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Öğe Clinicopathologic diagnosis of cutaneous toxoplasmosis in an Angora cat(Schluetersche Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh & Co Kg, 2011) Kul, Oguz; Atmaca, Hasan Tarik; Deniz, Ahmet; Suer, CenkThis report deals with a case of cutaneous toxoplasmosis in a 2 year-old female Angora cat. Cutaneous lesions were characterized by prescapular ulcers and hyperemic nodules in the skin of the inguinal and dorsosacral regions. A skin biopsy sample was collected from the lesioned area and processed for histopathologic examination and immunoperoxidase test using Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum specific antibodies. Toxoplasma gondii immunopositive reactions were detected in keratinocytes and dermal macrophages while no immunoreactivity was detected for N. caninum. The case of cutaneous toxoplasmosis was further confirmed by PCR analysis using T gondii B1 gene-specific primers. In conclusion, we report the first case of cutaneous toxoplasmosis in Angora cats.Öğe Investigation of the diagnostic value of serology, cytology and polymerase chain reaction in cat toxoplasmosis(Ankara Univ Press, 2017) Yasa Duru, Sibel; Kul, Oguz; Babur, Cahit; Deniz, Ahmet; Pekcan, Zeynep; Pir Yagci, IlknurToxoplasmosis is an infectious disease affecting most of the mammalian and aviary animals caused by Toxoplasma gondii. In this study, diagnostic values of bronchoalveolar lavage, biopsy and PCR and their practical implementation ways were questioned. The results of the each test were evaluated. Additionally, incidence of toxoplasmosis among seropositive cats were investigated by T. gondii and oocyst shedding screened in the stool samples, as well. The material of the study was constituted by blood, stool and bronchoalveoloar lavage samples taken from totally 102 cats. Bronchoalveolar lavage samples were evaluated for cytologic examination. In PCR analysis, T. gondii B1 primary sets were used and conventional-PCR procedure was applied. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 49 (48,03%) of 102, with titers of 1/16 in 41 (40,19%), 1/64 in 8 (7,84%) cats. Only one cat exhibited systemic toxoplasmosis. In conclusion, although the seroprevalance was 48.03%, systemic toxoplasmosis rate was found 0.98% (1/49) with a lower percentage.Öğe Kedilerde toksoplazmoz tanısında seroloji, sitoloji ve polimeraz zincir reaksiyonunun tanısal değerlerinin araştırılması(2017) Duru, Sibel Yasa; Kul, Oğuz; Babür, Cahit; Deniz, Ahmet; Pekcan, Zeynep; Yağcı, İlknur PirToksoplazmozis, Toxoplasma gondii tarafından meydana getirilen, çok sayıda memeli ve kanatlı hayvanda görülen, protozoer bir enfeksiyondur. Bu çalışmada; klinik belirti gösteren ya da T. gondii seropozitif bulunan kedilerde uygulanabilecek bronkoalveolar lavaj ve PZR tanı yöntemlerinin geçerliliği sorgulanarak, tanısal önemleri araştırıldı. Ayrıca, seropozitif bulunan kediler arasında sistemik toksoplazmozis görülme sıklığı ile dışkıda ookist varlığı muayene edildi. Çalışma materyalini, 102 kediden alınan kan, uygun olgularda ise bronkoalveolar lavaj, deri ve karaciğer biyopsileri oluşturdu. Bu kapsamda, kan serumlarında Sabin-Feldman boya testi ile T. gondii seropozitif bulunan kediler seçilerek; anestezi altında endotrakeyal kateter yardımıyla bronkoalveolar lavaj örneğinde sitolojik muayene yapıldı. PZR analizinde ise T. gondii B1 geni spesifik primerler ile konvansiyonel-PZR prosedürleri uygulandı. Çalışmada incelenen kedilerde T. gondii seroprevalansı 49/102 (%48.03) olarak belirlendi. Anti-Toxoplasma gondii antikor titreleri açısından incelendiğinde; bunlardan %40.19'unun (41/102) 1/16, %7.84'ünün (8/102) ise 1/64 titrede olduğu ortaya konuldu. Sonuç olarak, seroprevalans %48.03 olmasına rağmen sistemik toksoplazmozis oranının (49 seropozitif kediden biri, %0.98) oldukça düşükgerçekleştiği belirlendiÖğe A new approach to Neospora caninum infection epidemiology: neosporosis in integrated and rural dairy farms in Turkey(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2014) Ocal, Naci; Atmaca, Hasan Tarik; Albay, Metin Koray; Deniz, Ahmet; Kalender, Hakan; Yildiz, Kader; Kul, OguzBoth cattle and dogs were examined in modern and rural dairy farms that had a history of abortion over 5%. The blood samples were collected from 427 aborted cattle and the sera were tested using a commercial ELISA test kit. Additionally, a necropsy procedure was carried out on the fetuses and calves dead within 2 months after birth; the tissue samples were evaluated by histopathologic, immunoperoxidase, and PCR techniques. Eighteen dogs in close contact with the cattle in the same field were included in the study and blood and feces samples were collected. The feces samples were analyzed by copro-PCR and the sera were tested by indirect fluorescent antibody test. As a result, 161 out of 427 sera samples (37.7%) were found positive for N. caninum. In cattle, the lowest seropositivity was 6.7% and the highest seropositivity was 74.24%. Neosporosis seroprevalence in integrated holdings was lower than those of rural dairy cattle facilities (66.7%). The seropositivity for N. caninum in dogs was determined as 72.7% in rural holdings and 28.6% in integrated holdings. According to the risk analysis, N. caninum-seropositive cows had greater exposure to N. caninum-seropositive dogs in rural family holdings and integrated holdings (P = 0.054, odds ratio = 0.929; and P= 0.008, odds ratio = 0.986, respectively).Öğe Systemic toxoplasmosis in a kangaroo (Macropus sp.)(Ankara Univ Press, 2011) Kabak, Yonca Betil; Guvenc, Tolga; Kul, Oguz; Deniz, Ahmet; Gulbahar, M. YavuzThis paper describes systemic toxoplasmosis in a brush kangaroo died after diagnosed with chronic diarrhoea in a local zoo. Macroscopically, widespread subcutaneous petechial haemorrhagies, 100 ml sero-sanguineous fluid in the abdominal cavity, many nodular structures on omentum and fat tissues with dilatation in subserosal vessels of gastric and small intestines were observed. Microscopically, necrotic bronchointerstitial pneumonia in the lungs and multiple areas of necroses with pyogranulomatous inflammation in the myocardium, adrenal glands and tunica muscularis of stomach and small intestines were detected. The pancreas and surrounding abdominal adipose tissues had multifocal coalescing acellular necroses conjoined with pyogranulomatous inflammation. Free and/or intracellularly located Toxoplasma gondii-like granular structures showed co-association with necrotic lesions. These granular structures and necrotic areas exhibited strong immunoreactivity to polyclonal anti-T.gondii antibodies whereas reaction was negative for Neospora caninum and Leishmania sp.. Nested-PCR designed to amplify a 97 bp long specific part in B1 gene of T. gondii gave positive results. In conclusion, the first case of systemic toxoplasmosis in a kangaroo from a local zoo in Turkey was diagnosed by detailed histochemical, immunoperoxidase technique and PCR.