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Öğe A new approach for postprocessor design(2005) Er, Ali Osman; Aslan, ErsanNowadays, it can be possible that the parts which have complex shapes can be manufactured easily with the improvements on the Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). Cutter Location Data (CLDATA) can be created with a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software, then the integration with the CNC machines is made by the postprocessors. In this study our target was making a flexible postprocessor which can work for all described control unites. Using datas taken from a CAD-CAM software's Design and Manufacturing Modules as specifications of solid model and CLDATA, the output of machining operations and some part programs (Mazak, Fanuc and Sinumerik) were taken out. Taken output of part programs were compared with programs which were used in real production unites.Öğe Bilgisayar destekli tasarım (BDT) ile bilgisayarla sayısal denetimli tezgahların (BSDT) bütünleşmesi için bir son işlemci tasarımı(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2002) Er, Ali Osman; Aslan, ErsanGünümüzde Bilgisayar Bütünleşik İmalattaki (BBİ) gelişmelere paralel olarak karmaşık şekillere sahip parçaların işlenmesi gerçekleştirilebilmektedir. Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarım (BDT) programları (AutoCad, Urographies, CATIA, Mechanical Desktop, I-DEAS vb.) kullanılarak tasarlanan parçaların imalinde tezgahlarla olan etkileşim 'Son işlemciler' adı verilen arayüzler yardımıyla gerçekleştirilir. Bu çalışmada, hem Bilgisayar Kontrollü Tezgahlarda kullanılan kontrol üniteleri ve değişkenleri hakkında bilgi verilmiş hem de BDT ve Bilgisayar Destekli İmalat (BDİ) programları kullanılarak elde edilen kesici yolu verilerini (CLDATA) istenilen kontrol ünitesine ait programa dönüştürebilen bir son işlemci yazılımı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Katı model ve CLDATA oluşturma işlemi I-DEAS programı yardımıyla gerçekleştirilmiş, arayüzün tasarımında ise Visual Basic 6.0programı kullanılmıştır. Tasarım modülünde hazırlanmış katı model bilgilerini kullanarak ve CLDATA değerlendirilerek, parça üzerindeki işlemler ve Mazak, Sinümerik ve Fanuc kontrol üniteleri için parça programlarına ait çıktılar elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen çıktıların gerçek üretim ünitesinde kullanılan programlar ile karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. ANAHTAR KELİMELER : Son işlemci, CLDATA (Kesici Konum Verileri), Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarım ve İmalat (BDT/BDİ), Bilgisayar Bütünleşik İmalat (BBİ), Kesici Yolu.Öğe Experimental robust optimal machining of hardened AISI 420 stainless steel with Al2O3+TiCN mixed ceramic tool(Sage Publications Ltd, 2011) Acar, Erdem; Camuscu, N.; Er, Ali Osman; Aslan, ErsanThe high hardness and wear resistance levels of Alumina (Al2O3)-based ceramics make them excellent choices for incorporation into cutting tools that can be used to machine hardened steels. However, their poor fracture behaviour usually leads to catastrophic failures when they are used in these machining tasks. Thus, there is a need for an investigation that probes the effect of cutting parameters on the machining of hardened steels with Al2O3-based ceramic cutting tools and isolates a set of optimal values of cutting parameters. This paper is such a study. An experimental study that is guided by Taguchi's techniques is performed to analyse the effects of three cutting parameters: cutting speed; feed rate; and depth of cut on two performance measures, flank wear and surface roughness. The robust optimal cutting parameters for each performance measure are reported.Öğe Investigation of Machinability of Aluminum (Al1070) Matrix, Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Boron Carbide (B4C) Reinforced Hybrid Composite Materials(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Kartal, Yunus; Er, Ali OsmanIn this study, the machinability of hybrid metal matrix composite (MMC) materials were investigated. Experiments were carried out on a CNC lathe using aluminium 1070 matrix SiC and B4C reinforced MMC materials without cooling fluid. The effect of cutting parameters and MMC reinforcement ratios on working has been examined. It has been tried to determine the optimum reinforcement ratio and cutting parameters in the machining process of hybrid reinforced MMC materials. As a result of this study, it was tried to contribute to the industrial area by determining the most suitable cutting parameters for Al1070 matrix SiC and B4C hybrid reinforced MMC materials.