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Öğe V. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi bildirilerinin değerlendirilmesi(2008) Deniz, Turgut; Saygun, Meral; Şahiner, İbrahim Tayfun; Ağalar, Fatih; Taviloğlu, Korhan; Yorgancı, Kaya; Ertekin, CemalettinAMAÇ: V. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi’nde sunulan bildiri özetlerinin öz yazım kılavuzuna uygunluğu değerlendirildi; demografi, metodoloji ve yazım tekniği yönünden incelendi. GEREÇ-YÖNTEM: Kongre kitapçığındaki 451 bildiri değerlendirmeye alındı. Değerlendirilen parametreler; çalışmanın türü ve içeriği, çalışmanın yapıldığı kurumlar, yazar sayısı, başlık kullanımının uyumluluğu, yapısal öz kullanımı, sözcük sayısı, dilin akıcılığı, uygun istatistiksel değerlendirme ve sonuç-öz ilişkisiydi. BULGULAR: Çalışmaların %49’u retrospektif, %29’u olgu sunumuydu. Bildirilerin %33’ü izole organ yaralanması, %26’sı tek sistem yaralanması, %24’ü çoklu sistem yaralanmasına ilişkindi. Çalışmaların %43’ü üniversite, %38’i devlet hastanesi kökenliydi. Çalışmaların %40’ı genel cerrahiyle ilgiliydi, %29’u ise multidisiplinerdi. Çalışmalardaki ortalama yazar sayısı 5,6±1,8 idi; üniversite ve devlet hastaneleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptandı (p=0,001). Bildirilerin %91’inde yapısal öz vardı, %57’si 100-250, %42’si ise 250-500 sözcük içermekteydi. Çalışmaların %73’ü akıcı olarak değerlendirildi. Tüm bildirilerin %19’unda istatistiksel yöntem uygulandığı belirlendi. Bildirilerin çoğu akıcı idi. İstatistiksel analiz uygulama yönünden üniversite ve devlet hastaneleri arasında anlamlı fark saptandı (p=0,001). Sonuç-öz ilişkisi bildirilerin %71’inde yeterli olarak değerlendirildi. SONUÇ: Bildiri özeti yazma konusunda bazı sorunlarımızın olduğu saptanmıştır. Yapısal öz kullanımı, akıcılık ve yazım kurallarına uyumu artırmaktadır. Özellikle çoklu yaralanlamaları irdeleyen klinik çalışmalar ve deneysel çalışmalar özendirilmeli, bu yönde araştırmalar teşvik edilmelidir.Öğe Carbon monoxide poisoning cases presenting with non-specific symptoms(Sage Publications Inc, 2017) Deniz, Turgut; Kandis, Hayati; Eroglu, Oguz; Gunes, Harun; Saygun, Meral; Kara, Ismail HamdiCarbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless and odourless gas appearing as a result of incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels. Many domestic or occupational poisonings are caused by CO exposure. Malfunctioning heating systems, improperly ventilated motor vehicles, generators, grills, stoves and residential fires may be listed in the common sources of CO exposure. The aim of this study was to emphasize the significance of early diagnosis of CO poisoning with non-invasive measurement of CO levels of the patients with nonspecific symptoms using a pulse oximeter device in the triage. Our study was a cross-sectional study. Patients who presented to the emergency department (ED)due to non-specific symptoms and had a Canadian Triage and Acuity scale level of 4 or 5 were included in the study; 106 (5.9%) of 1788 patients admitted during the study period were diagnosed with CO poisoning. Patients with CO poisoning and the other patients had statistically significant differences in terms of presenting symptoms, namely, headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. More CO poisoning cases were admitted in the fall and winter compared to the spring and summer. The number of CO poisoning victims can be decreased if preventive measures like CO monitoring systems and well-designed ventilation systems are generalized at homes and workplaces. Measurement of carboxyhaemoglobin levels of patients presenting to ED due to non-specific symptoms like headache and dizziness during cold seasons and winter months using a pulse CO-oximeter should be a part of the routine of emergency medicine triage.Öğe Workplace Violence in the Health Sector in Turkey: A National Study(Sage Publications Inc, 2017) Pinar, Tevfik; Acikel, Cengizhan; Pinar, Gul; Karabulut, Erdem; Saygun, Meral; Bariskin, Elif; Cengiz, MustafaViolence in the workplace is an increasing occupational health concern worldwide. Health care workers are at high risk of assault. To develop, monitor, and manage prevention policies, baseline data should be available. This cross-sectional study was designed to determine the current extent of workplace violence nationwide in Turkey. The study population of 12.944 health care workers was a stratified sample of all health care workers (612,639) in the country. A probabilistic sampling was made on the basis of the multistage stratified random cluster sampling method. This study was conducted by a structured questionnaire in a face-to-face interview. The questionnaire items were adapted and translated into Turkish based on questionnaires of International Labor Organization, International Council of Nurses, World Health Organization, and Public Services International. The percentage of health care workers who experienced workplace violence in Turkey in the previous 12 months was 44.7%. The types of violence included physical 6.8%, verbal 43.2%, mobbing (bullying) 2.4%, and sexual harassment 1%. Multivariate analysis showed that level of health care system, type of institution, gender, occupation, age, working hours, and shift work were independent risk factors for experiencing workplace violence (p < .05). Our study indicates that the workplace violence among health care workers is a significant problem. The results of the study can serve as the basis for future analytical studies and for development of appropriate prevention efforts.