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  • Öğe
    Investigation of some metals in honey samples from West Mediterranean region of Turkey
    (Urmia Univ, 2019) Tutun, Hidayet; Kahraman, Hatice Ahu; Aluc, Yasar; Avci, Tulay; Ekici, Husamettin
    Analysis of elements content in honey is important for honey quality and safety and for monitoring of environmental pollution. The levels of 22 elements, aluminum (Al), barium (Ba), calcium (Ca), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), sodium (Na), lead (Pb), strontium (Sr), silver (Ag), bismuth (Bi), gallium (Ga), indium (In), lithium (Li), thallium (Tl) and zinc (Zn), were determined in 70 samples obtained from beekeepers located in the West Mediterranean region of Turkey. Determination of elements content was carried out using ICP-OES. Chromium, Co, Cd, Ag, Bi, In and Tl were not detected in any of the tested honey samples. The most abundant metal was K which has an overall average of 764.26 mg kg(-1). Higher concentrations of Pb, Ni, Mg, Na, K and Mn were found in the samples obtained from Burdur compared to other provinces. The levels of Cu were statistically lower in Antalya in comparison to other regions. No significant differences were observed in Al, Zn, Fe, Sr, Ba, Ca and Ga levels between regions. The differences in the chemistry of honey samples collected from different regions may be due to geochemical soil composition and geographical differences. Their levels were below to the European limits and the honeys are safe for human consumption. (C) 2019 Urmia University. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of Heavy Metal Levels in Blood Samples of Three Cattle Breeds in Turkey
    (Springer, 2019) Aluc, Yasar; Ekici, Huesamettin
    The aim of this study is to determine seasonal changes in the blood levels of some heavy metals in three Turkey-specific cattle breed: Native Land (NL), Grizzle Race (GR), and South Anatolian Red (SR). Blood samples were collected in summer and winter seasons from a total of 180 cattle aged 12-24 months. The levels of the essential (Zn, Cu, Fe, Co etc.) and non-essential (Cd, Hg, As, Cr, Pb, etc.) heavy metals were analyzed. All heavy metal levels, except that of Co, were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in SR in both seasons compared to the other species. In all breeds, Fe and Co levels were statistically higher (p < 0.05) in the summer season while Mn level was higher (p < 0.05) in the winter season. The levels of all metals analyzed are within the internationally acceptable limits for cattle breeds.
  • Öğe
    Determination of carotenoids in two algae species from the saline water of Kapulukaya reservoir by HPLC
    (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2018) Aluc, Yasar; Kankilic, Gokben Basaran; Tuzun, Ilhami
    The local algae species, Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus regularis, from a highly saline water body of Kapulukaya Reservoir were isolated to analyze their carotenoid composition and content using HPLC method. The gradient solvent system of methanol-acetonitrile-water (84:14:2, v/v/v) and methylene chloride (100%), used to resolve a range of carotenoids from the saponified cells, proved an acceptable separation as inferred from the retention factor (k) ranging between 0.75 and 7.76 and the separation factor (alpha) values greater than 1. Resolution peaks assigned to carotenoids, 21 for C. vulgaris extracts and 22 for S. regularis extracts, were reached within the duration time of 45 min. Main carotenoids identified either tentatively or positively were all-trans-lutein, 9- or 9'-cis-lutein, 13- or 13'-cis-lutein, cis-lutein, All-trans-alpha-carotene, 9- or 9'-cis-alpha-carotene, All-trans-beta-carotene, 9- or 9'-cis-beta-carotene in the species except for all-trans-beta-cryptoxanthin found only in S. regularis. Auroxanthin, neochrome, neoxanthin, and cis-neoxanthin were identified as epoxy-containing compounds. Quantitatively, C. vulgaris was distinguished to have greater amount of lutein and cis-isomers (2.74 mg/g), 77.89% while S. regularis was predominated by beta-carotene and cis isomers as major component, being 80.72% (5.76 mg/g) in total carotenoids (TC). In terms of total carotenoids, the species were considered to be efficient sources for further practical applications.
  • Öğe
    The Effect Of Different Environmental Conditions On Yield And Oil Rates Of Safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius L.)
