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Öğe SAHIN KIZILABDULLAH (ed.), AFRICAN AMERICANS WHO SHAPED AMERICAN HISTORY(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Polat, BayramIn historical research, biographies are an indispensable type of source that allows for a better understanding of the events of the period through the life stories of individuals. African Americans Shaping American History is inspired by a series of studies conducted at Indiana University between 2016 and 2018. This editorial work includes the biographies of 15 prominent figures in the African American community, led by Sahin Kizilabdullah and analyzed by 15 researchers. The book was published in September 2022 by Berikan Publishing House in Ankara and consists of 294 pages. The biographies of Absalom Jones, Richard Allen, Nat Turner, W.E.B. Du Bois, Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Alain Leroy Locke, Noble Drew Ali, Marcus Garvey, Elijah Muhammad, Wentworth Arthur Matthew, Mahalia Jackson, Charles Eric Lincoln, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. are presented in chronological order. The lives of each leader reveal not only their individual struggles, but also the social resistance and solidarity of the African American community against systematic oppression.Öğe JASSER AUDA, MAQASID al-SHARIAH as PHILOSOPHY of ISLAMIC LAW A SYSTEMS APPROACH(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Aktepe, MuratThis work, which was written in a critical approach to Islamic law theory in order to stay away from reductionist approaches and a dichotomous understanding, seems to have been prepared in a multi-faceted manner within the framework of the views prepared in the school system, the existing sources of legal theories. Since understanding the existing parts of the theory means understanding the whole, we can evaluate that the author's critical, multidimensional, systems-based and purpose-oriented approach draws a broad framework for the understanding and interpretation of Islamic legal theory. Within the framework of the fact that Islamic law is an "open" system and that the ijtihad method is still active although some jurists reject it, the Islamic legal system has the function of presenting up-to-date mechanisms by dealing with new events and phenomena without retreating into it’s shell in line with the ijtihad method. Concepts such as maqasid, maslahat, qiyas, and custom are essential methods for the continuation of this system, and it is possible to develop other methods that will contribute to the system. Jasser Auda's work titled Maqasid al-Shariah as Philosophy of Islamic Law A Systems Approach, which we are trying to analyze and evaluate, presents the understanding of Islamic legal philosophy with its methods and offers important evaluations with a critical and contemporary perspective.Öğe OATH EXPRESSIONS in SURAHS BEGINNING with OATH in al-TABER?’s TAFS?R(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Güler, NurdaneSeventeen surahs -as-Saaffaat, adh-Dhaariyaat, at-Toor, an-Najm, al-Qiyamah, al-Mursalaat, an-Naazi'aat, al-Burooj, at-Taariq, al-Fajr, al-Balad, ash-Shams, al-Layl, ad-Dhuha, at-Tin, al-'Aadiyat, al-'Asr– of the Quran begin with an oath/qasam. It is known that many of these oaths contain mysterious time expressions. For example, in the 'Aadiyat surah, the following is sworn: “To those who run out of breath; then to those who flash and spark; to those who suddenly raid in the morning; then to those who simultaneously create dust; and to those who dive into the midst of a community there.” Are these beings that are sworn upon (called al-Muqsam bih) horses or camels or are other beings being mentioned? The same is valid for other surahs that begin with an oath. In this study, we wanted to reveal al-Taber?’s explanations for these mysterious expressions. As it is known, al-Taber?’s commentary is the first in terms of being a comprehensive narration commentary and was written in the early period of the history of commentary. Although our first target is revealing al-Taber?’s own conclusion about the meaning of the oaths, we hope that the views of the first three centuries discussed in his work will bring a richness to determining the meanings given to these verses in the early period.