Öğe Effect of exposure to violence on the development of burnout syndrome in ambulance staff(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2016) Deniz, Turgut; Saygun, Meral; Eroglu, Oguz; Ulger, Huseyin; Azapoglu, BurcuBackground/aim: The aim of this study is to determine the condition of ambulance staff (AS) who have been exposed to any kind of violence and to predict risk of development of burnout syndrome. Materials and methods: Our study was performed with 120 AS working for the Kirikkale Ambulance Services. During the research, questionnaires collecting descriptive information and the extent of violence to which the AS were exposed were administered; participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire themselves. Results: It was found that 81 (67.5%) participants had been subjected to at least one type of violence (verbal or physical). Sixty-two percent were exposed to verbal abuse and 55.8% to verbal threats. Rates of physical threats and attacks were higher among male staff (P = 0.036, P = 0.022), while the rate of personal accomplishment was determined to be significantly lower in males (P = 0.006). Emotional exhaustion and depersonalization scores were determined to be significantly higher in those who perceived less support from administrators (P = 0.014, P = 0.032). Conclusion: All kinds of negative situations exhaust an individual physically and mentally and lead to the development of burnout syndrome. AS are more prone to these kinds of situations.Öğe Symptoms of Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Ammunition Factory Workers in Turkey(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2013) Pinar, Tevfik; Cakmak, Z. Aytul; Saygun, Meral; Akdur, Recep; Ulu, Nuriye; Keles, Isik; Saylam, Hamdi SaimThe aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of symptoms of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and to determine the risk factors among ammunition factory workers in Turkey. This cross-sectional study was performed on 955 ammunition factory workers. Potential risk factors were investigated with a questionnaire and multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed. During the previous year, 39.3% of ammunition workers experienced symptoms of work-related MSDs. Logistic regression analysis showed smoking (odds ratio [OR] = 1.372), chronic diseases (OR = 1.795), body mass index (BMI; overweight) (OR = 1.631), working year (OR = 1.509), cold temperature (OR = 1.838), and work load (OR = 2.210) were significant independent risk factors for the development of symptoms of MSDs. It was found that both work-related conditions and personal and environmental factors are important for the development of occupational MSDs.Öğe The Strain and Hopelessness in Family Caregivers of Patients with Gynecologic Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy(Akad Doktorlar Yayinevi, 2012) Pinar, Gul; Pinar, Tevfik; Ayhan, AliThis study aimed to investigate strain and hopelessness among family caregivers of patients with gynecologic cancer and corelates patients' symptom burden. This research was planned as a descriptive, cross-sectional and correlation study between May and December 2010, using a sample of 338 patient and family caregivers of gynecologic cancer patients. The results of this study show that family caregivers of patient with gynecologic cancer are at risk for hopelessness and strain. The strongest positive correlation was found between strain and hopelessness (r= 0.23, p < 0.004). Patients reported various problems with their chemotherapy experiences, including nause, feeling weak, mouth problems, and hair loss. Some characteristics were significant predictors of the caregiver's strain and hopelessness such as age, gender, education, income level, had a child, caregiving duration, cancer type, stage of cancer, chemotherapy cycles, lenght of disease, caregiving hours, level of personal and social support, knowledge about diseases, other caregiving responsibilities, and patient's symptoms (p< 0.05). It is our hope that this study will inform oncologists, oncology nurses and mental health workers about the assessment and treatment options for strain and hopelessness in family caregiver. The findings provide a base for future research.