    (Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2018) Demir, Ismail; Kara, Kamil
    Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is an important vegetable oil plant for human consumption and alternative bioenergy source. Also, this plant is used for the evaluation of fallow and marginal land areas in the world. This study was carried out to determine the yield traits of 8 safflower cultivars (Yenice, Dincer, Remzibey, Balci, Linas, Ayaz, Olas and Asol) in two marginal locations (Kirsehir and Kirikkale) in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey in 2015. According to the results, yield and oil rates of safflower cultivars varied significantly in different ecologies with respect to yield and oil rate parameters. Results showed that plant height, head diameter, number of seeds per head and 1000-grain weight varied between 54.09 - 81.00 cm, 2.05 - 2.33 cm, 16.27 - 31.03 and 36.00 - 46.74 g, respectively. Crude oil rate and crude oil yield ranged from 27.93 - 38.91% and 394.8 - 744.3 kg ha(-1). Dincer variety had the highest seed yield with 2.08 t ha(-1), followed by Linas cultivar with 1.85 t ha(-1) for both environmental conditions. In marginal areas, Remzibey (2.07 t ha(-1)) and Yenice (2.06 t ha(-1)) cultivars also produced higher yields nearly similar to those of Dincer and Linas cultivars. To conclude, Dincer and Linas cultivars can be suggested for both dry and marginal environmental conditions, while Remzibey and Yenice cultivars can be offered for salty marginal conditions.
  • Öğe
    Impacts Of High Voltage Electric Field (Hvef) Applications On Germination And Seedling Growth Of Seed (Triticum Aestivum L.) With Analysis By Fourier Transform Infrared (Ftir) Spectroscopy
    (Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2018) Ince-Yilmaz, Ozlem; Erol, Taskin; Kara, Kamil; Dogan, Mustafa; Erdem, Umit
    Wheat is an important widely grown cereal that its grains used worldwide as a staple food. In this study, germination and seedling growth characteristics of grains of Triticum aestivum, the most widely grown species of the genus, in response to HVEF applications were studied. Three different intensities (50, 100 and 200 kV/m) were applied for 1, 5 and 10 min durations. Germination percentages were not affected by treatments, while germination speeds were inhibited by high intensities at long durations. Maximum enhancement in seedling growth measures which were given as root and shoot lengths and dry weights was determined for 5 min 50 kV/m treatment, where increases in average seedling lengths and dry weights were 34.2 % and 26.1 %, respectively. 1 min durations of treatments were also highly improved seedling growth, particularly at root measures. ATR technique was used to analyze the roots and first foliage leafs of treated seeds at FTIR spectroscopy. FTIR results supported that HVEF treatment could be a useful tool for enhancement of wheat seedling growth in early stages of development.
  • Öğe
    Forage quality of deciduous woody and herbaceous species throughout a year in Mediterranean Shrublands of Western Turkey
    (Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum, 2011) Parlak, A. O.; Gokkus, A.; Hakyemez, B. H.; Baytekin, H.
    Nutritional stress during dry summer period is considered as a primary factor limiting goat production in the Mediterranean region. In this study, forage quality of two deciduous woody species (gall oak (Quercus infectoria Oliv.) and Christ's thorn (Paliurus spina-cristi Mill.)) and herbaceous species in a shrubland in the South Marmara was determined to assess their quality and capacity to meet goats needs. Dry matter (DM), ash, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), dry matter digestibility (DMD), metabolic energy (ME), Phosphorus (P) and Calcium (Ca) were determined in the shrubs and herbaceous. Results showed that DM and Ca in the gall oak were distinctly low in April. On the other hand, its CP and P were high in April while DMD and ME were high in May and June. Contents of DM, ash and Ca in the Christ's thorn showed a decrease in April-May and those of CP, DMD, and ME increased in May. Herbaceous had their lowest DM, NDF, and ADF in April and highest CP, DMD, and ME in March-April. Consequently, when goats' needs were considered, goats should be fed with supplementary energy feed throughout the year except for spring months, and with CP during autumn months in order to obtain satisfactory productivity.
  • Öğe
    Shrub yield and forage quality in Mediterranean shrublands of West Turkey for a period of one year
    (Academic Journals, 2011) Parlak, Altingul Ozaslan; Gokkus, Ahmet; Hakyemez, B. Hakan; Baytekin, Harun
    Shrublands are important habitats for ruminants in the Mediterranean area. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the shrub yield, quality (between November 2006-November 2007) and preferences of goats for the six shrubs (Quercus coccifera L., Phillyrea latifolia L., Juniperus oxycedrus, Cistus creticus L., Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach and Thymus longicaulis C. Presl.) of Mediterranean shrublands in Turkey. In the shrubland the highest yield was obtained from kermes oak and prickly juniper. Yield in May was higher than that of in October. Dry matter (DM), Neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) were low and Crude protein (CP), Dry matter digestibility (DMD), ME, P, and Ca were high during the spring in the kermes oak, thyme and mock privet. Reverse situation was observed during the summer and winter months. Changes in the prickly juniper, pink rockrose and prickly burnet were not stable. When production and nutritive values of the shrubs were considered, goats showed deficiency in CP and ME throughout the year except in the spring. P and Ca were found sufficient. As a conclusion, in Mediterranean shrublands, goats should be fed with supplementary energy feed throughout the year except for spring months, and with CP during summer months in order to obtain satisfactory productivity.