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  • Öğe
    Assessment of heavy metal pollution with different indices in Sureyyabey dam lake in Turkey
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2023) Erdoğan, Şeyda; Kankılıç, Gökben Başaran; Seyfe, Merve; Tavşanoğlu, Ülkü Nihan; Akın, Şenol
    The current study, for the first time, focused on the determination of pollution levels and spatial distribution of heavy metals in Sureyyabey Dam Lake which is an important water source for the surrounding area. Water and sediment samples were taken seasonally from six sites exposed to different anthropogenic impacts. The most enriched elements in the Dam Lake were As, Cd, Mo, and Pb. In all sampling sites, the average heavy metal concentrations indicated low risk except for Cd and Pb which were classified in the moderate ecological risk class. Overall, the ecological risk was low for one site (S3) because of the far distance from the residential areas, while the ecological risk of the other stations was moderate. According to water analysis results, the aquatic life criteria could not be met for Zn, Cu, Cr, and Hg in Sureyyabey Dam Lake. Although the dam lake is used only for irrigation purposes, the Sureyyabey Dam Lake water is not suitable for drinking according to the metal limit values of the World Health Organisation. The results of the current study will contribute to the awareness of local authorities by using several indices on taking the necessary precautions.
  • Öğe
    Application of Artificial Neural Network-Based Approach for Calculating Dissolved Oxygen Profiles in Kapulukaya Dam Reservoir
    (Centre Environment Social & Economic Research Publ-Ceser, 2007) Tüzün, İlhami; Soyupak, Selçuk; İnce, Özlem; Başaran, Gökben
    An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modelling approach has been shown to be successful in calculating time and space dependent dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration profiles in Kapulukaya Dam Reservoir using limited number of input variables. The variation of inflow to the reservoir with respect to time was significantly high. The reservoir operational levels were relatively stable. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was adopted during training. Preprocessing before training and post processing after simulation steps were the treatments applied to raw data and predictions respectively. Different configurations of Multilayer perceptron neural networks were designed by selecting different combinations of number of hidden layers (single and double) and number of neurons within each of the hidden layers. Generalisation was improved and over-fitting problems were eliminated: Early stopping method was applied for improving generalisation. The conventional model criteria of correlation coefficient (R) and mean square errors (MSE) were adopted to compare model performances. The correlation coefficients between neural network estimates and field measurements were as high as 0.96 for daily and monthly data respectively with experiments that involve double layer neural network structure with 31 neurons within each hidden layer. The study results revealed that the data sizes effect model performances up to a certain level.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the Genotoxic Effect of Fluoxetine Hydrochloride in Drosophila melanogaster
    (Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Univ Rektorlugu, 2024) Öz, Selda; Sarıkaya, Zeynep Nur; Larçin, Özüm; Sarıkaya, Rabia
    This study aimed to determine the potential genotoxic effect of fluoxetine hydrochloride (FLX-HCl), an antidepressant commonly used for treating depression, using Somatic Mutation and Recombination Test (SMART). Third-instar Drosophila melanogaster larvae transheterozygous for the mutations multiple wing hair (mwh) and flare (flr3) were chronically fed in a medium containing different concentrations of FLX-HCl (0.1, 0.5, 1, and 2 mg/mL) in the experimental group. Distilled water, 0.1 mM ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS), and 2% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were used in negative, positive, and solvent control groups, respectively. The survival