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Öğe Comparison of milk microbiota between healthy and mastitic cows(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2024) Kızıl, Sibel; Aydın, Fatma Esin; Önlen Güneri, Cansu; Ülker, Ufuk; Emekdaş, Gürol; Basmacı, İbrahim; Erat, SerkanMammary gland infections occur due to bacterial changes in the mammary tissue. Studies conducted in recent years have reported variations in the most common bacteria differ according to geographical locations. California mastitis test (CMT), somatic cell count (SCC), and aerobic colony count (ACC) analyses were performed on approximately 50 mL of hygienically collected raw milk samples. Raw milk was also subjected to conventional bacteriological isolation and identification. Bacterial diversity and rates in raw milk were compared through metagenome analysis. Two samples, one from healthy milk and another from subclinical milk with mastitis, were independently tested to determine whether there were differences in the percentages (%) of bacterial phylum and genera detected as a result of metagenome analysis. As a result of the conventional isolation and identification of raw milk, EscherichiaShigella, Acinetobacter, Vibrio, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas, Lactococcus, Glutamicibacter and Bacillus genera, and Enterobacteriaceae family were frequently detected, respectively. As a result of metagenome analysis, the following phyla were detected in healthy raw milk: Firmicutes and Proteobacteria (7/7), Bacteroidota (6/7), and Actinobacteriota (4/7). In raw milk with subclinical mastitis, the detected phyla were Firmicutes and Proteobacteria (27/29), Actinobacteriota (11/29), and Bacteroidota (10/29). As a result of the statistical analysis, the frequency of Bacteriodata in healthy milk samples, as well as Enhydrobacter, Enterobacteriaceae, Paenibacillus, Macrococcus, Spingobacterium, and Others, were significantly higher than the incidence in milk samples with subclinical mastitis. The only exception was observed in Escherichia-Shigella genera, where the opposite situation was evident. As a result of metagenome studies conducted on the raw milk of animals with both healthy and subclinical mastitis, significant differences were detected in some phyla and genera. The findings of our study will shed light on mastitis treatment studies by improving the microbiota.Öğe Türkiye's indigenous genetic resource: Muradiye Kelebek pigeon(Ankara Univ, 2024) Erdem, Evren; Özbaşer, Fatma Tülin; Gürcan, Eser Kemal; Soysal, Mehmet İhsanThe current study was carried out to determine the morphological characteristics of the Muradiye kelebek pigeon, which has been reared for many years by breeders in the Muradiye region. The ages of pigeons were classified into two groups: 12-24 months (age group I) and 25-36 months (age group II). The male pigeons had a significantly higher trunk length (P<0.001), head width (P<0.05), beak length (P<0.001), beak depth (P<0.05), thoracic perimeter (P<0.001), and tarsus diameter (P<0.001) compared to the female pigeons. The body weight (P<0.001), chest width (P<0.05), and thoracic perimeter (P<0.01) values of age group II were higher than those of age group I. It was determined that most of the pigeons were grayish blue-eyed (69.90%) and non-crested (76.72%). It was determined that the head structure of the Muradiye kelebek pigeon was similar to the Edremit kelebek, Muradiye donek, Bursa oynari, Thrace roller, and Alabadem pigeon genotypes. The spotted plumage color of the Muradiye butterfly pigeon and the other three genotypes (jackal plumage in the Thrace roller, speckled plumage in the Edremit kelebek pigeon, and red/black galaca in the Muradiye donek pigeon) may be a common trait. Since these genotypes share some phenotypic characteristics, the phylogenetic relationships between the Muradiye butterfly pigeon and the other five pigeon genotypes (Edremit kelebek, Muradiye donek, Alabadem, Bursa oynari, and Thrace roller) should be determined by molecular studies.