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Öğe An ectopic case of Psoroptes cuniculi infestation in a pet rabbit(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2007) Acar, Abuzer; Kurtdede, Arif; Ural, Kerem; Cingi, Cenker Cagri; Karakurum, Mehmet Cagri; Yagci, Bugrahan Bekir; Sari, BarisA 2-year-old female New Zealand rabbit was admitted to Ankara University Veterinary Faculty, Department of Internal Medicine. Upon physical examination crustaceous auricular lesions, and erythematous and exudative pruritic skin lesions, both on the ventral abdomen and on extremities were detected. Microscopic examination of skin scrapings taken from pinnae and hair plucked from the ventral abdominal region revealed the presence of Psoroptes cuniculi. The ventral abdominal localization of P. cuniculi was evaluated as an ectopic infestation. Despite the injection of ivermectin 400 mu g/kg and daily supportive therapy the rabbit died on the fifth day of hospitalization.Öğe Effects of clinoptilolite on heavy metal levels in milk, proinflammatory cytokine responses (IL-1? and IL-6) and oxidative stress in dairy cows(Akademiai Kiado Zrt, 2022) Kurtdede, Efe; Kurtdede, Arif; Duru, Sibel yasa; Duru, Ozkan; Kara, Erdal; Aluc, Yasar; Kaya, UfukThe effects of clinoptilolite on milk copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd) and iron (Fe) concentrations, proinflammatory cytokine responses, oxidative stress status, whole blood cell counts and liver and kidney functions were investigated in dairy cows exhibiting no signs of any kind of toxicity. Clinoptilolite was added to the feed at a dose of 200 mg kg(-1) body weight in the clinoptilolitetreated group (n = 14), but was not added to the feed in the control group (n = 7). In the milk samples (n = 21) collected before the experiment, the Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd and Fe values were 0.021 +/- 0.020, 0.104 +/- 0.01, 3.42 +/- 0.32, <0.000, 0.56 +/- 0.34 ppm, respectively. At the end of the experiment (30th day), among the elements measured in milk samples collected from the clinoptilolite-treated group, only the Pb value (0.076 +/- 0.01) was lower than the 0-day value of the clinoptilolite-treated group (0.104 +/- 0.01) and the 30th-day value of the control group (0.105 +/- 0.01) was found to be statistically lower. Changes determined at the end of clinoptilolite application in serum superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), albumin, glucose, urea and urine creatinine/urine total protein (uCr/uTP) values, which were interpreted as the effect of lead exposure before the trial, were evaluated as the positive effect of clinoptilolite. It was concluded that the addition of clinoptilolite to the feed in dairy cows caused a significant decrease in the amount of Pb in milk, and positive changes in the parameters related to oxidative stress in serum and in parameters related to renal function.Öğe Mast cells in the dog skin: Distribution, density, heterogeneity and influence of fixation techniques(2005) Astı, Resat Nuri; Kurtdede, Arif; Kurtdede, Nevin; Ergün, Emel; Güzel, MuratBu araştırma sağlıklı erişkin köpeklerde farklı deri bölgelerindeki mast hücrelerinin yerleşim yerlerini, morfolojilerini ve sayısal dağılımlarını incelemek amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada materyal olarak 10 adet sağlıklı köpeklerin yanak, kulak kepçesi, kaburga ve but bölgelerinden alınan deri örnekleri kullanıldı. Bulgularımız, alcian blue / safranin O ile boyanmasına ve formaldehit tespitine duyarlılığına göre köpek derisinde mâst hücre heterojenitesini gösterdi. Mast hücreleri bu parametrelerin dört kombinasyonu ile tanımlandı: Formole duyarlı sadece alcian blue-pozitif granüller içeren mast hücreleri, formole dirençli sadece alcian blue-pozitif granüller içeren mast hücreleri, formole dirençli sadece safranin O-pozitif granüller içeren mast hücreleri ve formole dirençli hem safranin O-pozitif hem de alcian blue-pozitif mikst granüller içeren mast hücreleri. Toluidin blue ile boyanmış kesitlerde dört bölgede de IF AA tespitli dokuların % 10 formolle tespit edilenlere göre daha fazla mast hücresi içerdiği dikkati çekti. Bu iki tespit arasında mm2'de mast hücre sayı ortalamalarındaki farklılığın istatistiksel olarak önemli (p<0.001) olduğu saptandı. Yanak bölgesinde yüzlek ve derin dermiş katmanlarında mm2'de ortalama mast.hücre sayıları istatistiksel olara:; önemsiz (p>0.05) iken, diğer üç bölgede istatistiksel fark önemli (p<0.001) bulundu. Kulak kepçesi, kaburga ve but bölgelerinde yüzlek katmanda derin katmana göre daha fazla mast hücresi bulunduğu saptandı. Her ikrtespitte de en fazla mast hücresi kulak kepçesi derisinde gözlendi (p<0.001).Öğe Pilorus stenozu oluşturulan köpeklerde klinik, biyokimyasal, ultrasonografik ve radyolojik bulgular(2006) Yağcı, Buğrahan Bekir; Kurtdede, ArifBu çalışmada yaşlan 2-5 arasında değişen farklı ırklardan 10 erkek köpek kullanıldı. Köpeklerde eksternal kompresyon uygulanarak pilorus stenozu oluşturulmadan önce (PSOÖ) ve oluşturulduktan sonraki (PSOS) 1., 3., 5. ve 7. günler ile pilorus stenozu düzeltildikten sonraki (PSDS) 7. günde klinik, hematolojik, plazma biyokimyasal ve venöz kan gazları değerleri belirlendi. Ayrıca PSOÖ ve PSOS radyografik ve ultrasonografik incelemeler birer kez yapıldı. Olgularda çoğunlukla projektil karakterde kusma, dehidrasyon, depresyon ve koma belirlendi. PSOS 7 günlük süreçte venöz kan pH'ı, pCO2 , BE, plazma bikarbonat, Htc ve RBC değerlerinde artış (p0.001), plazma potasyum ve klor değerleri ve idrar pH'mda düşüş (p0.001) belirlendi. Bu değerler PSDS 7. günde deneme öncesi değerlere yakın bulundu. Sonuç olarak pilorus stenozu oluşturulan olgularda özellikle projektil tarzda olmak üzere kusma ve dehidrasyon; PSOS 1. günden itibaren hipokloremik metabolik alkalozis, hipokalemi ile paradoksik asidürinin oluştuğu, pilorus stenozunda indirekt radyografik ve ultrasonografik muayene bulgularının tanı konulmasında yararlı olduğu kanısına varıldı.