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Öğe Analysis Of Interoperability In Cloud Computing(Assoc Computing Machinery, 2019) Bulent, Emiroglu; Tarek, AlshiplyToday most of traditional forms of education are not suitable for requirements of educational development and can't keep up with changes in learning demand over time, but Computer networks have provided many opportunities for it. By Cloud Computing software and files are imported into cloud, so word processing, presentations, databases, and more can be accessed from a web browsers. Educational institutions can take advantage of cloud applications to provide students and teachers with free or cost-effective alternatives instead of expensive proprietary productivity tools. In this paper we use semantic models in cloud computing to provide platform-independent data presentation and improve the description of the service. We analyze and discuss how cloud computing can affect boundaries of educational resources in background of semantic web by providing a technological solution using experimental and semantic platforms and numerically cloud services.Öğe The Android Malware Static Analysis: Techniques, Limitations, and Open Challenges(Ieee, 2018) Bakour, Khaled; Unver, H. Murat; Ghanem, RazanThis paper aims to explain static analysis techniques in detail, and to highlight the weaknesses and challenges which face it. To this end, more than 80 static analysis based framework have been studied, and in their light, the process of detecting malicious applications has been divided into four phases that were explained in a schematic manner. Also, the features that is used in static analysis were discussed in detail by dividing it into four categories namely, Manifest-based features, code-based features, semantic features and app's metadata-based features. Also, the challenges facing methods based on static analysis were discussed in detail. Finally, a case study was conducted to test the strength of some known commercial antivirus and one of the stat-of-art academic static analysis frameworks against obfuscation techniques used by developers of malicious applications. The results showed a significant impact on the performance of the most tested antiviruses and frameworks, which is reflecting the urgent need for more accurately tools.Öğe Open Source Slurm Computer Cluster System Design and a Sample Application(Ieee, 2017) Azginoglu, Nuh; Atasever, Mehmet Umt; Aydin, Zafer; Celik, Mete; Erbay, HasanCluster computing combines the resources of multiple computers as they act like a single high-performance computer. In this study, a computer cluster consisting of Lustre distributed file system with one cluster server based on Slurm resource management system and thirteen calculation nodes were built by using available and inert computers that have different processors. Different bioinformatics algorithms were run using different data sets in the cluster, and the performance of the clusters was evaluated with the amount of time the computing cluster spent to finish the jobs.Öğe An Intrusion Detection System Based on a Hybrid Tabu-Genetic Algorithm(Ieee, 2017) Bakour, Khaled; Das, Gulesin Sena; Unver, H. MuratIn this paper, we proposed a framework for detecting network's intrusions using Genetic Algorithm (GA) with multiple criteria. First of all, we build an intrusion detection system (IDS) using a pure GA with multiple selection methods. Then, we proposed one of the few hybrid algorithms in the literature, which is hybridized using a GA and a Tabu search (TS) algorithm. The proposed hybrid algorithm and the pure GA were tested to detect malicious traffic using DARPA dataset. The test results revealed that the proposed hybrid algorithm gives a higher Detection Rate (DR) and Detection Accuracy (AC) compared to the pure GA.Öğe Automatic Landmark Detection through Circular Hough Transform in Cephalometric X-rays(Ieee, 2017) Duman, Elvan; Kokver, Yunus; Unver, Halil Murat; Erdem, Osman AyhanIn this paper, a knowledge based framework is proposed to detect automatically cephalometric landmarks: Porion (Po), Sella (S), Menton (Me), Pogonion (Pg) and Gnathion (Gn). In this way anomalies can be diagnosed easily by orthodontists. Our framework comprise of two main steps: (1) Adaptive Histogram Equalisation (AHE) is applied to clarify the image which is used to determine the method of treatment in orthodontics and obtained from the plain X-ray. (2) Circular Hough Transform method is used to locate the cephalometric landmarks automatically on the processed image, the method was tested on 7 cephalometric images and our framework accurately and automatically locates these 5 cephalometric landmarks.Öğe Forming a cloud computing based lifelong learning platform: integration of basic computer courses as mass open online courses to university(Iclel Conferences, 2016) Kor, Hakan; Erbay, Hasan; Aksoy, HamitToday's formal educational institutions remain incapable of keeping people's knowledge up to date. Updating information in fields like general culture, information technology, language education and vocational education is needed. Online learning settings, certificate trainings, in service trainings and social network settings greatly contribute to updating information. The learning function is a lifelong process besides formal educational institutions. Lifelong learning can be defined as individual's whole collaboration of events which aims to develop their knowledge, skills and talents individually, vocationally or socially in order to manage their lives. It can be said that a web based learning settings has contributed to the learning processes the most these days. In this regard, people and especially universities grants free access to supply of information they have through Mass Open Online Courses (MOOC). In order for users to access MOOC, having an internet browser is enough. MOOC is also able to develop lifelong learning skills