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Öğe Comparison and evaluation of augmented reality technologies for designing interactive materials(Springer, 2023) Sat, Mustafa; Ilhan, Fatih; Yukselturk, ErmanAlthough there has been a growing interest in the use and adoption of augmented reality (AR) technology in educational institutions recently, there is limited research dwelling on pre-service teachers' technical and pedagogical preparation for AR technology. This study investigated teacher candidates' perceptions concerning their learning and immersive experiences of different AR tools and compared these tools on seven dimensions, i.e., intention to use, multimedia, satisfaction, usefulness, self-efficacy, effectiveness, and system quality. A mixed method approach was adopted to analyze qualitative and quantitative data gathered from 55 pre-service teachers who attended a five-day online seminar program about AR tools. The findings showed that teachers developed positive views for all AR tools but some tools like CoSpaces, Fectar, and Blippar were found to be significantly superior in all dimensions to Wikitude, UniteAR, and Unity & Vuforia. The findings also revealed that AR tools presented both affordances and challenges for instructional learning environments. While affordances included materializing and visualizing the abstract concepts, providing permanent learning, and catching interest, challenges consisted of unaffordable applications, limited educational content, internet connectivity issues, and limited access to devices. Overall, the findings of the current study have offered significant implications for designing and preparing AR-enhanced interactive course materials.Öğe Enhancing metacognitive awareness of undergraduates through using an e-educational video environment(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019) Altiok, Serhat; Baser, Zeynep; Yukselturk, ErmanVideo portfolios provide students with opportunities of self-monitoring, evaluating and reflecting on their own performance, and receiving feedback from others such as their peers and teachers. However, the literature was lacking an investigation of the extent to which video portfolios might contribute to developing students' metacognitive awareness level in foreign language learning. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the potential effects of using an e-educational video portfolio environment supported with Kinect technology on enhancing students' metacognitive awareness level in foreign language learning. In order to achieve this goal, a pre-test/post-test quasi-experimental study was conducted at a state university located in Central Turkey. In total, eighty-five students took part in the study. The students had been divided into two sections at the beginning of the academic year. There were 42 students in Section 1, 43 students in Section 2. For the purposes of the study, the sections were randomly identified as the control and experimental group. The same curriculum was taught to both groups by the same instructor; however, the experimental group followed a video portfolio-integrated course supported with Kinect technology in face-to-face learning environment for 7 weeks in the second half of the semester whilst the control group continued the usual methods. The data was gathered by means of a Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), which is a five-point likert scale, and three focus group interviews. The results showed that using an e-educational video portfolio environment enhanced students' metacognitive awareness level and supported foreign language learning process effectively.Öğe Identified success factors of graduates in an online program(Hacettepe Univ, 2012) Yukselturk, Erman; Baturay, Meltem HuriThere has been a growing body of research on the identification of particular characteristics or factors that can be used to predict learners' success in online learning environments. However, there still exists much uncertainty about the conditions that are essential to create a successful online venture for both learners and educators. The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors that support online learners' success from the online graduates' perspective without constraining it to one or two constructs. The study included 40 participants who graduated from Online Information Technologies Certificate Program in 2009. The qualitative methods were used to analyze the data. The findings were categorized under four main factors: demographic and personal characteristics, studying strategies, motivation and interaction. The results of the study might be worthy of consideration for future research studies and other online learning institutions who knows little about how to assist learners to be successful.Öğe An investigation of the effects of programming with Scratch on the preservice IT teachers' self-efficacy perceptions and attitudes towards computer programming(Wiley, 2017) Yukselturk, Erman; Altiok, SerhatThe purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of programming with Scratch on the views of preservice Information Technology (IT) teachers towards computer programming. The study sample consisted of 151 preservice IT teachers who took an elective course including a Scratch module in the 2013-14 academic year. Three online questionnaires (Personal Information Questionnaire, The Computer Programming Self-Efficacy Scale and The Computer Programming Learning Attitude Scale) were used to gather the quantitative data and focus group interviews were conducted to collect the qualitative data regarding the preservice IT teachers' views in more detail. According to the results, there were significant increases in the mean of the preservice IT teachers' self-efficacy perceptions regarding almost all complex programming tasks after their Scratch programming experience. The results also showed that the preservice IT teachers' negative attitudes towards programming decreased significantly and programming in the Scratch platform had significantly positive effects on the preservice IT teachers' attitudes regarding some items in the scale.