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Öğe Bats in Southeastern Turkey (Mammalia: Chiroptera)(2020) Yorulmaz, Tarkan; Toyran, Kubilay; Albayrak, İrfanSoutheastern Turkey is an important geographical region where the bat species spreading especially in Arabian Peninsula, North Africa and the Middle East enter in Turkey and have an intense population. The aim of this study was to identify the bat species in this region, which has glacial mountains, arid steppes, river valleys and vast plains. As a result of the field studies conducted between 2004 and 2017, totally 15 species belonging to Emballonuridae, Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae and Molossidae families of Microchiroptera suborder were identified in the study area. The habitat characteristics of the species and their locality records were presented. In this study, Myotis nattererii, M. aurescens, and Rhinolophus mehelyi were firstly recorded in the study area. Also, two new locations were determined for Taphozous nudiventris known from one location in Turkey up to the present.Öğe C- and NOR stained karyotypes of mole rat, Nannospalax xanthodon (2n = 54) from Kırıkkale, Turkey(2011) Arslan, Atilla; Toyran, Kubilay; Gözütok, Serdar; Yorulmaz, TarkanBu çalışmada, Kırıkkale’deki Nannospalax xanthodon üsttürüne ait kör farelerin 2n = 54 kromozomal formu araştırıldı. Kör fare örnekleri üzerine standart kromozom boyama, Ag-NOR (Nükleolar Organizatör Bölge) boyama ve C-bantlama analizi uygulandı. Karyotip üç çift metasentrik (no. 1-3), üç çift submetasentrik (no. 4-6), üç çift subtelosentrik (no. 7-9) ve onyedi çift akrosentrik (no. 10-26) kromozom içerir (NFa = 70). C-heterokromatin bölgeler bazı iki kollu otozomal çiftlerin sentromerik, perisentromerik ve kısa kollarında bulundu ve C-heterokromatin birkaç akrosentrik kromozomun perisentromerik bölgesinde lokalize olmuştu. X kromozom sentromerik bir C-pozitif banda sahiptir ve Y kromozomunun tek tip ve C-negatif boyandığı ortaya çıktı. NOR’lar çalışılan bütün örneklerde dört çift (no. 4, 5, 8, 9) iki kollu otozomların kısa kollarının heterokromatin bölgelerinde lokalize olmuştur.Öğe C-banded karyotype and NORs of the long-eared hedgehog, Hemiechinus auritus from Turkey(Inst Vertebrate Biology As Cr, 2009) Arslan, Atilla; Albayrak, İrfan; Pamukoğlu, Nahit; Yorulmaz, Tarkan; Toyran, KubilayThe karyotype, C-banding, and nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) of six specimens of Hemiechinus auritus from Turkey were examined. The diploid number of chromosomes was 2n = 48, the fundamental number of chromosome arms FN = 96, and the number of autosomal arms FNa = 92. Most of the chromosomes possessed centromeric constitutive heterochromatin, except of the pairs nos. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12. and 17. The X and Y chromosomes appeared to be euchromatic. and possible geographic variation in their morphology was indicated in comparison with Previously published data. The NORs were located in the terminal regions of the long arms of four metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes. The localization of the NORs was not associated with C-positive autosomal regions as in hedgehogs of the genus Erinaceus.Öğe C-banding and Ag-NOR distribution patterns in Euphrates jerboa, Allactaga euphratica (Mammalia: Rodentia), from Turkey(Walter De Gruyter & Co, 2012) Arslan, Atilla; Yorulmaz, Tarkan; Toyran, Kubilay; Albayrak, Irfan; Zima, JanA chromosomal study of Allactaga euphratica from the Sanliurfa Province in Southeast Anatolia, Turkey, was performed. The diploid number of 48 chromosomes was found in all four specimens examined. The C-band-positive regions were distributed in centromeric areas of all the autosomal pairs and the X chromosome. Extensive C-positive heterochromatin intercalary blocks were observed in the largest pair of autosomes. The small Y chromosome was stained uniformly and C-negatively. The active nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were localized in two pairs of small bi-armed autosomes. The C-heterochromatin distribution and localization of the secondary constrictions bearing NORs apparently differ between karyotypes of the related jerboa species A. euphratica and Allactaga williamsi. This cytogenetic difference may be implied as a suitable marker in further studies of the relationships in contact zones and possible hybridization between these two taxa.