Öğe Occupation and Cancer(Akad Doktorlar Yayinevi, 2012) Pinar, TevfikOccupational cancer is malignant neoplasm caused by exposures to carcinogenic agents at workplace. It is estimated that one out of every three people will subsequently develop cancer during their lifetime in industrialized countries. Undeveloped countries are also at increasing risk due to transfer of hazardous industries. An occupational cancer does not differ either pathologically or clinically from their counterparts, and treated with the same approaches as similar cancers that are not related to occupational exposures. Whereas, the identification of occupational cancers in public health terms is very important, because all occupational cancers are preventable like other occupational diseases. Physicians generally underestimate the questioning of occupational history of their patients. However, a complete and detailed query of their occupations, and the determination of agents, which they exposed in workplace simply provide us earlier diagnosis, even prevention of occupational cancers. In occupational settings, the most successful measure for the prevention of occupational cancer is the complete removal of known or suspected carcinogenic agents from the workplace. Substitution, changing production process, industrial hygiene practices and education of employees may reduce exposure levels and prevent development of cancer. So that, occupational cancers can be successfully prevented without any harm to industry.Öğe The relationship between symptoms and the results of the skin prick test in patients with allergic rhinitis(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2012) Karabulut, Hayriye; Gunbey, Emre; Babademez, Mehmet Ali; Acar, Baran; Celik, Emrah; Pinar, Tevfik; Karasen, Riza MuratAim: To determine the relationship between skin prick test results and allergic symptoms and to discover which symptom or symptoms are more commonly associated with the skin prick test. Materials and methods: Of the 1462 patients with a prediagnosis of allergic rhinitis (AR) who underwent the skin prick test, 495 subjects completed the symptoms inquiry form and were included in the study. Results: Out of 495 cases, the skin prick test was found to be positive in 358 and negative in 137. No significant relationship was found between sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose, nasal obstruction, headache, postnasal drip, and skin prick test positivity (P > 0.05). There was a significant relationship between ocular complaints (watering, itching, discharge) and skin prick test results (P = 0.027). The groups with positive and negative skin prick test results were compared in terms of symptom severity. While the difference between itchy nose and ocular symptoms was found to be significant, this difference was not significant in terms of nasal obstruction, postnasal drip, and sneezing. Conclusion: While no significant relationship was found between symptoms accepted as allergic, such as sneezing and itchy nose, symptoms such as eye itching and watering were found to be related to allergy. We recommend performing the skin prick test routinely on patients presenting with AR symptoms. This would also prevent unnecessary antihistamine use.Öğe Skin prick test results and prevalence of allergic symptoms in workers exposed to toluene(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2012) Karabulut, Ismail; Pinar, Tevfik; Karabulut, Hayriye; Demir, Melike; Karadeniz, Gulistan; Karasen, Riza MuratAim: To determine the distribution of allergens and allergic symptoms according to occupation groups in those who were exposed to toluene and presented with allergic rhinitis symptoms. Materials and methods: Of the 2005 patients who were administered an allergy test with the prediagnosis of allergic rhinitis, the files of 138 patients who were exposed to toluene were analyzed retrospectively. Results: The mean age of the patients was 35 10 years. Distributions of symptoms and allergens of 57 patients (41.3%) with negative skin prick test and 81 patients (58.7%) with positive skin prick test were analyzed according to occupation groups. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of symptoms at baseline except for the symptom of runny nose (P > 0.05). The groups were compared in terms of complaints that started at the age of 16 or later, which was found as 76.5% in the positive group and 91.2% in the negative group. Conclusion: The occupation of the patient must be considered in patients who present with allergic symptoms; in particular, patients with negative skin prick test should be investigated in terms of occupational exposure.