percentages were calculated by determining the number of individuals surviving when the larvae completed their development in the experimental and control groups. In all application groups, the wings of 40 individuals with both normal and serrate wing phenotypes were examined under a microscope, and genetic changes were evaluated by counting the mutant clones in the wings. The data obtained show that 1 and 2 mg/mL concentrations of FLX-HCl caused toxic effects in D. melanogaster individuals. Additionally, FLX-HCl showed a negative genotoxic effect at 0.1 mg/mL concentration, insignificant at 0.5 mg/mL concentration, and positive at 1 and 2 mg/mL concentrations in terms of total mutation evaluation and clone induction frequency in D. melanogaster individuals.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the biocompatibility and in vivo wound healing effect of Cotinus coggygria extracts
    (Ankara Univ, 2024) Bozkaya, Esra; Türk, Mustafa; Ekici, Hüsamettin; Karahan, Siyami
    Cotinus coggygria is widely recognized its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antihemorrhagic, and wound-healing properties. In this, aimed to evaluate the phenolic contents, cytotoxicity/proliferation, hemolytic, antimicrobial, genotoxic, apoptotic, necrotic activities, and in vivo wound healing effects of C. coggygria, , a plant species known to have beneficial effects on wound healing. TOF-LC/MS analyzes revealed that the methanol extract of C. coggygria leaves contained flavonoids and phenolic compounds such as gallic acid (18.5 mg/kg), catechin (4.6 mg/kg), protocatesic acid (0.6 mg/kg), vanillic acid (8.4 mg/kg), ellagic acid (0.1 mg/kg), rosmarinic acid (0.1 mg/kg), quercetin (15 ppb) and C. coggygria stems contained such as gallic acid (24.6 mg/kg), catechin (155.1 mg/kg), chlorogenic acid (1.9 mg/kg), 4hydroxybenzoic acid (383.3 mg/kg), rutin (2.5 mg/kg), ellagic acid (15.1 mg/kg), apigenin 7-glycoside (10.5 mg/kg), rosmarinic acid (0,4 mg/kg), quercetin (15.2 mg/kg), naringenin (279.1 mg/kg). Consequently, C. coggyria has a positive effect on wound healing with antibacterial properties, particularly against E. coli, and without cytotoxic, genotoxic, or hemolytic effects at test concentrations. In the in vivo burn model, wounds treated with leaf and stem extracts healed faster than the control group. Thus, C. coggygria is an effective plant for wound healing with antibacterial properties, particularly against E. coli, and without cytotoxic, genotoxic, and hemolytic effects.
  • Öğe
    Revision of the genus Nepeta L. (Lamiaceae) in Iraq
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2023) Dirmenci, Tuncay; Haloob, Ali; Çelep, Ferhat; Ghazanfar, Shahina A.
    This paper revises the genus Nepeta for the family Lamiaceae for the Flora of Iraq project. We describe a new species, Nepeta iraqensis, and four new records Nepeta congesta subsp. cryptantha, N. stricta, N. lamiifolia and N. iodantha for Iraq. Lectotypes for six taxa are selected and comments on complex species are given. In addition, two new synonyms are given here for the first time. In all, we describe with identification keys, 19 taxa, three of which are endemic to Iraq.
  • Öğe
    Bazı makroalglerin Drosophila melanogaster’in hayatta kalışı üzerine etkileri
    (2017) Arıca, Şükran Çakır; Demirci, Sevil; Özyılmaz, Ayşe; Öz, Selda; Arslantaş, Ecem
    Bu çalışmanın amacı üç farklı makroalgin (Codium sp., Cystoseira sp., ve Polyides sp.) üzerinde en çok çalışılan ve araştırma yapılan model canlı olan Drosophila melanogaster' in hayatta kalışına etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Drosophila melanogaster'in niçin çalışıldığının birincil nedeni; bu türün, çok kısa sürede ve hızlı üreme oranına sahip olmasıdır. Diğer laboratuvar hayvanları ile karşılaştırıldıklarında Drosophila melanogaster' in genetik bilgi birikiminin yeterli olmasıdır. Bu nedenle, birçok sentetik ve doğal bileşenin canlının hayatta kalma oranı üzerine etkisi, ökaryotik bir canlı olan Drosophila'da sıklıkla test edilmiştir. Tam metamorfoz geçiren bu canlıya test bileşikleri larva evresinde uygulanır ve döngü tamamlandığında, yetişkin formda etki araştırılır. Bu çalışmada, makroalglerden Codium sp., Cystoseira sp., and Polyides sp., özütleri Instant Drosophila Medium Formula 4-24' e eklenip Drosophila melanogaster'e larval dönemde, üç grupta verilmiş, kontrol grubunda ise su kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma, makroalglerden Codium sp., Cystoseira sp., and Polyides sp., özütlerinin, Drosophila melanogaster'in hayatta kalışına pozitif etkisini göstermiştir
