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Öğe Akciğer evre I epidermoid karsinomlu olgularda otokrin hareket faktör reseptörü varlığınının sağkalıma etkisi(2007) Kaynak, Kamil; Akgöz, Berrak; Demirkaya, Ahmet; Erşen, Ezel; Kara, Murat; Öz, BügeGiriş: Çalışmamızda, evre I skuamöz hücreli karsinomlu hastalarda otokrin hareket faktör reseptörü (OHFR) varlığı ve bunun sağkalım ile ilişkisi araştırıldı. Çalışma planı: Çalışmaya akciğerde evre I skuamöz hücre karsinomu saptanan 30 hasta (23 erkek, 7 kadın; ort. yaş 6010; dağılım 33-77) alındı. Olguların hiçbiri ameliyat öncesi veya sonrasında kemoterapi veya radyoterapi görmemişti. Ameliyat sonrasında hastalar ortalama 4811 ay takip edildi. Parametrelerin kıyaslanmasında ki-kare testi kullanıldı. Sağkalım analizi Kaplan-Meier yöntemiyle yapıldı ve istatistiksel farklar log-rank testi ile doğrulandı. Sağkalım üzerine OHFR ve klinik özelliklerin etkisini değerlendirmek için tekdeğişkenli ve çokdeğişkenli Cox regresyon analiz modeli kullanıldı. Bulgular: Altı hastada (%20) OHFR için boyama pozitif bulundu. Tüm sağkalım, OHFR pozitif olan hastalarda negatif olanlara kıyasla anlamlı derecede kötü bulundu (p0.052). Çokdeğişkenli analizde OHFR pozitifliği (p0.016) ve ileri yaş (p0.015) sağkalım üzerine olumsuz etki yapan bağımsız prognostik faktörler olarak bulundu. Sonuç: Kanser hastalarının takibinde ve metastatik potansiyelin değerlendirilmesinde OHFR yararlı bir belirteç olabilir; ancak, OHFR’nin adjuvan terapiye bir kılavuz olması için ek çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.Öğe Primary pulmonary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma(2002) Kara, Murat; Özkan, Murat; Sak, Dizbay Serpil; Kuzu, Işınsu; Kavukçu, ŞevketAkciğerin primer non-Hodgkin lenfoması seyrek görülen bir tümördür. Low-grade B-cell marginal zon tipinde primer pulmoner lenfoma saptanan 69 yaşındaki erkek hastayı sunmayı ve bu tümörlerin klinik özelliklerini tartışmayı amaçladık.Öğe Primary repair of a sternal cleft in an infant with autogenous tissues(2003) Yavuzer, Şinasi; Kara, MuratA cleft sternum is a rare congenital anomaly often diagnosed as asymptomatic at birth. Clinical outcome may be unfavorable when an associated anomaly, particularly an intracardiac anomaly coexists with the defect. Primary repair should be employed in the neonatal period because the flexibility of the chest wall is maximal and compression of underlying structures is minimal. However, patients with sternal cleft may even present late in the childhood or adolescence period. We herein report a case of a 4-year-old girl with sternal cleft who showed a favorable clinical outcome following successful primary surgical repair with the use of autogenous tissues. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe Psychological status and quality of life in elderly patients with asthma(Elsevier Science Inc, 2005) Oğuztürk, Ömer; Ekici, Aydanur; Kara, Murat; Ekici, Mehmet; Arslan, Mesut; Iteginli, Ahmet; Kurtipek, ErcanThe psychological status and quality of life of 70 stable patients with asthma age greater than or equal to60 years and 40 age-matched comparison subjects were examined. The patients with long-standing asthma (duration greater than or equal to 8 years) had lower quality-of-life scores than those with recent-onset asthma (duration < 8 years). In multivariate linear regression analysis with adjustment for age, gender, duration of disease, and level of bronchial hyperreactivity, worse quality of life was predicted by anxiety, depression, and asthma severity scores. In elderly patients with long-standing asthma, disease severity significantly impairs quality of life. Impaired quality of life in these patients may be partly related to psychological status indicators.Öğe Relationship between chewing ability and malnutrition, sarcopenia, and frailty in older adults(Wiley, 2022) Ozsurekci, Cemile; Kara, Murat; Gungor, Anil Evrim; Aycicek, Gozde Sengul; Caliskan, Hatice; Dogu, Burcu Balam; Cankurtaran, MustafaBackground Several studies reported that impaired nutrition is associated with reduced muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance. Chewing ability is essential to maintain balanced oral nutrient intake. The study was designed to define the possible relationship between chewing ability and nutrition-related problems (malnutrition, sarcopenia, and frailty) in a holistic perspective. Methods This cross-sectional study recruited adults aged >= 65 years. All patients were evaluated with comprehensive geriatric assessment. Sarcopenia was diagnosed according to European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People criterion. Malnutrition was determined according to body mass index, calf circumference, and Mini Nutritional Assessment short form (MNA-SF). Frailty status was diagnosed with the Clinical Frailty Scale. Masseter and gastrocnemius muscle thicknesses (MTs) were measured via ultrasonography imaging. Oral examinations were carried out by a dentist, and chewing performance was examined with a color-changeable chewing gum. Results Overall, 135 older adults (76 females) were analyzed. Mean +/- SD age was 75.7 +/- 7.2 years; 37.0% of the patients were frail, 3.7% were malnourished, 12.6% were sarcopenic, and 20.0% had poor chewing function. In the poor chewing function group, age and frailty scores were increased and the MNA-SF scores, handgrip strength, skeletal muscle index, and masseter MT were reduced (all P < 0.05). After adjusting for confounders, regression analysis showed that low grip strength and low gastrocnemius MT were independently associated with poor chewing ability. Conclusions Chewing ability was related to sarcopenia. Age and low grip strength in females and low cognitive scores and having low gastrocnemius MT in males were independent variables affecting chewing ability.