Öğe Farklı barındırma sistemleri ve kesim yaşına göre Pekin ördeği besisinin fayda-maliyet analizi(2010) Demir, Pınar; Erişir, Zeki; Poyraz, Öznur; Onbaşılar, Esin Ebru; Erdem, EvrenBu çalışmada, pekin ördeği yetiştiriciliğinde farklı barındırma sistemleri ve kesim yaşının işletme karlılığına olan etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada, Pekin ördeği üretiminde havuzlu yarı entansif besi sisteminin hayvan refahı açısından olumlu etkileri olduğu ancak işletme karlılığının havuzsuz yarı entansif beside daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Öğe Malya Tarım İşletmesi’nde yetiştirilen Esmer irkı ineklerin süt verim özellikleri ve bunlar üzerine bazı çevre faktörlerinin etkileri(2010) Çilek, Süleyman; Bakır, GalipBu çalışma, Malya Tarım İşletmesi’nde yetiştirilen Esmer ırkı ineklerin süt verim özellikleri ve bu verimlere bazı çevresel faktörlerin (buzağılama yılı, buzağılama mevsimi ve buzağılama yaşı) etkilerini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Laktasyon süresi, laktasyon süt verimi, 305 günlük süt verimi ve kuru döneme ait en küçük kareler ortalamaları sırasıyla 312.02±0.98 gün, 5811.28±26.31 kg, 5525.92±22.35 kg ve 76.82±0.63 gün olarak bulunmuştur. Laktasyon ve 305 günlük süt verimleri üzerine tüm çevresel faktörlerin etkisi istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmuştur (P<0.001). Benzer şekilde, laktasyon süresi üzerine buzağılama mevsimi, buzağılama yaşı ve buzağılama yılının etkisi (P<0.001-P<0.05) ve kuru dönem üzerine buzağılama yılı ve yaşının etkisi önemli bulunmuştur (P<0.001). Bu araştırmada sonunda, Türkiye’nin karasal iklim şartlarına sahip bölgesinde bulunan Malya Tarım İşletmesi’ndeki Esmer ırkı ineklerin, başarılı şekilde yetiştirildikleri ve süt verim özellikleri bakımından oldukça iyi seviyede oldukları kanaatine varılmıştır.Öğe Filo güvercinlerinde (Columba livia domestica) bazı morfolojik özellikler(2016) Özbaşer, Fatma Tülin; Atasoy, Fatih; Erdem, Evren; Güngör, İrfanBu araştırma Türkiye’de yetiştirilen filo güvercinlerin canlı ağırlık ve çeşitli morfolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma 2013 yılında sekiz işletmede, 119 erkek ve 56 dişi olmak üzere toplam 175 güvercin üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Güvercinlerde bireysel olarak vücut rengi, nişane, baş tipi, tepelilik, göz rengi, paçalılık, kuyruk telek sayısı belirlenmiştir. Ortalama canlı ağırlık değeri 428.85±5.67 g, vücut uzunluğu 36.48±0.20 cm, gövde uzunluğu 10.09±0.09 cm, kanat açıklığı ve uzunluğu 67.67±0.26 cm ve 31.34±0.05 cm, kuyruk uzunluğu 12.32±0.08 cm, göğüs çevresi, genişliği ve derinliği 22.11±0.11 cm, 56.02±0.42 cm, 65.03±0.66 cm, baş uzunluğu ve genişliği 55.09±0.41 cm ve 21.60±0.16 cm, gaga uzunluğu ve derinliği 17.39±0.22 cm ve 6.78±0.07 cm, incik çapı 4.36±0.04 cm’ dir. Canlı ağırlık (P<0.01), vücut uzunluğu (P<0.05), kanat açıklığı (P<0.01), kuyruk uzunluğu (P<0.01), göğüs derinliği (P<0.05), gaga uzunluğu (P<0.05) ve derinliği (P<0.001) değerleri bakımından yaş grupları arası farklılık önemli, kanat açıklığı (P<0.05), kanat uzunluğu (P<0.001), göğüs derinliği (P<0.01), gaga uzunluğu (P<0.05) ve incik çapı (P<0.05) değerleri bakımından cinsiyet grupları arası farklılık önemli bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, Şanlıurfa’da filo uçucusu olarak yetiştirilen güvercinlerde bazı morfolojik özellikler bakımından yaş grupları arası farklılığın önemli olduğu, yaş ile beraber büyüme ve gelişimin devam ettiği görülmüştür.Öğe Ankara ilinde yetiştirilen taklacı güvercinlerde (Columba livia domestica) morfolojik özelliklerin belirlenmesi(2013) Atasoy, Fatih; Erdem, Evren; Hacan, Özlem GücüyenerBu araştırma Ankara ilinde yetiştirilen taklacı güvercinlerin çeşitli morfolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma 2011 yılında 5 işletmede 108 erkek ve 91 dişi olmak üzere toplam 199 güvercin üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Güvercinlerde don, nişane, baş tipi, tepelilik, göz rengi, paçalılık, kanat ve kuyruk telek sayısı ile birlikte canlı ağırlık, vücut uzunluğu, gövde uzunluğu, kanat açıklığı ve uzunluğu, kuyruk uzunluğu, göğüs çevresi, göğüs genişliği ve derinliği, baş uzunluğu ve genişliği, gaga uzunluğu ve derinliği ile incik çapı ölçülmüştür. Ortalama canlı ağırlık erkek ve dişilerde sırasıyla 328,49 ve 314,75 g olarak bulunmuştur. Vücut uzunluğu, kanat açıklığı ve uzunluğu, kuyruk uzunluğu ve gaga derinliği bakımından yaşın; canlı ağırlık, vücut uzunluğu, kanat açıklığı ve uzunluğu, göğüs çevresi ve genişliği, baş uzunluğu ve genişliği ve gaga derinliği bakımından ise cinsiyetin etkisi önemli bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, Güvercinlerde büyümenin bir yaşa kadar tamamlandığı, teleklerin ise büyüme ile uzamaya devam ettiği görülmüştür. Canlı ağırlık ve vücut ölçüleri genel olarak erkeklerde yüksek; diğer güvercin genotiplerine göre ise benzer veya biraz yüksek olarak bulunmuştur.