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Öğe Effect of Different Irrigation Activation and Condensation Techniques on the Marginal Adaptation of White MTA(Galenos Publ House, 2023) Türkyılmaz, Ali; Özbay, Yağız; Dinçer, Gözde Akbal; Erdemir, AliObjective: To evaluate the effect of different irrigation activation and condensation techniques on the marginal adaptation ability of white ProRoot mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Materials and Methods: Eighty single-rooted human teeth were prepared to a ProTaper Universal F4 file. Initially, the roots were randomly divided into four groups as follows: conventional syringe irrigation in group 1, sonic activation (EDDY) in group 2, passive ultrasonic irrigation in group 3, and Er:YAG laser in group 4. Then, ProRoot MTA was set with hand condensation or ultrasonic condensation techniques, and the adaptation ability of MTA was investigated using SEM. Results: EDDY activation had the lowest gap scores (p<0.001). No statistical differences were observed between the regions (p>0.05), and condensation techniques (p>0.05). Conclusion: The marginal adaptation of ProRoot MTA to root dentine increased with EDDY activation, and the marginal adaptation ability of the material was not affected by the condensation technique.Öğe Effect Of Sodium Thiosulfate On Bond Strength An Epoxy Resinbased Sealer To Sodium Hypochloride- And Citric Acid- Treated Dentin(2020) Yıldız, Ezgi Doğanay; Arslan, Hakan; Özdemir, Mine; Uzun, İsmail; Karataş, Ertuğrul; Özdoğan, Dt Alper; Yapar, Merve İşcanAim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sodium thiosulfate on the bond strength of an epoxy resin-based sealer to NaOCl- and citric acid-treated dentin. Materials and Methods: Fifteen maxillary central incisors were selected. Three discs (1.0 ± 0.1 mm thick) were cut from the middle third of the roots. Two holes were prepared in the root dentin. All of the specimens were immersed in 5.25% NaOCl for 30 minutes, immersed in 10% citric acid for 1 minute and 5.25% NaOCl for 1 minute. The specimens were randomly distributed into 3 groups: group 1: control group (no irrigation); group 2: distilled water group (immersed in distilled water for 10 minutes); and group 3: sodium thiosulfate group (immersed in 5% sodium thiosulfate for 10 minutes). The holes were filled with an epoxy resin-based sealer. A push-out test was performed on each hole. The data were analyzed statistically. Results: The bond strength of the specimens irrigated with sodium thiosulfate was higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05). However, there was no significant difference between the control and the distilled water groups (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Within the limitations of the present study, it can be concluded that 5% sodium thiosulfate for 10 min increased the bond strength of the sealer to NaOCl- and citric acid-treated dentin.Öğe The effect of various types of sodium perborate bleaching agents on shear bond strength of composite resin(2013) Belll, Sema; Aydınbelge, Hale Arı; Erdemlr, Ali; Eldeniz, Ayşe ÜnverdıThe effect of various types of sodium perborate bleaching agents on shear bond strength of composite resin Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate various types of sodium perborates mixtures effect on shear bond strength of composite resin. Material and Methods: Eighty extracted central teeth were used in this study. The crowns were splitted mesiodistally from the incisal edges to cervicals. Buccal parts of the teeth were mounted in a 4cm pipe with the use of cold acylic resin with their buccal surfaces downward. Dentin surfaces were polished and divided into main 2 groups according to the mixing solutions (n=40) (water or 30% hydrogen peroxide) and into four subgroups according to the sodium perborate type used (monohydrate, trihydrate, tetrahydrate and only the solution as control) (n=10). The dentin surfaces of the groups were treated with fresh bleaching pastes and stored in an incubator. Composites were placed onto the dentin surfaces by packing the material into cylindrical shaped matrix. Shear bond strength of each sample was measured and calculated in MPa. Results: Mixing with hydrogen peroxide decreased bond strength values significantly (p<0.05). Higher bond strength values were obtained in tetrahydrate mixed with water group. Conclusions: For the success of composite restorative treatment that will be applied to non-vital colored teeth, mixing bleaching agents with water may be preferential.