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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Ölüm, her canlının başına gelecek mutlak ve kaçınılmaz bir sondur. Geçmişten bugüne ölüm korkusuyla mücadele eden insan; bu durumu aşmak, yarattığı etkiyi azaltmak için çeşitli yollara başvurmuştur. İnsan kelimelerle düşünen, bu hazine aracılığıyla konuşan bir varlık olmasından dolayı ölümün verdiği acı, keder, korku ve üzüntü dile de yansımaktadır. Ölmek eylemi ve bu kelimenin türevlerinin acı veren yanının etkisini azaltmak amacıyla söz konusu kavram(lar)la ilgili örtmeceler sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Bu yolla bahsi geçen durum, dolaylı biçimde anlatılarak insan üzerindeki olumsuz etkisi azaltılmaktadır. Türkçenin zengin bir dil olması, ölüm örtmecelerinde de kendini göstermektedir. Şairlerin ve yazarların hayatının anlatıldığı bir tür olan tezkirelerde ölümle ilgili ifadeler geçmektedir. Çalışmanın temel amacı, Anadolu sahasının ilk tezkiresi olan Sehî Bey’in Heşt-Bihişt adlı eserinde ölüm ile ilgili örtmecelerin ortaya konulup açıklanmasıdır. Eserin tüm ölüm ifadeleri bulunarak bunlardan yalnızca örtmece amacıyla kullanılanlar seçilip fişleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Sonuçta dönemin dil özellikleri, toplumun dinî inanışı, kültürel etkenler, gelenek, görenek ve âdetlerinin getirdiği birikimle beraber esas alınan tezkirede Sehî Bey’in şairlerin ölümü için yirmi farklı ölüm örtmecesini kullandığı tespit edilmiştir. Heşt-Bihişt’te tezkire yazarının tercih ettiği bu örtük anlatımlarla ölümün hem birey hem toplum üzerindeki sarsıcı, yıkıcı ve yakıcı etkisinin azaltılması hedeflenmiştir.
Death is an absolute and inevitable end that will happen to every living thing. People who struggle with the fear of death from past to present; It has resorted to various ways to overcome this situation and reduce its impact. Since man is a being who thinks in words and speaks through this treasure tool, the pain, grief, fear and sadness of death are also reflected in language. Euphemisms related to the concept(s) in question are often used in order to reduce the impact of the painful aspect of the verb - die and its derivatives. In this way, the negative impact on people is reduced by explaining the situation indirectly. The fact that Turkish is a rich language is also manifested in death euphemisms. Expressions about death are mentioned in the theses, which are a genre in which the lives of poets and writers are told. The main purpose of our study is to put forward and explain the euphemisms of the source about death by focusing on Sehi Bey's Heşt Bihişt, which is the first thesis of the Anatolian field. All the death expressions of the work were found, and only those used for euphemism were selected and the plugging method was used. As a result of these studies, it has been determined that Sehi Bey used twenty different death euphemisms for the death of poets in the tezkire, which is based on the linguistic characteristics of the period, the religious belief of the society, cultural factors, traditions, customs and customs. With these indirect, implicit expressions preferred by the author of the tezkire in Hesht Bihisht, it is aimed to reduce and eliminate the shocking, destructive and burning effect of death on both the individual and the society.
Death is an absolute and inevitable end that will happen to every living thing. People who struggle with the fear of death from past to present; It has resorted to various ways to overcome this situation and reduce its impact. Since man is a being who thinks in words and speaks through this treasure tool, the pain, grief, fear and sadness of death are also reflected in language. Euphemisms related to the concept(s) in question are often used in order to reduce the impact of the painful aspect of the verb - die and its derivatives. In this way, the negative impact on people is reduced by explaining the situation indirectly. The fact that Turkish is a rich language is also manifested in death euphemisms. Expressions about death are mentioned in the theses, which are a genre in which the lives of poets and writers are told. The main purpose of our study is to put forward and explain the euphemisms of the source about death by focusing on Sehi Bey's Heşt Bihişt, which is the first thesis of the Anatolian field. All the death expressions of the work were found, and only those used for euphemism were selected and the plugging method was used. As a result of these studies, it has been determined that Sehi Bey used twenty different death euphemisms for the death of poets in the tezkire, which is based on the linguistic characteristics of the period, the religious belief of the society, cultural factors, traditions, customs and customs. With these indirect, implicit expressions preferred by the author of the tezkire in Hesht Bihisht, it is aimed to reduce and eliminate the shocking, destructive and burning effect of death on both the individual and the society.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ölüm, Ölüm İfadeleri, Örtmece, Heşt-Bihişt., Death, Death Expressions, Euphemism, Heşt-Bihişt., New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye)
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