Öğe Synovial cyst arising from pseudoarthrosis of a rib fracture following trauma(2002) Kara, Murat; Alver, Göknur; Aksu, Özhan; Kavukçu, Şevket[No abstract available]Öğe Timus yerleşimli ektopik paratiroid adenomuna bağlı primer hiperparatiroidizm olgusu(2001) Kara, Murat; Güngör, AdemPrimer hiperparatiroidizmin (HPT) en sık görülen sebebi soliter paratiroid adenomudur. Paratiroid adenomları nadiren mediastende lokalize olabilir. Bu lezyonlar genellikle servikal insizyonla eksize edilemeyecek lokalizasyondadır ve torasik yaklaşım gerekir. Bu makalede çok ender rastlanan, mediastinal yerleşimli, primer HPT'ye neden olan paratiroid adenomlu olguyu sunuyoruz. Ektopik paratiroid dokusunun tanımlanmasında en etkili görüntüleme yöntemi teknesyum-99m sestamibi sintigrafisidir. Paratiroid adenomunun preoperatif dönemde, özellikle sintigrafik yöntemle lokalizasyonunun belirlenmesi cerrahi girişimin etkinliğini arttıracağı gibi postoperatif nüks ve morbiditeyi de azaltacaktır.Öğe Ultrasonographic/regional muscle measurements for diagnosing sarcopenia in older adults with and without dementia(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2022) Ulger, Zekeriya; Aycicek, Gozde Sengul; Kara, Ozgur; Kara, MuratBackground/aim: Sarcopenia and dementia are growing concerns among older adults that muscle and brain atrophy may cooccur. We aimed to compare the age-related loss of muscle mass by using ultrasound (US), and skeletal muscle mass index (SMI) by bioelectrical impedance analysis in older adults with and without dementia. Materials and methods: A total of 221 older adults aged >= 65 years were included in the study. The diagnosis of sarcopenia was established if low muscle mass according to either SMI or sonographic gastrocnemius (GC) muscle thickness was combined with low grip strength. The diagnosis of dementia was based on the National Institute of Aging and Alzheimer's Association criteria and the major neurocognitive disorder definition in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-V. Muscle strength was measured by hand dynamometer and physical performance was assessed by 4-meter usual gait speed. Results: There were similar/moderate correlation coefficients between GC muscle thickness and SMI with functional parameters (all p < 0.01). Forty-six patients (20.8%) had dementia, and 21 (45.7%) of them had sarcopenia diagnosed by GC thickness (p < 0.001). Age was older but weight, body mass index, and all sarcopenia-related parameters were lower in dementia patients (all p < 0.01). When clinical variables were taken into binary logistic regression analyses, age [OR = 1.095 (95% CI: 1.028-1.167)], weight [OR = 0.918 (95% CI: 0.887-0.950)], and presence of dementia [OR = 5.109 (95% CI: 2.002-13.033)] were independently associated with sarcopenia diagnosed with GC muscle thickness (all p < 0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that sarcopenia is highly prevalent in older adults with dementia (45.7%) than without dementia (11.4%). Amongst different factors, increased age, having low body weight, and the presence of dementia independently increased the risk of sarcopenia diagnosed by GC muscle thickness (but not diagnosed by SMI) in older adults. Thus, we can evaluate easily and successfully the loss of (regional) muscle mass in dementia patients by using US in outpatient clinics.Öğe An unusual tumor of the chest wall pleural lipoma report of two cases(2001) Kara, Murat; Kılıç, Dalokay; Cangır, Kayı Ayten; Sak, Dizbay Serpil; Kavukçu, Şevketİntratorasik lipomlar nadir tümörlerdir ve plevradan köken alan daha az görülürler. Bu makalede iki olgunun özellikleri sunulmuştur. Plevral tümörlerin ayırıcı tanısında göz önünde tutulması gereken bu lezyonların total eksizyonu tümörü hem tedavisine ve hem de tanısını sağlar. Derin yerleşimli lipomlar arasında yer almalarına karşın nüks olgularda beklenmeyen bir durumdur.Öğe The use of a homologous preserved costal cartilage in an infant with Poland's syndrome(Elsevier Science Bv, 2002) Akal, Murat; Kara, MuratPoland's syndrome is a rarely encountered congenital deficiency involving chest wall and breast deformity associated with hand anomalies. Chest wall reconstruction is necessary if the bony thorax is involved. We present the use of a homologous preserved costal cartilage for reconstruction of the chest wall in an infant with Poland's syndrome, the use of which provided optimal chest wall stability with a favourable outcome. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.