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Öğe Distribution and quantitative patterns of T lymphocytes in the female reproductive tract and ovary throughout the oestrus cycle of Angora Goats(2007) Karaca, Turan; Arikan, Şevket; Kalender, Hakan; Yoruk, MecitThe present study was designed to evaluate the distribution of alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) positive T lymphocytes in the female reproductive tract and ovary throughout the estrous cycle of Angora Goats. Tissue samples were collected on days 5, 10 and 16 of the oestrus cycle and then fixed in formol-sucrose fixative (pH 6.8) and stored for 22 hours at +4°C. The samples were then additionally fixed in Holtz' solution under the same conditions they were in the first fixation. Cryostat sections of 8 ?m thickness were stained for alpha naphthly acetate esterase activity at pH 6.4. The ANAE positive T lymphocytes were mainly located in the epithelium, lamina propria and around blood vessels in other region of connective tissues. Density of ANAE positive T lymphocytes in the ovarian and uterine tissues was highest on day 10 and 16 respectively. It was concluded that the estrous cycle may have been responsible for variations in the distribution of ANAE positive T lymphocytes in goat ovarian and reproductive tract tissues.Öğe Distribution of plasma cells and alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase – positive lymphocytes in the reproductive organs of female cats in anoestrus, oestrus and pseudopregnancy(2011) Karaca, Turan; Arıkan, Şevket; Kalender, Hakan; Yağcı, İlknur Pir; Yörük, MecitKedilerde anöstrüs, östrüs ve yalancı gebelik dönemlerinde dişi genital kanal organları ve ovaryumlarında, plasma hücresi ve alpha naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) positif lenfositlerin dağılımı, histokimyasal teknikler kullanılarak ışık mikroskopik olarak belirlendi. Plasma hücrelerinin incelenmesi için doku örnekleri formol-alkol solüsyonunda 48 saat tespit edilip parafinde bloklandı. Altı mikron kalınlığındaki kesitler metil green - pironin ile boyandı. ANAE için doku örnekleri formol-sükroz solüsyonunda (pH 6.8) 4C ‘de 22 saat, sonra Holt solüsyonunda yine aynı şartlarda 22 saat fikse edildi. ANAE boyaması için 8 ?m kalınlığındaki kriyostat kesitleri pH 6.2’de inkübe edildi. Kedilerde anöstrüs döneminde plasma hücre sayısı korpus uteride kornu uteriye göre anlamlı derecede azdı (P0.05). Yalancı gebelik grubundaki kedilerin ovaryum korteks ve medullasında, plasma hücre sayısının, anöstrus ve östrus gruplarına göre daha yüksek olduğu belirlendi (P0.05). ANAE-pozitif lenfositlerin yoğunluğu, östrus ve yalancı gebelik dönemi kedilerin uterus ve ovaryumlarında anöstrus grubu kedilerden anlamlı derecede yüksekti (P0.05). Sonuçta, östrüs siklusu ve yalancı gebeliğin dişi kedilerde üreme kanal organları ile ovaryumlarda plasma hücreleri ve ANAE-positif lenfositlerin dağılımındaki değişimlerden sorumlu olabileceği kanısına varıldı.Öğe Immunohistochemical distribution of glucagon -, insulin -, somatostatin -, gastrin-, and serotonin-containing cells in the pancreas of the Van cat(2014) Karaca, Turan; Kara, Adem; Şimşek, Nejdet; Uslu, Sema; Tekiner, Deniz; Yörük, MecitThe regional distribution, relative frequency, and appearance of glucagon (A-cell)-, insulin (B-cell)-, somatostatin (D-cell)-, gastrin (G-cell)-, and serotonin (EC-cell)-secreting cells in the endocrine and exocrine pancreas of Van cats were examined using the immunohistochemistry method. Glucagon immunopositive A-cells were principally found in the central region of the islets of Langerhans, while insulin immunopositive B-cells were located in the periphery of the pancreatic islets. Moreover, several A- and B-cells were observed as only single cells or clusters of 2 to 3 immunopositive cells in the exocrine parenchyma and the pancreatic duct epithelium. Somatostatin and gastrin immunopositive reactivities were negligible in the peripheral regions of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans and in the exocrine parenchyma. However, serotonin-immunopositive EC-cells were observed in neither the endocrine islets nor any other sites of the tissue. The existence, regional distribution, and relative frequency of A-, B-, D-, G- and EC-cells in the pancreas of Van cats have been analyzed in this study for the frst time. The immunopositivity and distribution of endocrine cells in the Van cat pancreas were determined to be partially diferent from those of other carnivorous species such as dogs and other cats.