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Öğe Determination of Orthodontic Treatment Need for Individuals in Pubertal Growth Period and Effects of Different Variables on the Treatment Needs with Using the ICON Index(Aves Press Ltd, 2012) Kamak, Hasan; Gelgor, Ibrahim Erhan; Keklik, HakanAim: To evaluation of orthodontic treatment need for individuals who are in pubertal growth period with using the ICON index and whether treatment need change according to gender, dental, sagittal and vertical skeletal malocclusions. Subjects and Method: In this study, pretreatment orthodontic casts and panoramic films of 138 patients (75 females, 63 males and mean age 13.8 1,2) were investigated by using ICON index. Results: 97 of 138 patients (% 65,9) were found to be need for orthodontic treatment. Although it is not statistically significant, females in genders (% 69,3), Class 111 patients in dental malocclusions (% 71,4), and Class I and Class 11,1 anomalies in sagittal skeletal malocclusions were found higher than the others. Also, in vertical skeletal malocclusions, orthodontic treatment needs of hyper-diverjant patients (% 79,3) were found statistically higher than the others. Conclusion: The majority of individuals who were in pubertal growth period were female (% 54,3), dental Class 11 (% 70,3), skeletal Class I malocclusion (%55,8) and norrno-diverjant (%47,8). It was seen that when the vertical direction growth increased, the need for orthodontic treatment increased. As a result, studies about indexes should be done for comparison, sharing and proliferation of new information, and patients determination for orthodontic treatment should be done according to treatment needs rather than Angle classifications.Öğe The distribution of cervical vertebrae anomalies among dental malocclusions(Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2015) Kamak, Hasan; Yildirim, ErenAims: The aims of our study were to investigate the distribution of cervical vertebrae anomalies (CVAs) among dental Angle Class I, II, and III malocclusions in Turkish population and whether a correlation between CVA and dental malocclusion. Materials and Methods: The study was performed on lateral cephalometric radiographs which were taken at the Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Kirikkale University. The final sample of 318 orthodontic patients was included in the study. Dental malocclusions were performed according to Angle classification. CVAs were categorized: (1) fusion and (2) posterior arch deficiency (PAD). The Chi-square test was used to the analysis of the potential differences among dental malocclusions. Results: The final sample of 318 patients was examined. CVA was observed in 42 individuals (of 26 [8.17%] had fusion and 16 [5.03%] had PAD), with a frequency of 13.2%. Of the 26 fusion defect, 8 (30.7%) had Angle Class I, 8 (30.7%) had Angle Class II, and 10 (38.4%) had Angle Class III malocclusion. Of the 16 PAD, 8 (50%) had Angle Class I, 8 (50%) had Angle Class II but no patients with Angle Class III malocclusion was observed. The distribution of dental malocclusions regarding CVA was not statistically significant (P = 0.076). Of these 42 individuals with CVA, 52.3% (15 fusions and 7 PAD) were females and 47.7% (11 fusions and 9 PAD) were males. Conclusion: In our study, the prevalence of fusion and PAD were found 8.1% and 5.0% in Turkish population, respectively. Besides, no statistically significant correlation between CVA and Angle Class I, II, and III malocclusions were found. Our findings support the studies showing no gender dimorphism.Öğe Erişkin bir hastada üst kanin ve birinci premolar transpozisyonunun düzeltilmesi(2011) Kamak, Hasan; Erdem, AbdulvahitTranspozisyon iki komşu dişin pozisyon olarak yer değiştirmesini içeren bir anomalidir ve görülme sıklığı yaklaşık olarak % 0.4 olarak rapor edilmiştir. En sık transpozisyonu gözlenen dişler ise üst daimi kanin dişlerdir. Bu olgu sunumunda, alt ve üst çene arklarında şiddetli çapraşıklık ile birlikte kanin ve birinci premolar transpozisyonuna sahip 16 yaşındaki bir bayan hastanın ortodontik tedavisi sunulmaktadır. Destek dokular veya dişlerin zarar görme riski olduğundan, daimi dentisyondaki transpoze dişlerin düzeltilmesi önerilmemektedir. Bundan dolayı dişlerin transpoze olduğu pozisyonlarda seviyelenerek düzeltilmesi iyi bir seçenek olarak görülmektedir. Ancak, Mx.C.P1 tranpozisyon yönetimindeki en son akım (trend) dişlerin normal anatomik pozisyonlarına doğru ortodontik hareketleridir. Bu yüzden, bu ortodontik tedavi seçeneğine karar verildi ve tedavi öncesi dört premolar diş çekildi. Tüm birinci molar dişler bantlandı ve ikinci ve üçüncü molar dişler hariç tüm dişlere 0.0180.025" straight wire braketler yerleştirildi. 18 ay sonra transpozisyon düzeltildi ve sabit apareyler tedavi başlangıcından 48 ay sonra çıkarıldı. Dişsel Sınıf I Kanin ve Molar ilişki, ideal bir overjet ve overbite sağlandı ve transpozisyon düzeltildi.Öğe Facial soft tissue thickness among skeletal malocclusions: is there a difference?