Öğe Some egg quality traits of two laying hybrids kept in different cage systems(Ankara Univ Press, 2018) Onbasilar, Esin Ebru; Unal, Necmettin; Erdem, EvrenInterest has been increasing about enriched cages affecting the laying hens and the producers. Egg quality traits are important for economic impact. Whence, the purpose of this study was to determine the differences in egg quality traits of two laying hybrids reared in conventional and enriched cages at different ages. 532 Lohmann Brown Classic (LB) and 532 Lohmann LSL Classic (LW) hens were kept from 16 to 73 weeks in either conventional cages or enriched cages. Twenty eight eggs were selected randomly from each hybrid and cage group at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 wk of ages at from 08.00 to 10.00 o'clock to evaluate egg quality traits. For this aim, a total of 672 eggs were used. Egg weight, shape index, breaking strength, shell thickness, albumen index, yolk index and Haugh Unit were determined. Yolk index, albumen index and Haugh Unit in eggs of hens were reared in conventional cages were lower than those of in enriched cages. Egg weight, shape index and shell thickness were higher in eggs laid by LB hens. Layer age was affected all examined egg quality parameters. Consequently, albumen index, yolk index and Haugh Unit were enhanced by the enrichment of the cages and interactions among cage type, hybrid and layer age should be taken for the egg quality traits.Öğe Seroprevalance of Schmallenberg virus and its relationship with some geographical features in sheep reared in Kirikkale(Ankara Univ Press, 2017) Macun, Hasan Ceyhun; Azkur, Ahmet Kursat; Kalender, Hakan; Erat, SerkanA virus, which effects ruminants, was firstly described in 2011 in Europe. There are limited information about this virus called Schmallenberg in Turkey. The aim of the present study was to determine the seroprevalance of Schmallenberg virus (SBV), which may cause major economic losses to sheep, and the association between seroprevalance and some geographical features (e.g. altitude, near a large water source) because of transmission by Culicoides spp. Blood samples from 1038 animals (969 ewes, 69 rams) in 38 flocks were collected and evaluated with a commercial ELISA kit in terms of specific antibody for SBV in centrum and eight towns of Kirikkale, where the altitudes ranges from 684 to 1219 meters. Age groups of the animals were determined as >= 2 - <4 (n= 517), >= 4 - <6 (n= 474) and >= 6 (n= 47) years old. The samples of Schmallenberg virus specific antibody detected as positive and suspected were 0.38% (4/1038) and 0.57% (6/1038), respectively. One out of four Schmallenberg virus specific antibody positive animals was ram, the others were ewes. On the other hand, one out of six Schmallenberg virus specific antibody suspected animals was ram, the others were ewes. The flocks of the animals with the virus specific antibody positive and suspected animals were not in places with the certain altitudes and the half of those flocks were not close to large water sources. Due to the limited numbers of animals with the virus specific antibody positive, no statistical analysis were performed to see the association between the seroprevalance of the virus and gender, age of the animals and the geographical features of the places. This study that is first investigation about Schmallenberg virus seroprevalence in sheep in Kirikkale, showed the presence of the virus specific antibody. It was also thought that this virus should be considered as the cause of abortion and malformed births in flocks.