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Öğe Changes in the Anatomical Nomenclature of Sella Turcica: Turkish Saddle(Bentham Science Publ Ltd, 2018) Akgul, Mehmet Huseyin; Burulday, Veysel; Muluk, Nuray BayarBackground: 'Sella turcica' was first described in 1543. The "De humani corporis fabrica" is the name of a book by Andreas Vesalius that first described the 'sella turcica'. After this date, it was called the 'sella ephippi', 'sphenoidis sella', or 'sella equine'. In 1627, the famous anatomist Adrianus Spigelius developed the current definition of the term. Discussion: The Ottoman military power was at its highest level and a serious threat to Europe at the time so it was indicative of the sense of Turkish power to use 'sella turcica' as a medical term. Spigelius had investigated Turkish daily life, art, and culture in the sixteenth century, and Turks were common exemplars of an orientalist fashion that was being pioneered in Europe, which may be how this term came about. 'Sella' was used because of its similarity to the Turkish saddle; other such similarities included the amygdala and pear, hippocampus and almond, and priformis and seahorse. Conclusion: In this study, the anatomical, hormonal, and historical characteristics of 'sella turcica' are reviewed.Öğe Is strain elastography beneficial for isoechoic cholangiocarcinomas?(Soc Romana Ultrasonografe Medicina Biologie-Srumb, 2016) Burulday, Veysel; Koc, Ural; Tan, Sinan…Öğe Acute cholecystitis complicated by pylephlebitis(Aves, 2014) Sapmaz, Ferdane; Kalkan, Ismail Hakki; Guliter, Sefa; Bilgili, Yasemin Karadeniz…Öğe A juxtapapillary windsock diverticulum connected with the third portion of the duodenum via a natural orifice(Aves, 2014) Sapmaz, Ferdane; Kalkan, Ismail Hakki; Bilgili, Yasemin Karadeniz; Guliter, Sefa…Öğe Kimura's disease in a Caucasian male treated with cyclosporine(Blackwell Publishing, 2005) Birol, A; Bozdogan, O; Keles, H; Kazkayasi, M; Bagci, Y; Kara, S; Kocak, M…Öğe Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis resulting from a metastatic lymphadenopathy caused by a right-sided lung cancer(Elsevier Science Bv, 2004) Kara, M; Dikmen, E; Arikan, OK; Kara, SA…Öğe De novo translocation t(5;6)(q35;q21) in an infant with Walker-Warburg syndrome(Wiley-Liss, 2002) Karadeniz, N.; Zenciroğlu, A.; Gürer, Y.K.Y.; Senbil, N.; Karadeniz, Y.; Topaloğlu, H.…Öğe Buerger's disease with multisystem involvement: A case report and a review of the literature(2004) Çalgüneri, Meral; Öztürk, Mehmet Akif; Ay, Hakan; Arsava, Ethem M.; Altinok, Deniz; Ertenli, İhsan; Kiraz, SedatBuerger's disease is a recurrent inflammatory, nonatherosclerotic vasoocclusive disease, which typically affects small and medium-sized arteries, veins, and nerves of the upper and lower extremities. Systemic manifestations involving cerebral, mesenteric, and coronary arteries are exceptional. Moreover, multisystem involvement of 2 or more organs is extremely rare. The authors present a case of Buerger's disease in a patient who subsequently developed cerebral and bowel infarcts as well as cavernomatous transformation of the portal vein. Therefore, Buerger's disease, although rare, does have a chronic aggressive nature in some patients.Öğe Erratum: MR spectroscopy of cervical spinal cord in patients with multiple sclerosis (Neuroradiology (2004) (s0023400412707) (10.1007/s00234-004-1231-1)(2004) Kendi, Ayşe Tuba K.; Tan, Funda U.; Kendi, Mustafa; Yilmaz, Sevda; Huvaj, Sinef; Tellioğlu, Serdar[No abstract available]Öğe Erratum: Surface landmarks of brachial plexus: Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging for supraclavicular approach with anatomical correlation (European Journal of Ultrasound 13 (3) (2001) (191-196)(2002) Apan, Alparslan; Baydar, Şenol; Yilmaz, Sevda; Uz, Aysun; Tekdemir, İbrahim; Güney, Şefik; Elhan, Alaittin[No abstract available]Öğe A Clinical Presentation of a Very Rare Infection: Parenchymal Fasciola Hepatica(2013) Sapmaz, Ferdane; Güliter, Sefa; Kalkan, İsmail Hakkı; Nazlıoğlu, AdemFascioliazis düz, kahverengi bir karaciğer paraziti olan Fasciola hepaticaun sebep olduğu, öncelikle sığır, koyun gibi çiftlik hayvanlarında görülen bir enfeksiyon hastalığıdır. Enfeksiyonun tanısı hastalıktan şüphe etmekle mümkündür. Radyolojik bulgular oldukça spesifiktir. Genellikle Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (BT) ve diğer görüntüleme yöntemleri karaciğerde hipodens, hareketli lezyonlar göstermektedir. Parankimal F. hepatica çok nadir izlenmektedir. Biz burada F. Hepaticanın çok nadir bir klinik prezentasyonu olan parankimal F. hepaticalı bir vakayı sunmayı amaçladık. (Turkiye Parazitol Derg 2013; 37: 305-6)