Öğe LİSE ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN DİJİTAL OKURYAZARLIK ve SİBER GÜVENLİK FARKINDALIKLARININ İNCELENMESİ(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Altun, Onur; Yukselturk, ErmanDijitalleşen dünya ile birlikte bireylerin ve toplumların dijital platformları kullanımlarında ciddi bir artış gözlemlenmektedir. Bu kapsamda siber suçlar ve veri güvenliği tehditleri de paralel olarak artmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Kırıkkale'deki 22 lisede öğrenim gören öğrencilerin dijital okuryazarlık ve siber güvenlik farkındalığını değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın veri toplama sürecinde "kişisel siber güvenliği sağlama ölçeği" ve "dijital okuryazarlık ölçeği" adlı iki ayrı veri toplama aracı kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar, öğrencilerin dijital okuryazarlık düzeyi ile siber güvenlik farkındalığı arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Günde 2-3 saat internet kullanan öğrencilerin siber güvenlik farkındalıklarının diğerlerine göre anlamlı derecede yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ancak, haftalık internet kullanım sürelerinin öğrencilerin siber güvenlik farkındalığı üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, kadın öğrencilerin siber güvenlik farkındalığı, erkek öğrencilere göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur, bu da cinsiyetin bu konuda etkili bir faktör olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışma, öğrencilerin siber güvenlik ve dijital okuryazarlık düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelenmesiyle ilgili genel bir çerçeve sunarak, bu konuda yapılan araştırmalardan elde edilen önemli bulguları değerlendirmektedir. Siber güvenlik ve dijital okuryazarlık alanındaki bu farkındalıkların artırılması, eğitim kurumları, aileler ve toplumun genelinde daha etkin bir dijital vatandaşlık bilincinin gelişimine katkı sağlayabilir.Öğe Online Project-Based Learning: Students' Views, Concerns and Suggestions(Igi Global, 2011) Yukselturk, Erman; Baturay, Meltem HuriThis study integrated Project-based learning (PBL) in an online environment and aimed to investigate critical issues, dynamics, and challenges related to PBL from 49 student perspectives in an online course. The effect of PBL was examined qualitatively with open-ended questionnaire, observations, and students' submissions who were taking an online certificate course. According to the findings, students thought that an online PBL course supports their professional development with provision of practical knowledge, enhanced project development skill, self confidence, and research capability. This support is further augmented with the facilities of the online learning environment. Students mainly preferred team-work over individual work. Although students were mostly satisfied with the course, they still had some suggestions for prospective students and instructors. The findings are particularly important for those people who are planning to organize course or activities which involve online PBL and who are about take an online or face-to-face PBL course.Öğe The Role of Online Education Preferences on Student's Achievement(Anadolu Univ, 2015) Baturay, Meltem Huri; Yukselturk, ErmanOnline education has expanded and is expected to continue growing rapidly in time along with technological innovations. It is obvious that there is a movement toward online learning which necessitates the need of more empirical evidence on effective learning and learners' achievement. This study investigated effect of the variables: demographics (age, gender, being employed/unemployed, and computer efficacy); Internet self-efficacy; satisfaction (student-student, student-instructor, student-content interaction); and the reasons for online education preferences of students' on their achievement. Differing from previous studies the current study particularly investigates the effect of students' reasons for their preferences of distance education on their success besides all other variables. The results indicated that there is a positive correlation between students' reasons for their preferences of distance education and their achievement scores which was measured by their final test scores. Besides, according to results of the regression analyses, preferences related to achievement was the only variable to affect regression equation in the online course regression analyses. That was accounted for about 5.1% of the variance in students' final grades.Öğe Using Game-Based Learning with Kinect Technology in Foreign Language Education Course(Int Forum Educational Technology & Soc-Ifets, 2018) Yukselturk, Erman; Altiok, Serhat; Baser, ZeynepThe present study investigates the effects of game-based language learning with Kinect technology on students' self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes toward English. The study was conducted at a state university located in Central Turkey. Foreign language education is promoted in Turkey, yet because of several factors, among which weekly hours of teaching, and student motivation prevail, and students still cannot develop their language skills. The literature shows that these problems might be minimized making use of technological advancements effectively in the classroom. Therefore, game-based language learning, through which students carry out meaningful tasks based on real-life scenarios to develop their communication skills, is getting an increasing attention. In this study, a pre-test/post-test quasi-experimental study was conducted. Participants were the first-year students taking English as a compulsory course. In total, there were 62 participants. The instruments included two questionnaires measuring self-efficacy beliefs and attitude toward English. The results revealed that there was a significant positive increase in some sub-factors of attitude and self-efficacy scores of the students in the experimental group compared to the average scores of the students in the control group. The study explains why game-based learning activities with Kinect technology should be integrated into the foreign language courses.