Öğe MUSLIM UNDERSTANDING of JESUS CHRIST: SAMUEL M. ZWEMER’s PERSPECTIVE(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Güngör, MuhammedThis article examines how Samuel M. Zwemer depicted Muslims’ understanding of Jesus Christ in Christianity, using documentation and descriptive methods. Zwemer, a prominent advocate of Christian mission work in the 20th century and a well-known Orientalist for his critiques of Islam, analyzed Muslims’ understanding of Jesus Christ comprehensively in his works. According to him, Muslims regard Jesus merely as a servant and prophet of God and firmly reject the Christian belief that Jesus is the Son of God and the savior of humanity. Muslims deny the doctrines central to Christianity, such as incarnation, atonement, and resurrection. They argue that Jesus did not die on the cross but was instead protected by God and served only as a prophet. In this context, while Christians’ view Jesus’ death on the cross as part of God’s divine plan for salvation, Muslims consider this belief absurd and reject it outright. Zwemer further claims that Muslims have replaced Jesus Christ with the Prophet Muhammad, elevating Muhammad above Jesus Christ and attempting to draw parallels between the lives and missions of the two figures. Moreover, the cross, a sacred symbol in Christianity, is perceived by Muslims as a representation of the fallacy of Christian belief. Muslims harbor deep resentment toward the symbol of the cross, viewing it as a sign of heresy. According to Zwemer, Muslims’ rejection of Jesus Christ and their hostility toward the symbol of the cross are among the most significant points of divergence between Islam and Christianity. In conclusion, Zwemer interprets Muslims’ understanding of Jesus Christ as a substantial distortion of the exalted status attributed to Jesus in Christianity and the religion’s core teachings.Öğe EXAMINING THE ART of HAZF and ITS CHANGE of MEANING in THE QURAN(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Cevher, Mesut; Müftüoğlu, Ahmet HalukThe most fundamental feature that distinguishes humans from other beings is that they have the power to understand, comprehend and express. As a matter of fact, Allah says the following on this matter: "We created man in the most beautiful form." Man naturally needs a language to convey his thoughts and ideas to the other party. The languages spoken by societies also differ from each other, and as the society develops, the language spoken also changes. is developing and becoming widespread. According to research, more than seven thousand languages are currently spoken in the world. The reason that makes the Arabic language, which is only one of these languages, important and widespread is different from other languages. The most important reason that makes the Arabic language so important is undoubtedly that the Holy Quran was sent down from Allah in Arabic. For this reason, for approximately 1400 years from the east of Islam until today, Muslims have given great importance to learning and teaching the Arabic language to understand the Holy Quran. They contributed to the development of Arabic and its growth and development as an independent branch of science. One of the most important features of Arabic is that it contains many literary arts. Thanks to these arts, the message to be conveyed to the addressee becomes more understandable. Hazf art, which forms the basis of our work, is just one of these arts. The art of hazf: It is the removal of one or more elements in the sentence without causing any deterioration in the meaning. We divided this study into two parts. In the first part, we will talk about the definition and historical process of the science of rhetoric, the definition and nature of the art of hazf, and finally the reasons for using the art of hazf and its benefits. In the second part, we will talk about the verses related to the subject and their effects on the meaning.Öğe LYRICS COLLECTION in BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE de FRANCE NUMBER 1377 and ITS CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING to MESTAP(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Cançelik, Ali; Açıkgöz, AzranurLyric collections are a source in both literature and music due to the fact that they contain maqam, rhythm (usul) and lyricist names. The Lyrics Collection, registered in Bibliotheque Nationale de France No. 1377, consisting of 46 pages, was examined in the study. Both intralingual translation and examination were performed. Lyrics of 46 lyricists were identified in the collection and classified according to the Systematic Classification of Poetry Collections Project (MESTAP) table. Makam information of 136 lyrics in the collection and rhythm (usul) information of 119 of these lyrics were recorded. However, only 9 works could be reached from the current notation records of these lyrics. Poems and compositions included in the collection but not currently identified in divan or independent works also enable the discovery of new research areas. The maqams, rhythms (usuls) and meters specified in the lyrics are statistically shown in tables. The names of the lyricists have been determined and associated with the poems in the divans. The differences between the journals and the divans are detailed in the footnotes. In this context, the Systematic Classification of Journals Project aims to reach the unpublished poems of the lyricists through journals, to examine these works and to transfer them to the digital environment as translated texts. This study plays a critical role in the reinterpretation of traditional music and literature and contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage.Öğe THE PERFECT HUMAN in TURKISH FUTUWWAT-N?MAS: SOCIAL and SPIRITUAL MATURATION from THE AKHISM PERSPECTIVE(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Gündüzöz, Güldane; Pehlivanlı, HaticeThe futuwwa organization is one of the religious-Suf? bodies that have contributed to the transmission of Islamic culture to future generations. The futuwwat-n?mas, reflecting this organization in Anatolia, not only established the principles of the Akhi order, founded in the 13th century but also guided its members. These treatises were predominantly written in Arabic and Persian in line with the scholarly tradition of the time in which they were created. However, since they were intended for the Turks living in Anatolia, they were later written in Turkish and transferred to the present day as hand-written copies. The purpose of this study was to analyse this Suf? and ethical perspective in the Turkish futuwwat-n?mas, characterised by a Suf? focus that helped shape Akhism. It aimed to investigate the Akh?s’ manners and customs, their moral and vocational education, as described in the futuwwat-n?mas, based on the perfect human being. Being the ultimate objective of Suf? education, the perfect human being (al-ins?n al-k?mil) exhibits all the divine names and attributes at every level. The perfect human being is the caliph of All?h Ta?ala, who imposed duties on him. The results of the study indicated that futuwwat, as an attribute of Allah, passed on to all prophets beginning with Adam to the last one, and reached its perfection in Prophet Muhammad. Futuwwat-n?mas aimed to raise a human being evidenced by the prophets mentioned in the Qur’anic parables and etiquette created by the Sunnah. Starting with Adam and continuing with other prophets, acquiring a profession was included in the manners of futuwwat as a means of halal income in the spiritual journey.Öğe THE INFLUENCE of HANEFI FIQH on MÂTURÎDÎ’S COMMENTARY(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Aşbay, ŞamilMâturîdî is a scholar from Samarkand who studied and adopted Hanefî fıqh. The understanding he adopted in his commentary called Ta’wilat al-Qurân is Hanefism. In our study, we discussed some verse interpretations that Mâturîdî was influenced by Hanefi fıqh. We tried to show that Mâturîdî transferred fiqh issues to the period he lived in through his interpretation of verses. As a result of our work, we saw that Mâturîdî transferred his Hanefi fiqh knowledge to the period he lived in through his interpretation of verses, that is he shared the fıqh knowledge with the society he lived in based on the interpretation of verses. Additionally, our study is on example of how the culture the interpreter lives and the education he receieves affect his interpretation of the verses. As a method, we used a descriptive and comparative method in our study to read Ta’wilat Qur’an cultural anthropologically.Öğe JAMES GEORGE FRAZER, THE GOLDEN BOUGH: A STUDY in MAGIC and RELIGION(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Demirtaş, ŞeymaJames George Frazer, The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion, New york, The Macmillan Company, 1922, 752 sayfa.Öğe M?LIK’s NARRATIONS in TERMS of THE SOURCE to NAS?’?’s SUNAN(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Durmuş, ÜzeyirThe source of the narrations transmitted by Im?m M?lik to al-Kutub as-Sitta is an important issue in terms of history of hadith and literature of hadith. The narrations that narrated by Nas?’? from M?lik in his Sunan also constitute a part of this subject. According to our findings, no independent study has been carried out on this issue until today. Within the scope of this article, Nas?’?’s Sunan was scanned from beginning to end in order to clarify the subject, his narrations from M?lik were determined one by one and the following conclusions were reached: Muwa??a of Im?m M?lik is one of the sources of the Nas?’?’s-Sunan. Nas?’? narrated 357 narrations from M?lik. Nas?’? received these narrations through 21 different students of M?lik. 166 of them -about %47 of these narratives- was narrated from Kutaybah b. Sa?d. The first preference of Nas?? in the narration from M?lik is this student of M?lik. Nas?? narrated hadiths from M?lik through his students and students of their students and students of their stundents, but Nas??’s narrations from M?lik his direct students are about %48 of the total narratives from M?lik. Narrations of Nas?? from M?lik when searched in the Muwa??a’s narrations, it was observed that the remaining 9 of them were included in these narrations. Most of the narrations of Nas?? (337 narrations) from M?lik are located in narration of al-Lays?. 11 narrations have been identified in the Zuhr?’s narration and Shayban?’s narration and Ibn al-K?sim’s narration.