Öğe Economic comparison of unenriched and alternative cage systems used in laying hen husbandry - recent experience under Turkish commercial conditions(Cambridge Univ Press, 2017) Aral, Y.; Arikan, M. S.; Onbasilar, E. E.; Unal, N.; Gokdai, A.; Erdem, E.This review provides a comparative analysis on the unenriched and alternative cage systems used in commercial egg production as required by the directive (99/74/EC) of the EU Council on animal welfare in terms of technical performance indicators, distribution of cost items, egg sales revenue, and profitability. Unenriched (conventional) cages are commonly used in Turkey. However these cages don't provide for the laying hens natural needs. The comparison was taken from data regarding Lohmann Brown Classic and Lohmann LSL Classic laying hybrids kept in two caging systems. The rearing period was composed of 399 days starting when 16-week-old commercial pullets were put into unenriched and alternative cage systems and ending at the end of their 73rd weeks of age when laying hens were removed from production. The average shares of the some important cost items in the total cost in the production period were calculated to be as follows for unenriched and alternative cage systems, respectively: pullet 22.17% and 21.17%; feed 61.31% and 58.29%; labour 2.67% and 2.55%; veterinary and health 0.74% and 0.98%; egg packaging 3.23% and 3.48%; maintenance and repair expenses 1.50% and 2.29%; and depreciation costs 5.48% and 8.35%. The average cost of producing one egg was found to be 0.094 US$ and 0.097 US $, respectively. It was determined that investment costs in alternative cage systems was 14.93% higher and the production cost per hen was 2.03% higher than that in unenriched cage systems. In Turkey, on January 1, 2023, all systems will be converted to alternative cages. Investment amounts and production costs for the alternative cage systems are very important in this transformation process. Therefore the present review is to examine the available information on the production data of laying hens reared in the unenriched and alternative cages and to make economic feasibility conclusions under Turkey conditions.Öğe Comparison of liver and bone health of two laying hen strains kept in different cage systems(Eugen Ulmer Gmbh Co, 2016) Onbasilar, Ebru E.; Erdem, E.; Unal, N.; Tunc, A. S.; Kocakaya, A.; Yaranoglu, B.Concerns have been increasing about conventional cages for laying hens in connection with welfare. Liver and bone disorders of laying hens are major problems. Therefore, the aim of this experiment was to investigate the differences in liver and bone traits of two laying strains kept in conventional and enriched cages. A total of 532 two Lohmann Brown Classic (LB) and 532 Lohmann LSL Classic (LW) hens were housed from 16 to 73 weeks in either conventional cages or enriched cages. Enriched cages had a nesting area, scratch pad, perch and claw shortener. At 73 weeks of age, blood parameters (alanine amino transferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), calcium (Ca), phosphor (P), cholesterol and triglycerides), relative liver weight, fatty liver score and bone parameters (weight, length, diameter, maximum load, deformation at maximum load and stiffness of tibia and femur) were determined. The cage type affected only serum ALT, AST, ALP and cholesterol levels. Differences of liver and bone parameters between both cage types were not statistically significant. Serum ALT, ALP and P level and also weight and diameter of examined bones were affected by strain. This study indicates that cage type and cage type x strain interactions have limited effect on the liver and bone health.Öğe Effects of brooder machine rearing method in the first week on fattening performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality and some blood parameters of Pekin ducks(Ankara Univ Press, 2015) Erdem, Evren; Onbasilar, Esin Ebru; Kocakaya, Afsin; Yalcin, SuzanThe aim of this study is to determine effects of brooder machine rearing method in the first week on fattening performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality and some blood parameters of male and female Pekin ducks. A total of 120 (60 male and 60 female) ducklings were used in the research. Each sex group was randomly allocated into two rearing methods. In the first group (brooder machine), ducklings were arranged in the brooder machine from 1 to 7 d then reared on the deep litter floor until day 42. In the second group (litter/control), ducklings were reared on the deep litter floor from the day 1 to the day 42 of the fattening period. At the day 41 of the fattening period, 5 ducks from each sex and rearing groups were randomly selected and bled. At the day 42 of the fattening period all ducklings were slaughtered in a commercial slaughterhouse. Hot carcass