Öğe Duration of ultrasonic activation causing secondary fractures during the removal of the separated instruments with different tapers(SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2020) Arslan, Hakan; Yildiz, Ezgi Doganay; Tas, Gizem; Akbiyik, Nuray; Topcuoglu, Huseyin SinanObjectives The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of taper (.08, .06, and .04) of separated K3XF instruments on duration taken for the secondary fracture formation during ultrasonic activation. Materials and methods Ten 25/.08 K3XF (SybronEndo, Orange, CA, USA), ten 25/.06 K3XF, and ten 25/.04 K3XF instruments were used for the study. The apical 5 mm of the instruments was cut to simulate the fragments in root canals. Fragments of the instruments were sandwiched between two straight dentin blocks. An ultrasonic tip was used to cause a secondary fracture of the fragment. The time needed for the secondary fracture was recorded for each instrument. The data were statistically analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis H test (alpha = 0.05). Results Secondary fractures occurred in all instruments. In the .08 taper group, secondary fractures took longer than in the case of the .06 and the .04 taper groups (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences between the .06 and the .04 taper groups in terms of the time required for the occurrence of a secondary fracture (P > 0.05). Conclusions In the .08 taper group, secondary fracture took longer time than in the case of the .06 and the .04 taper groups due to its larger cross-sectional area involved.Öğe Effect of different laser-assisted irrigation activation techniques on apical debris extrusion(TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2020) Doganay Yildiz, Ezgi; Dincer, Buket; Fidan, Mehmet ErenObjective: The aim of this study was to compare apical debris extrusion when neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (Nd:YAG) lasers, erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (Er:YAG) or photon-induced photoacoustic streaming (PIPS) are used for irrigation activation. Materials and methods: A total of 60 extracted human mandibular premolar teeth have similar dimensions were included and the samples were split into four groups according to the irrigation technique (n = 15): conventional needle irrigation, PIPS, Er:YAG and Nd:YAG. ProTaper Universal system up to F4 was used for root canal instrumentation. Bidistilled water was used as an irrigation solution during instrumentation and irrigation activation. Apically extruded debris was collected into preweighed Eppendorf tubes during instrumentation and irrigation activation procedures. The tubes were then kept in an incubator at 70 degrees C for 5 days. The initial weight of the tube was subtracted from the final weight and the result was recorded as the weight of dry extruded debris. The data were evaluated statistically using a one-way ANOVA test followed by least significant difference post hoc test (p < .05). Results: Conventional needle irrigation caused significantly less debris extrusion than laser-assisted irrigation activation groups (p < .05). Laser-assisted irrigation activation groups caused statistically similar debris extrusion (p > .05). Conclusion: Laser-assisted irrigation activation techniques caused more debris extrusion when compared to conventional needle irrigation.Öğe Effect of dentin and fiber post surface treatments with fumaric acid on the bonding ability of fiber posts(WILEY, 2020) Saricam, Esma; Arslan, MerveThis study investigated the effects of fumaric acid on push-out bond strength when applied to dentin surfaces and fiber posts. The root canals of 60 mandibular premolar teeth were instrumented and obturated. After removing two thirds of filling material, teeth were prepared according to six randomized groups (n= 10/group) defined by two fiber post surface treatments (0.7% fumaric acid or 9% hydrofluoric acid) and three dentin conditioning treatments [control (no conditioning); 17% ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA); or 0.7% fumaric acid]. After fiber post-cementation, three 1-mm thick discs were obtained from each tooth by transverse sectioning, and each disc underwent push-out bond strength testing. Data were analyzed with a one-way analyses of variance (anova) andttests;p < .05 was considered statistically significant. Failure modes were determined by stereomicroscopy, and the surface characteristics of dentin and fiber posts were observed by scanning electron microscopy. Push-out bond strength was greater for the group in which the post surface treated with hydrofluoric acid and the dentin surface treated with fumaric acid than the nontreated dentin and hydrofluoric acid-treated post group (p < .05). There were no significant differences between other comparison pairs (p > .05). A combination of fumaric acid dentin conditioning and hydrofluoric acid fiber post treatment strengthened the bonding ability of fiber posts.