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Öğe Absence of estrogen and progesterone receptors around the affected vessels of angioma serpiginosum - Case report(Adis Int Ltd, 2006) Erkek, Emel; Bozdoğan, Önder; Akarsu, Cengiz; Atasoy, Pınar; Koçak, MukadderAngioma serpiginosum is a disorder of dilated superficial dermal capillaries. The disease is considered by some authors to be a consequence of increasing levels of estrogens. We present a case of angioma serpiginosum in a 46-year-old White woman. The lesions consisting of red-purple puncta were grouped as vaguely annular and angular patches with serpiginous borders, located on the right side of the neck, the right side of the abdomen, and on the left arm. Histopathologic examination revealed clusters of dilated capillaries in the dermal papillae, without endothelial proliferation. Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain-positive deposits were noted around the affected blood vessels. However, immunohistochemical analysis revealed the absence of estrogen and progesterone receptors within the involved blood vessels. Hormonal assays were also normal. Our observations suggest that a hormonal stimulus probably plays no role in the pathogenesis of angioma serpiginosum. The significance of PAS-positive deposits as a diagnostic marker for angioma serpiginosum needs further confirmation.Öğe Absence of human papillomavirus antigens in cutaneous soft fibromas(2003) Koçak, Mukadder; Erkek, Emel; Bozdoğan, Önder; Birol, Ahu; Atasoy, PınarGiriş: Derinin yumuşak fibromlarının gerçek nedeni bilinmemekle birlikte deri yaşlanması, şişmanlık, diyabet, gebelik, menopoz, akromegali ve genetik yatkınlık ile ilişkili olabilecekleri ileri sürülmektedir. Son zamanlarda insan papilloma virüsleri de yumuşak fibrom oluşumunda potansiyel etyolojik faktör olarak suçlanmışlardır. Amaç: Bu çalışmada yumuşak fibrom etyopatogenezinde insan papilloma virüslerinin rolünün araştırılması amaçlanmış ve bu lezyonların diyabet ve obezite ile ilşkileri de sorgulanmıştır. Hastalar ve Yöntem: Bu amaçla 37 hastanın lezyonel deri örneklerinde immünhistokimyasal metod ile HPV antijenleri çalışılmıştır. Her hastadan açlık ve tokluk kan şekeri ve gayitada gizli kan tetkikleri rutin olarak istenmiştir.Bulgular: Lezyonel deri biyopsilerinden yalnızca birinde (2.7 %) HPV antijen varlığı saptanmıştır. On-üç hastanın (35.1 %) vücut kütle indeksi 30'un üstünde hesaplanmıştır. Açlık ve/ veya tokluk kan şekeri 14 hastada (37.8 %) yüksek bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Bu bulgular çok sayıda yumuşak fibrom ile başvuran hastalarda karbonhidrat metabolizmasının değerlendirilmesi gerektiğine işaret etmekte ve insan papilloma virüslerinin bu lezyonların etyolojisinde rolü olmadığını düşündürmektedir.Öğe Acute actinic cheilitis-like chemical irritant reaction following accidental contact with ethylene glycol - Favorable response to topical 1% pimecrolimus cream: A case report(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2008) Erkek, Emel; Kazkayasi, Mustafa; Bozdogan, OnderEthylene glycol is a colorless, odorless, nonvolatile, water-soluble fluid, mainly used as automobile antifreeze and coolant. This substance is a frequent culprit in accidental and intentional poisonings. Although potentially fatal systemic consequences of ethylene glycol ingestion are well known, local adverse effects through brief skin and mucosa contact with ethylene glycol have been rarely reported. Herein we report a patient with accidental ethylene glycol contact to the lower lip, who presented with acute, manifest, actinic cheilitis-like chemical irritant reaction and favorably responded to topical pimecrolimus 1% cream.Öğe Ailesel urtikarya pigmentoza(2000) Erkek, Emel; Bozdoğan, ÖnderUrtikarya pigmentoza, dermiste mast hücresi infiltrasyonu ile karakterize, nadir görülen bir deri hastalığıdır. Genelde sporadik olarak görülmektedir, ancak ailesel olgular da bildirilmektedir. Burada bir anne ve kızında eş zamanda görülen bir urtikarya pigmentoza olgusu sunulmakta, hastalığın olası genetik geçişi tartışılmaktadır.