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Erişim Hakkı
Tanzimat’ın ilanından sonra kadının sosyal hayattaki yeriyle alakalı tartışmalar, zamanla Türk kadını lehine belli bir seviyeye ulaşır. Bu tartışmalar, Osmanlı’nın son senelerinde seçme ve seçilme hak arayışına evrilir ve Cumhuriyet’in ilanından sonra da fasılalarla devam eder. Afet İnan’ın 1929 senesinde Atatürk’ün onayını almasıyla kadınların seçme ve seçilme hakkına kavuşmaları da hızlanır. Aynı yıl Vakit gazetesinde yayımlanmaya başlayan “İş Hayatında Kadın” başlıklı mülakatların muhtevasından Türk kadınının sosyal konumu ve siyasi haklarına ilişkin çeşitli sonuçlara varılır. Mülakatlardan hareketle devrin sosyal ve siyasi hayatının ve erkek egemen iktidarının yansımaları ile Cumhuriyet Dönemi feminizm faaliyetlerinin beraber değerlendirilmesi yapılmış olur. Mülakatlarda anlatılanlar yeri geldikçe ve derinlemesine inmeden roman, hatıra ve aynı günlerdeki süreli yayınlardaki haberlerle desteklenmiştir. Özellikle devrin önde gelen kadınlarının kendi hak ve hürriyetleri hakkında fikir yürüttükleri mülakatların değerlendirildiği bu makalede siyasi erk, devrin önde gelen erkek simalarının fikirleri, toplumsal cinsiyet kabulleri, kültürel kodlar genelde kadın hakları, özelde ise seçme ve seçilme hakları noktasında karşılaştırılmalı yorumlanmıştır. Böylelikle Türk kadınının TBMM’de 1935’ten 2023 senesine kadar temsil kabiliyetinin neden erkek milletvekili sayısına göre yetersiz olduğu konusuna da yorumlar getirilmiştir.
After the proclamation of the Tanzimat, the discussions about the place of women in social life reached a certain level in favor of Turkish women over time. These debates evolved into the search for the right to vote and be elected in the last years of the Ottoman Empire and continued with chapters after the proclamation of the Republic. With the approval of Atatürk in 1929, Afet İnan accelerated women's right to vote and be elected. From the content of the interviews titled "Women in Business Life", which started to be published in the newspaper Vakit in the same year, various conclusions were reached regarding the social position and political rights of Turkish women. Based on the interviews, the reflections of the social and political life and male-dominated power of the period and the activities of feminism in the Republican Period are evaluated together. What was told in the interviews was supported by novels, memoirs and news in periodicals of the same days. In this article, in which the interviews of the leading women of the period about their rights and freedoms were evaluated, political power, the ideas of the leading male figures of the period, gender acceptances, cultural codes were interpreted comparatively in terms of women's rights in general and the right to vote and be elected in particular. Thus, comments were also made on why the representation of Turkish women in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey from 1935 to 2023 was insufficient compared to the number of male deputies.
After the proclamation of the Tanzimat, the discussions about the place of women in social life reached a certain level in favor of Turkish women over time. These debates evolved into the search for the right to vote and be elected in the last years of the Ottoman Empire and continued with chapters after the proclamation of the Republic. With the approval of Atatürk in 1929, Afet İnan accelerated women's right to vote and be elected. From the content of the interviews titled "Women in Business Life", which started to be published in the newspaper Vakit in the same year, various conclusions were reached regarding the social position and political rights of Turkish women. Based on the interviews, the reflections of the social and political life and male-dominated power of the period and the activities of feminism in the Republican Period are evaluated together. What was told in the interviews was supported by novels, memoirs and news in periodicals of the same days. In this article, in which the interviews of the leading women of the period about their rights and freedoms were evaluated, political power, the ideas of the leading male figures of the period, gender acceptances, cultural codes were interpreted comparatively in terms of women's rights in general and the right to vote and be elected in particular. Thus, comments were also made on why the representation of Turkish women in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey from 1935 to 2023 was insufficient compared to the number of male deputies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Atatürk Devri basını, Erken Dönem Cumhuriyet Feminist Hareketleri, Seçme ve Seçilme Hakkı, Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Vakit Gazetesi., The Press of The Atatürk Era, The Early Republican Feminist Movements, The Right to Vote, Gender, Vakit Newspaper., Modern Turkish Literature in Turkiye Field
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