yield, organ weights and carcass characteristics were determined. Also pH, ash, fat and crude protein were determined in the breast and thigh muscles. Total body weight gain, hot carcass yield and breast percentage of ducks reared on the litter group (control group) were significantly (P<0.01; P<0.001; P<0.05) higher than those of ducks reared in the brooder machine group. Thigh fat content and breast fat content were affected by first week rearing method and these traits were higher (P<0.01) in the litter group (control group) than the brooder machine group. Only creatinin kinase level in the examined blood parameters of ducks was higher in the group reared on the litter (P<0.05). Sex affected the hatching weight, body weight gain from 1 to 42 d, feed intake from 1 to 42 d, ash of thigh meat and also ash and crude protein of breat meat (P<0.01). In conclusion, the fattening performance, hot carcass yield and percentage of breast of the pekin ducks were positively affected by the litter floor in the first week.Öğe Effects of 16L: 8D photoperiod on growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat composition, and blood parameters of Pekin ducks(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2015) Erdem, Evren; Onbasilar, Esin Ebru; Gucuyener Hacan, OzlemThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of a 16L: 8D photoperiod on growth performance, carcass characteristics, relative organ weight, meat composition, and blood parameters in Pekin ducks. A total of 120 (60 male and 60 female) ducklings were used in the research. Each sex group was randomly allocated into 2 photoperiod groups, 24L : OD and 16L: 8D. Ducks reared under the 24L: OD photoperiod had higher body weight gain (P < 0.001); feed intake (P < 0.001); percentage of breast, wings, and skin with subcutaneous fat percentage (P < 0.001); and abdominal fat (P < 0.05). Sex of ducks affected body weight gain (P < 0.05; P < 0.001) and feed intake (P < 0.05) at days 1-42, as well as ash of thigh meat (P < 0.001) and creatine kinase level (P < 0.05). The present study concluded that the body weight gain and carcass development of ducks reared under the 24L: OD photoperiod was superior to those reared under the 16L: 8D photoperiod. A 24L: OD photoperiod is recommended for growth and carcass development in intensive Pekin duck-rearing systems.Öğe Body Weight Estimation from Different Morphometric Measurements in Anatolian Hares, Lepus europaeus(Zoological Soc Pakistan, 2015) Demirbaş, Yasin; Erat, SerkanIn the present study, the simple regression analysis using the different morphometric measurements of hares was performed for the estimation of body weight of brown hares (Lepus europaeus) from Anatolia (juveniles versus adults). There was a strong linear relationship between body weight (BW) and ear length (EL) and condylobasal length (CBL) in juvenile Anatolian hares. On the other hand, there was a medium linear relationship between BW and tail length (TL) and CBL in adult Anatolian hares. The prediction models determined explained 94% and 41% of the variation in BW of juvenile and adult Anatolian hares, respectively. The BW showed the highest correlation coefficient value with the CBL (r = 0.964; p < 0.01) in the juvenile hares. Similarly, the BW showed the highest correlation coefficient value with the CBL (r = 0.582; p < 0.01) in the adult hares. Our study revealed that juvenile Anatolian hares presented a greater variability than did adults Anatolian hares with respect to all traits measured. The present study may help scientist to get more information about biologic aspect of mammal species such as Anatolian hare which is at low density in wildlife.Öğe Production performance, use of nest box, and external appearance of two strains of laying hens kept in conventional and enriched cages(Oxford Univ Press, 2015) Onbasilar, E. E.; Unal, N.; Erdem, E.; Kocakaya, A.; Yaranoglu, B.The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in production performance, use of nest box, and external appearance of 2 strains of laying hens kept in conventional and enriched cages. Lohmann Brown Classic (LB, n = 532) and Lohmann LSL Classic (LW, n = 532) hens were housed from 16 to 73 wk in either conventional cages or enriched cages. Enriched cages had a nesting area, scratch pad, perch, and nail shortener. Body weight (BW), hen-day