Öğe The Effects of Noise on Oxidative and Antioxidative Balance in Human Erythrocytes(Akad Doktorlar Yayinevi, 2011) Pinar, Tevfik; Atli, A. Kadir; Alacam, Hasan; Karabulut, Ismail; Soguksulu, Ismail; Atas, Ahmet; Akyol, OmerReactive oxygen and nitrogen species have been implicated in the pathogenesis of noise-induced hearing loss. In this case-control study, we investigated the oxidative and antioxidative status of erythrocytes from workers in noisy workplace. Blood samples of 127 workers in noisy workplace (WNW) and 117 workers in non-noisy workplace (WNNW) from the same company were taken into tubes with potassium EDTA as anticoagulant in order to obtain hemolysate. Total superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities as the enzymes of antioxidative defense mechanism in the erythrocytes together with malondialdehyde (MDA) as the lipid peroxidation index and total nitric oxide (NO) as an index for nitrogen species analyses were performed by spectrophotometric methods. SOD activity was found to be 450.0 +/- 106.4 U/g Hb in WNW and 443.1 +/- 83.1 U/g Hb in WNNW. The difference between two groups were not statistically significant (p= 0.582). CAT activity was found to be 426.0 +/- 98.0 k/g Hb in WNW and 432.6 +/- 109.0 k/g Hb in WNNW showing statistically insignificant difference (p= 0.621). MDA levels in erythrocytes from WNW was significantly higher than WNNW (39.28 +/- 10.22 nmol/g Hb and 32.51 +/- 10.73 nmol/g Hb, respectively and p= 0.0001). On the other hand, NO levels were found to be significantly reduced in WNW (0.275 +/- 0.187 mu mol/g Hb) compared to WNNW (0.382 +/- 0.284 mu mol/g Hb) (p= 0.001). When we analyzed the hematological parameters, all the cell counts increased in WNW except monocytes and platelets compared to WNNW (p= 0.0001). Related to this changes, hemoglobin, MCHC, and hematocrit also increased in WNW (p= 0.0001). The oxidative stress, which is possibly propagated by the physical environment, seems to have an important pathophysiological role in hearing loss and lipid peroxidative cellular changes in all of the workers who work in noisy occupations.Öğe Physicians' attitudes and perception of pediatric trauma cost(Turkish J Pediatrics, 2009) Soyer, Tutku; Teksam, Oezlem; Turkmen, Feyza; Cakmak, Aytuel; Cakmak, MuratPediatric trauma is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in children. A questionnaire was applied to evaluate physicians' attitudes and perception of pediatric trauma cost. Physicians working in the field of pediatric trauma (namely those who work in emergency services, pediatrics and pediatric surgery departments; who are consulted regarding pediatric traumas; and those for whom pediatric trauma patients constitute the majority of their patient spectrum) were enrolled in the survey. A questionnaire was administered to elicit the demographic data, features of pediatric trauma in their practice, self-perception of pediatric trauma knowledge, estimation of trauma severity, parameters used for pediatric trauma. diagnosis, and perception of pediatric trauma score (PTS) and trauma cost. A total of 103 physicians responded to the questionnaire (median age: 30.8+/-5.6 years; range: 24-56). Of the 103 respondents, 49 were males (47.6%) and 54 were females (52.4%). Physicians responding to the questionnaire were specialists in Pediatrics (32.9%), Pediatric Surgeons (5.9%), Emergency Medicine Specialists (2.9%), and residents (47.6%) in those three disciplines in University Hospitals, Public Hospitals and Research Hospitals. Physicians reported falls (58.1%) as the most common cause of trauma, and noted head injuries with an incidence of 49.9% in their trauma practice. Physicians' self-perception of their pediatric trauma knowledge was questioned in three categories as: overall, diagnosis and treatment of trauma. They reported that their knowledge of pediatric trauma overall and regarding diagnosis and treatment was "efficient" at rates of 87.4%, 83.6% and 74.8%, respectively. However, while 76.7% of physicians perform radiological evaluations in all trauma patients, only 56.3% of them use laboratory tests routinely in diagnosis. Participants reported that cost of trauma was mostly affected by severity of trauma (49.5%) and least affected by the patient's sex (64.1%). They also believed that radiologic evaluations (66%) accounted for the largest portion of trauma cost and the cost of consultations (44.7%) for the smallest portion. In conclusion, we suggest that although most physicians were aware of cost factors in trauma, they did not consider trauma costs in diagnosis and management.