Öğe DEVELOPMENT STAGES of SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Kurt Topraklı, CananThis study is about the emergence and development stages of social psychology, one of the branches of psychology. Social psychology, which has gained popularity rapidly in our age, has moved away from the focus of psychology, which examines the cognitive processes of the individual, and has placed the social behavior that occurs as a result of the interaction of the individual and the individual with their environment at its center. In its early stages, the discipline of social psychology was shaped in line with the approaches of European and American schools and preferred to use experimental research methods in the laboratory environment or positive science methods to achieve objectivity in explaining social behavior. The approaches of the schools that developed in the following stages and the theories put forward that social behavior should be explained based on interpretation, in integrity with time, place and social structure, made significant contributions to the solution of social problems. In this context, it is aimed to determine the point that the discipline of social psychology has reached by following its development stages from past to present. In order to achieve this goal, the emergence of social psychology, its subject, its relationship with other disciplines, its development and pioneers, and its history have been drawn by making use of chronological information about the development of social psychology in Türkiye.Öğe The PROBLEM of DEFINITION of KNOWLEDGE in PLATO’s THEAETETUS DIALOGUE(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Aydın, Abdullah EnesThe fundamental question addressed by epistemology is “What is knowledge?”. This study examines the problems Plato presents regarding the definition of knowledge in his Theaetetus dialogue. Plato’s epistemology is shaped by his theory of forms and involves the recollection of forgotten knowledge (anamnesis) and the understanding of the nature of knowledge through the dialectical method. In the Theaetetus dialogue, three different propositions are considered for defining knowledge: perception (aisthesis), true belief (alêthê doxa), and justified true belief (logou alêthê doxan). While detailing how these definitions are debated and refuted, Plato’s epistemic concerns about knowledge and the implications of the “logos” condition he adds to the definition of knowledge are also examined. Plato’s effort to unify knowledge in the realm of forms with knowledge in the perceptible world, specifically through the condition of logos, explains why he does not reach a definitive conclusion about the definition of knowledge in the context of the Theaetetus dialogue. Plato indicates that none of the three definitions are sufficient and chooses not to arrive at a definitive definition of knowledge. This study evaluates Plato’s epistemic concerns regarding the traditional definition of knowledge and how these concerns manifest in contemporary epistemology as the Gettier problem.Öğe TRANSHUMANISM: ITS INTERACTION with TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS and ITS RELIGIOUS NATURE(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Gece, Şule; Binay, KübraTranshumanism is a philosophical and scientific movement that aims to improve human beings by improving or strengthening them in terms of biological, psychological and cognitive abilities. In other words, transhumanism; It is a philosophical teaching that makes it necessary to use all kinds of science and technology to eliminate physical and mental limitations and to provide a happier, painless and longer life above normal standards. Transhumanism is an attempt to delay old age with the possibilities of science and technology and to give it to human beings, that is, the transcendent power of God, with the idea of immortality. It is observed that Transhumanism, which has become more popular in the 21st century, is influenced by traditional religions, and in this case, it has the same purpose as traditional religions in general: The well-being and development of man. In this study, along with the scientific and technological developments of transhumanism, the approaches of transhumanism to traditional religions are examined by examining the approaches of transhumanism towards traditional religions or the approaches of transhumanism towards traditional religions and the approaches of traditional religions towards transhumanism. In addition, in this article, it is mentioned whether transhumanism, which is thought to be influenced by traditional religions, has a religious character.Öğe GEORG CANTOR’A GÖRE MATEMATİKSEL ve MANTIKSAL SONSUZLUK(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Elmas, Ayşe Büşra; Erkal, FatmaGeorg Cantor, detaylı matematiksel çalışmalar yaparak transfinite sayılar teorisi ve kümeler arasındaki kardinalite farklarının ve farklı sonsuzluk düzeylerinin nasıl sınıflandırılabileceğini ortaya koymuştur. Bu çalışmada Cantor'un matematiksel ve mantıksal sonsuzluk kavramlarını nasıl ele aldığı ve onun sonsuzluğu somut bir matematiksel kavram şeklinde tanımlayarak matematik dünyasında yarattığı devrim ele alınmıştır. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle Cantor'un sonsuz kümeler teorisine yaptığı katkılar incelenmiş; özellikle sonsuzluk kavramının matematiksel ve teolojik boyutları ele alınmıştır. Cantor, transfinite sayıları Tanrı'nın mutlak sonsuzluğunun matematiksel bir yansıması olarak tanımlamış ancak bu sonsuzlukların Tanrı'nın mutlak doğasına hiçbir zaman tam anlamıyla ulaşamayacağını savunmuştur. Bu yaklaşımı, döneminin bilim insanları ve teologları arasında büyük yankı uyandırmış ve çeşitli tepkilere neden olmuştur. Çalışmanın devamında, Cantor’un bu teorilerinin kendi çağında nasıl karşılandığı ve modern matematiğe nasıl yön verdiği tartışılmıştır. Son olarak ise Cantor’un, matematiksel sonsuzluk kavramını Tanrı'nın mutlak doğasıyla nasıl ilişkilendirdiği ve bunun teoloji ile matematik arasındaki tartışmalara nasıl katkı sağladığı bu çalışmada ele alınmış; tüm bu konulara dair en yapılan en temel tartışmalara yer verilmiştir.Öğe A STUDY on THE CONTENT and METHOD of THE COMMENTARY of DAW'U'L-MA’ALI(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Gündüzöz, Soner; Uygun, EmineWith the spread of Islam across various geographical regions, numerous sects and intellectual groups emerged, producing a wealth of works aligned with their values. Among these, the most prominent are the poetic and prose works that elucidate the beliefs of Ahl as-Sunnah. The Qasida al-Am?l?, regarded as the first poetic work on the creed of Ahl as-Sunnah, gained significant popularity, was taught in madrasas, translated into various languages, and extensively commented upon. The Daw'u'l-ma’ali commentary on the qasida, with its philological insights, occupies an exceptional place in Arabic language and rhetoric, thus inspiring a desire among scholars of Arabic poetry to study it. In this study, a brief overview of al-Ushi and the Qasida al-Am?l? will be provided, along with an examination of its most renowned commentary, Daw'u'l-ma’ali. The commentary method and the content of the commentator Ali al-Qari will be attempted to be elucidated.Öğe THE CONSTITUTION of INTENTIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS and EPISTEMIC SUBJECT in HUSSERL’s PHENOMENOLOGY(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Akbel, HalilThis study aims to examine the fundamental concepts of Edmund Husserl’s (1859-1938) phenomenological method, particularly in the context of the relational possibilities that arise in the construction of the epistemic subject. Within this framework, concepts central to Husserl’s thought -such as intentionality, perceiving subject, acting subject-body, the world-there, and intersubjectivity- form the role of the phenomenological relationship between consciousness and object in constructing the other as a fundamental form of access to the world, based on the internal structure and experiences of consciousness. Particularly, the active, logically undeniable subject is rehabilitated, bringing Cartesian Philosophy into the 20th century. This is associated with the questionability of the Cogito itself, even without questioning this possibility of doubt. Husserl focuses primarily on the immanence of consciousness in intentional objects. This is a fundamental step in understanding the internal structure and experiences of one’s own consciousness. However, this approach rejects an isolationist perspective. It is only a temporary stage to focus on the individual’s own consciousness. Husserl’s main aim is to situate our own consciousness in a common world to better understand relations with the other. To overcome this obstacle, intersubjectivity or other subjects, from which common-sense knowledge arises, are needed. The exploration of these issues can offer a new perspective on philosophical debates and epistemological problems and provide readers with an introduction to the depths of Husserl’s philosophical legacy.Öğe UTOPIAN, DYSTOPIAN and UTOPIAN IMAGERY in SOCIAL IDEOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTIONS(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Arıkan, Hakan; Bilgiç, MuammerPeople have always thought that better social conditions of the time and place they live in were possible or could be in the past or in the future, and they have struggled in theory and practice to realize this and have produced realistic or surreal fictional works that describe these. Utopian works are literary but actually sociological texts that describe an ideal, happy and prosperous social order that is far beyond the current conditions. The future designs of utopia are in four periods, from divine-sacred to secular-worldly: Every utopia is the ideal of its creator and can be dystopian for others. In fact, there is a hidden dystopia in every utopian text, and an oppositional search for a way out in every dystopia. Margaret Atwood used the concept of “ustopia” to express this dual relationship, this intertwining. In this study, interpretations will be made on how they are actually utopian texts, based on utopian and dystopian imaginations and content analyses of sample works. Utopia and dystopia are actually fictional social orders shaped by specific historical experiences and ideological preconceptions that carry the spirit of their creator, time and place. In this study, the general theoretical sociological structural constructivism perspective as well as Karl Mannheim's approach to the relationship between utopia and ideology will be taken as basis.