Öğe Comparison of Neurokinin A, Substance P, Interleukin 8, and Matrix Metalloproteinase-8 Changes in Pulp tissue and Gingival Crevicular Fluid Samples of Healthy and Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis Teeth(ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2020) Dincer, Gozde Akbal; Erdemir, Ali; Kisa, UlcerIntrodution: The aim of this study was to compare levels of neurokinin A (NKA), substance P (SP), interleukin (IL)-8, and matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) in pulp tissue and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samples of healthy and symptomatic irreversible pulpitis teeth. Methods: Forty patients diagnosed with healthy and symptomatic irreversible pulpitis teeth were included in this study. NKA, SP, IL-8, and MMP-8 levels were measured using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test after pulp and GCF samples were obtained from healthy (n = 20) and symptomatic irreversible pulpitis teeth (n = 20). GCF sampling of 40 teeth was repeated 1 week later. Routine root canal treatment procedures of the teeth were performed, and the treatment process was completed. As a control group, GCF samples were taken from the contralateral teeth in both groups. Statistical analysis was performed using dependent and independent t tests, analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney U tests, and Pearson correlation analysis. Results: Comparing the groups, all mediator levels were significantly higher in the pulp samples in the pulpitis group compared with the healthy group (NKA: P < .001, SP: P = .005, IL-8: P < .001, and MMP-8: P < .001). Likewise, in the pulpitis group, all mediator levels were significantly higher in the first GCF samples compared with the healthy group (NKA: P = .01, SP: P < .001, IL-8: P = .001, and MMP-8: P < .001). Conclusions: It was observed that NKA, SP, IL-8, and MMP-8 increased significantly in pulp tissue and GCF specimens of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis teeth compared with pulp tissue and GCF specimens of healthy teeth. Second, it was determined that NKA, SP, IL-8, and MMP-8 levels decreased significantly in GCF samples in teeth diagnosed with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis 1 week after the removal of inflamed pulp. Finally, SP, IL-8, and MMP-8 levels were found to be higher in pulp tissue samples of the patients with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis with higher pain scores than those with low pain scores.Öğe The effect of taper and apical preparation size on fracture resistance of roots(WILEY, 2020) Yildiz, Ezgi Doganay; Fidan, Mehmet Eren; Sakarya, Rustu Ersoy; Dincer, BuketThis study investigated the effect of taper and apical preparation size on the fracture resistance of roots. 84 mandibular incisor teeth were selected. Groups (n = 12): uninstrumented (control group), 25/0.04, 25/0.06, 25/0.08, 30/0.04, 30/0.06 and 30/0.08. K3XF files (Kerr Endodontics, Orange, CA) were used for canal preparation. Fracture resistance was tested using a Universal test machine. For statistical analysis, the level of significance was P <= 0.05, and one-way anova and post hoc LSD tests were used. The control group showed the highest fracture resistance (P < 0.05). No significant difference was found between 25/0.04 and 25/0.06; 25/0.06 and 25/0.08; 30/0.04 and 30/0.06; 30/0.06 and 30/0.08; 25/0.04 and 30/0.04; 25/0.06 and 30/0.06; and 25/0.08 and 30/0.08 (P > 0.05). Significant differences were found between 25/0.04 and 25/0.08; 30/0.04 and 30/0.08; and 25/0.08 and 30/0.04 (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the clinical selection of larger tapers can cause a higher risk of fracture.Öğe Endodontic management of a patient with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa: A case report(WILEY, 2020) Türkyılmaz, Ali; Bulut, Ali Can; Hancerlioğulları, DilekEpidermolysis bullosa is a congenital genetic disease that causes blistering and erosion of the skin and mucosa. The main known forms include simple, junction, dystrophic and mixed subtypes. This case report presents the endodontic management and 1-year follow-up of a 27-year-old female patient with epidermolysis bullosa who was referred to the Faculty of Dentistry, Kirikkale University, Turkey. An extraoral examination showed that the patient had multiple scars and blisters. The intraoral examination revealed ankyloglossia, microstomia, shallow buccal and vestibular sulci, enamel hypoplasia, gingival inflammation, mouth ulcers, symptomatic and asymptomatic deep caries, a tooth with an apical lesion and a tooth with pulpitis. The dental treatment was divided into four stages: (i) oral hygiene motivation and elimination of gingival bleeding, (ii) restorative and/or endodontic procedures, (iii) extractions and prosthetic treatments and (iv) recall appointments. A 1-year follow-up radiographic examination of the periapical status of the root canal treatments was clear.