Öğe Health-related quality of life and health care services expectations of the patients with lung cancer(Akad Doktorlar Yayinevi, 2008) Gultekin, Zuhal; Pinar, Guel; Pinar, Tevfik; Kiziltan, Guel; Dogan, Nevin; Algier, Lale; Ozyilkan, OzgurNon-small cell lung cancer is approximately 80% of all lung cancer. This type of lung cancer is usually presented with advanced stage at diagnosis and have a very poor prognosis. The management of non-small cell cancer at those stages generally is chemotherapy and/or concurrent chemoradiotherapy. However, potent chemotherapeutic agents and radiotherapy have serious adverse effects. This study aimed to determine lung cancer patients' expectations from health care providers, and levels of anxiety and depression besides health-related quality of life. This study was performed on 40 patients diagnosed as advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer at Baskent University hospitals in Turkey. SF-36 questionnaire was used to determine health-related quality of life, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) was used to determine depression and anxiety level, and ECOG performance scale was used for performance evaluation. SF-36 scale yielded less than 50 points in all subscale evaluations (p < 0.05). The lowest mean scores were observed in emotional and physical role enforsement subscales. Calculations of hospital anxiety and depression scale showed 8.4 +/- 4.16 mean scale for anxiety (at borderline), and 7.6 +/- 4.8 for depression (normal). ECOG performance status was 0 for 20.5%, 1 for 44.1%, 2 for 32.4% and 3 score for 2.5% of the patients. Most of the non-small cell lung cancer patients had poor quality of life, with deterioration of both psychological and physiological function. We observed that those patients could not get necessary health care.Öğe The evaluation of abstracts presented at the 5th Congress of National Trauma and Emergency Surgery(Turkish Assoc Trauma Emergency Surgery, 2008) Deniz, Turgut; Saygun, Meral; Sahiner, Tayfun; Agalar, Fatih; Taviloglu, Korhan; Yorganci, Kaya; Ertekin, CemalettinBACKGROUND The aim of this study was to evaluate demographics, methodological data and writing style of abstracts presented at the 5th Congress of National Trauma and Emergency Surgery. METHODS Study design, institutions and number of authors, appropriateness of the title, use of a structured abstract, word count, fluency, accuracy of the statistical evaluation, and conclusion-abstract accordance were assessed in 451 abstracts. RESULTS Nearly 49% of abstracts were retrospective and 29% were case reports in design. 33%, 26%, and 24% of abstracts were related to isolated organ, single system and multi-system injuries, respectively. Approximately two-fifths of presentations were university-based. Approximately one-third of presentations were multidisciplinary in origin. The mean number of authors was 5.6 +/- 1.8, and a statistical significance was found between abstract contributions from university versus other hospitals (p=0.001). Three-fourths of the abstracts had an appropriate title and 91% were structured. Word count was 100-250 in 57% and 250-500 in 42% of abstracts. Statistical analysis was used in only 19% of abstracts. Most of the abstracts were fluent. Conclusion-abstract accordance was present in 71% of the abstracts. CONCLUSION Our results indicate there are some deficiencies in the abstract writing process. The use of a structured abstract may intensify fluency and compliance to abstract writing guidelines. Clinical studies regarding multi-traumatized patient groups and experimental studies should be encouraged.Öğe The relationship between occupations and head and neck cancers(Natl Med Assoc, 2007) Pinar, Tevfik; Akdur, Recep; Tunçbilek, Arslan; Altundağ, Kadri; Cengiz, MustafaObjective: The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between occupation and head and neck cancers. Patients and Methods: In this case-control study, 206 Turkish patients with head and neck cancers comprised the case group. The control group consisted of 206 age- and sex-matched patients without malignant disease. All patients completed a questionnaire regarding occupation; tobacco and alcohol consumption; educational status; and history of any systemic disease, benign head and neck disease, and cancer among family members. High-risk jobs were considered those in the industries of construction, wood, mining, metal, chemistry and agriculture. Results: Patients with head and neck cancers worked in high-risk occupations more frequently than did controls [odds ratio (OR): 3.42, p < 0.05]. Cancer risk decreased with the increase in time interval between quitting the high-risk job and time of interview. Smokers were at higher risk than nonsmokers (OR: 3.33, p < 0.05). The risk was also higher in patients who drank alcohol regularly (OR: 1.59, p < 0.05). However, occupation was found to be an independent high-risk factor for head and neck cancers in regression analysis. Frequency of benign head and neck disease and family history of cancer were not significant risk factors (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Our analysis showed that occupation and smoking were significant independent risk factors for the development of head and neck cancers among workers.