  • Öğe
    Bir Anadolu endemiği; Anadolu tarla faresi Microtus anatolicus'nin ekolojik tercihleri
    (2011) Yavuz, Mustafa; Öz, Mehmet; Albayrak, İrfan
    Bu çalışmada; 2007 yılı Haziran-Temmuz aylarında, bir Anadolu endemiği olan Microtus anatolicus'un tercih ettiği habitat tipi ve habitat karakteristikleri araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada 4 lokaliteden (Kozan, Bozdoğan, Cevizli ve Dereköy) M. anatolicus türüne ait toplam 63 ($29_{\male \male} + 34_{\female \female}$) adet örnek ölü ve 16 ($7_{\male \male} + 9_{\female \female}$) adet canlı olmak üzere toplam 79 örnek kullanılmııştır. Çalışılan lokalitelerden Cevizli ve Dereköy ilk kayıt olma özelliğindedir. Eşeylere göre örneklerin ölü yakalanma ve canlı yakalanma frekansları arasında istatistiksel bir farklılık yoktur ( $X^2_{ölü}$ = 0,20; df= 1; p= 0,66 ve $X^2_{canlı}$ = 0,13; df= 1; p= 0,72). Diğer taraftan, örneklerin yakalandıkları lokalitelerin rakımlarına göre; ölü ve canlı olarak yakalanma frekansları ile populasyon yoğunlukları arasında pozitif yönde korelasyonlar tespit edilmiştir (sırasıyla, $r_{ölü}= 0,742; n=4; p= 0,023, r_{canlı} = 0,785; n=4; p= 0,037$ ve $r_{pop.yoğ.} = 0,933; n= 6; p= 0,009)$. M. anatolicus kuru ve dar yuva alanlarında, küçük koloniler halinde yaşar. Çalışmada az eğimli de olsa (200 ye kadar) yuvaların çoğunlukla güneş alan bakılara yapıldığı görülmüştür. Yakalanan örneklerin yuvalarının bakıları incelendiğinde; 63 ölü örneğin tamamının (%100), 16 canlı örneğin tamamının (%100) yakalandığı ve populasyon yoğunluğunun %98,94'ünün güney, güneydoğu ve güneybatı yönünde olduğu görülmektedir. Yani kuzey bakılı alanlardan hiç örnek yakalanmamıştır.
  • Öğe
    C- and NOR stained karyotypes of mole rat, Nannospalax xanthodon (2n = 54) from Kırıkkale, Turkey
    (2011) Arslan, Atilla; Toyran, Kubilay; Gözütok, Serdar; Yorulmaz, Tarkan
    Bu çalışmada, Kırıkkale’deki Nannospalax xanthodon üsttürüne ait kör farelerin 2n = 54 kromozomal formu araştırıldı. Kör fare örnekleri üzerine standart kromozom boyama, Ag-NOR (Nükleolar Organizatör Bölge) boyama ve C-bantlama analizi uygulandı. Karyotip üç çift metasentrik (no. 1-3), üç çift submetasentrik (no. 4-6), üç çift subtelosentrik (no. 7-9) ve onyedi çift akrosentrik (no. 10-26) kromozom içerir (NFa = 70). C-heterokromatin bölgeler bazı iki kollu otozomal çiftlerin sentromerik, perisentromerik ve kısa kollarında bulundu ve C-heterokromatin birkaç akrosentrik kromozomun perisentromerik bölgesinde lokalize olmuştu. X kromozom sentromerik bir C-pozitif banda sahiptir ve Y kromozomunun tek tip ve C-negatif boyandığı ortaya çıktı. NOR’lar çalışılan bütün örneklerde dört çift (no. 4, 5, 8, 9) iki kollu otozomların kısa kollarının heterokromatin bölgelerinde lokalize olmuştur.
  • Öğe
    Myrtus communis L. (Mersin) Yaprak Ekstraktının Genoprotektif Etkisinin Somatik Mutasyon ve Rekombinasyon Testi (SMART) ile Değerlendirilmesi
    (2019) Öz, Selda; Arıca, Şükran Çakır
    Bu çalışmada Myrtus communis L. (mersin) yaprak ekstraktının genoprotektif etkisi somatik mutasyon ve rekombinasyon testi (SMART) ile incelendi. Yüksek genotoksik etkiye sahip kemoterapötik bir ajan olan doksorubisin (DXR) pozitif kontrol olarak kullanıldı. Test maddeleri flare (flr3 ) ve çoklu kanat kılı (mwh) mutant işaret genlerini taşıyan üç günlük (72±4 saat) transheterozigot Drosophila melanogaster larvalarına uygulandı. Mersin yaprak ekstraktı, genotoksik etkisini değerlendirmek için tek başına (1,5 ve 10 mg/ml), antigenotoksik etkisini değerlendirmek için doksorubisin (0,125 mg/ml) ile uygulandı. İnhibisyon yüzdeleri 1, 5 ve 10 mg/ml dozlarında sırasıyla %91,70, %97,51 ve %98,34 olarak hesaplandı. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre mersin yaprak ekstraktı test edilen tüm dozlarda doksorubisin kaynaklı mutant klon oluşumunu inhibe ederek antigenotoksik etki gösterdi.