Öğe C-heterochromatin and NORs distribution in karyotypes of three vespertilionid bat species from Turkey(Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, 2015) Arslan, Atilla; Zima, Jan; Albayrak, Irfan; Yorulmaz, Tarkan; Arslan, EmineThe chromosomal banding analysis of the karyotypes of Turkish populations of Eptesicus serotinus, Nyctalus lasiopterus and Barbastellus barbastellus was performed with the use of C-banding and Ag-NOR staining. The results obtained in E. serotinus and N. lasiopterus were congruent with previous data reported from other regions. The karyotype of E. serotinus (2n = 50, NF = 52) contained a moderate amount of centromeric C-heterochromatin and a single NOR was localized in an acrocentric autosomal pairs. The karyotype of N. lasiopterus (2n = 42, NF = 54) contained a higher amount of centromeric C-heterochromatin and the NORs were localized in two autosomal pairs. The karyotype of B. barbastellus was standard in its general characteristics (2n = 32, NF = 54, low amount of C-heterochromatin) but the NOR was localized in only one acrocentric autosomal pair. In studies from other regions, the NORs were recognized in all five acrocentric autosomal pairs of the complement of B. barbastellus.Öğe C-heterochromatin variation and NOR distribution in the karyotype of water vole, Arvicola terrestris (Mammalia, Rodentia)(Firenze Univ Press, 2011) Arslan, Atilla; Yorulmaz, Tarkan; Toyran, Kubilay; Gozutok, Serdar; Zima, JanA chromosomal study of populations of Arvicola terrestris from Anatolia in Turkey and from Central Europe was performed. The diploid number of 36 chromosomes was found in all the specimens examined. The autosomal complement consisted of 12 meta- and submetacentric pairs, two large or medium-sized subtelocentric pairs, and three small acrocentric (Turkey) or subtelocentric (Central Europe) pairs (FNa = 62-68). The X chromosome was medium-sized submetacentric, the Y chromosome was small acrocentric or subtelocentric. All the chromosomes could be reliably identified by their unique G-banding patterns. The C-banding analysis revealed variation in the amount of constitutive heterochromatin in centromeric regions and in short arms of certain autosomes. A unique feature of the C-banded karyotype of individuals from Anatolia was the absence of dark positive regions in most chromosomes. Populations of water vole from Anatolia resemble in their C-band pattern those studied previously in Azerbaijan, and possibly also in the Balkan peninsula, and they are different in this respect from populations in Central Europe and the other parts of the species range. The X chromosome was stained uniformly and C-negatively in populations from Anatolia, whereas a faint dark centromeric C-band was observed in individuals from Central Europe. The Y chromosome was stained C-positively. The active nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were localized in one pair of small metacentric and two acrocentric autosome pairs in the karyotype of individuals from Anatolia.Öğe Chromosome Banding Pattern in Fat Dormouse and Bank Vole (Mammalia: Rodentia) from Turkey(Polish Acad Sciences, Inst Systematics Evolution Animals, 2013) Arslan, Atilla; Zima, Jan; Yorulmaz, Tarkan; Gozutok, Serdar; Toyran, KubilayARSLAN A., ZIMA J., YORULMAZ T., GOZUTOK S., TOYRAN K. 2013. Chromosome banding pattern in fat dormouse and bank vole (Mammalia: Rodentia) from Turkey. Folia Biologica (Krakow) 61: 47-51. The chromosome banding pattern (C-banding, AgNOR staining) was studied in isolated populations of two species of rodents from Turkey, Glis glis and Myodes glareolus. A single nucleolar organizer region was localized in an autosomal pair in the complement of G. glis. Centromeric C-heterochromatin blocks and seven pairs of NOR-bearing autosomes were observed in the complement of M glareolus. A metacentric Y chromosome was found in the M glareolus males examined. The detailed structure of karyotypes and the banding patterns differ from some previously published results.Öğe G-banding karyotypes of Myotis myotis (Borkhausen, 1797) and Myotis blythii (Tomes, 1857) (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in Turkey(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2011) Asan, Nursel; Albayrak, Irfan; Yorulmaz, Tarkan; Inci, SinanThis study is based on the G-banding karyotype of 2 sibling bat species Myotis myotis (Borkhausen, 1797) (Greater Mouse-eared Myotis) and M. blythii (Tomes, 1857) (Lesser Mouse-eared Myotis) distributed in Turkey. G-banding karyotypes showed that the 2 taxa possessed identical G-banded chromosome arms. It was concluded that G-banded chromosomes are not sufficient as a diagnostic character for separating M. myotis from M. blythii.