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Öğe Effects of thermal and deformation on martensitic transformation and magnetic properties in Fe-17%Mn-4.5%X (X = Co and Mo) alloys(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017) Armagan, Osman; Sari, Ugur; Yucel, Cagri; Kirindi, TalipIn this study, the Co and Mo addition to Fe-Mn based alloys was investigated to observe its effect on martensitic phase transformation. Two types of martensite structure occurred from the surface observations made by SEM for Co-added and Mo-added alloys morphologically in austenite grain. With the help of TEM studies, it was understood that these martensite structures are epsilon (h.c.p.) and alpha' (b.c.c.). TEM investigations showed that the orientation relationship between gamma (f.c.c.) and epsilon phases corresponds to Shoji-Nishiyama type and between gamma and alpha' phases corresponds to Kurdjumov-Sachs (K-S) type. In the SEM observations, the amount of these two types of martensite structure has been varied depending on the amount of deformation and the heat treatment temperature. In addition, Co and Mo effects were revealed in microstructure analyzes. By comparing the values of the lattice parameters obtained from the TEM and X-Ray observations with the values of those in the literature, it is shown how Co and Mo affect the lattice parameters of structure. The lattice parameter in Co-added alloy is a(alpha') = 2.8695 A degrees while Mo-added alloy is calculated as a(alpha') = 2.8567 A degrees. The type of martensitic transformation and the change of magnetic properties of alloys related to transformation rate were demonstrated by the analysis of the Mossbauer Spectrometer data. In particular, the change in the amount of alpha' martensite changes the antiferromagnetism or ferromagnetism and the internal magnetic field values of the alloys.Öğe Structure of 1-(4-methylphenylamino)-2-phenyl-1,2-ethandione-1-oxime(Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, 2003) Sarı Uğur; Bati Hümeyra; Güven Kutalmış; Taş Murat; Aksoy İlhanThe crystal structure of 1-(4-methylphenylamino)-2-phenyl-1,2-ethandione-1-oxime (C15H14N2O2) has been determined by X-ray analysis. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pna21, with unit cell parameters: a = 23.516(3), b = 5.364(3), c = 21.872(3)Å, V = 2758.7(17)Å3, Dc = 1.224 g/cm3, and Z = 8. The crystal structure was solved by direct methods and refined by full-matrix least squares to a final R-value of 0.041 for 2204 observed reflections. There are two independent molecules, A and B. These molecules are linked by intermolecular O-H···N hydrogen bonds. 2003 © The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.