Öğe The effect of photobiomodulation on total amount of substance P in gingival crevicular fluid: placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial(Springer London Ltd, 2019) Yildiz, Ezgi Doganay; Arslan, Hakan; Koseoglu, Serhat; Arabaci, Taner; Yildiz, Dursun Anil; Savran, LeventTo investigate the effect of photobiomodulation (PBM) and placebo on total amount of substance P in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) pre- and postoperatively. Twenty-six patients having tooth with symptomatic apical periodontitis were enrolled in this study. GCF was collected preoperatively. The patients were assigned into two groups (n=13), as follows: placebo and PBM. Sampling was repeated 7days after root canal treatment. Two independent samples T test was used for analyzing of the differences between preoperative and postoperative substance P levels in GCF (p=.05). The Pearson correlation analysis was used for determination of correlation among substance P levels and other variables. For placebo group, there is no significant difference between preoperative and postoperative total amounts of substance P level (p=0.553). For PBM group, postoperative total amount of substance P level was significantly higher than those of preoperative level (p=0.005). Within the limitation of the present study, PBM has immunomodulation effect linked to the modulation of the total amount of substance P in the gingival crevicular fluid. Thai Clinical Trials Registry: TCTR20161228002Öğe Acupuncture reduces the postoperative pain in teeth with symptomatic apical periodontitis: a preliminary randomized placebo-controlled prospective clinical trial(Quintessence Publishing Co Inc, 2019) Arslan, Hakan; Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly; Yildiz, Ezgi Doganay; Gundogdu, Eyup Candas; Seckin, Fatih; Arslan, SumeyyeObjective: Endodontic treatment generally results in a wide range of postoperative pain intensity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of preoperative acupuncture on postoperative pain in molar teeth with symptomatic apical periodontitis. Method and Materials: Thirty patients having symptomatic apical periodontitis with a preoperative and percussion pain of visual analog scale (VAS) more than 60 were included in this study. The patients were randomly distributed into two groups; G1, real acupuncture; and G2, placebo (mock acupuncture). After 15 minutes of application, root canal treatment was performed. A logistic regression analysis was used to determine the variable(s) (group, age, gender, tooth number, preoperative pain, preoperative percussion pain, and radiographic status) that controls the postoperative pain significantly. Chisquare, Mann Whitney U, and independent t tests were per-formed to analyze the data, and the level of significance was set at .05 (P = .05). Results: A regression analysis demonstrated that the group variable had the most significant effect on postoperative pain at day 1 (P = .003). Results showed that acupuncture reduced the preoperative and percussion pain levels significantly more than placebo group at all day intervals (P < .05). For postoperative pain at the 7-day follow-up, the pain ranged from "mild" to "no pain" in G1, compared with "moderate" to "minimal" in G2. Only one patient required postoperative analgesics in the acupuncture group compared to eight patients for placebo. Conclusions: Preoperative acupuncture can be beneficial in reducing postoperative pain in teeth with symptomatic apical periodontitis.Öğe Regenerative Endodontic Procedures in Necrotic Mature Teeth with Periapical Radiolucencies: A Preliminary Randomized Clinical Study(Elsevier Science Inc, 2019) Arslan, Hakan; Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly; Sahin, Yavuz; Yildiz, Ezgi Doganay; Gundogdu, Eyup Candas; Guven, Yahya; Khalilov, RuslanIntroduction: This preliminary study compared clinical and radiographic outcomes of regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs) with that of conventional root canal treatment (CRCT) in necrotic mature teeth with periapical radiolucencies. Methods: Fifty-six mature necrotic teeth with large periapical radiolucencies were distributed into 2 groups: group 1, REPs and group 2, CRCT (n = 28/group). Clinical and radiographic follow-up assessments were undertaken up to 12 months. Statistical analysis was performed using the independent samples t test and the chi-square test, and the level of significance was set at P = .05. Results: With a follow-up rate of about 73.4% of the total patients for 12 months, favorable clinical and radiographic outcomes were found in 92.3% and 80% in REPs and CRCT groups, respectively, and the difference was not statistically significant (P > .05). Half of the teeth treated with REPs responded to the electric pulp test. Conclusions: Regenerative endodontic procedures have the potential to be used as a treatment option for mature teeth with large periapical radiolucencies.