Öğe Güneydoğu Türkiye yarasaları (Mammalia: Chiroptera)(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2010) Yorulmaz, Tarkan; Albayrak, İrfanBu araştırma 2005 ile 2009 yılları arasında Güneydoğu Türkiye'den toplanan 121 yarasa örneğine dayanmaktadır. Örnekler Microchiroptera alt takımının Emballonuridae, Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae ve Molossidae familyalarına mensup 14 tür, Taphazous nudiventris, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, R. hipposideros, R. euryale, R. mehelyi, Myotis emarginatus, M. nattererii, M myotis, M. blythiii, M. cappaccinii, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, P. kuhlii, Miniopterus schreibersii ve Tadarida teniotis'le, temsil edilmektedir. Türlerin ayırıcı özellikleri ile ekolojik ve biyolojik özellikleri başlığı altında yayılış, habitat, üreme, karyogram, baculum, kürk rengi, ölçüler, örnek sayısı ve kayıt yerleri verilmiştir. Birden fazla türle temsil edilen bazı cinslere ait tür teşhis anahtarları verilmiştir. Aynı cinse ait türler kendi aralarında karşılaştırılmış ve her türün verileri literatür bilgileriyle karşılaştırılarak alttürle ilgili değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.Myotis nattererii ve Rhinolophus mehelyi araştırma bölgesinden ilk kez kaydedilmiş, sadece bir lokaliteden bilinen Taphozous nudiventris için iki yeni lokalite daha tespit edilmiştir.Öğe Karyotypes of three gerbil species of the genera Tatera and Gerbilliscus from Turkey and Senegal(Univ Oradea Publ House, 2013) Arslan, Atilla; Zima, Jan; Koubinova, Darina; Yorulmaz, Tarkan; Toyran, Kubilay; Gozutok, SerdarIn this study, we examined karyotypes of three gerbil species of the genera Tatera add Gerbilliscus. The diploid number of 68 chromosomes was confirmed in all specimens of Tatera indica examined from southeastern Anatolia in Turkey. The C-band positive regions were distributed in centromeris areas of all the autosomal pairs and the X chromosome. The Y chromosome was stained uniformly and C-positively. The active NORs were localind in three out of eight pairs of biarmed autosomes (NF=86). Conventionally stained karyotypes were studied in two species of Gerbilliscus from Senegal, western Africa. The female karyotype of G. gambianus contained 52 chromosomes including one large subtelocentric, six submetacentric and 19 acrocentric pairs (NF=66). The female karyotype of G. guineae contained 50 chromosomes including a large metacentric, eight submetacentric and 16 acrocentric autosomal pairs (NF=68). Minor differences in chromosome morphology were observed in these studied species in comparison with previously published data.Öğe Kırıkkale ili Apodemus (Kaup, 1829) cinsi türlerinin biyolojisi ve ekolojisi (Mammalla:Rodentia)(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2003) Yorulmaz, Tarkan; Albayrak, İrfanBu araştırmada 2001 ve 2003 yıllan arasında Kırıkkale ilinden Apodemus cinsine mensup toplam 75 örnek incelenmiştir. Örnekler ölü ve canlı kapanlarla yakalanmıştır. Apodemus cinsini temsil eden türlerin ekolojik, biyolojik ve taksonomik özelliklerini ortaya koymak için örneklerin habitat, kürk rengi, üreme, beslenme davranışı, kıl morfolojisi, karyoloji ve baculum özellikleri ile ilgili bilgiler kaydedilmiştir. Bu araştırma sırasında beslenme davranışını gözlemek ve karyolojik analiz yapmak amacıyla sadece 5 birey laboratuarda kafes içinde bazı tohum ve meyvelerle beslenmiştir. Türlerin beslenme ile ilgili verileri sadece laboratuardan ve üreme ile ilgili verileri hem doğadan hem de laboratuardan kaydedilmiştir. Örneklerin baş iskeleti Mursaloğlu (1965)'na göre, baculum Li dicker (1968) 'e göre ve karyoloji Patton (1967)'a göre hazırlanmıştır.Kırıkkale ilinde Apodemus cinsine ait üç tür, Apodemus sylvaticus, A. hermonensis ve A. mystacinus'un yaşadığı saptanmıştır. Her üç türde de gebe bireylere Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz ve Ağustos aylarında rastlanmıştır. Apodemus sylvaticus, A. hermonensis ve A. mytacinus türlerine ait diploid kromozom sayısı 48 olup temel kromozom kol sayısı Apodemus sylvaticus ve A. hermonensis' te 48, A. mytacinus'ta ise 54; otozomal kromozomların kol sayısı Apodemus sylvaticus ve A. hermonensis' te 46, A. mytacinus 'ta ise 50 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bu araştırmada A. sylvaticus' a çok benzer tür olan A. hermonensis' m İç Anadolu Bölgesinde ilk defa kaydı verilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Apodemus, Ekoloji, Biyoloji, Kırıkkale İli, Türkiye.