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Öğe Capitalism And Human Rights In Terms Of Human Development And Income Distribution(Masters Int Consultancy Res Publ, Mirdec, 2018) Kaya, M. Veysel; Tigli, Abdulkadir; Coban, AhmetThe globalization of capitalized markets by international trade's development; undoubtedly is an undeniable fact of contribution to economies and in particular to welfare increasing. Substantially, globalization is exceeding the limits of cultural, social, political, economical and technological transactions and integration each of them. However, this extended explanation remains abstractive. So, concretely, the first thing comes to mind that is economical globalization. Also the increase of regionalism tendencies in parallel with global developments refer the transition to Homo-Economicus from Homo-Politicus and make essential a reconstructive investigation about human rights towards Homo-Politicus. Nevertheless, human rights' struggle with capitalism has traced Magna Carta, it became evident when the occurance of French Revolution and has been triggered constutional movements all over the world. Milestones, such as the Industrial Revolution, World Wars, Cold War Period, dissolution of the Soviets, the widespread of Fordist Production Band method, initiating the knowledge economy process by technological developments, industry 4.0 and industry 5.0; have rotate the mankind's attention to economical profits from democracy and law. The remarkable issues in society that belong to human rights violations, are that the labour factor can not earn revenue enough and gradually increasing income inequality. So, if the income inequality is taken into consideration as a significant human rights abuse; to investigate that, it would be the point of main issue by analysing French Revolution conditions and Post-Cold War era.Öğe The Effect of R&D Expenditures on Economic Growth: An Application at the Level of Spain NUTS-2 Regions(Bc Grup Inc, 2017) Isik, H. Bayram; Kilinc, Nazan Sahbaz; Kilinc, Efe Can…Öğe Corruption and Income Inequality in OECD Countries(Bc Grup Inc, 2017) Isik, H. Bayram; Kaya, M. Veysel; Doyar, Bayram Veli…Öğe The Effect Of Operational Expenses On Sales Revenues: An Application On The BIST Informatics and Technology Firms(Bc Grup Inc, 2017) Kilinc, Efe Can; Kilinc, Nazan Sahbaz; Dogan, Ufuk…Öğe Pros and Cons of Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Snapshot Analysis for Turkey(Bc Grup Inc, 2017) Isik, H. Bayram; Kaya, M. Veysel; Ozdemir, Mehmet Gokhan…Öğe The Impact of Increase in National Income Per Capita on Labor Force Participation Rates in Emerging Markets and OECD Countries(Bc Grup Inc, 2017) Aksoy, Emre; Keskin, Halil…Öğe Outlook on Food Prices in Turkey after 2007-2008 Global Food Crisis(Bc Grup Inc, 2017) Isik, Haci Bayram; Bilgin, Onur…Öğe The Effects of Oil Prices on Turkey's Foreign Trade Relations to Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan: 1996-2016(Bc Grup Inc, 2017) Dikkaya, Mehmet; Doyar, Bayram V.; Kanbir, Ozgur…Öğe Paradigm Shift in Turkish-Azerbaijani Relations? Results for Reconciliation Process between Turkey and Armenia(Bc Grup Inc, 2017) Dikkaya, Mehmet; Strakes, Jason E.…Öğe The Comparison of Trust Towards Political Institutions Between Caucasian Countries and Turkey(Bc Grup Inc, 2017) Cetin, Dilek; Cirpici, Yasemin AsuEconomies not only have higher growth rates but also have less effected from the economic crisis in an environment with trust (Tonkiss. 1999). To ensure the trust in the economy is the prerequisite for both the political and economic stability. The main of this study is to compare the trust towards political institutions between Caucasian Countries (Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia) and Turkey. The parliament, the armed forces, the police and the press are examples of political institutions. To test the hypothesis, European Values Survey (EVS) is utilized. The survey is conducted in 2008. The number of observations for Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and Turkey is 1505, 1500, 1500 and 2384. respectively. The ANOVA method is used to test the hypothesis of whether there are differences across countries according to trust towards political institutions or not.Öğe Analyzing Turkish Industrial Economy under the Background of "Industry 4.0"(Bc Grup Inc, 2017) Bilgin, Onur; Isik, Haci Bayram…Öğe A Decision Making on Current Account Deficit Problem of Turkey(Bc Grup Inc, 2017) Karadaş, Hacı Ahmet; Işık, Hacı Bayram…Öğe Structure Of Female Entrepreneurship: Latvia Example(Masters Int Consultancy Res Publ, Mirdec, 2017) Kaya, M. Veysel; Ozturk, Muhammed Mert; Coban, AhmetThis article creates a main frame of entrepreneurship and how important is the taking women workers into the business life as entrepreneurs on the economic and social way. After general view of women entrepreneurship, the analysis continues for Latvia that it has 2 importance which it's one of the transition economy and has highly women population in working age. On the end of analysis there are also some comparisons in working areas by gender and between EU countries and Latvia.