  • Öğe
    Kapulukaya Barajı Aşağı Havza’sı Sediment Örneklerinde Ağır Metal Kirlilik Düzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi (Kızılırmak, Kırıkkale)
    (2019) Kankılıç, Gökben Başaran
    Bu çalışmada Mayıs 2013-Şubat 2014 tarihleri arasında Kızılırmak Nehri’nin Kırıkkale il sınırları içerisinde kalan kısmında belirlenen altı istasyondan alınan sediment örneklerinde ağır metal kirlilik düzeyleri incelenmiştir. Al, Fe, As, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg elementlerinin konsantrasyonları ICP-OES cihazı kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlara göre, Fe tüm istasyonlarda en yüksek konsantrasyonda birikim gösteren element olurken Hg, S1 istasyonu hariç en düşük konsantrasyonda birikmiştir. Çalışmanın yapıldığı dönemde Kırıkkale iline ait atık su arıtma tesisi bulunmaması sebebiyle kanalizasyon atıkları doğrudan Kızılırmak Nehri’ne bırakılmaktaydı. Atık suyun Kızılırmak Nehri’ne boşaltıldığı nokta, çalışmanın gerçekleştirildiği istasyonlardan S3 ile S4 arasında yer almaktadır. Buna göre ilk üç istasyon (S1, S2, S3) ve son üç istasyon (S4, S5, S6) karşılaştırıldığında ortalama değerlerin Hg hariç arttığı belirlenmiştir. Mevsimsel olarak anlamlı farklılık sadece Zn elementi için ilkbahar ile sonbahar ve ilkbahar ile kış arasında tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Sediment kalite rehberinde belirtilen değerler kullanılarak ağır metal konsantrasyonları canlılık açısından değerlendirilmiştir. As, Ni element konsantrasyonlarının sedimentte sıklıkla yaşayan ve sedimentten beslenen organizmalar üzerinde zararlı etkilere yol açabilmesi muhtemel görülmüştür. Ayrıca Pb element konsantrasyonunun S4 istasyonunda canlılık açısından zararlı etkiler açığa çıkarabileceği tespit edilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Türkçe Bilimsel Bitki Adları Yönergesi
    (2016) Kandemir, Ali; Menemen, Yusuf; Aytaç, Zeki
    Bitkilere Türkçe adların nasıl verileceği konusunda kuralların belirlenmesi, yok olan Türkçe adların korunması ve Türkçe bitki adları konusundaki yozlaşmanın da önüne geçilebilmesi için 2013 yılında Türkçe Bilimsel Bitki Adları Yönergesi Taslağı (Menemen vd., 2013) yayınlanmıştır. Yayınlanan bu taslakta Türkçe Bilimsel Bitki Adları Yönergesi'ne ihtiyaç duyulduğu belirtilmiştir. Taslak, Flora Araştırmaları Derneği'nin 15.04.2016 tarihli toplantısına katılan üyelerin katkılarıyla yapılan bazı düzeltmelerden sonra dernek yönetim kurulunun 15.04.2016 tarih ve 21 nolu kararı ile Türkçe Bilimsel Bitki Adları Yönergesi olarak oybirliğiyle kabul edilmiştir. Kabul edilen yönergenin hiçbir şekilde zorlayıcı olmadığı da bilinmelidir. Yönerge Prof. Dr. Yusuf Menemen, Prof. Dr. Zeki Aytaç ve Prof. Dr. Ali Kandemir tarafından düzenlenip, yayına hazırlanmıştır.
