOR for stereological analyses. The weight and volume of the pineal gland as well as the number of pinealocytes were significantly higher in the adult horses (P=0.009). However, the number of pinealocytes in per volume was similar between foals and adult horses. Such data indicate that growth in the size of the gland is related to increase in the number of pinealocytes. The pinealocyte nucleus is significantly larger in adults (P=0.009). Such a size difference should be further investigated if it is due to an increase in the number of cells with increased DNA content. Melanin was distributed throughout the foal pineal gland whereas it was focally localized to connective tissue in adults. The different patterns in melanin distribution suggest that foals and adult horses may differ by means of melanin metabolism in the pineal gland.Öğe Morphometric investigations of fresh and fixed rabbit kidney(2011) Bolat, Durmuş; Bahar, Sadullah; Selçuk, Muhammet Lütfi; Tıpırdamaz, SadettinAmaç: Bu çalışmada formaldehit tespitinin böbrek morfo-metrisine etkisi ile böbreği oluşturan yapıların hacim ölçümlerinin ve ilgili yapıların böbrek içerisindeki hacimsel oranlarının Cavalieri prensibi kullanarak değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada 9 adet sağlıklı erkek Yeni Zelanda beyaz tavşanına ait böbrekler kullanıldı. Taze böbreklere ait ağırlık verileri elde edildikten sonra craniocaudal uzunluk, dorsoventral ve mediolateral çap ölçümleri dijital kumpas yardımı ile yapıldı. Her bir böbreğe ait hacim ölçümleri Arşimed prensibi ile gerçekleştirildi. Bu işlemlerden sonra taze böbrekler %10 formol içeren kaplarda 15 gün süre ile tespit edildi. Tespit edilen böbrekler üzerinde taze böbreklerde yapılan ölçüm işlemleri tekrarlandı ve böbreği oluşturan yapıların (korteks, medulla ve pelvis re-nalis) hacimleri Cavalieri prensibi ile hesaplandı. Bulgular: Taze (15.8±0.26 mm) ve tespit edilmiş (14.8±0.32 mm) sağ böbreklere ait dorsoventral çap değerleri arasında istatistiki olarak önemli fark tespit edildi (p<0.05). Sol ve sağ böbreğe ait rölatif organ ağırlıkları sırası ile %0.38±0.02 ve %0.38±0.01 olarak belirlendi. Formol ile tespit sonrası sol ve sağ böbrek ağırlıklarının sırası ile %7.33 ve %7.56 oranında arttığı görüldü. Tespit sonrası hacim değerlerinde ağırlık artışına paralel olarak sol böbrekte %7.13 (p<0.05), sağ böbrekte ise %3.34 (p>0.05) oranında artış olduğu tespit edildi. Öneri: Taze ve formol ile tespit edilmiş böbreklere ait elde edilen morfometrik verilerin gelecekte invaziv ve noninva-ziv metotların kullanıldığı böbrek hastalıkları üzerinde yapılacak çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağı düşünüldü.Öğe The Segmental Morphometric Properties of the Horse Cervical Spinal Cord: A Study of Cadaver(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013) Bahar, Sadullah; Bolat, Durmus; Selcuk, Muhammet LutfiAlthough the cervical spinal cord (CSC) of the horse has particular importance in diseases of CNS, there is very little information about its segmental morphometry. The objective of the present study was to determine the morphometric features of the CSC segments in the horse and possible relationships among the morphometric features. The segmented CSC from five mature animals was used. Length, weight, diameter, and volume measurements of the segments were performed macroscopically. Lengths and diameters of segments were measured histologically, and area and volume measurements were performed using stereological methods. The length, weight, and volume of the CSC were 61.6 +/- 3.2 cm, 107.2 +/- 10.4 g, and 95.5 +/- 8.3 cm(3), respectively. The length of the segments was increased from C-1 to C-3, while it decreased from C-3 to C-8. The gross section (GS), white matter (WM), grey matter (GM), dorsal horn (DH), and ventral horn (VH) had the largest cross-section areas at C-8. The highest volume was found for the total segment and WM at C-4, GM, DH, and VH at C-7, and the central canal (CC) at C-3. The data obtained not only contribute to the knowledge of the normal anatomy of the CSC but may also provide reference data for veterinary pathologists and clinicians.Öğe Selective Gray and White Matter Staining of the Horse Spinal Cord(Kafkas Univ, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2012) Bolat, Durmus; Bahar, Sadullah; Sur, Emrah; Selcuk, Muhammet L.; Tipirdamaz, SadettinThe ratio of gray and white matter is an important clinical parameter in the diagnosis of diffuse and compressive diseases of the spinal cord. Although histological methods are used to determine this parameter, there are some difficulties encountered in histological studies related to tissue size. The aim of this study was to evaluate possible modifications to overcome these difficulties. In the study, nine tissue samples taken from the C6 segment of a female Shetland pony and selected by systematic random sampling were used. The dehydration process of the spinal cord of the horse was supported by applying a vacuum. Paraffin blocks were prepared and cut into 10 pm sections to be stained separately with the different staining methods. Six different staining methods, including Modified May - Grunwald - Giemsa (MMGG), were compared and used to image entire slides. The stains, Hematoxylin & eosin (H&E), May-Grunwald-Giemsa (MGG), Masson's trichrome (MT), AgNORs, Kluver Barrera (KB) and MMGG, were evaluated macroscopically and microscopically by participants who were unaware of which staining methods had been used. The staining methods were scored from worst (1) to best (5) using a Likert scale. Vacuum application was found to reduce the difficulties related to inadequate tissue dehydration. MMGG was selected as the best staining method in differentiating gray and white matter in the spinal cord of the horse.Öğe Two- and Three-Dimensional Anatomy of Paranasal Sinuses in Arabian Foals(Japan Soc Vet Sci, 2014) Bahar, Sadullah; Bolat, Durmuş; Dayan, Mustafa Orhun; Paksoy, YahyaThe 2- and 3-dimensional (3D) anatomy and the morphometric properties of the paranasal sinuses of the foal have received little or no attention in the literature. The aim of this study was to obtain details of the paranasal sinuses using multiplane CT imaging to create 3D models and to determine morphological and morphometric data for the sinuses using the 3D models. The heads of five female foals were used in this study. The heads were scanned using computed tomography (CT) in the rostrocaudal direction. After the heads had been frozen, anatomical sections were obtained in the scan position. The 3D models of sinuses and the skull were prepared using MIMICS (R). These models were used to assess the surface area and volume of the sinuses, the width, height and orientation of the apertures connecting these sinuses and finally the planar relation of the sinuses with the skull. The right and left sides of all anatomical structures, except the sphenoid sinuses, had symmetric organization on CT images and anatomical sections. The total sinus surface area and volume on both sides were 214.4 cm(2) and 72.9 ml, respectively. The largest and the smallest sinuses were the frontal sinus (41.5 ml) and the middle conchal sinus (0.2 ml), respectively. It was found that the planes bounding the sinuses passed through easily palpable points on the head. In conclusion, 3D modeling in combination with conventional sectional imaging of the paranasal sinuses of the foal may help anatomists, radiologists, clinicians and veterinary students.