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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Uluslararası toplum, uyuşmazlıkların yargı dışı yollarla çözümünü teşvik etmektedir. Bu yollardan biri olan arabuluculuk, esnekliği ve tarafların iradesine dayanması bakımından sık tercih edilmektedir. Makedonya, bağımsızlığını ilan ettiğinden beri Yunanistan ile devam eden isim sorununu, nihayet 17.6.2018 tarihinde imzalanan anlaşmayla çözmüştür. Anlaşma yürürlüğe girerse, ülkenin adı artık “Kuzey Makedonya Cumhuriyeti” olacaktır. Ancak bu anlaşma ve isim taraflar açısından tamamen uzlaşılmış bir çözüm değildir. Zira, Yunanistan, “Makedon” sözcüğünün kalmasına razı olmak zorunda kalırken, Makedonya da “Makedon” sözcüğünün ve kültürünün tekelinden vazgeçmiştir. Makedonya ile Yunanistan arasındaki isim sorununun çözümü, arabuluculuk kurumunun incelenmesi bakımından iyi bir örnek teşkil etmektedir. Sorun BM arabuluculuğunda çözülmüştür. BM arabulucusu Nimetz’in göreve başlaması, mekik diplomasisi yürütmesi, taraflar arasında iletişim kurması, onları müzakere masasına oturtması, görüşmelere kendisinin de katılması ve sorunun özüne dair öneriler sunması gibi hususlar arabuluculuğun tatbikidir. Bununla birlikte arabulucunun tarafsızlığı konusu eleştiriye açıktır. Çünkü gerek geçmişinde gerekse arabuluculuk görevi devam ederken gerçekleştirdiği bağlantıları itibarıyla Nimetz’in, bir arabulucunun vasfı olan mutlak tarafsızlık açısından önemli zaafları söz konusudur.
International society encourages resolving disputes in extrajudicial ways. Mediation as one of these ways, which is favoured since it relies on parties’ will and its flexibility, is preferred very often. Macedonia resolved her name dispute with Greece ongoing since her independence finally inking an agreement on 17.6.2018. If the agreement comes into force, the country’s name will be “The Republic of Northern Macedonia”. But this deal and name is an acrid resolution for both of the parties. While Greece is obliged to consent to the word “Macedonia” remains, Macedonia on the other hand gives up the monopoly of the word “Macedon” and its culture. Resolution of name dispute between Macedonia and Greece constitutes a good case study in terms of studying mediation. The dispute has resolved under United Nations’ mediation. Issues such as inauguration of UN mediator Nimetz, his conducting shuttle diplomacy, establishing communication between parties, get them sit down at the negotiation table, joining negotiations in person and offering suggestions for the root of the problem are the applications of mediation. However he is supposed to be criticised about his impartiality. Both in his past and during in the line of his mediator position, in regard to his connections, Nimetz has some significant infirmity with regard to absolute objectivity which is a substantial attribute of an mediator.
International society encourages resolving disputes in extrajudicial ways. Mediation as one of these ways, which is favoured since it relies on parties’ will and its flexibility, is preferred very often. Macedonia resolved her name dispute with Greece ongoing since her independence finally inking an agreement on 17.6.2018. If the agreement comes into force, the country’s name will be “The Republic of Northern Macedonia”. But this deal and name is an acrid resolution for both of the parties. While Greece is obliged to consent to the word “Macedonia” remains, Macedonia on the other hand gives up the monopoly of the word “Macedon” and its culture. Resolution of name dispute between Macedonia and Greece constitutes a good case study in terms of studying mediation. The dispute has resolved under United Nations’ mediation. Issues such as inauguration of UN mediator Nimetz, his conducting shuttle diplomacy, establishing communication between parties, get them sit down at the negotiation table, joining negotiations in person and offering suggestions for the root of the problem are the applications of mediation. However he is supposed to be criticised about his impartiality. Both in his past and during in the line of his mediator position, in regard to his connections, Nimetz has some significant infirmity with regard to absolute objectivity which is a substantial attribute of an mediator.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Arabuluculuk, Makedonya - Yunanistan isim sorunu, Nimetz, İsim anlaşması, BM ve arabuluculuk, Mediation, Issue name Macedonia - Greece, Nimetz, Name Deal, UN and mediation
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