  • Öğe
    Protoiurus kraepilini (Iuridae: Scorpiones) Akrep Türünün Pektin (Tarak) Organının Fonksiyonel Morfolojisi ve Histolojisi
    (2020) Kayhan, Nazife Yiğit; Öcal, İlkay Çorak
    Akrepler, Arachnida sınıfında yer alan zehirli arthropodlardan olup, bilinen en eski karasal eklembacaklılardır ve yaşayan fosiller olarak da tanımlanmaktadırlar. Akrepler kendilerine özgü bir takım özelliklere, özel yapılara sahip olmaları ve zehirlenme vakalarına sebep olmaları nedeniyle çeşitli araştırmalara konu olmuştur. Ancak, akreplere özgü bir duyu organı olan ve tarak organı olarak da bilinen pektin organın yapısı hakkında çok fazla bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Protoiurus kraepelini (von Ubisch, 1922) akrebinin tarak organ yapısı ışık mikroskobu ve taramalı elektron mikroskop (SEM) kullanarak çalışılmış, detaylı morfolojik ve histolojik özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Örnekler Eğirdir (Isparta, Türkiye)’de yapılan arazi çalışmalarında toplanamıştır. P. kraepelini’nin tarak organı diğer akreplerde olduğu gibi bir çift olarak mesosomal ikinci segmentin ventrolateralinde yerleşmiş olup genel mimariye uygun olarak marjinal lamella, median lamella ve pektinal dişler olmak üzere üç kısımdan oluşmaktadır. Aynı zamanda bu yapılar üzerinde yer alan duyusal kılları, pektinal dişler üzerindeki peg sensillanın morfolojileri incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, ilk kez P. kraepelini’nin tarak organının histolojisi ortaya konulmuş ve yapı - fonksiyon arasındaki bağlantı uyarınca olası fonksiyonları tartışılmıştır.
  • Öğe
    Molar Patterns in Microtus guentheri (Danford and Alston, 1880) (Mammalia: Rodentia) from Kırıkkale Province
    (2009) Baydemir, Nursel Aşan; Duman, Lütfiye
    Microtus guentheri is one of the most widespread rodent in Turkey. Morphotypes of upper and lower molar of 89 young and adult Guenther's voles, collected from central Anatolia have been examined and compared with the previous data given from Turkey. M2 of the young and adult specimens were non-agrestis morphotype. Young specimens possessed normal, duplicate and complex M3, whereas adult specimens possessed simplex form in addition to those forms. The complex form of M3 was determined from Central Anatolia with this study for the first time. Duplicate form of M3, was encountered more than the normal form in adult specimens. M1 of the young and adult specimens were found to be of arhombomorph type.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the frequency of the mutant CCR5-?32 allele related to HIV resistance in Turkey
    (2013) Karakaya, Gamze; Yıldıran, Fatma Azize Budak; Çakır, Şükran Arıca
    Aim: To determine the frequency with which the CCR5-&#916;32 mutant allele caused resistance to HIV, which is main agent of AIDS in all geographic regions of Turkey. Materials and methods: Randomly selected human blood samples from 400 healthy individuals were collected. The polymerase chain reaction method was used to determine the CCR5-&#916;32 polymorphism and samples were screened using 2 primers. Results: The frequency of wild alleles was found to be 0.9738 and the frequency of mutant alleles was found to be 0.0262. The highest frequency of the CCR5-&#916;32 allele was found to be 0.0726 in the Central Anatolia region. The lowest frequency of the CCR5-&#916;32 allele was found to be 0.0093 in the Southeast Anatolia and the Mediterranean regions. The mutant allele was not observed in any individuals from the Marmara region. Homozygosity was not observed in terms of this mutant allele in the individuals studied. Conclusion: According to the data obtained from this study, the frequency of CCR5-&#916;32, except for in the Marmara region, showed parallelism with a decrease consistent with a north-south direction across the world. This study was conducted to determine the frequency of the CCR5-&#916;32 allele, which is important for the evaluation of samples that are representative of all the geographic regions of Turkey
  • Öğe
    A New Species Of The Genus Zodarion Walckenaer, 1826 (Araneae: Zodariidae) From Turkey
    (AMER ENTOMOL SOC, 2020) Danisman, Tarik; Cosar, Ilhan
    Anew species, Zodarion izmirense sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on material collected in the Izmir Province of Turkey. Differences between the new species and the closely related Zodarion tireboluensis Danisman and Rubio, 2017 are discussed.
