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Öğe Ankara ili sokak köpeklerinde toxoplasmosis araştırılması(2009) Şahal, Mehmet; Gazyağcı, Serkal; Kılıç, Selçuk; Babür, Cahit; Ural, KeremBu çalışma, Ankara sokak köpeklerinde toksoplazmozisin seroprevalansını saptamak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Değişik yaş gruplarında ve melez ırktan toplam 107 sokak köpeğinden kan örneği alındı. Köpeklerin genel klinik muayeneleri yapılarak veriler kaydedildi. Serum örnekleri, Anti-Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) antikorları yönünden Sabin Feldman Dye Testi (SFDT) ile çalışıldı. SFDT'inde 1/16 ve üzeri titreler pozitif olarak değerlendirildi. SFDT ile T. gondii antikorları araştırılan 107 köpeğin 58'si (%54) 1/16 ve üzerindeki titrelerde seropozitif bulunurken, 49'unun (%46) seronegatif olduğu tespit edildi. Seropozitif olan 58 köpeğin antikor titreleri 16'sında 1/16, 12'sinde 1/64, 15’inde 1/256, 15'inde 1/1024 olarak saptandı. Bu veriler, Ankara'dan örneklenen sokak köpeklerinde T. gondii'nin yaygın olduğunu göstermektedir.Öğe Azithromycin therapy of papillomatosis in dogs: a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial(Wiley-Blackwell, 2008) Yagci, Bugrahan Bekir; Ural, Kerem; Ocal, Naci; Haydardedeoglu, Ali EvrenAzithromycin, an azalide subclass macrolide antibiotic, is an effective, well-tolerated and safe therapeutic option for treatment of papillomatosis in humans. This study reports the clinical and histopathological results from a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial of 17 dogs of various breeds with diagnosis of oral (n = 12) and cutaneous papillomatosis (n = 5) treated with azithromycin. Papillomas appeared as whitish, verrucous, hyperkeratotic papules 1-2.7 mm in size. The cases were randomly assigned to azithromycin (n = 10) and placebo treatment groups (n = 7). Both owners and investigators were blinded to the allocation to the groups. Azithromycin (10 mg/kg) was administered per os every 24 h for 10 days. Clinical evaluations were done by the same investigator throughout the trial. Azithromycin treatment significantly decreased clinical scores (P < 0.001), whereas there was no change seen in the placebo group. In the azithromycin treatment group, skin lesions disappeared in 10-15 days. One case in the placebo had spontaneous regression of its papillomas by day 41, but lesions were still evident at day 50 in the remaining six cases. There was no recurrence of papillomatosis in the azithromycin treated dogs (follow up 8 months). No adverse effects were seen in either group. In conclusion, azithromycin appears to be a safe and effective treatment for canine papillomatosis.Öğe Bir köpekte safra kesesi taşı ve ursodeoksikolik asit ile sağaltımı(2007) Şahal, Mehmet; Güzel, Murat; Yağcı, Buğrahan Bekir; Ural, KeremBu olgu sunumunda, bir köpekte doğal olarak oluşmuş radyolüsent safra kesesi taşının klinik, ultrasonografik, biyokimyasal bulguları ve sağaltımda ursodeoksikoiik asit'in etkinliğinin bildirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu olgunun materyalini iştahsızlık, letarji ve kusma şikayetleri ile getirilen 11 yaşlı, dişi, Collie ırkı bir köpek oluşturdu. Fiziksel muayenede abdomenin ön kısmında palpasyonda ağrı tespit edildi. Kan serumu biyokimyasal analizlerinde; üre 28 mg/dl, kreatinin 0,9 mg/dl, ALT 50 IU/L, ALP 350 ILJ/L, AST 300 IU/L, GGT 71 IU/L, total bilirubin 0,5 mg/dl, direk bilirubin 0,4 mg/dl, indirek bilirubin 0,1 mg/dl, kolesterol 350 mg/dl ve trigliserit 215 mg/dl olarak belirlendi. Ultrasonografik muayenede karaciğer parenşimi, safra kesesi ve safra kanalları duvarının hiperekoik görünümde olduğu, safra kesesi içerisinde 9 mm çapında, akustik gölgelenme izlenmeyen bir kitle tespit edildi. Hastaya klinik, laboratuar ve ultrasonografik bulgulara dayanılarak obstrüksiyona neden olmayan radyolüsent safra kesesi taşı ve kolanjitis tanısı konuldu. Sağaltımda, 15 gün süreyle 25 mg/kg dozda 12 saat arayla ampisilinsulbaktam i.m., 10 mg/kg dozda 12 saat arayla metronidazol peroz, 2 mg/kg dozda 12 saat arayla metoklopromid i.m. ve otuz gün süreyle 10 mg/kg dozda günde bir kez ursodeoksikoiik asit peroz uygulandı. 