and brings the participants ways of self-learning and information gathering. Strong hardware and software substructure is needed for an MOOC system which will be accessed by thousands. Rapid developments in information technology have decreased hardware costs significantly. By decreasing the costs, developed software and hardware platforms are formed and brought into mutual use of people. Bringing the hardware and software components (storage, data base, mail services and some private software) into people's mutual use form the basis of cloud computing. Cloud computing systems provide great advantages in terms of cost and workforce. Also, through cloud, many subunits can be managed at one origin. In this study, processes of forming a cloud computing based MOOC platform where basic computer technology subjects are included are given place. Through the formed platform, individuals learn new information in the information technology field or keep their knowledge up to date. This will ease people's learning interest and provide lifelong learning opportunity.Öğe Latent Semantic Analysis via Truncated ULV Decomposition(Ieee, 2016) Varcin, Fatih; Erbay, Hasan; Horasan, FahrettinLatent semantic analysis (LSA) usually uses the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the term-document matrix for discovering the latent relationships within the document collection. With the SVD, by disregarding the smaller singular values of the term-document matrix a vector space cleaned from noises that distort the meaning is obtained. The latent semantic structure of the terms and documents is obtained by examining the relationship of representative vectors in the vector space. However, the computational time of re-computing or updating the SVD of the term-document is high when adding new terms and/or documents to pre-existing document collection. Thus, the need a method not only has low computational complexity but also creates the correct semantic structure when updating the latent semantic structure is arisen. This study shows that the truncated ULV decomposition is a good alternative to the SVD in LSA modelling about cost and producing the correct semantic structure.Öğe Design and Implementation of a Basic Microcomputer for Educational Purpose(Ieee, 2016) Bakacak, Mehmet; Topal, TanerToday, most of electronic equipments includes at least one microcomputer. Microcomputers control the operation of electronic devices and to provide the required operations. The microcomputer has a constantly developing and changing structure according to the needs. To gain necessary information and skill on the structure and operation of the microcomputer is theoretically difficult. In the educational environment, the microcomputer need to embody to give a better understanding. The purpose of this study is design and implement a basic microcomputer by simplifying. Thus, facilitate understanding in education. The microcomputer which was the subject of this study is defined in the fifth section of Morris Mano's computer system architecture book [1] (third edition). Is a Single cycle and has 16 bit data bus, a 12 bit address bus and a memory size of 8 kilobytes. This microcomputer is designed on VHDL and reviewed the implementation on FPGA.Öğe A Modelling Study of Renewable and Stored Energy Sharing and Pricing Management System Developed for Multi-Apartment Complexes(Ieee, 2014) Kıray, Vedat; Topal, Taner; Sağbansua, Lütfü; Atacak, İsmailA unique system that will enable the efficient and shared usage of PV panels in multi-apartment complexes and sharing of energy is developed in this study along with a modeling scheme. Efficient and shared usage of the panels which is suggested as the solution requires sharing and pricing the energy in the apartment complex. In this modeling study which is conducted in Matlab and Simulink environment, the available energy is initially allocated for all the apartments and has them use it for free. The modeled system is applied to a three-apartment complex and the simulation results are obtained based on the electricity pricing tariff in Turkey. The amounts reflected in the electricity bill in the cases where the solar energy used and not used are calculated separately and compared later in the experimental results. It is demonstrated that the shared energy of the apartment complex can be allocated in an efficient and fair way. Moreover, it is proved that the budget generated by using the cheap energy can pay off the fix costs such as battery charge and renewal costs.Öğe Comparison of the Proficiency Level of the Course Materials (Animations, Videos, Simulations, E-Books) Used In Distance Education(Elsevier Science Bv, 2014) Kor, Hakan; Aksoy, Hamit; Erbay, HasanActivities in the field of distance education have shown a significant improvement in the world and Turkey in parallel with the technology. Activities in this field started through newspapers and letters and they were improved by using printed material, radio, television and internet. Recently, as well as the use of computer and internet have become widespread in the world, web-based distance education systems have been used more than the other teaching tools. In Turkey, departments of distance education attached to the Council of Higher Education were opened in large number and they are still continued to be opened. In this paper, in terms of quality and interactivity it is aimed to evaluate the course materials used by the institutions of distance education. Through the surveys applied to the institutions of distance education determined by choosing from the different regions of Turkey, it was aimed to find out the faults and defects of the course materials in terms of quality and interactivity. By sharing the obtained outputs with related institutions, formation of more efficient distance learning materials will be possible. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Öğe Comparison of Principal Component Analysis and Radial Basis Function Network for Diagnosis of Hypertension(Turgut Ozal Univ, 2012) Turk, Fuat; Barisci, Necaattin; Ciftci, Aydin; Ekmekci, YakupIn this study, from 150 individuals over the age of 30 taken no drugs, sex, age, height, weight, HDL, LDL, Triglyceride, smoking and uric acid were measured. 65 of them are normal but 85 consist of the patients. Data obtained of each patient was applied Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models. The results obtained will be classified as either normal or the patient. Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), 89% of patient individuals and 88% of normal individuals were classified correctly. Using Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFN), 89% of the patient individuals and 84% of normal individuals were classified correctly.Öğe An efficient algorithm for rank and subspace tracking(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2006) Erbay, HasanTraditionally, the singular value decomposition (SVD) has been used in rank and subspace tracking methods. However, the SVD is computationally costly, especially when the problem is recursive in nature and the size of the matrix is large. The truncated ULV decomposition (TULV) is an alternative to the SVD. It provides a good approximation to subspaces for the data matrix and can be modified quickly to reflect changes in the data. It also reveals the rank of the matrix. This paper presents a TULV updating algorithm. The algorithm is most efficient when the matrix is of low rank. Numerical results are presented that illustrate the accuracy of the algorithm. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Updating TULV decomposition(Vsp Bv-C/O Brill Acad Publ, 2005) Erbay, HasanA truncated ULV decomposition (TULVD) of an m x n matrix A of rank k is a decomposition of the form A = U1LV1T + E, where U-1 and V-1 are left orthogonal matrices, L is a lower triangular matrix and E is an error matrix. We present an updating algorithm of order O (nk) that reveals the rank correctly and produces good approximation to the subspaces of the matrix A.Öğe An ergonomic rendering system for industrial design(Elsevier Science Bv, 1997) Cak, S; Dizdar, EN; Ersak, AProduct design is one of the most important stages in production processes depending on commercial aims and current technology. Success in modelling the products guarantees that customers' requests can be supplied by these products. Aim of using solid modelling techniques in industrial product design is getting realistic models of products in computer environments in such a way that manufacturers could obtain enough information on the products without having to manufacture them. Execution time and quality of the solid modelling technique used in the produce design influence the total production time and quality. Solid modelling techniques based on visual realism increases the time spent on product modelling. Nevertheless, the techniques based on fast execution time generate low-quality solid models of products. Study tries to design a rendering system based on visual realism with an acceptable run-time efficiency. For that reason, a software accelerator is designed in order to accelerate the rendering process. This program implemented by using object oriented programming techniques has a user-friendly and interactive environment between the rendering system and the designers.Öğe Motion estimation using common spatial frequencies in synthetic aperture imaging(I E E E, 1996) Bilge, HS; Karaman, M; ODonnell, MCorrelation processing using fully common spatial frequencies of overlapping subapertures is explored for motion estimation between consecutive excitations in multi-element synthetic aperure imaging. Signals derived from the subset of elements representing common spatial frequencies exhibit significantly higher correlation coefficients than those from signals computed using the entire subaperture. In addition, the correlation coefficient decreases linearly with subaperture separation for complete subaperture signals, but remains nearly constant with subaperture separation if only common spatial frequencies are used. Correlation processing using fully common spatial frequencies is tested on experimental rf data acquired from a diffuse scattering phantom using a 3.5 MHz, 128-element transducer array. The results indicate that common spatial frequencies can be used for correlation processing to minimize motion artifacts in synthetic aperture imaging.Öğe Classificatin of Brain Tumors by Machine Learning Algorithms(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019) Çınarer Gökalp; Emiroğlu BülentGürselBrain tumors are one of the most important causes of death among cancer types. Early and accurate diagnosis of brain tumor plays a key role in the successful implementation of the treatment. Nowadays, new technologies that increase the success rate of neurosurgery and prevent complications continue to develop. Magnetic resonance (MRI) technique is one of the most popular methods used to examine brain tumor images. There are many possible techniques and algorithms for the classification of images. The main purpose of machine learning and classification algorithms is to learn automatically from training and finally make a wise decision with high accuracy. In this study, the performances of tumor classification methods for the classification of MR brain image features as n/a, multifocal, multicentric and gliomatosis were analyzed. In the classification process, the statistical properties of the input images were analyzed and the data were systematically divided into various categories. These data were tested with KNN (k nearest neighbor), RF(random forest), SVM(support vector machines) and LDA(linear discriminant analysis) machine learning algorithms. SVM (support vector machines) algorithm with 90% accuracy rate was found to be better compared to other algorithms. © 2019 IEEE.