Öğe Success of maintaining apical patency in teeth with periapical lesion: a randomized clinical study(Quintessence Publishing Co Inc, 2019) Arslan, Hakan; Yildiz, Ezgi Doganay; Topcuoglu, Huseyin Sinan; Tepecik, Ebru; Ayaz, NilayObjective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of maintaining apical patency on periapical healing and postoperative pain levels in teeth with necrotic pulp and apical periodontitis. Method and materials: Fifty mature teeth with periapical lesions were randomly distributed into two treatment groups: patency, and nonpatency (n = 25). Patients were followed up over a 12-month period using clinical and radiographic assessments.The data were statistically analyzed using independent-samples t test and chi-square tests at a 95% confidence level (P = .05). Results: Seventeen teeth in the patency group (85.0%) and 19 teeth in the nonpatency group (86.4%) were classified as being successfully treated (P = .900). Conclusions: Within the limitations of the present study, maintaining apical patency did not affect endodontic treatment outcomes.Öğe The effect of blue thermal treatment on endodontic instruments and apical debris extrusion during retreatment procedures(Wiley, 2019) Yildiz, E. Doganay; Arslan, H.Aim To determine the effect of blue thermal treatment on Reciproc (VDW, Munich, Germany) endodontic instruments and the amount of apically extruded debris during retreatment procedures. Methodology Thirty extracted mandibular molar teeth having mesial roots with a degree of curvature less than 20 degrees and having an initial apical size equivalent to a size 10 K-file were selected. The mesial roots of the teeth were removed from the cementoenamel junction to obtain a 15-mm root length. The mesiobuccal canals were prepared to size F2 using the ProTaper Universal system (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland), filled with gutta-percha and 2Seal (VDW) using the lateral compaction technique and then randomly divided into two groups (n = 15). The root fillings were removed with one of the following instruments using a crown-down preparation technique: M-Wire Reciproc or Reciproc Blue (both VDW). Apically extruded debris was collected in pre-weighed Eppendorf tubes. The Eppendorf tubes were then stored in an incubator at 70 degrees C for five days to evaporate the distilled water. The data were analysed using the Mann-Whitney U test (P = 0.05). Results Reciproc Blue (1.42 +/- 0.4491 mg) extruded significantly less debris apically than M-Wire Reciproc (2.56 +/- 1.0232 mg) (P < 0.05). Conclusions Blue thermal treatment of Reciproc instruments was associated with less debris extrusion during retreatment procedures.Öğe Effect of intracanal diode laser application and low-level laser therapy on CGRP change(Sociedade Brasileira De Pesquisa Odontologica, 2018) Arslan, Hakan; Koseoglu, Serhat; Doganay Yildiz, Ezgi; Arabaci, Taner; Savran, Levent; Yildiz, Dursun Anil; Veyisoglu, GozdeThe aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a placebo, intracanal diode laser application, and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the change of the total amount of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) (split-mouth study design). GCF sampling was performed on a contralateral tooth and experimental tooth (root canal-treated tooth) of thirty-nine patients. The patients were divided into three groups (n = 13), as follows: placebo (mock laser application), intracanal laser application, and LLLT. GCF sampling was repeated at the same sites (experimental and control teeth) one week after root canal treatment. The data were analyzed using the Pearson's correlation analysis and the independent-samples t-tests (p=0.05). In the placebo group, the total CGRP level changes in the GCF before and after treatment was significantly higher for experimental teeth than for control teeth (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference between experimental and control teeth in the intracanal laser application and LLLT groups (p > 0.05). Intracanal laser application and low-level laser therapy have immunomodulation effects linked to the modulation of the total amount of CGRP in the GCF.