  • Öğe
    Biochemical and histopathologic assessment of effects of acitretin on epiphyseal growth plate in rats
    (TERMEDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE LTD, 2020) Onder, Sevda; Bilgili, Serap Gunes; Bulut, Gulay; Celik, Huseyin Tugrul; Oguztuzun, Serpil; Onder, Haci; Calka, Omer
    Introduction: Acitretin is a commonly used retinoid in dermatology. Although there are generally known side effects, the effects on the epiphyseal plaque and bone metabolism are not clear in the literature. Aim: To histopathologically investigate the effects on the epiphyseal plate and assess variations in bone metabolism caused by acitretin. Material and methods: Three groups were formed with 10 rats in each group. The 1st group (n = 10, 5 male, 5 female) were administered 10 mg/kg/day oral acitretin solution and the 2nd group (n = 10, 5 male, 5 female) were administered 3 mg/kg/day oral acitretin solution. The control group were given normal standard feed and water. Rats were sacrificed at the end of 4 weeks. The proximal tibias were excised and histopathologically and immunohistochemically assessed. Biochemical assessment was also carried out. Results: Staining with haematoxylin-eosin found reductions in the epiphyseal plate in the 1st and 2nd group compared to the control group, though this situation was not statistically significant. Immunohistochemical studies did not encounter Type II collagen in the epiphyseal bone, proliferative zone and hypertrophic zone in the control group, low dose acitretin solution group and high dose acitretin solution group. Type II collagen was not observed in osteoids and osteoblasts. Type I collagen was not observed in the hypertrophic zone and proliferative zone of any group. Conclusions: Our data show that though acitretin caused degeneration of the epiphyseal plate, it did not cause clear thinning and we identified no significant variations in bone metabolism markers.
  • Öğe
    Caspase-3, p53 and Bcl-2 expression in basal cell carcinoma of the eyelid
    (TERMEDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE LTD, 2020) Koyun, Efe; Karadag, Remzi; Ozkanli, Seyma; Ogurtuzun, Serpil; Kocdogan, Arzu Kaya; Ozsoy, Isilay
    Introduction: Eyelid tumours mostly originated from skin and its appendeges. External carcinogens like UV radiation causes cell damages in the eyelid skin and contributes to carcinogenesis. Apoptosis is a very important mechanism to prevent these damage and probable neoplatic change. Aim: To compare caspase-3, p53 and Bcl-2 levels between patients with basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of the eyelid and healthy individuals. Material and methods: Pathology archives from October 2012 to April 2015 were scanned for BCC biopsies of the eyelid and tissue removed during blepharoplasty and entropion procedures. A total of 36 specimens were found. The specimens were divided into two groups: BCC group and controls (consisting of eyelid tissue removed during routine blepharoplasty). The pathology specimens were then stained using p53, Bcl-2 and caspase-3 stains and the intensity of staining was graded on a 0-3 scale. Results: Samples from a total of 36 patients were included in the study. Eighteen (50.0%) patients were female. There were 13 patients in the BCC group and 23 patients in the control group. The mean age was 66.0 +/- 10.8 years in the BCC group, and 65.61 +/- 11.22 years in the control group. The caspase-3 staining was lower in the BCC group than in the control group. No significant differences were found between the BCC group and the control group in terms of p53 levels or Bcl-2 levels (both of them, p = 1.000). Conclusions: The caspase-3 level was lower in the BCC group. This result suggests that these enzymes can play a significant role in carcinogenesis of eyelid BCC.
  • Öğe
    Two new hybrid species of Salvia (S. x karamanensis and S. x doganii) from Turkey: evidence from molecular and morphological studies
    (TUBITAK SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY, 2020) Celep, Ferhat; Raders, Emma; Drew, Bryan T.