Öğe Analysis of Borrelia burgdorferi antibody seroprevalence in patients with Behçet's disease using 3 different serological assays(2004) Ayaşlıoğlu, Ergin; Erkek, Emel; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Kılıç, Dilek; İnal, Ali; Keskin, GöksalAbstract: Behçet's disease is a chronic multisystemic inflammatory vasculitis of unknown etiology. Various infectious agents have been implicated as potential triggering factors in the pathogenesis of the disease. The present study was designed to evaluate the seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies in Turkish patients with Behçet's disease. For this purpose, 90 consecutive patients with Behçet's disease and 50 healthy individuals were enrolled into a prospective study. The IgM and IgG antibodies to B. burgdorferi in sera were determined by 3 different serological techniques, namely indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blotting (WB). Although there was a tendency in the patient group toward a higher seropositivity rate using the ELISA and WB tests, statistical analysis revealed no difference in antibody prevalence between the patient and control groups for each technique performed (P >0.05 for all 3 assays). The findings of the present study do not support a potential role for B. burgdorferi in the etiopathogenesis of Behçet's disease, at least in the geographical region of central Anatolia.Öğe Analysis of estrogen and progesterone receptors in lesional and normal skin of patients with acne rosacea(2003) Erkek, Emel; Bozdoğan, Önder; Koçak, Mukadder; Birol, Ahu; Atasoy, PınarGiriş: Rozase etyolojisinde hormonal faktörlerin rol oynayabileceğine ilişkin çok sayıda kanıt bulunmaktadır. Lezyonel deride östrojen reseptörlerinin azalması ve progesteron reseptörlerinin artışı hipotetik olarak rozase oluşumunda önemli olabilir. Amaç: Bu çalışmada rozaseli hastaların lezyonel ve normal deri dokularında östrojen ve progesteron reseptörlerinin ekspresyonunun saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Hastalar ve Yöntem: Bu amaçla rozaseli 20 hastanın lezyonel deri örneklerinde ve gönüllü 5 hastanın nonlezyonel deri örneklerinde immünhistokimyasal metod ile östrojen ve progesteron reseptörleri çalışılmıştır. Bulgular: Lezyonel deri biyopsilerinden 2'sinde (10%) progesteron reseptör varlığı saptanmış, ancak hiç bir örnekte östrojen reseptörleri gösterilememiştir. Sonuç: Bu bulgular rozase etyolojisinde östrojen ve progesteron reseptörlerinin önemi hipotezini desteklememekle birlikte bloklanamayan/ karşı konulamayan androjenik uyarı hipotezinin araştırılması gerektiğini düşündürmektedir.Öğe Clinical and histopathological findings in Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome(Mosby, Inc, 2005) Erkek, Emel; Hizel, Selda; Şanlı, Cihat; Erkek, A. Bülent; Tombakoglu, M; Bozdoğan, Önder; Akarsu, CengizBannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant genodermatosis with the classical triad of macrocephaly, genital lentiginosis, and intestinal polyposis. Characteristic mucocutaneous manifestations include vascular malformations, lipomatosis, speckled lentiginosis of the penis or vulva, facial verrucae-like or acanthosis nigricans-like lesions, and multiple acrochordons of the neck, axilla, and groin. We present a case of Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome with macrocephaly, abnormal facies, lipoma, tender and painful arteriovenous hemangiomas, lymphangiokeratomas, musculoskeletal abnormalities, and localized myopathy. We also describe previously unreported findings, including peripheral neuropathy, punctate cystic changes in acral tubular bones, and enostosis of talus. Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome needs recognition by dermatologists because affected patients may present with mucocutaneous and subcutaneous lesions that may simulate other dermatological disorders.