Öğe Investigation of mechanical and physical properties of PLA and steel-added PLA filament materials used in melted filament manufacturing method(Gazi Univ, Fac Engineering Architecture, 2024) Er, Ali Osman; Aydınlı, Osman MuhsinThermoplastic composite filament materials can be used in the manufacturing method with melted filament, which is among the additive manufacturing methods. Thermoplastic composite filament materials allow obtaining different thermal, chemical, mechanical and surface properties. In this study, PLA filament and PLA-Steel filament materials with approximately 80% by weight of 410L steel powder were compared in terms of impact strength, tensile strength and thermal conductivity properties. As a result of the experiments carried out, the highest impact strength was measured at 14.27 kJ/m2, the highest tensile strength was 41.62 MPa and the highest thermal conductivity was 0.1364 W/mK for PLA material. The highest impact strength was measured at 11.51 kJ/m2, the highest tensile strength was 19.06 MPa and the highest thermal conductivity was 0.2758 W/mK for the steel powder added PLA material. Thus, the impact and tensile strength value of PLA material decreased and the thermal conductivity value increased with the addition of steel powder. Different levels of filling ratio, printing temperature, printing speed and layer thickness printing parameters were used in the production of test specimens. The effects of these pressure parameters on the impact and tensile strength values were investigated. The effects of printing parameters were revealed by the results of ANOVA analysis. In addition, the microstructure of the materials was investigated by scanning electron microscopy.Öğe Investigation of the Effects of Cutting Fluid Application with Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Method on the Machinability of Pure Titanium(2024) Kartal, Yunus; Er, Ali OsmanMachining is one of the widely used methods in today's technology and there are many parameters that affect the machinability of the produced product. In the machining process, the machinability of the product depends on parameters such as feed rate, depth of cut, cutting speed and cutting fluid. The use of cutting fluid during the process has advantages such as improving surface quality, but also disadvantages such as increased cost and environmental damage. Due to these disadvantages of cutting fluid in manufacturing processes, alternative methods have been developed. The method called minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) not only reduces cost but also improves machinability. In this study, the machinability of titanium turning was evaluated with main cutting force, surface roughness and temperature measured in the primary cutting zone data. MQL method was used in the study and Taguchi L9 model was applied. The results were compared between dry cutting and MQL atmospheres. The reliability of the data and the degree of influence of the parameters were analyzed by ANOVA. In this study, the shear force data obtained in the dry shear atmosphere were higher than the data obtained in the MQL method. In addition, the surface roughness values obtained in dry cutting atmosphere were also relatively high. The optimum cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut values for the process were determined as 60 m/min, 0.05 mm/rev and 0.5 mm, respectively.Öğe İşlenmesi güç malzemelerin talaşlı üretiminde kesici performanslarının araştırılması(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2008) Er, Ali Osman; Aslan, ErsanMalzeme teknolojisindeki gelişmelere paralel olarak üretilen yeni malzemelerin işlenmesi, takım malzemelerinin ise denenerek uygun takım ve işleme parametrelerinin tespiti, başka bir deyişle optimum işleme şartlarının sağlanması için sürekli olarak deneylerin yapılmasına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.Yapılan çalışma ile sanayide yaygın olarak kullanılan ve işlenilmesinde güçlüklerle karşılaşılan 1.2379 soğuk-iş takım çeliği, 1.2080 soğuk-iş takım çeliği, 1.2344 sıcak iş takım çeliği ve 1.2738 plastik kalıp çeliği gibi haddelenmiş malzemelerden ve işlenmesi güç olan bu malzemelerin 55-58 HRc'ye sertleştirilmiş numunelerinden, PVD TiN kaplamalı alüminyum oksit ve titanyum karbo-nitrür tabanlı seramik, PCBN, CVD TiN-TiCN-Al2O3 kaplamalı sert metal, PVD TiAlN kaplamalı sermet, PVD TiN kaplamalı sert metal, kaplamasız sert metal, kaplamasız sermet gibi 7 farklı kesici uç kalitesi ile ve seçilen farklı işleme değişkenleri kullanılarak, ISO 8688-1 standardında belirtilen hususlar göz önünde bulundurularak talaş kaldırılmıştır. Değişik parametrelerle parça işlenirken kesici takımda oluşan aşınma ölçülmüş, aşınma mekanizmaları incelenmiş ve sonuç olarak farklı malzeme çiftlerine ait takım ömrü grafikleri oluşturulmuştur. Bu grafikler yardımıyla deneylerde kullanılan malzeme çiftleri için ?n? ve ?c? sabitleri belirlenmiştir. Aynı zamanda işlenen malzemeler ve kesiciler için en uygun kesme koşulları tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışma ile endüstri uygulamalarında kullanılan takım ömrü değerlerinin tespiti için önemli bir veri tabanı oluşturulmuştur.