egg production, egg weight, feed intake, feed conversion ratio (FCR), cracked and dirty eggs, use of nest box for lay, and external appearance were determined. Laying period influenced the hen-day egg production, egg weight, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio. Cage type affected the hen-day egg production and feed conversion ratio, while strain affected the egg weight, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio. Laying period x cage type and laying period x strain interactions affected egg production, egg weight, and feed conversion ratio. Both strains preferred to lay in the nest box. Percentages of cracked and dirty eggs of LW hens in enriched cages were higher than that in conventional cages. Most of the dirty eggs laid by both strains were found outside of the nest box. The LW hens laid more dirty eggs than the LB hens. Cage type and cage type x strain interaction were important for total feather score. Final claw length was affected by cage type, strain, and cage type x strain interaction. This study suggests that cage type, strain, and also cage type x strain and period x strain interactions should be considered when alternative housing systems are used.Öğe Determination of fleece qualities of malya sheep (11/16 Akkaraman X 5/16 Deutsches Merinofleischschaf) and effect of age and sex on these qualities(Univ Agriculture, Fac Veterinary Science, 2015) Cilek, SuleymanThis study was carried out to investigate fleece qualities of Malya ewes and rams and effect of age (14 months age, 26 months age, 38 months age, 50 months age and 62 months age and older) and sex (ewe and ram) on fleece traits. The data were collected from 100 head ewes and 50 head rams raised at Malya State farm and were analyzed by using least squares method. The least squares means was calculated for greasy fleece weight (2.90 +/- 0.08 kg), clean wool percentage (50.05 +/- 0.69%), tenacity (18.72 +/- 0.52 Cn/Tex), fiber elasticity (31.17 +/- 0.43%), fiber diameter (26.66 +/- 0.19 mu m), staple length (H) (31.88 +/- 0.46 mm), and staple length (B) (47.67 +/- 0.72 mm), medullated fiber rate (23.52 +/- 0.73%), comfort factor (78.04 +/- 1.14%), and opacity (75.67 +/- 0.11%). Effect of age on all fleece traits was significant (P<0.001-P<0.05) except for fiber elasticity. Effect of sex on all fleece traits was significant (P<0.001-P<0.05) except for fiber diameter, tenacity and comfort factor. It can be generally concluded that younger and rams have higher fleece yield and fleece quality than older and ewes and fleece quality of Malya sheep was between textile and carpet industry and is closely similar to textile type wool.Öğe Effects of age and sex on some body measurements and body weight in Malya sheep(Indian Counc Agricultural Res, 2015) Cilek, SuleymanThis experimental research was carried out to determinate effects of age and sex on body weight and some body measurements of Malya sheep (11/16 Akkaraman x 5/16 Deutsches Merinofleischschaf). Body measurements, wither height, rump height, back height, rump length, rump width, front cannon bone circumference, body length, chest circumference, chest depth, chest length, chest width, tail length, tail-tarsal joint distance, and tail width were recorded. This is the first study on body measurements of Malya breed sheep and rams. General linear model was used in Minitab program to investigate effects of age and sex on these traits. Duncan multiple range test was used for multiple comparisons in important subgroups. The least square means of body weight of male and female at 1-year-old, 2-year-old, 3-year-old, 4-year-old and 5 years and older were estimated. Effect of age and sex on all body measurements were significant except for effect of age on back height.