30 günün sonunda hastanın ultrasonografik muayenesinde karaciğer ve safra yollarının normal görünümde olduğu ve safra kesesinde kitlesel bir oluşuma rastlanmadığı belirlendi. Biyokimyasal analizlerde ise ALT 30 IU/L, ALP 100 IU/L, AST 80 IU/L, GGT 7 IU/L, kolesterol 164mg/dl ve trigliserit 145 mg/dl olarak tespit edildi.Öğe Cutaneous candidiasis in two guinea pigs(Ankara Univ Press, 2011) Sahal, Mehmet; Gazyagci, Serkal; Ural, Kerem; Yardimci, HakanTwo approximately 6-month-old guinea pigs were admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary (DIMFV), University of Ankara because of lethargy of several weeks' duration, anorexia, bilateral allopecia, and itching. Candida albicans, was isolated from the skin lesions. Both patients were treated with ketoconazole (10 mg/kg PO every 12 h) and topical clotrimazole. The female guinea pig died during the seventh day of the treatment period.Öğe An ectopic case of Psoroptes cuniculi infestation in a pet rabbit(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2007) Acar, Abuzer; Kurtdede, Arif; Ural, Kerem; Cingi, Cenker Cagri; Karakurum, Mehmet Cagri; Yagci, Bugrahan Bekir; Sari, BarisA 2-year-old female New Zealand rabbit was admitted to Ankara University Veterinary Faculty, Department of Internal Medicine. Upon physical examination crustaceous auricular lesions, and erythematous and exudative pruritic skin lesions, both on the ventral abdomen and on extremities were detected. Microscopic examination of skin scrapings taken from pinnae and hair plucked from the ventral abdominal region revealed the presence of Psoroptes cuniculi. The ventral abdominal localization of P. cuniculi was evaluated as an ectopic infestation. Despite the injection of ivermectin 400 mu g/kg and daily supportive therapy the rabbit died on the fifth day of hospitalization.Öğe Intragastric botulinum toxin-A injection: A novel approach to successfully manage feline obesity as an alternative technique to conventional treatment(Wiley, 2024) Antakyalioglu, Burak; Ozturan, Yalcin Alper; Parlatir, Yasin; Akin, Ibrahim; Ural, KeremFeline obesity, a global concern, poses health risks and affects the well-being of cats. This case report explores an innovative treatment for feline obesity using intragastric botulinum toxin-A injections in a cat that did not respond favourably to conventional methods. A 3-year-old, tabby cat, weighing 8.480 kg, exhibited excessive appetite and lameness, with a body condition score of 9. Despite a year of conventional management and dietary supplements, no significant improvement was observed, and an alternative technique to conventional treatment was performed. Under anaesthesia and gastroscopic guidance, 24 units of botulinum toxin-A were injected subserosally into the antrum. Six months after intervention, the cat's weight reduced to 4.220 kg, with a body condition score of 5, indicating excellent health. The present approach may offer an alternative to traditional obesity management, but further research is required to assess its full potential.Öğe Öğe Serum zinc concentrations in dogs with Microsporum canis dermatophytosis: a pilot study(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2009) Ural, Kerem; Karakurum, Mehmet Cagri; Duru, Oezkan; Cingi, Cenker Cagri; Haydardedeoglu, Ali EvrenZinc deficiency may result in alopecia, erythema, crusting, scaling, parakeratosis, inflammation of the skin, and impaired wound healing. Zinc deficiency also may impair the immune response against microorganisms and lead to fungal infections such as trichophytosis. The present study included male and female dogs (n = 7) of various breeds, ages, and diagnosed with Microsporum canis dermatophytosis and 4 healthy dogs used as the control group. The influence of dermatophytosis on serum zinc concentrations in dogs was investigated. Wood's lamp examination, fungal cultures, and additionally biopsy specimen were used to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other causes of the skin lesions. Serum zinc concenrations were determined by use of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. No statistical difference was found in zinc concentrations between the dogs with dermatophytosis and normal dogs. Based upon the findings of this pilot study, no association was documented between the occurrence of dermatophytosis and the serum zinc concentrations.