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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti’nin hemen her dönemde ekonomi ve sanayi politikalarında; madenlerin aranması ve işletilmesi yoluyla ekonomiye kazandırılması, milli servet olarak kabul edilen madenlerin etkin ve verimli işletilirken bir yandan da milli sermayenin kalkınmasına hizmet etmesi gibi hedefler yer almıştır.Yürütme organı eliyle belirlenen, madencilik faaliyetlerine ilişkin kamu politikalarının hayata geçirilmesinde en önemli araçlardan biri, yasama faaliyetleri yoluyla piyasaların, sanayinin ve yatırımların regüle edilmesi olmuştur. Bu sebeple madenciliğe ilişkin yasalar çıkarıldıkları dönemde benimsenen madenciliğe ilişkin politikalardan ayrı düşünülemez.Halihazırda yürürlükte olan 3213 sayılı Maden Kanunu’nda, maden hakları, madenlerin aranması ve işletilmesi usulleri, devletin madenler üzerindeki hüküm ve tasarrufu konularında benimsenen pek çok kural, ilke ve uygulama daha önce ülkemizde yürürlükte kalmış yasal metinlerin birikimi ile oluşmuştur. Bu çalışma ile temel amacımız da mer’i maden mevzuatının günümüze kadar gelinen süreçte hangi safhalardan geçtiğini ortaya koyarak bu birikime ışık tutmaktır.
In nearly every epoch, the economic and industrial policies of the Republic of Turkey encompass objectives that involve incorporating minerals into the economy through exploration and exploitation. Simultaneously, operating mines that are recognized as national assets, efficiently and effectively, is pursued with the dual aim of fostering the development of the national capital.The regulation of markets, industry and investments by the legislative branch has always been one of the most important instruments in the implementation of public policies established by the executive branch in relation to mining activities. For this reason, mining-related laws cannot be considered separately from the mining policy adopted at the time of their enactment. The rules, principles and practices regarding the mineral rights and the procedures for exploration and exploitation, as well as the state’s authority and disposal over minerals under the current Mining Law No. 3213 were formed through the accumulation of legal texts that formerly in effect in our country. The main objective of this study is to shed light on this accumulation by showing the stages that current mining legislation has gone through to date.
In nearly every epoch, the economic and industrial policies of the Republic of Turkey encompass objectives that involve incorporating minerals into the economy through exploration and exploitation. Simultaneously, operating mines that are recognized as national assets, efficiently and effectively, is pursued with the dual aim of fostering the development of the national capital.The regulation of markets, industry and investments by the legislative branch has always been one of the most important instruments in the implementation of public policies established by the executive branch in relation to mining activities. For this reason, mining-related laws cannot be considered separately from the mining policy adopted at the time of their enactment. The rules, principles and practices regarding the mineral rights and the procedures for exploration and exploitation, as well as the state’s authority and disposal over minerals under the current Mining Law No. 3213 were formed through the accumulation of legal texts that formerly in effect in our country. The main objective of this study is to shed light on this accumulation by showing the stages that current mining legislation has gone through to date.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Maden Kanunu, Maden Hukuku, Maden Politikaları., Mining Law, Mining Legislation, Mining Policies., Mining, Energy and Natural Resources Law
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