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Öğe Ana Dili Arapça Olmayanlara Arapça Öğretiminde Nahvin Pozisyonu(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2021) Cevher, Mesut; Köse, EsraAna dili Arapça olmayanların İslamiyet ile tanışmaları sonucunda ortaya çıkan nahiv ilmi, Arapça öğretiminin temel problemi haline gelmiştir. İlk zamanlarda üzerinde durulmasa da gün geçtikçe önemi artan lahn, gerek dil alimlerini gerekse diğer müslümanları son derece endişelendirmiş ve nahiv ilminin ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. Hicri 3. yüzyılda ortaya çıktığı düşünülen bu ilim ile ilgili ilk çalışmalar Câhız ile başlamakla birlikte erken dönemlerde herkes tarafından kabul edilen bir tanımı bulunmamaktadır. Câhız’dan sonraki dönemlerde İbn Mada, İbn Hazm, el-Halef el-Ahmer, İbrahim Mustafa ve Şevki Dayf gibi dil alanında çalışmalar yapmış yetkin isimlerin nahiv ilmi ile uğraşması bu ilme farklı bir yön kazandırmıştır.Ülkemizdeki Arapça öğretimine baktığımızda İlahiyat Fakülteleri başta olmak üzere Arap dili öğretimi veren kurumların Osmanlı medreselerindeki metotlara ek yeni yöntemler geliştiremedikleri gözlemlenmektedir. Ortaya çıkışından bu yana çeşitli dönemlerde nahiv ilminin kolaylaştırılması adına yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda ortaya koyulan görüşler ve bunlardan çıkardığımız sonuçlarla çalışmamıza yön vermiş bulunmaktayız. Buna ek olarak çalışmamızda yer verdiğimiz, öğrenci ve öğretim elemanı görüşleri baz alınarak sunulan çözüm ve önerilerin alan için faydalı olacağını düşünmekteyizÖğe EXAMINING THE ART of HAZF and ITS CHANGE of MEANING in THE QURAN(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Cevher, Mesut; Müftüoğlu, Ahmet HalukThe most fundamental feature that distinguishes humans from other beings is that they have the power to understand, comprehend and express. As a matter of fact, Allah says the following on this matter: "We created man in the most beautiful form." Man naturally needs a language to convey his thoughts and ideas to the other party. The languages spoken by societies also differ from each other, and as the society develops, the language spoken also changes. is developing and becoming widespread. According to research, more than seven thousand languages are currently spoken in the world. The reason that makes the Arabic language, which is only one of these languages, important and widespread is different from other languages. The most important reason that makes the Arabic language so important is undoubtedly that the Holy Quran was sent down from Allah in Arabic. For this reason, for approximately 1400 years from the east of Islam until today, Muslims have given great importance to learning and teaching the Arabic language to understand the Holy Quran. They contributed to the development of Arabic and its growth and development as an independent branch of science. One of the most important features of Arabic is that it contains many literary arts. Thanks to these arts, the message to be conveyed to the addressee becomes more understandable. Hazf art, which forms the basis of our work, is just one of these arts. The art of hazf: It is the removal of one or more elements in the sentence without causing any deterioration in the meaning. We divided this study into two parts. In the first part, we will talk about the definition and historical process of the science of rhetoric, the definition and nature of the art of hazf, and finally the reasons for using the art of hazf and its benefits. In the second part, we will talk about the verses related to the subject and their effects on the meaning.Öğe Kuran-ı Kerim Işığında Kamu Yönetimi(2021) Cevher, MesutKuran'ın rehberliğinden uzakta, insanlar farklı yönetim sistemlerinde sıkışıp kalıyorlar. Bazen komünizmi deniyorlar ve onların ateşiyle yanıyorlar. Kapitalizme kaçalım derken Isıtılmış taşlardan ateşe sığınan biri gibi olurlar. Kuran-ı Kerim ise öylesine adil ilke ve değerleri içerir ki onları uygularsak tıpkı insanlığı kurtaracağı gibi işletme sahiplerinin istedikleri kazançları elde etmelerini sağlayacaktır. Ayrıca Kur’an onlara, insanların baskıcı sistemlerinin sağlamadığı güvenliği de sağlar. İşte bu çalışmanın önemi de zaten buradadır. Önceki çalışmalarda bu konu hakkında dağınık bulgulara rastlamamıza karşın, bu başlık altında özel bir çalışma bulamadık. Bu, bu araştırmanın önemini ve araştırmacının sorumluluğunu arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Kuran-ı Kerim'in kamu yönetimi temel ilkelerini ele alacaktır. Terminolojisini tanımlar, unsurlarını açıklar ve bu unsurlar arasındaki ilişkiyi netleştirir. Çalışma, referanslarının yanı sıra Kuran metnine bağlı olacaktır. Ardından temel Tefsir kitaplarına başvuracak ve modern çalışmaları göz ardı etmeyecektir. Çalışma, endüktif yaklaşımı ve analitik yaklaşımı iki metod olarak benimseyecektir. Verileri toplayacak ve geçerli bilimsel sonuçlara ulaşmak için analiz edecektir.Öğe SOME PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN THE HOLY QURĀN(2019) Cevher, MesutThe Qur'an came at a time when aggression was a sign of strength. The powerful state was invading small countries, plowing and plowing. The tribes were also proud of their attacks on other tribes. The killing of men and women's families is a heroic act. All of this was the cause of the collapse of civilizations, and the result of the deterioration of the conditions of humanity from bad to worse. And because the role of the Holy Qurān to reform what has been corrupted by human beings, and guide all mankind to the ways of happiness and nail. It is not surprising that the Holy Qurān deals with the general principles governing the relationship of the Muslim state with other countries. And to chart the way to a life where all human beings enjoy peace. The study will attempt to devise Qurānic teachings in this field, perhaps as a prelude to lengthy studies showing the theory of the Qurān in organizing relations between people. The study will rely on the analytical descriptive method, so that the information is collected and classified scientifically according to the researcher, and then analyzed, in order to arrive at the facts scientifically. And will also study the Koran, and take the books of interpretation and authentic references. And will not ignore the interpretations and modern academic studies. This study will serve as a new door for researchers in the field of the Holy Qurān and its sciences, because it touched on unprecedented subject, needs to study and scrutiny, because it serves a vital area in the life of all mankind, and not just a religious study of those who convert to Islam.