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  • Öğe
    Elastofibroma dorsi management and outcomes: review of 16 cases
    (Oxford Univ Press, 2014) Karakurt, Ozgur; Kaplan, Tevfik; Gunal, Nesimi; Gulbahar, Gultekin; Kocer, Bulent; Han, Serdar; Sakinci, Unal
    Elastofibroma dorsi (ED) is a rare, benign lesion arising from connective tissue, usually found at the inferior pole of the scapula. To date, only a few small series have been reported in the English literature and there are few data about the long-term outcomes after surgery. Our goal is to contribute a better understanding of this tumour and to determine the long-term outcomes after surgery. Sixteen patients with a diagnosis of ED were identified from the unit's database. The clinical presentation, diagnosis, pathological evidences and long-term outcomes were evaluated. There were 11 females and 5 males with a mean age of 61.1 years (range 38-78 years). The tumour was located on the right in 5 (31.2%) patients, on the left in 6 (37.5%) patients and bilaterally in 5 (31.2%). Six patients had painful scapular swelling resulting in restriction of movement of the shoulder whereas 10 reported only painful scapular mass. All 16 patients underwent complete resections. The tumour size ranged from 3 to 15 cm. The mean hospital stay was 3.1 +/- 1.4 days with a morbidity of 18.75% (seroma observed in 3 patients). The mean follow-up was 58.4 +/- 29.5 months (range 11-92 months). In 2 patients (12.5%) a new occurrence on the contralateral side was observed at the follow-up. Elastofibroma dorsi is a rare, ill-defined, pseudotumoural lesion of the soft tissues. Surgical treatment can be proposed if the lesion is symptomatic. Furthermore, at the follow-up, the possibility of new occurrences on the contralateral side should be kept in mind.
  • Öğe
    Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis resulting from a metastatic lymphadenopathy caused by a right-sided lung cancer
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2004) Kara, M; Dikmen, E; Arikan, OK; Kara, SA
  • Öğe
    Timus yerleşimli ektopik paratiroid adenomuna bağlı primer hiperparatiroidizm olgusu
    (2001) Kara, Murat; Güngör, Adem
    Primer hiperparatiroidizmin (HPT) en sık görülen sebebi soliter paratiroid adenomudur. Paratiroid adenomları nadiren mediastende lokalize olabilir. Bu lezyonlar genellikle servikal insizyonla eksize edilemeyecek lokalizasyondadır ve torasik yaklaşım gerekir. Bu makalede çok ender rastlanan, mediastinal yerleşimli, primer HPT'ye neden olan paratiroid adenomlu olguyu sunuyoruz. Ektopik paratiroid dokusunun tanımlanmasında en etkili görüntüleme yöntemi teknesyum-99m sestamibi sintigrafisidir. Paratiroid adenomunun preoperatif dönemde, özellikle sintigrafik yöntemle lokalizasyonunun belirlenmesi cerrahi girişimin etkinliğini arttıracağı gibi postoperatif nüks ve morbiditeyi de azaltacaktır.