(Korean Assoc Orthodontists, 2012) Kamak, Hasan; Celikoglu, MevlutObjective: The purpose of this study was to determine the soft tissue thickness of male and female orthodontic patients with different skeletal malocclusions. Methods: Soft tissue thickness measurements were made on lateral cephalometric radiographs of 180 healthy orthodontic patients with different skeletal malocclusions (Class I: 60 subjects, Class II: 60 subjects, Class III: 60 subjects). Ten measurements were analyzed. For statistical evaluation, one-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests were performed. Least significant difference (LSD) and Dunnet T3 post hoc tests were used to determine the individual differences. Results: Soft tissue thicknesses were found to be greater for men than for women. Statistically significant differences among the skeletal groups were found in both men and women at the following sites: labrale superius, stomion, and labrale inferius. The thickness at the labrale superius and stomion points in each skeletal type was the greatest in Class III for both men and women. On the other hand, at the labrale inferius point, for both men and women, soft tissue depth was the least in Class III and the greatest in Class II. Conclusions: Soft tissue thickness differences among skeletal malocclusions were observed at the labrale superius, stomion, and labrale inferius sites for both men and women. [Korean J Orthod 2012;42(1):23-31]Öğe İç Anadolu bölgesi ortodontik tedavi ihtiyacının icon indeksi kullanılarak değerlendirilmesi(2012) Kamak, Hasan; Çağlaroğlu, Murat; Çatalbaş, Bülent; Keklik, HakanAmaçlar: Bu çalışmanın amacı, İç Anadolu bölgesinde yaşayan bireylerin, ortodontik tedavi ihtiyaçlarını ICON indeksi kullanarak değerlendirmek ve ortodontik tedavi ihtiyaçlarının cinsiyete ve pubertal büyüme dönemlerine göre değişip değişmediğini incelemektir. Yöntem: Mevcut çalışmada yaşları 9-38 arasında değişen 154 hastanın (87 kadın, 67 erkek) ortodontik modelleri ve panoramik filmleri ICON indeksi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bulgular: 154 hastanın 90’ında (% 58,4) ortodontik tedavi ihtiyacının olduğu, 87 bayan hastanın 49’unda (% 56,3) ve 67 erkek hastanın ise 41’inde (% 61,2) ortodontik tedavi ihtiyacının olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, prepubertal dönemde olan 37 hastanın 16’sında (% 43,2), pubertal dönemde olan 95 hastanın 62’sinde (% 65,3) ve postpubertal dönemde olan 22 hastanın ise 12’sinde (% 54,5) ortodontik tedavi ihtiyacının olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Estetik kaygılarından dolayı, bayanların ve pubertal dönem içindeki hastaların ortodontik tedavi için daha fazla başvuruya sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, cinsiyetlerin ve pubertal büyüme dönem gruplarının tedavi ihtiyaçları arasında önemli farklılık bulunmamıştır.Öğe Investigation of the maxillary lateral incisor agenesis and associated dental anomalies in an orthodontic patient population(Medicina Oral S L, 2012) Celikoglu, Mevlut; Kamak, Hasan; Yildirim, Hanifi; Ceylan, IsmailObjectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of maxillary lateral incisor (MLI) agenesis and associated dental anomalies as well as skeletal patterns in an orthodontic population, and then to compare it with the prevalence of these anomalies in the general population. Study Design: The material of the present study included the records of the 3872 orthodontic patients. The followings were recorded for each subject with the agenesis of MLI: Age, sex, unilateral or bilateral absence, anterior-posterior skeletal relationship of the maxilla and mandible, and presence of associated dental anomalies. The occurrence of these anomalies was compared with data previously reported for the general populations. Results: Of the 3872 patients examined, 94 were found to have agenesis of the MLI, representing a prevalence of 2.4 per cent, with females being more frequently observed. The most commonly found associated anomalies were ectopic eruption of maxillary canines and reduced or peg- shaped contralateral incisor with the frequencies of 21.3 per cent and 20.2 per cent respectively. Conclusions: Patients with agenesis of MLI showed a significantly higher prevalence of skeletal Class III malocclusion compared with the general population. The prevalence of ectopic eruption, transposition, and transmigration of the maxillary canine and reduced or peg- shaped MLIs were significantly increased.Öğe Letter to the editor: an unusual case of multiple supernumerary mandibular premolar teeth(2011) Kamak, Hasan; Yavuz, İbrahim…Öğe Ortodontik tedavisi bitmiş hastaların anomali iyileşme derecelerinin değerlendirilmesi(2013) Kamak, Hasan; Çağlaroğlu, Murat; Tan, EnesAmaçlar: Bu çalışmanın amacı, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı’nda tedavi edilmiş bireylerin anomalilerinin iyileşme derecesini ve anomalinin iyileşme derecesi üzerine cinsiyetler arasındaki farklılıkları değerlendirmektir. Bununla birlikte, diğer bir amacımız ülkemizde bulunan sonuçları diğer ülkelerde elde edilen sonuçlarla karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmanın materyali, tedavisi bitmiş 116 olgunun tedavi öncesinde ve tedavi sonrasındaki ortodontik model ve panoramik radyografilerini içermektedir. Tüm ölçümler ICON indeksi kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Anomalinin iyileşme derecesine göre büyük ölçüde, önemli ölçüde ve orta derecede iyileştirilmiş olan olguların sayıları sırasıyla 64 (% 55,2), 35 (% 30,2) ve 15 (% 12,9)’dir. Küçük ölçüde iyileştirilmiş ve iyileştirilmemiş ya da daha kötüleşmiş olan olguların sayısı ise 1 (% 0,9)’di. Bu oranlar diğer ülke kliniklerinde elde edilen başarı oranlarından yüksek bulunmuştur. Bayanların anomalilerin iyileşme derecelerinin, erkeklerinkinden daha iyi olmasına rağmen, bayanlar ve erkekler arasındaki bu farklılık istatistiksel olarak önemli değildi (p0.05). Sonuçlar: Ülkemizde üniversite kliniklerinde yapılan tedaviler diğer ülkelerde yapılan tedavilerden daha başarılı bulunmuştur. Hekimlerin kendi tedavi sonuçlarını objektif olarak değerlendirebilmelerine, kendilerini eğitebilmelerine ve sonraki tedavilerinde de daha başarılı sonuçlar elde edebilmelerini sağlayan ICON indeksinin bir eğitim aracı olarak tüm üniversite kliniklerinde uygulanmasını tavsiye etmekteyiz.Öğe Patterns of third-molar agenesis in an orthodontic patient population with different skeletal malocclusions(E H Angle Education Research Foundation, Inc, 2012) Celikoglu, Mevlut; Kamak, HasanObjective: To examine the relationship between third-molar agenesis and different skeletal malocclusion patterns. Materials and Methods: Pretreatment records of 1046 orthodontic patients (aged 13-17 years; mean age, 14.07 +/- 1.27) were used. Third-molar agenesis was calculated with respect to genders, number of missing teeth, jaws, and skeletal malocclusion patterns. The Pearson chi-square test was performed to determine potential differences. Results: Among the 1046 subjects, 237 subjects were diagnosed with third-molar agenesis (22.7%) with no statistical gender difference (P >.05). It was more common in the maxilla than in the mandible or in both jaws (P <.01). The prevalence of patients with a third-molar agenesis was the most commonly found type (P <.001). The prevalence of third-molar agenesis in those with a Class III malocclusion was significantly higher than in those with Class I or Class II (P <.05). However, there was similar prevalence among the hyper-divergent (24.5%), normal (23.8%), and hypodivergent (19.2%) groups (P>.05). Conclusion: These results suggest that agenesis of the third molar does not depend on vertical patterns of the skeletal malocclusions, but does depend on sagittal skeletal malocclusions in this orthodontic patient population. (Angle Orthod. 2012;82:165-169.)Öğe The Relationship Between Malocclusion Perceptions of Patient and Clinician(Aves Press Ltd, 2012) Kamak, Hasan; Caglaroglu, Murat; Catalbas, Bulent; Tan, EnesAim: To evaluate the Aesthetic Component (AC), which is part of Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (10TN) according to the patient and the clinician's point of view and to examine whether there is a difference between them in terms of awareness according to gender and pubertal situation. Subjects and Method: The study material of 700 patients (50 males,.50 females) with mean age 13.9 consisted of pre-treatment orthodontic models and hand-wrist films. AC images used in determination of the patient and clinician perceptions of malocclusion. Results: These 100 patients gave the same score with.32 clinicians, percentage of compliance of all patients was 32.0 % and there was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) between clinician and patient's perceptions of malocclusion. Perceptions of malocclusion was also examined according to genders, there was no statistically significant difference between female and male patients, and clinician (p>0.05). Perceptions of malocclusion was also examined according to puberta, there was only no statistically significant difference between patients in pubertal period and clinician (p>0.0.5) but there was statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between patients with pre-and postpubertal period, and clinician. conclusion; Although there was not difference between perceptions of malocclusion of the genders, the patients in pubertal period were more objective, more aware of their malocclusions and dental aesthetics than the pre-and postpubertal patients So that, a greater number of this patients referred for orthodontic treatment.Öğe The Treatment of a Maxillary Retrognathia Case with Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) and Face Mask Appliance, and 1-Year Follow Up After Treatment (Case Report)(Aves Press Ltd, 2012) Kamak, Hasan; Erdem, Abdulvahit; Catal, GulhanIn this case report, the treatment of an 10 years and 7 months old girl with skeletal Class III malocclusion charecterized with maxiller retrognathia using RME and face mask appliance and 1 year follow up. The screw turned 2 times a day until sutura opens and 1 times a day after opens and the use of the face mask was started after obtaining adequate expansion. The elastics with 1000 g force with 20 degrees-30 degrees to the occlusal plane were adjusted and the patient was told to use them for least 16-18 hours, Skeletal and dental Class III with anterior crossbite corrected and soft tissue anomalies were obtained from the successful changes afer treatment for 12 months. Although our patient is in pubertal period, and fixed orthodontic treatment is not applied after obtaining dental Class I occlusion in patient the amount of relapse is very low and after 1 year follow-up, the occlusion has been seen to be stable.