Öğe Effect of Low-level Laser Therapy on Postoperative Pain in Molars with Symptomatic Apical Periodontitis: A Randomized Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial(Elsevier Science Inc, 2018) Yildiz, Ezgi Doganay; Arslan, HakanIntroduction: In this clinical trial, we evaluated the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on postoperative pain in mandibular molar teeth with symptomatic apical periodontitis. Methods: Forty-two patients were included in the study according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Root canal treatment was conducted using reciprocating instruments. The patients were randomly distributed into 3 groups using a Web program as follows: control (no laser was applied), placebo (mock laser therapy), and LLLT. Postoperative pain levels on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 30th day and postoperative percussion pain levels on the visual analog scale were recorded. The chi-square, 1-way analysis of variance, and least significant difference post hoc tests were performed to analyze the data (P = .05). Results: LLLT resulted in lower pain levels than those noted in the control and placebo groups on days 1 and 3 (P < .05). There were no significant differences among the placebo, LLLT, and control groups in terms of postoperative percussion pain levels (P < .05). Conclusions: LLLT can be beneficial in reducing postoperative pain in endodontics.Öğe Effect of Boric Acid Versus Conventional Irrigation Solutions on the Bond Strength Between Fiber Post and Root Dentin(Quintessence Publishing Co Inc, 2017) Culhaoglu, Ahmet Kursad; Ozcan, Erdal; Kilicarslan, Mehmet Ali; Seker, EmrePurpose: To compare the effect of boric acid solutions of different percentages to conventional irrigation solutions on the adhesive bond strength between fiber posts and radicular dentin surface with different cement types. Materials and Methods: One hundred fifteen extracted human incisors were endodontically instrumented to a length of 14-15 mm, and 12-mm post spaces were prepared with specific drills. Cylindrical fiber posts (Panavia Post) were luted with two different composite cements (Panavia F 2.0, Panavia SA) and cut into 1-mm-thick slices. These specimens were randomly allocated to 5 groups according to the irrigant applied: 1. control, no irrigant; 2. 10 ml of 2% chlorhexidine; 3. 10 ml of 5.25% NaOCl for 5 min and 10 ml of 17% EDTA for 3 min; 4. 10 ml of 5% boric acid solution at a temperature of 55 degrees C for 60 s; 5. 10% boric acid solution, conditions as in group 4. Bond strength was determined using the push-out test. Microscopic assessment and SEM evaluations were performed in combination with push-out tests. Results: The push-out bond strengths of cervical segments were significantly higher than for the middle and apical segments in all groups. The type of irrigation solution used significantly affected the bond strengths of the posts. The 10% boric acid solution and EDTA + NaOCl irrigation solutions provided the highest bond strengths (p < 0.005). SEM analysis showed that the dentin tubules were open and the smear layer was completely removed when EDTA/NaOCl and 10% boric acid were used as irrigation agents. Conclusion: Boric acid solutions, especially at a concentration of 10%, can be a viable alternative to the conventional irrigants used during endodontic treatment. The extent to which the 10% boric acid solution successfully removed the smear layer and the ease of rinsing boric acid from the root surface are advantageous.Öğe Evaluation of the frequency and characteristics of hypercementosis in the turkish population with cone-beam computed tomography(Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, 2017) Eren, Y.; Erdal, O.; Serdar, B.; Emin, K. O.; Enes, G.Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency and characteristics of hypercementosis in the Turkish population using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Settings and Design: A retrospective study was performed using CBCT (I-CAT Vision TM Imaging Science International) in 1263 patients admitted to the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Dicle (Diyarbakir, Turkey) between January 2013 and January 2015. Subjects and Methods: A total of 1152 patient and 29,606 teeth were evaluated with CBCT. The age, gender, location (left vs. right side, maxillary vs. mandibular teeth, incisors, premolars, and molars), and missing teeth were recorded for all patients. Statistical Analysis Used: The Pearson Chi-squared test was used to determine the potential differences. Results: Hypercementosis was observed with a frequency of 2.4%. Of these, 18 of 28 (64.3%) had only 1 tooth with hypercementosis and 10 (35.7%) had more than 1 tooth. It was identified in 42 of the 29,606 teeth examined (0.14%). The lesion was found in 2.47% (n = 14) of females and 2.38% (n = 14) of males. The lesion was detected in 28 molars and 14 premolars, but hypercementosis was not detected in incisors. Of the 42 teeth, 12 (28.6%) maxillary and 30 (71.4%) mandibular teeth were associated with hypercementosis. Of the 28 cases, 20 (59.0%) were unilateral and 8 (41.0%) were bilateral. Of the 20 unilateral cases, 12 (69.6%) were on the right and 8 (30.4%) were on the left side. Conclusions: In our study, the prevalence of hypercementosis has been found 2.4% in the Turkish population. Besides, the lesion has been found more in the mandible than the maxilla, in the molars than the premolars and in the unilateral distribution than the bilateral distribution.