Öğe Relationships between the Postpartum Body Condition Score, Colostral IgG Content, Liver Lipid Metabolism and Oxidative Stress in Dairy Cows(2022) Kurtdede, Efe; Kurtdede, Arif; Kara, Erdal; Er, Mehmet Ba; Gülendağ, ErmanHis study aimed to evaluate the relationships between the postpartum body condition score (BCS)\rand colostral IgG, lipid metabolism, liver functions and oxidative stress parameters in dairy cows\rwith BCSs of ?3.5 and >3.5.\rThis investigation included 60 dairy cows of the same breed, that were 3-5 years old and had given\rtwo or more births in a dairy farm. Care was taken to ensure that the BCS changes of the cows\rwere <0.5 from the dry period to calving.\rIn the 30 cows with a BCS of ?3.5 within 24 hours of birth, the mean BCS level was 3.24±0.24 and\rthe mean serum ?-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA) level was 0.36±0.07. In the 30 cows with a BCS of\r>3.5 within 24 hours of birth, the mean BCS level was 3.96±0.14 and the mean serum BHBA level\rwas 0.38±0.07.\rCompared to the values determined in cows with a BCS >3.5, serum non-esterified fatty acids\r(NEFA), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) and malondialdehyde (MDA)\rlevels were significantly lower, and triglyceride, albumin, SOD and colostral IgG levels were\rsignificantly higher in cows with a BCS of ?3.5.\rIt was concluded that a BCS change of <0.5 from the drying period to parturition and a postpartum\rBCS of ?3.5 in dairy cows would be beneficial for better management of the metabolic process,\roxidative stress and high colostral IgG level.Öğe Serum ANGPTL4 and FGF2, energy-related blood biochemicals, cytokine responses and oxidative stress in dairy cows with subclinical ketosis(Ankara Univ, 2023) Kurtdede, Efe; Kurtdede, Arif; Ocal, Naci; Kara, ErdalIn this study, it was aimed to investigate the serum levels of ANGPTL4, FGF21, IL-1 beta, IL-6, SOD, MDA, and serum biochemical and hematological parameters in cows with subclinical ketosis. The mean serum beta-hydroxybutyric acid (BHB) level was 1.37 +/- 0.04 mmol/L in 10 dairy cows aged 3-5 years that were <21 days postpartum and diagnosed with subclinical ketosis. The mean serum BHB level was 0.40 +/- 0.08 mmol/L in 10 healthy dairy cows in the same period and in the same age range. An increase in serum AST (P<0.001) and a decrease in serum albumin levels (P<0.05) indicated altered liver functions. An increase in serum non-esterified fatty acid (P<0.001) and decreases in serum HDL, triglyceride, and total cholesterol levels (P<0.05) were interpreted as indicators of increased metabolic pathology risk due to negative energy balance. Increases in serum ANGPTL4, FGF2, IL-1 beta, IL-6, and MDA (P<0.001) and SOD levels (P<0.05) were evaluated as indicators of the development of effective metabolic, inflammatory, and oxidative stress. It was concluded that significant increases in serum ANGPTL4, FGF2, IL- 1 beta, IL-6, and MDA and SOD levels in dairy cows with subclinical ketosis were associated with negative energy balance, effective cytokine responses, and oxidative stress.Öğe Usage of inactivated microsporum canis vaccine in cats naturally infected with M. canis(2007) Kurtdede, Arif; Ural, Kerem; Gazyagcı, Serkan; Cingi, Cenker Ç.The aim: In the present study the aim was to investigate the efficiency of inactivated M. canis vaccine in cats naturally infected with M. canis. Material and methods: 38 long-haired cats at the age of 6 months-6 years, naturally infected with M. canis were included in the present study. At physical examination well-circumscribed areas of alopecia and overflowed circumscribed dark color lesions especially on the head (between ear, pinna and neck), front paws, dorsal and lateral trunk and back, in some cats moist, chapped and itchy lesions and otitis were detected. Microbiological culture from the lesions was positive only for M. canis. The cats were treated with inactivated M. canis vaccine (Biocan-M-Micanfin, Bioveta) 15 days apart for 2 times and 11 cats did not received any therapy. Results: In all of the cats vaccinated the lesions improved gradually within 15 days after vaccination. Complete clinical remission was detected and all cats became culture negative within 28 days. No clinical healing was observed in untreated 11 control cats. By day 70 a new and healthy cat, detected to have no lesions consistent with dermatophytosis and negative culture result, was introduced into the same house within the vaccinated cats. After being introduced the cats were recultured by day 90 and all of the vaccinated cats and the new cat were detected to have negative culture results. No recurrency was observed within 10 months after therapy. Conclusion: Results of the present study indicate that inactivated M. canis vaccine may be a safe and effective therapy for M. canis infection. Copyright © 2006 Cornetis.