Öğe Effects of Dam Age, Lamb Gender, and Singleton or Twin Status on Bodyweight and Chest Measurements of Malya Lambs in Middle Anatolia, Turkey(Kyushu Univ, Faculty Agricultural Publications, 2015) Cilek, Sueleyman; Gotoh, TakafumiWe investigated the effects of dam age, lamb gender, and singleton or twin status on lamb chest measurements and body weight in Malya lambs in Middle Anatolia, Turkey. Data were obtained from 302 lambs in an elite Malya sheep flock. Bodyweight, chest circumference, chest depth, chest length, and chest width were recorded. The least square means method was used to determine factors that significantly affected lamb body weight and chest measurements. The general linear model in the Minitab packet program was used to test the effects of variables on body weight and chest measurements. Dam age did not significantly affect lamb bodyweight or chest measurements during the first year of life, except for chest circumference and chest depth. Male lambs were significantly larger in bodyweight and chest measurements than females at the age of 12 months (p<0.001 for all parameters). Singleton lambs were significantly larger in bodyweight and chest related parameters than twins until 4 months of age, but this effect was only significant at 12 months of age for chest width. It is suggested that there might be compensatory growth in twin lambs after weaning. If farmers are able to ensure twin lamb survival until weaning age, they can expect compensatory growth by 12 months of age.Öğe Effective factors on survival rate of Malya lambs (11/16 Akkaraman x 5/16 Deutsches Merinofleischschaf)(Indian Counc Agricultural Res, 2015) Cilek, Suleyman…Öğe Effect of Yucca schidigera additions to different litter materials on broiler performance, footpad dermatitis and litter characteristics(Eugen Ulmer Gmbh Co, 2014) Onbasilar, Ebru E.; Erdem, E.; Unal, N.; Kocakaya, A.; Torlak, E.The objective of this study was to determine the effects of different levels of Yucca schidigera additions to different litter materials on broiler performance, footpad dermatitis and litter characteristics. A total of five hundred seventy six 1-d-old male broiler chicks (ROSS-308) was randomly assigned to 48 pens. Chicks were randomly allocated to 2 litter and 4 Yucca schidigera treatments (0, 4, 8, 12%) with 6 replication pens. Each pen consisted of 12 chicks. Performances of broilers, ratio of footpad dermatitis and litter characteristics were not affected by Yucca schidigera additions to the litter materials. However, body weight gain and feed conversion from 1 to 21 days, total feed intake, total colony counts and number of Enterobacteriaceae in the litter were changed by litter material. Litter material by level of Yucca schidigera interaction was significant for body weight gain and feed conversion. Further studies will be done with different doses and applications of Yucca schidigera additions to the litter.Öğe Effects of breeder age on mineral contents and weight of yolk sac, embryo development, and hatchability in Pekin ducks(Oxford Univ Press, 2014) Onbasilar, E. E.; Erdem, E.; Hacan, O.; Yalcin, S.The current study was carried out to investigate the effects of breeder age on egg composition, changes of embryo, yolk sac, and yolk minerals during incubation and hatchability in Pekin ducks. A total of 495 freshly laid eggs were obtained from the same flock of Pekin ducks, aged 28, 34, and 40 wk, and were reared in accordance with the management guide of the duck breeders (Star 53-Grimaud Freres). At each breeder age, egg measurements were made on a random subsample of unincubated eggs. Embryo and yolk sac measurements were made on embryonic day (E) 12, E16, E20, and E25. On d 28 of incubation, the healthy ducklings were removed and sex of chicks was determined. All chicks were weighed and hatching results were determined. Egg weight and yolk percentages increased; however, albumen percentages, shell thickness, and yolk index decreased as the flock aged. Shell percentages, shell breaking strength, albumen index, and haugh units were not affected by breeder age. Also, breeder age affected the Mg, P, K, Ca, Cu, and Zn levels in the yolk, except for Na level on day of setting, and breeder age affected the mineral consumed by embryo during incubation. However, on E25, the levels of examined minerals, except for P level in the yolk sac, were not statistically different in duck breeder age groups. Relative yolk sac and embryo weights of eggs obtained from different breeder ages varied from E16 to E25; however, embryo length was different in breeder age groups from E12 to E20. Hatching weight was affected by breeder age and sex. Hatching results were not different among breeder age groups. This study indicates that breeder age is important for some egg characteristics, relative yolk sac weight, some contents of minerals in the yolk, embryonic growth during incubation, and duckling weight.