Öğe Sosyal Barışın Kurulmasında Osmanlı'nın Stratejisi(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2018) Cevher, MesutThe influence of Quranic education was evident in the behavior of the rulers of the Ottoman Empire. So they worked to establish peace in their community. They adopted a strategy consistent with the Qur'anic approach based on aggregation rather than differentiation. The Ottomans did not have nationalism or ethnicity. But we do not exaggerate if we say that they were not fanatic even to their religion. Therefore, all the boredom and the bees lived in their state. Including the Jews who fled Hitler to be protected by the Ottomans. And provide them with help and a decent life in their state. This topic will be studied in two chapters: 1. The strategy of the Ottoman Empire to establish social peace. 2. Strategies for peace in the Qur'an.Öğe The Effect of Quran Education on Peaceful Coexistence(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2022) Cevher, MesutThe Qur’an came at a time when the sending of envoys was interrupted. and before the revelation of the Qur'an, the Arabs were warring tribes. The strong killed the weak. and unnecessarily the tribe was attacking other tribes. Didn't even need a reason. It was considered a source of pride for a Tribe to be strong and to attack whomever they wished. Tribal society was divided into classes. So, the highest class of masters and leaders was good. Then came the poor and weak class. The slave and concubine class were at the bottom of the list. The master class dominated the other classes. It commands, obeys and forbids, no one dared to oppose it. If anyone dared to do so, they would be tortured and expelled from the protection of the tribe they could not live without.When the Qur'an came, it proclaimed an era in human life that made people equal like the teeth of a comb. And even if it is necessary to distinguish between people, then that distinction is based on piety, nothing more. The Qur'an binds all people to their Lord. He is the Lord of people and the worlds. In the Qur'an, believers are instructed that everything is a servant of Allah and glorifies Him. According to the teaching of the Qur'an, a believer sees the universe as a friend to himself. Because they worship Allah with him. And from this point of view, he sees the whole universe as a partner and friend. He himself belongs to the Creator, as does the entire universe. Thus ends the causes of discord and enmity.The Qur'an has set the principles of living in peace among people from the very first moment. Therefore, to judge the validity of belief is attributed to Allah and not to anyone else. In addition, Allah's ordering and not associating partners with Him were the determining factors in the acceptance of worship. It is not permissible for a person to despise another because of his religion, race or color. Thus, the Qur'an has resurrected the principle of human brotherhood. Therefore, peace has prevailed in the east and west of the earth. Thus, models of Islamic civilization emerged. According to God's method, it was the product of human cooperation.This study will explore the principles of peaceful coexistence in the Qur'an. He will dwell on the texts of the Qur'an about this. then it will refer to the main sources of tafsir and will include modern studies in this context. This study will adopt the inductive analytical method. We will collect the information and analyze it to reach scientific conclusions.The study will address the impact of Qur'anic education on peaceful coexistence in the following main axes:A. Principles of peaceful coexistence in the Qur’an.B. The motifs of peaceful coexistence in the Qur’an.C. The punishments imposed by the Qur’an on those who violate the principles of peacefulcoexistence.Öğe THE ESSENTIALS of THE TRANSLATION and THE REVIEW on SAMPLE TRANSLATIONS(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2023) Cevher, Mesut; Saylam, Fatma NurTranslation is crucial for a country to introduce itself and to spread its cultural values. When translating, not only speaking the language is enough but also being component in word structures in the languages. If we look from a bigger framework, when translating from source text to target text it is necessary to know the author’s genius, ideology and process of ideas. It is important to know the idea of the author rather than what the author says, and translation requires not only bravery but also knowledge. If we point out another matter, when translating from the source language, it is essential to master that country’s artistic perspective, to research how they perceive and how they give meaning to things and lastly to know the country’s cultural accumulation.Öğe The Nida Style in the Arabic Language and Its Uses in the Qur'an(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2022) Cevher, Mesut; Gazioğlu, Emine BegümHumanity has needed a religion to believe in since the creation sects. This has sometimes fallen into superstitions that have the dimensions of the times, and sometimes it has made a way for itself. Even if an environment chooses the path of crooked and distorted, stony and diversity that does not comply with reason and logic, the number of those who choose the path of justice is too large to be underestimated. They are predictions and prophets about the most basic criteria of the relationship between Allah (c.c.) and man. He communicates with the created through creative addresses. These addresses are of the nature of removing the addressee from the public, and are they faults in tafsir and ilmtekiri in order to understand their nature? In our study, the nid style, which is one of the grammars of the Arabic language, was taken as the subject. The nidâts, which are also frequently used in precious Arabic works, were examined and hedonistic performances were also mentioned. Topics related to munada were included. The different notion that may arise with the differentiation of the prepositions of shriek in the verses was also discussed.