    Salvia L. is an ideal exemplar to demonstrate prezygotic isolation mechanisms in sympatric populations due to their well-known staminal lever mechanism. Mechanical, phenological, and ethological isolation mechanisms have been reported among sympatric species of Salvia. However, it has been shown that if closely related species are sympatric and flower at the same time, they can potentially hybridize. In this study, we describe two new hybrid species of Salvia (S. x karamanensis Celep & B.T.Drew, and S. x doganii Celep & B.T.Drew) from Turkey based on morphological and molecular evidence. Salvia x karamanensis (S. aucheri Benth. subsp. canescens (Boiss. & Heldr.) Celep, Kahraman & Dogan x S. heldreichiana Boiss. ex Benth.) is known from near Karaman city in the central Mediterranean region of Turkey, and S. x doganii (S. cyanescens Boiss. & Bal. x S. vermifolia Hedge & Hub.-Mor.) occurs near Sivas in central Anatolia, Turkey. Morphological comparisons between the hybrid species and their putative parents are given with notes on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list categories, biogeography and ecology of the two hybrid species.
  • Öğe
    Sub-lethal toxicities of zinc pyrithione, copper pyrithione alone and in combination to the indicator mussel species Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788 (Bivalvia, Unionidae)
    (TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2020) Tresnakova, Nikola; Gunal, A. Caglan; Kankilic, Gokben Basaran; Pacal, Elif; Tavsanoglu, U. Nihan; Uyar, Recep; Erkoc, Figen
    Zinc pyrithione (ZnPT) and copper pyrithione (CuPT) are widely used antifouling booster biocides in the shipping industry as a replacement for the banned tributyltin (TBT). Sub-lethal effects of zinc pyrithione (ZnPT; 10 mu g L-1), copper pyrithione (CuPT; 10 mu g L-1) and combined copper-zinc pyrithione (CZPT; 5 + 5 and 10 + 10 mu g. L-1) to freshwater indicator mussel Unio crassus (5.49 +/- 0.85 cm in size) were determined by investigation of the total hemocyte counts, biochemical analysis mussel tissues and histopathological observations after 48-h and 7-d exposures. Mean total hemocyte counts differed significantly among all groups, for both exposure durations. In the 7 d, lipid peroxidation levels (malondialdehyde, MDA nmol g(-1) wet tissue) and reduced glutathione levels (GSH mu mol g(-1) wet tissue) were lower than 48 h. However, there were no significant differences among groups. Total protein levels (mg mL(-1)) were approximately in the same range and differed only among 7-d exposure groups. The gill tissues showed hemocytic infiltration and lipofuscin like structures, while digestive gland showed loss of digestive tubules in the treatments of pyrithione compounds. Histopathological damages were most severe in the combined exposure groups. In conclusion, ZnPT, CuPT and combined CZPT(5/10) are highly toxic on a freshwater indicator mussel species U. crassus.
  • Öğe
    Purifying selection shaping the evolution of the Toll-like receptor 2 TIR domain in brown hares (Lepus europaeus) from Europe and the Middle East
    (SPRINGER, 2020) Stefanovic, Milomir; Djan, Mihajla; Velickovic, Nevena; Demirbas, Yasin; Paule, Ladislav; Gedeon, Csongor Istvan; Posautz, Annika
    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are transmembrane proteins of the innate immune system, composed of the ectodomain involved in pathogen recognition and the intracellular Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain important for downstream signal transduction. Here, we analyze the genetic variability of TIR nucleotide and amino-acid sequences of the TLR2 gene in 243 brown hares from Europe and the Middle East and tested for the presence of selection signals and spatial structuring. TLR2 TIR domain sequences were PCR amplified and sequenced, while genotyping was performed by phasing. Genetic diversity indices were calculated in DnaSP and Arlequin, while presence of selection signals was tested using MEGA and the Datamonkey web server. The presence of spatial patterns in TIR sequence distribution was tested by spatial Principal Component Analysis (sPCA) in adegenet. A total of 13 haplotypes were revealed with haplotype diversity of 0.424, and nucleotide diversity (pi) of 0.00138. Two spatial clusters were revealed: "Anatolia/Middle East" and "Europe". In Anatolia the two most prevalent amino-acid variants, A and B (the latter being the most ancestral) were maintained at similar frequencies; but in Europe a shift in genotype frequencies was observed as well as a higher number of nonsynonymous substitutions giving rise to novel amino-acid protein variants originating from the evolutionarily younger protein variant. Molecular diversity (haplotype and nucleotide diversity) indices were significantly higher in the "Anatolia/Middle East" cluster. A signal of purifying selection was detected acting on the TIR sequences.