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Öğe Biomechanical comparison of plate-screw and screw fixation in medial tibial plateau fractures (Schatzker 4). A model study(Elsevier Masson, Corporation Office, 2010) Çift, Harun; Cetik, Özgür; Kalaycıoğlu, Barış; Dirikoglu, M. H.; Özkan, Korhan; Ekşioğlu, FatihIntroduction: The objective of this biomechanical study was to compare the respective efficiency of plate-screw fixation and screw fixation in an experimental model of a Schatzker type 4 fracture. Hypothesis: screw fixation and plate fixation have a similar load to failure. Materials and methods: This study compares the stability of Schatzker type 4 medial tibial plateau fractures fixed with either 36.5mm cancellous bone screw with a 16mm threaded segment or with six-holed buttress T-plate-screw system. A Schatzker type 4 fracture was modeled on an artificial bone model. In a first group of 10 fracture models, following the anatomical reduction, fractures were stabilized with screws with washers. In the second group, of 10 fracture models, fractures were stabilized with T-plate. After fixation ascending axial compression was applied on bone models (Instron machine). Results: Load bearing capacity was 1397.6 +/- 194.4 N in the Group 1 and 2153.2 +/- 204.4 N in the Group 2. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Discussion: According to this result, experimental load bearing of bone models indicate that plate-screw fixation system has a significantly higher stabilization capacity than fixation with three screws alone. Our hypothesis was not confirmed. In order to maintain anatomical repositioning, plate-screw system is a more stable fixation method than the screw in medial tibial plateau fractures Schatzker 4 Level of evidence: 1. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.Öğe Contrary intermittent skin release of complete syndactyly without skin graft in adults(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005) Çetik, Özgür; Özşar, Barış K.; Ekşioğlu, Fatih; Uslu, Murad; Çetik, GültenIntroduction: There are many different surgical treatment techniques of complete syndactyly. Most of them are techniques involving using skin grafts. We developed a surgical technique that does not require skin grafts, which cause problems in the distal nail border pulp and interdigital web space. Materials and Methods: Syndactyly release was performed in 12 web spaces of I I adult male patients. The average age was 21. In addition to a zig-zag incision, contrary intermittent skin release was performed. Primary coverage of the interdigital web space and nail border pulp was achieved without skin graft. Results: We obtained good results by the contrary intermittent skin release method that we developed, in adult complete syndactyly patients who had no chance for the surgical treatment due to several reasons, previously. Conclusion: With such a surgical technique, in our cases we obtained successful results, both cosmetic and functional. The presented technique is an alternative method for syndactyly release without using skin graft in adult patients.Öğe Contrary intermittent skin release of complete syndactyly without skin graft in adults - Response(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006) Çetik, Özgür; Uslu, Murad; Ekşioğlu, Fatih…Öğe Ekstraartiküler tibia deformitesinde artroplasti (Olgu sunumu)(2004) Uslu, M. Murad; Ekşioğlu, Fatih; Özsar, Barış KemalSol dizde osteoartrozu ve aynı taraf tibiada ekstraartiküler deformitesi olan 70 yaşında kadın hastaya düzeltici osteotomi ve total diz protezi ameliyatı aynı seansta uygulandı. Yere paralel bir eklem yüzeyi sağlamak için artroplasti uygulamasından önce ekstraartiküler deformitenin düzeltilmesi gereklidir. Osteotomi hattının sadece uzun stemle stabilize edilmesi yeterli değildir. Sunulan olguda olduğu gibi ek bir stabilizasyona gerek vardır. Ekstraartiküler deformitelerin düzeltilmesi artroplasti ameliyatından önce mutlaka göz önüne alınmalıdır.