Öğe Prevalence of primary tethered cord syndrome associated with occult spinal dysraphism in primary school children in Turkey(Karger, 2006) Bademci, Gülşah; Saygun, Meral; Batay, Funda; Çakmak, Aytul; Basar, Halil; Anbarci, Hüseyin; Ünal, BirsenThe prevalence and associated factors of primary tethered cord syndrome (PTCS) in primary school children were investigated. A cross-sectional study was performed in four demographically different primary schools in Turkey. Demographic, familial and physical data were collected from 5,499 children based on enuresis as a predominant symptom and dermatologic and orthopedic signs as clues of occult spinal dysraphism. Statistical analysis and input of the data were carried out with the SPSS package program 10.00, and logistic regression analysis was used to identify discriminating factors between enuretic children with or without neurologic signs. Of 5,499 analyzed children, 422 (7.7%) had enuresis nocturna, and 19.9% of 422 children had also daytime incontinence. Sixteen of these 422 enuretic children (3.8%) had several dermatologic signs. Five of them had spina bifida on plain radiographies, and 4 of them had cord tethering on lumbar MRI. Fifteen of 422 enuretic children (3.7%) had gait disturbances and orthopedic anomalies without cutaneous manifestations. Six of 15 children had spina bifida on plain graphies and 2 of them had tethered cord syndrome on MRI. The general prevalence of PTCS was found to be 0.1% of 5,499 analyzed children and 1.4% of enuretic children. A good outcome after untethering was found in 83.0% in this series. Practitioners should be aware of these clues of occult spinal dysraphism and resort to further radiologic and neurosurgical assessment. Early surgical intervention may halt the progression of the neurologic deficits and stabilize or reverse symptoms. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel.Öğe Gold and gold-palladium coated polypropylene grafts in a S-epidermidis wound infection model(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2006) Saygun, Oral; Ağalar, Canan; Aydınuraz, Kuzey; Ağalar, Fatih; Daphan, Çağatay; Saygun, Meral; Denkbaş, Emir BakiBackground. The use of non-absorbable mesh grafts in both abdominal wall defects and inguinal hernias are impossible in the presence of contamination. This study was conducted for evaluation of the efficiencies of polypropylene mesh grafts coated with gold and palladium-gold. Materials and methods. Ten piece of 1 x 2 cm. of polypropylene mesh grafts were used in each group of naive, gold-coated, and palladium-gold-coated. The grafts were incubated in physiological saline buffered and 0.5 McFarland slime positive Staphylococcus epidermidis for 24 h. At intervals of 6,12,24,48, 72 h grafts were washed with saline and vortexed for 2 min in 2 ml of physiological saline. There were 100 mu l of samples of vortexed material incubated in blood agar and 24 h later, colony numbers were assessed. In the second part of study, the grafts were implanted below the musculoaponeurotic layer at inguinal. region of rats following the same procedure of incubation and washing. On the 8th day, the rats were examined for infection rate and their wound cultures were obtained. Results. The least amount of bacterial growth was detected in the samples obtained from gold-palladium coated grafts; whereas the highest rate of growth was found in samples of naive grafts. The superficial surgical site infection rate was 0% in gold-palladium coated, 30% in gold-coated and 100% in naive polypropylene group. The bacterial growth rate from wound cultures confirmed the superficial surgical site infection rates in all groups. Conclusion. Prosthetic graft infection with S. epidermidis can be prevented by coating the graft with gold-palladium or gold. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe Seroprevalence of tetanus immunity among noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients(Elsevier Science Inc, 2003) Kilic, D.; Kaygusuz, S.; Saygun, M.; Cakman, A.; Uzer, H.; Doganci, L.Tetanus is a preventable disease that continues to affect people in both developing and developed countries. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the immunity profile to tetanus in patients with Type II diabetes mellitus (DM) and to compare them with healthy controls. The tetanus antitoxin levels in 310 diabetic patients (104 males and 206 females) and in 200 healthy controls (72 males and 128 females) were measured by ELISA (Virotech, Germany). The mean antitoxin concentration in patient and control groups were 0.8238+/-1.61 and 0.9978+/-1.49 IU/ml, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups (z = -3.520, P = .0001 and odds ratio was 2.367). There was a definitive inverse correlation between the duration of diabetes and tetanus antibody titers (Spearman's correlation analysis, r = -.155, P = .006). A gender-dependent difference in the susceptibility to tetanus was present in the diabetic group with antibody titers being significantly higher in males compared with females (z = -2.267, P = .023). For both of control (chi(2) = 20.207, P = .003) and patient (chi(2) = 43.532, P = .0001) groups, there was a significant inverse correlation between the tetanus immunity levels and age. Statistically, a significant drop in antibody titers of both groups was found as the period past from the last immunization increased (Pearson correlation analysis: for patient group r = -.364, P = .0001; for control group r = -.143, P = .044). The tetanus antitoxin levels were significantly increased in individuals who had primary immunization during childhood (for patient group chi(2) = 17.191, P = .0001; for control group chi(2) = 9.911, P = .007). A significant reduction in the level of antitoxin immunity to tetanus in association with an increased susceptibility to infections in patients with diabetes may implicate the need for improving vaccination rates in this patient group. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe Efficacy of povidone-iodine in preputial antisepsis(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2003) Çakmak, M.; Çaglayan, F.; Kılıç, D.; Kaygusuz, S.; Çakmak, A.; Ulusoy, S.; Osluk, N.Wound infection after a surgical procedure is one of the main problems affecting the success of an operation. The prepuce is used in hypospadias surgery and in tissue defects in reconstructive surgery. The objective of this study is to determine the efficacy of povidone-iodine and surgical soap in preputial skin preparation. Ninety-four healthy children were divided into three groups. After obtaining preputial skin swabs, an application of povidone-iodine 10% was made and skin swabs were obtained after two and five minutes in group 1. An additional application of povidone-iodine after two minutes was made in group 2 and swabs taken. Group 3 received a local scrub with surgical soap and an application of povidone-iodine. Results showed that, despite painting with povidone-iodine and/or local cleaning with surgical soap, it is not possible totally to eradicate the micro-organisms in the prepuce. Surgical soap decreases the colony count, which can lead to increased effectiveness of povidone-iodine after painting. We recommend preoperative local cleaning with surgical soap before surgical painting.Öğe Tetanus IgG antibody levels in children aged 12 to 47 months in Turkey(Mosby, Inc, 2001) Yıldırım, R.C.; Yılmaz, N.; Yildirim, U; Aksakal, FNTetanus is a serious disease with high mortality, which is very difficult to treat but can be prevented easily by vaccination. The number of tetanus cases reported in Turkey was 42 in 1996 and 51 in 1997. This study was carried out on children aged 12 to 47 months who have vaccination cards in the No. 1 Health Centre in Batikent district in Ankara, Turkey. Forty-one of the children had received 3 doses (Group I) of tetanus vaccine, and 47 of them had received 4 doses of the vaccine (Group 2). Anti-toroid IgG antibody in blood sera was quantified by using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique. In Group 1. antibody levels more than 0.01 IU/mL were found in 47%, 43%, and 45% of blood sera of children aged 12 to 23 months, 24 to 35 months, and 36 to 47 months, respectively. These rates in Group 2 were found to be 91%. 88%, and 60%, respectively. The protective antibody response (>1 IU/mL) was found to be higher for children in Group 2 than in Group i. but both rates declined with age. Checking immunization status periodically and giving vaccine doses as required are essential to increase the antibody response. Further, it is a must in developing countries where vaccination efforts are hindered by cold-chain problems, underoptimum application practice, and high prevalence of concomitant infections.Öğe Occupational health and safety problems in health workers(Gulhane Military Medical Academy, 2012) Saygun M.There are many health and safety risks in occupational environment. These are causing occupational diseases and accidents that can directly affect individual's health. One of the hazardous occupational places is health service area. Health workers are experienced with biological, chemical, physical, ergonomic and psycho-social risks in health service areas, especially in hospitals. Many researches from our country inform that these problems reached serious levels in last years and caused difficulties on performing professional efficiencies of workers. Additionally, these researches denote the requirements of contemporary work health practices for providing healthy and safety work environment for health workers.