Öğe Assessment of periapical health, quality of root canal filling, and coronal restoration by using cone-beam computed tomography(Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, 2016) Cakici, E. B.; Yildirim, E.; Cakici, F.; Erdogan, A. S.Aim: The purpose of this study is to use cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) to describe the prevalence of apical health, the quality of root canal filling, and coronal restorations of endodontically treated teeth in the east Anatolian subpopulation of Turkey. Materials and Methods: CBCT scans were taken from 748 patients attending for the 1(st) time to the clinic at the Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Department at Ataturk University's Faculty of Dentistry in Erzurum, Turkey. All images were analyzed by two research assistants who were trained using examples of CBCT images with and without the presence of periapical radiolucency. The two examiners assessed images from the experiment independently, and the readings were then compared. All data were entered on an MS Excel 2007 spreadsheet and SPSS software 15.0 which was used for statistical analysis. The Chi-square test was used to determine if a patient's periapical status was associated with the technical quality of root filling, coronal status, and to evaluate differences between tooth subgroups. Results: In total, 147 teeth from 748 patients were found to have been treated endodontically. Sixty three teeth were found to have short root canal fillings, whereas 74 teeth had adequate root canal fillings, and the remaining 10 teeth had over extended root canal filling. A significant correlation was observed between the length of root filling and apical periodontitis (P = 0,023). Inadequately dense root canal filling was observed in 141 teeth, whereas adequately dense filling was found in only six teeth. There was a significant correlation between the density of root filling and apical periodontitis (P = 0.044). Coronal restoration was found in 90 teeth, but was not observed in all the three teeth. A crown was present in 54 teeth. There was a significant correlation between coronal restoration and apical periodontitis (P = 0.028). Conclusion: The results indicate that the quality of both the root filling and restoration were found to have impact on the periapical health of root-filled teeth.Öğe Comparison of Different Irrigation Activation Techniques on Smear Layer Removal: An in vitro Study(Wiley, 2015) Ekim, Sefika Nur Akyuz; Erdemir, AliThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different irrigation activation techniques on smear layer removal. About 80 single-rooted human maxillary central teeth were decoronated to a standardized length.The samples were prepared by using ProTaper system to size F4 and divided into eight equal groups (n=10) according to the final irrigation activation technique; distilled water was used as an irrigant in Group 1. The other groups were treated with 2.5% NaOCl and 17% EDTA, respectively. Conventional syringe irrigation (CSI) was used in Group 2. Irrigation solutions were activated using passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI, Group 3), EndoVac apical negative pressure (ANP, Group 4), diode laser (Group 5), Nd:YAG laser (Group 6), Er:YAG laser (Group 7), and Er:YAG laser using with photon-induced photoacoustic streaming (PIPS, Group 8). Teeth were split longitudinally and subjected to scanning electron microscope (SEM). PIPS showed the best removal of smear layer when compared with PUI, ANP, Nd:YAG, and Er:YAG, but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Smear layer scores obtained with PIPS technique were statistically significant different from those of obtained with control, CSI and diode laser groups (P<0.05). All experimental irrigation techniques except ANP and diode laser removed smear layer more effectively at the coronal and middle levels compared to the apical level (P<0.05). Irrigation activated/delivered techniques except diode laser have a positive effect on removing of smear layer. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:230-239, 2015. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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