Öğe Experience with the surgical treatment of radial polydactyly in adults(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005) Çetik, Özgür; Uslu, Murad; Çırpar, Meriç; Ekşioğlu, FatihPurpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the functional and cosmetic outcome after surgical reconstruction in adult patients. Methods: Eleven hands of the 10 adult patients with radial polydactyly were treated surgically. Clinical and radiologic examination was performed and cases were classified according to the Wassel system. The outcome was evaluated according to the Modified Wood criteria. Results: Average age of the patients was 20 years (range, 19-23 years) and all patients were male. All of the patients were admitted with the social consequences of the cosmetic problems resulting from the anomaly. Cosmetic and functional results were excellent in 9 cases and good in 2 cases. Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed that radial polydactyly can be surgically reconstructed satisfactorily in adulthood. However, the fact that these patients were mainly admitted as a result of the psychosocial consequences of the cosmetic aspect of the anomaly, we concluded that regardless of age, surgery should not be delayed after diagnosis.Öğe Simultaneous bucket handle tear of both medial and lateral menisci of a knee with chronic anterior cruciate ligament deficiency(Springer, 2006) Çetik, Özgür; Çırpar, Meriç; Ekşioğlu, Fatih; Uslu, MuradBucket handle meniscus tears constitute about 10% of all meniscal tears. Bucket handle tears of medial meniscus is three times more than lateral meniscus. Most of these tears are associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficiency. Lateral meniscus lesions are more common with acute ACL deficiency, where medial meniscus lesions are more associated with chronic ACL deficiency. We identified bucket handle tears of each meniscus of a 30-year-old male patient while performing diagnostic arthroscopy during ACL reconstruction procedure. We present an ACL deficient knee with bucket handle tears of medial and lateral meniscus of the same knee and discuss the treatment.Öğe Yetişkin ön kol kırıklarının cerrahi tedavisi(2001) Midillioğlu, Mehmet Rüştü; Ekşioğlu, FatihAmaç: Cerrahi tedavi uygulanılan yetişkin ön kol cisim kırıklarının etyolojisini ve cerrahi sonrası sonuçlarını incelemek. Hastalar ve Metod: Biyolojisinde düşme ve trafik kazasının ilk iki sırada yer aldığı 88 yetişkin hastanın 82'si kapalı, 6'sı açık ön kol cisim kırıklarına cerrahi tedavi uygulandı. Kapalı kırıkların tedavisinde semitubuler plak, DCP, düz plak, Mennen plağı ve intramedüller fıksasyon uygulandı. Açık kırıklarda ise eksternal fiksatör kullanıldı. Bulgular: 74'ü erkek, 14'ü kadın olan 88 hastanın yaş ortalamaları 18.4 (14-62 yıl) idi. Tüm olguların hastanede yatış süresi ortalama 18.0 gün, cerrahiye kadar geçen süre ise 7.8 (3 ila 10 gün) gündü. Ortalama 57.3 (6-107) ay takip edilen tüm olguların kaynama süresi 17.1, semitubuler plak kullanılan hastalarda ise 16.8 hafta idi. 70'i kapalı, 6'sı açık kırıklı 76 hastada Anderson ve arkadaşlarının kriterlerine göre %73.9 olguda mükemmel, %14.8 olguda başarılı olmak üzere toplam % 88.7 oranında başarılı sonuç elde edildi. Plak gevşemesi ve redüksiyon kaybı 5 (%5.7), geç kaynama l olguda (%1.1) izlenirken, beşi yüzeysel, biri derin olmak üzere 6 (%6.8) enfeksiyon tedavi sırasında görülen komplikasyonlardı. Sonuç: Literatürde başarılı sonuçları bildirilen kompresyonlu plak uygulaması bizim serimizde de başarılı izlendi. Yetersiz fıksasyon ve ince olması nedeni ile alçı içerisinde dahi kırılabildiği bildirilen semitubuler plağın bu komplikasyonu olgularımızdan birinde izlendi. Tip I ve Tip II açık kırıklarda açık redüksiyon internal fıksasyon yerine hastalarımızın sosyokültürel yapıları ve bu kırıkların çoğunun kontamine olması nedeni ile tercih ettiğimiz dinamik aksiyel eksternal fıksatörle başarılı sonuç elde ettik.