Öğe Stress Responses of Stallions During Transport Period: The Variations of Complete Blood Count and Serum Biochemistry(2017) Haydardedeoğlu, Ali Evren; Yağcı, Buğrahan Bekir; Ural, Kerem; Güzelbekteş, HasanBu çalışmada, transportun atlarda bazı stres göstergelerine etkisini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. 7 Safkan, 2 Arap, 1 Hollanda Yarım Kan ve 1 Fresyan olmak üzere 3-12 yaş arası 11 olgun at (aygır) kayıt edildi. Transport öncesi ve sonrasında, otomatik kan sayımı ile beyaz kan hücresi sayımı ve diğer ilgili parametreler belirlendi. İlgili biyolojik belirteçlerin serum aktiviteleri bir otoanalizör kullanılarak belirlendi. Na, K, Cl ve Ca düzeyleri de otoanalizör kullanılarak ölçüldü. Ortalama Platelet (PLT) ve Oratalama Hemoglobin Konsantrasyonu (MCHC) Total Lökosit (WBC) sayıları çalışma süresince sağlıklı atlar için bir farklılık göstermezken, Alyuvarlar (RBC), Hemoglobin (Hb) ve Hematokrit (Hct) düzeyleri ulaşımdan sonra anlamlı artışlar sergiledi (P<0.05). Günlük ortalama glikoz konsantrasyonu transporttan sonra artış gösterdi (P<0.05). Ortalama total protein, albümin, Aspartat aminotransferaz (AST) ve Kreatinin kinaz (CK) düzeyleri, transportun ardından 2. günde artmaktadır (P<0.05). Ortalama kan üresi azotu, kreatinin, total bilirubin, Alanin aminotransferaz (ALT), Alkalen fosfataz (ALP), Laktat dehidrogenaz (LDH) ve Gama-gulutamil Transferaz (GGT), çalışma boyunca önemli değişiklikler göstermedi. Transporttan sonra ortalama Sodyum (Na), Potasyum (K) ve Klor (Cl) düzeyleri değişti (P<0.05), nakil sonrası Kalsiyum (Ca) düzeyleri anlamlı düşüş gösterdi (P <0.05)Öğe Usage of inactivated microsporum canis vaccine in cats naturally infected with M. canis(2007) Kurtdede, Arif; Ural, Kerem; Gazyagcı, Serkan; Cingi, Cenker Ç.The aim: In the present study the aim was to investigate the efficiency of inactivated M. canis vaccine in cats naturally infected with M. canis. Material and methods: 38 long-haired cats at the age of 6 months-6 years, naturally infected with M. canis were included in the present study. At physical examination well-circumscribed areas of alopecia and overflowed circumscribed dark color lesions especially on the head (between ear, pinna and neck), front paws, dorsal and lateral trunk and back, in some cats moist, chapped and itchy lesions and otitis were detected. Microbiological culture from the lesions was positive only for M. canis. The cats were treated with inactivated M. canis vaccine (Biocan-M-Micanfin, Bioveta) 15 days apart for 2 times and 11 cats did not received any therapy. Results: In all of the cats vaccinated the lesions improved gradually within 15 days after vaccination. Complete clinical remission was detected and all cats became culture negative within 28 days. No clinical healing was observed in untreated 11 control cats. By day 70 a new and healthy cat, detected to have no lesions consistent with dermatophytosis and negative culture result, was introduced into the same house within the vaccinated cats. After being introduced the cats were recultured by day 90 and all of the vaccinated cats and the new cat were detected to have negative culture results. No recurrency was observed within 10 months after therapy. Conclusion: Results of the present study indicate that inactivated M. canis vaccine may be a safe and effective therapy for M. canis infection. Copyright © 2006 Cornetis.