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  • Öğe
    Reasons of academic procrastination: self- regulation, academic self-efficacy, life satisfaction and demographics variables
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2014) Kandemir, Mehmet
    The behavior of academic procrastination is quite common among students. Students can not show their real performances in learning processes and they fail because of procrastination behaviors. Determining the reasons of this behavior can decrease students' behaviors and help them show their performances. In this context, the goal of this research is to determine how the variables of self-regulation, self-efficacy, life satisfaction, hope and other descriptive variables, which are mentioned in the related literature about academic procrastination, explain academic procrastination behavior in the regression model. Descriptive survey model and availability sampling model are used in order to reach this goal. In the research, "Aitken Academic Procrastination Scale", "Emotional Literacy Scale", "Academic Self-Efficacy Scale", "the Satisfaction with Life Scale", "Hope Scale" and "Information Form" are used in order to gather data Correlation and hierarchical regression analysis are used in order to analyze the obtained data At the end of the research, it is found that the regression model predicts academic procrastination. When the results of the research are analyzed, it is seen that the variables that make the highest original contribution to the model are respectively; academic success mean, self-regulation and life satisfaction. When the results of the research are analyzed, it is seen that academic success mean variable, which entered the model in the first step, predicts academic procrastination negatively and meaningfully. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Öğe
    Academic functional procrastination: Validity and reliability study
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2014) Kandemir, Mehmet; Palanci, Mehmet
    When the relevant literature about Procrastination behavior, also known as postdating of tasks, is studied, it is stated that this behavior isn't always negative and there can be functional procrastinations, as well. Functional procrastination represents an acceptable frequent behavior which increases success at work, makes persons more advantageous and acts as a success strategy towards a pre-designed goal that generally results in success at work. It is seen that procrastination behavior, mostly seen among students, is not sufficiently researched because of the fact that there aren't any scales, functional features of which are improved. Within this context, the objective of the research is to develop a scale that can assess the functional procrastination behavior of the students. For this reason, total 365 students of different demographic features and in different grades are taken into account. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was applied to the scale for the structure validity of the scale, and single factor structure became apparent. Then, Confirmatory- Factor Analysis (CFA) was applied to the relevant structure. This CFA analysis was performed with new data taken from 295 students. After the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed, concordance values of Academic Functional Procrastination Scale was found as follows: X2 /sd= 55.08/ 27 (2.04); RMSEA, .05; CFI, .96; GFI, .95; NFI, .94; IFI, .97; and RFI, .90. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.