Öğe FAMILY-FOCUSED OBJECTIONS to WOMEN-FOCUSED POLICIES in COMBATING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN in TURKEY and THE ROLE of RELIGION in THE EXAMPLE of THE ISTANBUL CONVENTION(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2024) Tuksal, Hidayet; Dülger, Zeynep NurDomestic violence against women is considered a severe violation of human rights in countries where human rights are recognized as norms, and policies aimed at preventing this violence, protecting and rehabilitating victims of violence are implemented. In Türkiye, since the “Say No to Violence!” campaign initiated by women’s organizations in 1987, domestic violence against women has been addressed as a significant issue, and necessary regulations have started to be made. These regulations are based on the principle of empowering and raising awareness among women in various ways, achieving equal status with men to prevent exposure to violence, while also aiming to protect women from violent environments. When it comes to domestic violence, the family can be seen as an institution that women may need to distance themselves from and be cautious of. These regulations, which consider women as “individuals,” cause discomfort to some circles in our country, leading them to perceive the empowerment of women and their equalization with men as a threat to family unity and to struggle against it. This segment, which looks at every issue related to women as if women do not have an identity outside the family and should not have one, opposes policies focused on “women/individuals” and regulations made for protecting women from violence in the name of “family,” campaigns against them, and sometimes succeeds, as in the case of the termination of the Istanbul Convention. It is observed that family-oriented groups also receive significant support from religious and traditional values in their struggles. Although it is clear that the Convention has a secular, feminist framework, the claims that it aims to break up the family, desexualize the next generation, and popularize homosexuality have been evaluated by us as “extreme interpretations” as conceptualized by Umberto Eco, that cannot be removed from the text.Öğe INTENTIONALITY in EDMUND HUSSERL’S PHENOMENOLOGICAL METHOD(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2023) Koçak, İsmail; Akbel, MürüvvetHusserl is considered the founder of phenomenology. The concept of intentionality holds a central position in Husserl’s philosophy. Understanding the concept of intentionality correctly is crucial for a proper comprehension of his methodology. In this article, we will specifically examine Husserl’s concept of intentionality, particularly based on Ideen I. Although the foundations of the concept of intentionality were laid in logical investigations, Ideen I provides a more precise and detailed analysis of the intentional relationship between consciousness and objects. In this context, the concept of intentionality, especially in Husserl’s Ideen I, is addressed with a focus on natural attitude, bracketing and epoché, inherence, transcendence and shading, noetic act (noesis), and noematic correlate (noema).Öğe KİTÂBÜ’S-SİLÂH: CAHİLİYE ve İSLAM DÖNEMİNDEKİ SİLAH VE SAVAŞLAR İÇİN ÖNEMLİ BİR TARİHÎ KAYNAK(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2023) Bişkin Gemicioğlu, ZehraHer çağda savaşlara şahit olunan insanlık tarihinde harp aletleri her zaman merak konusu olmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı Ebû Saîd Abdülmelik b. Kureyb el-Asmaî el-Bâhilî'nin Kit?bü’s-Sil?h isimli monografik sözlük çalışmasında geçen silah isimlerinin incelenmesidir. Araştırma yöntemi olarak açıklama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada öncelikle el-Asmaî kısaca tanıtılıp Kit?bü’s-Sil?h’taki savaş aletlerine değinilmiş, farklı isimleri ve çeşitleri belirtilmiştir. Bu bağlamda o çağlarda kullanılan savaş aletleri eserde geçtiği üzere kuyucunun bilgisine sunulmuştur. Cahiliye ve sadrü’l-İslam dönemlerinde kullanılan silahlar tanıtılmaktadır. Daha sonra konuyla alakalı şiir şevahidine dikkat çekilmiştir. Eserde aynı harp aleti için farklı isimlerin kullanıldığını görmek mümkündür. Eser, çağımızda modern Arapçada artık kullanılmayan çok sayıda silah terimini korumaya almıştır. Bu eser Arapçanın bir mirasıdır. Savaş ve silah aletleri zikredilirken Arapçanın zenginliği tekrardan gözler önüne serilmiştir.