Öğe Natural history of the Egyptian fruit bat, Rousettus aegyptiacus in Turkey (Mammalia: Chiroptera)(2008) Albayrak, Irfan; Aşan, Nursel; Yorulmaz, TarkanAspects of the ecology, karyology, and taxonomic status of the Egyptian fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus, in the Mediterranean region of Turkey were investigated based on 41 specimens obtained between 1977 and 2003. Distribution, external and cranial morphometrics, pelage coloration, baculum morphology, karyology, colony size, roosting and feeding ecology, and conservation and management issues were recorded. The fruit bat in Turkey is represented by the nominate subspecies, R. a. aegyptiacus. Sexual dimorphism was recorded in pelage coloration and morphometric data. The aiploid number of chromosomes (2n) is 36. Records of feeding behavior were obtained from both field and laboratory studies. Seasonal changes in diet were recorded in both wild and cultivated fruits, including Persian lilac (Melia azadirachta), rubber tree (Ficus elastica), plum (Prunus sp.), loquat (Eriobotrya japonica), apple (Malus sp.), fig (Ficus carica), pomegranate (Punica granatum), grape (Vitis viniferia), persimmon (Diosyros kaki), date (Phoenix dactylifera), mulberry (Morus sp.), cherry (Prunus sp.), peach (Prunus persica), apricot (Prunus sp.), and citrus (Citrus sp.). It was determined that the fruit bats in Turkey reproduce in late August. © TÜBİTAK.Öğe The natural history of the egyptian fruit bat, Rousettus aegyptiacus, in Turkey (Mammalia: Chiroptera)(2008) Albayrak, İrfan; Aşan, Nursel; Yorulmaz, TarkanTürkiye'nin Akdeniz Bölgesinden 1977 ve 2003 yılları arasında elde edilen 41 örneğe dayanarak Mısır meyve yarasası, Rousettus aegyptiacus'un ekolojik ve karyolojik yönleri ile taksonomik durumu incelendi. Bu türde yayılış, dış ve kafatasının morfometrik değerleri, kürk rengi, baculum morfolojisi, karyoloji, koloni büyüklüğü, tünekleme, beslenme ekolojisi, koruma ye yönetim hususları kaydedildi. Türkiye'deki meyve yarasası, nominatif alt tür, R. a. aegyptiacus ile temsil edilmektedir. Kürk rengi ve morfometrik verilerde eşeysel dimorfizm kaydedildi. Türün diploid kromozom sayısı (2n) 36'dır. Beslenme ekolojisi ile ilgili kayıtlar hem arazi hem de laboratuar çalışmaları ile elde edildi. Diyetteki mevsimsel değişimler yalancı tespih ağacı meyvesi (Melia azadirachta), kauçuk ağacı meyvesi (Ficus elastica), erik (Prunus sp.), yeni dünya (Eriobotryajaponica), elma (Malus sp.), incir (Ficus carica), nar (Punica granatum), üzüm (Vitis viniferia), Trabzon hurması (Diosyros kakı), hurma (Phoenix dactylifera), dut (Morus sp.), kiraz (Prunus sp.), şeftali (Prunus persica), kayısı (Prunus sp.) ve narenciye (Citrus sp.), gibi hem yabani hem de kültür meyveleri itibariyle kaydedildi. Türkiye'deki meyve yarasalarının Ağustos sonuna doğru üredikleri saptandı.Öğe Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in Cricetulus migratorius (Pallas, 1773) and Meriones tristrami Thomas, 1892 (Mammalia: Rodentia) from Central Anatolia(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2010) Asan, Nursel; Albayrak, Irfan; Demirbas, Yasin; Yorulmaz, Tarkan; Toyran, Kubilay; Gozutok, SerdarThe distribution of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in Cricetulus migratorius and Meriones tristrami from Central Anatolia was determined. In the karyotype of Cricetulus migratorius the diploid number, fundamental number, and fundamental autosomal number are 22, 44, and 40, respectively. The diploid number, fundamental number, and fundamental autosomal number of Meriones tristrami are 72, 84, and 80, respectively. In Cricetulus migratorius, NORs occur in the telomeric regions of metacentric and subtelocentric autosome pairs. Furthermore, terminally located NORs in metacentric and acrocentric autosomes of Meriones tristrami are presented in this present paper.Öğe Türkiye' deki meyve yarasasının biyoekolojisi (Mammalia: Chiroptera)(2002) Albayrak, İrfan; Aşan, Nursel; Yorulmaz, TarkanBu araştırma 1999 ve 2002 yılları arasında Türkiye'nin Akdeniz Bölgesinde yaşayan Mısır meyve yarasası, Rousettus aegyptiacus'un taksonomik, ekolojik ve biyolojik Özelliklerini ortaya koymak amacı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Türkiye'de meyve yarasası Rousettus aegyptiacus aegyptiacus alttürü ile temsil edilmektedir. Bu türle ilgili diagnostik özellik, habitat» baculum, kıl morfolojisi, kürk rengi, üreme özelliği, karyoloji, populasyon büyüklüğü ile ilgili bilgiler kaydedilmiş ve kayıt yerleri verilmiştir. Bu türün yıllık beslenme döngüsü ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bu türde kromozom sayısı 36 olarak saptanmıştır. Türün korunması ile ilgili bazı önlemler önerilmiştir.