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    Discussion on "Seismic capacity of masonry infilled RC frame strengthening with expanded metal ferrocement" by A. Leeanansaksiri, P. Panyakapo, A. Ruangrassamee [Eng. Struct. 159 (2018) 110-127]
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2018) Aykac, Sabahattin; Ozbek, Eray; Kalkan, Ilker; Aykac, Bengi
    A discussion on the paper by Leeanansaksiri et al. (2018) is presented. In the paper, strengthening of the masonry infill walls using ferrocement reinforced with standard expanded steel plates (EMS) was investigated experimentally. A bare frame without infill wall, a frame with a plain (unstrengthened) infill wall and a frame with a strengthened infill wall were tested under reversed cyclic lateral loading. The type of EMS to be used for strengthening was decided based on compressive strength tests on plain (unstrengthened) and strengthened masonry prisms and monotonic diagonal loading tests on wall panels. The results of the prism and panel tests were also used to determine the parameters of the analytical hysteric models, which closely estimated the experimental results of the frame tests. While the paper reached important conclusions related to the proposed strengthening technique, the authors of this discussion felt obliged to present their significant findings on the issues, raised in the paper for further research to increase the efficiency of the proposed technique. Furthermore, this discussion summarizes the findings of the authors on the strategies to investigate the efficiency of an infill wall strengthening technique.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of Ankara-Istanbul high speed train project
    (Vilnius Gediminas Tech Univ, 2007) Akgüngör, Ali Payidar; Demirel, Abdulmuttalip
    Many countries have been carrying out some changes in their transportation policies for the sake of environmental and economical considerations. These circumstances have also affected Turkey to change the national transportation policies. In this study, transportation policies of Turkey have been investigated and, in this context, an important railway project of Ankara - Istanbul line has been analyzed. In evaluation, the present condition of the rail line, high speed train project is compared in terms of market study, technological and economical point of views. Finally, conclusions and suggestions are presented.
  • Öğe
    Kırşehir-Kaman yöresi granitlerin kırmataş agrega olarak kullanılabilirlik özellikleri
    (2007) Demir, İlhami; Uzun, İbrahim
    Bu araştırmada; Kırşehir-Kaman yöresi dört farklı bölgedeki taş ocaklarından elde edilen granit kayaçların mühendislik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada, yöredeki kayaçların mineralojik yapısı, basınç dayanımı, çekme dayanımı, elastisite modülü, yüzey sertliği, birim hacim ağırlığı, ağırlıkça su emme ve görünür gözeneklikleri belirlenmiştir. Deneylerden alınan sonuçlara göre; bu kaya örneklerinin mineral yapıları ve sertlikleri benzerdir. Birim hacim ağırlıkları ve basınç dayanımları yüksek, su emmesi düşük olan kayaların elastisite modülü değeri de yüksektir. Sonuç olarak; Kaman yöresindeki kayaçların kırmataş agrega olarak uygun olduğu ve en iyi özelliklerin de Ömerhacılı sahasına ait olduğu görülmüştür.