Critical Judgement in the Context of Text Standard and Receiver Activeness
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Hicri V. Asır; genelde dilin, özelde eleştirinin gelişme ve olgunlaşma evresi olarak öne çıkar. Bu zaman dilimi; şiirin iç yapısı ve dış yapısı bağlamında, eleştiri, belagat ve detaylı nesnel standartların şekillendirilmesine yönelik önemli teşebbüslere şahit olmuştur. Eleştiri, aslında; “Ayırt etme gücü olan algılama ile başlar. Yorumlama, gerekçelendirme ve analize geçmek üzere; genelde sanata, özelde şiire bakış bağlamında kapsayıcı ve tamamlayıcı bir görüşü dile getirmektir”. Eleştiri, ortaya çıktığı ilk zamanlarda (Hicrî II. ve IV. Asırlar arası), nadiren gerekçelendirilmiş, ölçülü bir yargı olarak tamamlanmamış ve olgunlaşmamış dar kapsamlı görüşlerden başka bir şey değildi. Eleştiri, bazı durumlarda tafdil siğasına dayanırdı. Buna örnek olarak; “???? ???, ???? ???, ???? ???, ???? ???????, şu kaside ???????’dır (keskin), ??? ?????” ifadeleri verilebilir. Hicrî V. Asırdaki eleştirel yargılar, kompleks olmayan, basit başlangıçlar olsa bile gerekçelendirme ve yorumlama açısından başlangıç olarak görülmektedir. Bu araştırma, bunlardan bazılarına işaret edecektir. Ayrıca bu araştırma, zikredilen V. Asır eleştirmenlerinin dile getirdikleri eleştirel yargılardan bazı örnekleri ele almaya çalışmıştır. Ayrıca söz konusu yargıların kabul edilişinde, alıcının aktifliği de açıklanmıştır. Araştırma, eleştirmenlerin şiirden delil getirmesi ve yorumlaması ile buna karşı alıcının aktifliği üzerinde yoğunlaşacaktır.
Hijri V. Century generally stands out as the stage of development and maturation of language, and in particular as the maturation and development phase of criticism. This period has witnessed significant attempts to shape criticism, rhetoric, and detailed objective standards in the context of the internal and external structure of poetry.Criticism, actually; "begins with perception, which has the power to distinguish. To express a complementary view of art, in general, to move to interpretation, justification, and analysis, and in particular to express an inclusive and complementary view of poetry".Criticism, in the first times it emerged (between the 2nd and 4th centuries of Hijri), Rarely gives justification and It was nothing more than immature narrow opinions that were not completed as a measured judgment. Criticism, in the first times it emerged (between the 2nd and 4th centuries of Hijri), was rarely justified, but it was nothing more than immature narrow opinions that were not completed as a measured judgment. Criticism in some cases is based on superlatives (Sigha of Tafdhil); examples includes: "???? ???, ???? ???, ???? ???, ???? ???????, ??? ??????? ?? ???????" etcetera. Critical judgments in the 5th century Hijri, even if there are uncomplicated, simple beginnings it is seen as a beginning in terms of justification and interpretation. This research will point to some of them. Moreover, this research is trying to address some examples of critical judgments expressed by V. Century critics. Besides, in the acceptance of the judgments described, the activeness of the receivers was also stated. The research will focus on the fact that critics bring evidence from poetry, interpret it, and the activeness of the receivers who accepted it.
Hijri V. Century generally stands out as the stage of development and maturation of language, and in particular as the maturation and development phase of criticism. This period has witnessed significant attempts to shape criticism, rhetoric, and detailed objective standards in the context of the internal and external structure of poetry.Criticism, actually; "begins with perception, which has the power to distinguish. To express a complementary view of art, in general, to move to interpretation, justification, and analysis, and in particular to express an inclusive and complementary view of poetry".Criticism, in the first times it emerged (between the 2nd and 4th centuries of Hijri), Rarely gives justification and It was nothing more than immature narrow opinions that were not completed as a measured judgment. Criticism, in the first times it emerged (between the 2nd and 4th centuries of Hijri), was rarely justified, but it was nothing more than immature narrow opinions that were not completed as a measured judgment. Criticism in some cases is based on superlatives (Sigha of Tafdhil); examples includes: "???? ???, ???? ???, ???? ???, ???? ???????, ??? ??????? ?? ???????" etcetera. Critical judgments in the 5th century Hijri, even if there are uncomplicated, simple beginnings it is seen as a beginning in terms of justification and interpretation. This research will point to some of them. Moreover, this research is trying to address some examples of critical judgments expressed by V. Century critics. Besides, in the acceptance of the judgments described, the activeness of the receivers was also stated. The research will focus on the fact that critics bring evidence from poetry, interpret it, and the activeness of the receivers who accepted it.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Metin Standardı ve Dinleyici Aktifliği Bağlamında Eleştirel Yargılar, Standartlar, Metin, Alıcı, Şiir., Critical Judgement, Standards, Text, Receiver, Poetry
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