Öğe A new approach for postprocessor design(2005) Er, Ali Osman; Aslan, ErsanNowadays, it can be possible that the parts which have complex shapes can be manufactured easily with the improvements on the Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). Cutter Location Data (CLDATA) can be created with a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software, then the integration with the CNC machines is made by the postprocessors. In this study our target was making a flexible postprocessor which can work for all described control unites. Using datas taken from a CAD-CAM software's Design and Manufacturing Modules as specifications of solid model and CLDATA, the output of machining operations and some part programs (Mazak, Fanuc and Sinumerik) were taken out. Taken output of part programs were compared with programs which were used in real production unites.Öğe Ti-6Al-4V Alaşımının Tornalanmasında Minimum Miktarda Yağlama (MMY) Yöntemi İle Kesme Sıvısı Uygulamanın İşlenebilirliğe Etkilerinin Araştırılması(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2021) Er, Ali Osman; Zeyrek, KanayTi6Al4V alaşımı kullanım yerinde avantaj sağlayacak yüksek sertlik ve aşınma dayanımı, ısıl direnç gibi özelliklere sahip olması sebebiyle talaşlı imalatla şekillendirme işlemlerinde kesici takım malzemelerinde ciddi manada güçlükler çıkarmaktadır. Bu sebeple kesici takım ve iş parçası arasındaki etkileşimi olabildiğince en aza indirgemek gerekmektedir. Hali hazırda sektörde bunu sağlayabilmek için geleneksel kesme sıvısı yöntemi kullanılmaktadır. Fakat bu durum bize maliyet ve insan sağlığı gibi çeşitli sıkıntılar olarak geri dönmektedir. Yapılan bu deneysel çalışmada, Ti-6Al-4V malzemesi TiAlN kaplı kesici takımla önce kesme sıvısı kullanılmadan tornalanmış, daha sonra karşılaştırma yapmak için aynı kesme parametreleriyle MQL sistemin içerisine ticari bitkisel bazlı kesme sıvısı eklenerek tornalamaya tabi tutulmuştur. Deney sonuçları kesme kuvveti, sıcaklık ve yüzey pürüzlülüğü cinsinden karşılaştırılmış ve MQL işleme yönteminin kuru işlemeye kıyasla performans farklılıkları hesaplanmıştır.Öğe Tool Condition Monitoring in Turning Using Statistical Parameters of Vibration Signal(Int Inst Acoustics & Vibration, 2016) Arslan, Hakan; Er, Ali Osman; Orhan, Sadettin; Aslan, ErsanIn this study, the relationship between vibration and tool wear is investigated during high-speed dry turning by using statistical parameters. It is aimed to show how tool wear and the work piece surface roughness changes with tool vibration signals. For this purpose, a series of experiments were conducted in a CNC lathe. An indexable CBN tool and a 16MnCr5 tool steel that was hardened to 63 HRC were both used as material twins in the experiments. The vibration was measured only in the machining direction using an acceleration sensor assembled on a machinery analyzer since this direction has more dominant signals than the other two directions. In addition, tool wear and work piece surface roughness are measured at different cutting time intervals where the cutting speed, radial depth of cut, and feed rate are kept constant. The vibration signals are evaluated using statistical analysis. The statistical parameters in this study are the Root Mean Square (RMS), Crest Factor, and Kurtosis values. When the flank wear increases, the Kurtosis value and RMS also increase, but the Crest factor exhibited irregular variations. It is concluded that these statistical parameters can be used in order to obtain information about tool wear and work piece surface roughness.Öğe Tool wear evaluation by vibration analysis during end milling of AISI D3 cold work tool steel with 35 HRC hardness(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2007) Orhan, Sadettin; Er, Ali Osman; Camuscu, Necip; Aslan, ErsanIn this study, the relationship between vibration and tool wear was investigated during end milling. For this purpose, a series of experiment were conducted in a vertical milling machine. An indexable CBN insert and AISI D3 cold work tool steel hardened to 35 HRC were used as material twin in the experiments. The vibration was measured only in the machining direction, which has more dominant signals than in the other two directions. The measurements were taken by using an acceleration sensor assembled on a machinery analyzer. Tool wear was measured by a toolmaker's microscope. It was observed that there was an increase in vibration amplitude with increasing tool wears. This situation was evident especially by monitoring vibration of displacement type. It was also observed that the first three multiplies of tooth passing frequency (1 x, 2 x, 3 x) gave the best information about the tool wear. Results showed that there was no considerable increase in the vibration amplitude until a flank wear value of 160 mu m was reached, above which the vibration amplitude increased significantly. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.