Öğe Clinicopathologic challenge: Linear brown macules on the chest and arm(Wiley-Blackwell, 2008) Erkek, Emel; Bozdogan, Onder; Sanli, Cihat; Ozoguz, PinarWhat is your diagnosis?Öğe Darier hastalığı ve akrokeratozis verrusiformis(2000) Erkek, Emel; Atasoy, PınarDarier hastalığı nadir görülen, otozomal dominant geçişli bir keratinizasyon bozukluğu hastalığıdır. Seboreik bölgeleri tutan simetrik keratotik papüller, el ayasında çukurcuklar ve tırnak distrofisi ile karakterizedir. Akrokeratozis verrusiformis (Hopf), el ve ayak dorsumlarında verrü planaya benzeyen poligonal papüller ve tırnak distrofisi ile seyreden, otozomal dominant nadir bir hastalıktır. Darier hastalarının bir kısmında el ve ayak dorsumlarında akrokeratozis verrusiformise benzeyen siğilimsi papüller görülebilir. Burada akrokeratozis verrusiformis benzeri akral lezyonların eşlik ettiği bir sporadik Darier hastalığı olgusu sunulmakta ve akral Darier hastalığı ile akrokeratozis verrusiformisin klinikopatolojik ayırıcı tanıları tartışılmaktadır.Öğe Dermal vacuoles in two biopsies of psoriasis(Wiley-Blackwell, 2008) Ayva, Şebnem; Erkek, Emel; Atasoy, PınarTwo patients presented with cutaneous lesions clinically typical of psoriasis. The first case was a 38-year-old man and the second was a 51-year-old woman. To confirm the diagnosis, 4-mm punch biopsy samples were obtained from both patients from the lesions on the knees. Histology in both cases was in favour of psoriasis and also revealed empty vacuoles in the papillary dermis, concentrated at sites of intense lymphocyte infiltration. The empty vacuoles resembled true fat cells or fat globules. They did not reveal positive immunostaining with CD34 antigen, suggesting that they were not lined by endothelial cells. Final histological diagnosis was psoriasis associated with dermal vacuolization.Öğe Early prosthetic valve endocarditis due to Acinetobacter baumannii: A case report and brief review of the literature(Informa Healthcare, 2005) Olut, Ali Ilgın; Erkek, EmelAcinetobacter is a highly resistant microorganism, commonly isolated in intensive and post-operative care units. Although rarely reported, it may constitute 1 of the several causes of early prosthetic valve endocarditis. A diffuse, red maculopapular rash may be encountered in patients with Acinetobacter endocarditis. Here we present a case of early prosthetic valve endocarditis due to Acinetobacter baumannii and accompanied by a cutaneous eruption.Öğe The Efficacy of Intermittant Low-Dose Systemic Corticosteroid in the Treatment of Alopecia Areata(2004) Birol, Ahu; Erkek, Emel; Tuncez, Fatma; Saylam Kurtipek, Gülcan; Bağcı, Yeter; Koçak, MukadderAlopecia areata (AA) is a common cause of non-scarring alopecia characterized by patchy hair loss. AA is difficult to treat because of its chronic and inflammatory nature. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of low-dose systemic corticosteroids in the treatment of AA. Fifteen patients with AA were included in this study. Systemic prednisolone 10-15 mg/day on 2 consecutive days per week for 6 months was administered. Fourteen patients (93.3%) had patchy alopecia areata. One patient (6.3%) had alopecia universalis. Seven (46.7%) patients showed complete healing, 5 (33.3%) showed partial response and 3 (20%) did not respond to treatment. Low-dose intermittant corticosteroid therapy may be a successful and well tolerated treatment option in AA and also in patients with alopecia totalis and universalis.Öğe The efficacy of intermittant low-dose systemic corticosteroid in the treatment of alopecia areata(2004) Birol, Ahu; Erkek, Emel; Tunçez, Fatma; Kurtipek, Sayam Gülcan; Bağcı, Yeter; Koçak, MukadderAlopecia areata (AA) is a common cause of non-scarring alopecia characterized by patchy hair loss. AA is difficult to treat because of its chronic and inflammatory nature. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of low-dose systemic corticosteroids in the treatment of AA. Fifteen patients with AA were included in this study. Systemic prednisolone 10-15 mg/day on 2 consecutive days per week for 6 months was administered. Fourteen patients (93.3%) had patchy alopecia areata. One patient (6.3%) had alopecia universalis. Seven (46.7%) patients showed complete healing, 5 (33.3%) showed partial response and 3 (20%) did not respond to treatment. Low-dose intermittant corticosteroid therapy may be a successful and well tolerated treatment option in AA and also in patients with alopecia totalis and universalis.Öğe The efficacy of intermittant low-dose systemic corticosteroid therapy in vitiligo(2004) Erkek, Emel; Birol, Ahu; Kurtipek, Saylam Gülcan; Tunçez, Fatma; Bağcı, Yeter; Koçak, MukadderAmaç: Vitiligo depigmente lezyonlar ile karakterize, akkiz, otoimmun bir hastalıktır. Çalısmanın amacı düşük doz, sistemik kortikosteroid tedavisinin vitiligo tedavisindeki rolünü araştırmaktır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Calışmamıza 16 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Sistemik prednizolon 10-15 mg/gün, haftanın 2 ardışık günü, 6 ay süre ile uygulanmıştır.Bulgular: 14 hastada non-segmental [10 (62.5%) simetrik jeneralize- 4 (25%) akrofasyal) ve 2 (12.5%)] hastada segmental vitiligo tespit edildi. Altı aylık tedavi sonrasinda 6 (37.5%) hastada foliküler repigmentasyon, tespit edilirken 10 (62.5%) hastada tedaviye yanıt alınamadı. Hastaların hiçbirinde tam düzelme tespit edilmedi.Sonuç: İntermitan, düşük doz sistemik kortikosteroid vitiligo tedavisinde etkili bulunmamıştır.Öğe Eruptive Vellus Hair Cysts: Report of a Pediatric Case With Partial Response to Calcipotriene Therapy(Quadrant Healthcom Inc, 2009) Erkek, Emel; Kurtipek, Guelcan Saylam; Duman, Deniz; Sanli, Cihat; Erdogan, SibelEruptive vellus hair cysts (EVHCs) are characterized by asymptomatic, follicular, comedonelike papules usually located on the anterior chest and abdomen. We present a pediatric case of EVHC associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that partially responded to calcipotriene cream within 2 months. Our aim is to refamiliarize clinicians with a common albeit frequently unrecognized disorder of vellus hair follicles. Cutis. 2009;84:295-298.Öğe Fever of unknown origin as the initial presenting sign of Behcet's disease(Taylor & Francis As, 2006) Erkek, Emel; Ayaşlıoğlu, Ergin…Öğe Fluorescence of hereditary type II punctate porokeratotic keratoderma (spiny keratoderma) with a Wood's light: Stars under the moonlight(Mosby-Elsevier, 2007) Erkek, Emel; Atasoy, Pinar…Öğe Fox-Fordyce hastalığı(2002) Erkek, Emel; Koçak, Mukadder; Atasoy, Pınar; Birol, Ahu; Bozdoğan, ÖnderFox-Fordyce hastalığı nadir görülen, sporadik, apokrin ter bezi retansiyonu sonucu oluşan, kaşıntılı, foliküler papüllerle karakterize bir dermatozdur. Patogenezindeki en önemli basamak apokrin ter bezi duktuslarının tıkanması ve rüptürüdür. Bu makalede, Fox-Fordyce tanısı alan bir olgu sunulmuş ve literatür ışığında klinikopatolojik özellikleri tartışılmıştır.Öğe Giant condyloma acuminata of Buschke-Lowenstein: successful treatment with a combination of surgical excision, oral acitretin and topical imiquimod(Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2009) Erkek, Emel; Başar, Halil; Bozdoğan, Önder; Emeksiz, M. CanHuman papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disorder in young, sexually active populations in the USA and Europe. Giant condyloma acuminatum (GCA) is a unique variant of condyloma acuminata, characterized by local aggressive behaviour despite benign histology. It carries a substantial risk of squamous cell carcinoma. Various treatments have been used, but response is often poor and recurrence rates high. We present a case of GCA successfully treated with a combination of surgical excision, oral acitretin and topical imiquimod. The diagnosis was based on histological examination, immunohistochemical analysis and in situ hybridization for HPV 6 and 11. We recommend a trial of oral retinoid and topical imiquimod in selected cases of GCA.Öğe