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Öğe An analysis of the obstacles and difficulties in the introduction of the EU Common Agricultural Policy refor(2009) Yamaç, Necati; Acar, MustafaOrtak Tarım Politikası (OTP) Avrupa Birliği'nin (AB) ilk ortak politikasıdır. 1950'li yılların sonlarında oluşturulmuş, ancak 1962'de yürürlüğe girmiştir. Başlangıçta OTP'nin temel amacı II. Dünya Savaşı sonrası dönemde karşılaşılan kıtlık sorununa çare bulmaktır. Bu amaçla, OTP kapsamında fiyat desteği sağlayan araçlar devreye sokulmuş, bu da sonunda üretim fazlasına yol açmıştır. Üretim fazlasını eritmek için başvurulan ihracat sübvanbsiyonları bir yandan AB bütçesi üzerinde ekstra fînansal yük doğururken, bir yandan da uluslararası tarımsal ticareti saptırıcı rol oynamıştır. Reform çabalarının çoğunda ana amaç, üretim fazlasını sınırlandırmak, fiyat desteği yerine doğrudan ödemeleri koymak ve AB'yi DTÖ öncülüğünde yürütülen tarımsal ticaret müzakerelerine hazırlamaktır. Ne var ki OTP'de köklü değişiklikler yapmak hiç de kolay olmamıştır. Bu çalışmada, AB ortak tarım politikasında reform yapmanın zorluklarına ilişkin üç temel sebep üzerinde durulmaktadır: ulusal çıkar çatışması, tarım lobisi ve AB organlarının karar alma yapısı. Ulusal çıkar çatışması ile ilgili olarak, AB ortak tarım politikası çerçevesinde AB bütçesine net katkıda bulunan Almanya ve İngiltere, AB bütçesinden tarımsal destekleme nedeniyle net yararlanıcı ülke olan Fransa'nın tarım sektörünü sübvanse etmeye karşı çıkmaktadır. Öte yandan, AB çiftçileri tarımsal sübvansiyonlara aşın bağımlı olduğu için Ortak Tarım Politikasında en küçük bir değişikliği kabul etmemektedirler. Son olarak, Avrupa Birliğinin karar alma surecinde, bir organ tek başına karar alma yetkisine sahip olmadığı için, Ortak Tarım Politikasında ciddi reform yapmak oldukça zordur.Öğe Antioxidant activities of curcumin in allergic rhinitis(Springer, 2016) Altintoprak, Niyazi; Kar, Murat; Acar, Mustafa; Berkoz, Mehmet; Muluk, Nuray Bayar; Cingi, CemalWe investigated the antioxidant effects of curcumin in an experimental rat model of allergic rhinitis (AR). Female Wistar albino rats (n = 34) were divided randomly into four groups: healthy rats (control group, n = 8), AR with no treatment (AR + NoTr group, n = 10), AR with azelastine HCl treatment (AR + Aze group, n = 8), and AR with curcumin treatment (AR + Curc group, n = 8). On day 28, total blood IgE levels were measured. For measurement of antioxidant activity, the glutathione (GSH) level and catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities were measured in both inferior turbinate tissue and serum. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured only in inferior turbinate tissue, and paraoxonase (PON) and arylesterase (ARE) activities were measured only in serum. Statistically significant differences were found for all antioxidant measurements (GSH levels and CAT, SOD, GSH-Px activities in the serum and tissue, MDA levels in the tissue, and PON and ARE activities in the serum) between the four groups. In the curcumin group, serum SOD, ARE, and PON and tissue GSH values were higher than the control group. Moreover, tissue GSH levels and serum GSH-Px activities in the curcumin group were higher than in the AR + NoTr group. In the azelastine group, except MDA, antioxidant measurement values were lower than in the other groups. Curcumin may help to increase antioxidant enzymes and decrease oxidative stress in allergic rhinitis. We recommend curcumin to decrease oxidative stress in allergic rhinitis.Öğe Authoritarian Nationalism and Discrimination Ending with Immiserising Modernization: Economic and Social Consequences of the Republican Power Elite's Fight(Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2010) Toprak, Metin; Acar, MustafaIn recent years, there has been a growing literature -known as endogenous growth-revealing the fact that human resources are the main constituent of economic growth. Turkey has implemented for a long time a state policy by which human resources have been weakened and paralyzed. This chapter looks into the historical trajectory of this dead-lock policy, linking the basis of the current deficiencies of democracy and market economy in Turkey at institutional level on one hand, and lack of tolerance and xenophobia at societal level on the other. We argue that the Republican era's Jacobean type of ultra-nationalist unification policies explain by and large not only relative economic backwardness, but also ongoing political, economic and social adjustment problems in Turkey.Öğe Economic and environmental implications of Turkish accession to the European Union: A CGE analysis(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2010) Aydın, Levent; Acar, MustafaThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the economic and environmental implications of Turkey's possible accession to the European Union (EU). The paper focuses on the impacts of three main components of Turkey's possible EU membership: (i) the free movement of labor between the EU and Turkey, (ii) the free movement of capital, and (iii) the burden-sharing of Turkey in terms of the EU's environmental objectives in the horizon of 2020, that is, the reduction of carbon emissions. Among these, a particular focus is placed on the influence of the CO(2) emission reduction targets in both regions and their consequences on the carbon price in 2020. We estimate the resource allocation effects of EU climate change policies on both regions by taking into account the likely labor movement from Turkey to the EU and capital movement in the reverse direction. The results show that different emission targets for the two regions bring about a change in comparative advantages and thus a change in interregional competitiveness. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Economic impact of oil price shocks on the Turkish economy in the coming decades: A dynamic CGE analysis(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2011) Aydin, Levent; Acar, MustafaAs a small open economy, Turkey depends on both imported oil and natural gas, importing almost two-thirds of its primary energy demand. This paper analyzes the economic effects of oil price shocks for Turkey as a small, open oil- and gas-importing country. To analyze the potential long-term effects of oil price shocks on macroeconomic variables of interest, including GDP, consumer price inflation, indirect tax revenues, trade balance, and carbon emissions, we developed TurGEM-D, a dynamic multisectoral general equilibrium model for the Turkish economy. Using TurGEM-D, we analyzed the impact of oil price shocks under three distinct scenarios: reference, high and low oil prices. The simulation results show that these oil prices have very significant effects on macro indicators and carbon emissions in the Turkish economy. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Economic Implications of Turkey's Regional Integration with its Neighborhood(Ahmet Yesevi Univ, 2013) Aydin, Levent; Acar, MustafaThis paper analyzes the impact of Turkey's regional integration with the neighbourhood in an applied general equilibrium framework. The standard GTAP model has been extended to address the two main components of Turkey's possible integration: mutual elimination of import tariffs and free movement of labor among regions. The results suggest that all regions (Turkey, Russia, Former Soviet Union and the Middle East) would experience welfare gain under trade liberalization policy reform. Labor mobility does not cause considerable changes in real GDP (less than 0.1 percent) through increasing real wages in the labor exporting regions.Öğe Effects of Lateral Osteotomy on Nasal Sound Intensity Levels in Patients Who Underwent Rhinoplasty(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014) Acar, Mustafa; Ulusoy, Seckin; Seren, Erdal; Muluk, Nuray Bayar; Cingi, Cemal; Hanci, DenizWe investigated the effects of lateral osteotomy on nasal sound intensity levels in 34 patients who underwent rhinoplasty. Four groups were evaluated: group 1, preoperative rhinoplasty with lateral osteotomy (Preop-RPwithLO); group 2, postoperative rhinoplasty with lateral osteotomy (Postop-RPwithLO); group 3, preoperative rhinoplasty without lateral osteotomy (Preop-RPwithoutLO); and group 4, postoperative rhinoplasty without lateral osteotomy (Postop-RPwithoutLO). By sound analysis, low-frequency (Lf; 500-1000 Hz), medium-frequency (Mf; 1-2 kHz), and high-frequency (Hf; 2-4 and 4-6 kHz) nasal sound intensities were defined. Mf-left values of Postop-RPwithLO were significantly lower than those of Preop-RPwithLO, and Mf-left values of Postop-RPwithoutLO were significantly higher than those of Postop-RPwithLO and Preop-RPwithoutLO. Hf-right values of Preop-RPwithoutLO were significantly higher than those of Postop-RPwithLO and Postop-RPwithoutLO. Hf-total values of Postop-RPwithoutLO were significantly lower than those of Preop-RPwithoutLO. Nasal airway width decreased and nasal sounds, especially Mf sound intensities, increased in the nonlateral osteotomy group (group 4). When lateral osteotomy is performed, the nasal air passage may be adjusted as required by the surgeon, the air passage in the nasal valve region may not be narrowed, and nasal sound intensities may decrease. During postoperative follow-ups, increased Mf and Lf nasal sound intensities should be considered for the narrowness of the nasal passage and lower patency of the nasal cavities. Nasal sound analysis is a noninvasive technique and can also be used to evaluate nasal patency in septoplasty and rhinoplasty patients and children and for cases in which official reports are needed in addition to acoustic rhinometry measurements.Öğe Efficacy of sublingual immunotherapy for house dust mite allergic rhinitis(Springer, 2015) Cingi, Cemal; Bayar Muluk, Nuray; Ulusoy, Seckin; Acar, Mustafa; Sirin, Seher; Cobanoglu, Bengu; Bal, CengizIn the present study, we investigated the outcomes of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) in house dust mite-induced allergic rhinitis (HDM-AR) patients. In this prospective, multicentric study, 186 patients with AR who had positive skin prick test results for HDMs were included. The patients were administered SLIT using Staloral 300 for 1 year. Evaluation of the patients regarding symptom scores, clinical findings and Rhinitis Quality of Life Questionnaire (RQLQ) scores was performed at baseline, and then at 6 and 12 months of therapy. Our results showed that, for all of the evaluated items (symptom scores, clinical findings and RQLQ scores), 12-month values were significantly lower than those at 6 months and baseline. Similarly, 6-month values were significantly lower than those at baseline. There were no complications in any of our patients. SLIT for HDM-AR is a treatment modality that can be used safely. We obtained better results than expected, and the treatment showed a positive psychological effect; the patients believed that SLIT was the final step of treatment and, which made them feel better.Öğe Fat-plug myringoplasty of ear lobule vs abdominal donor sites(Springer, 2015) Acar, Mustafa; Yazici, Demet; San, Turhan; Muluk, Nuray Bayar; Cingi, CemalThe purpose of this study is to compare the success rates of fat-graft myringoplasties harvesting adipose grafts from different donor sites (ear lobule vs abdomen). The clinical records of 61 patients (24 males and 37 females) who underwent fat-plug myringoplasty (FPM) were reviewed retrospectively. Fat from ear lobule (FEL) and abdominal fat were used as graft materials. The impact of age, gender, systemic diseases, topography of the perforation, utilization of fat graft materials of different origin on the tympanic membrane closure rate and the effect of FPM on hearing gain was analyzed. Our tympanic membrane (TM) closure rate was 82 %. No statistical significant difference was observed regarding age, gender, comorbidities (septal deviation, hypertension and diabetes mellitus) or habits (smoking). Posterior TM perforations had significantly lower healing rate. The change in TM closure rate considering different adipose tissue donor sites was not statistically significant. The hearing gain of the patients was mostly below 20 dB. Fat-plug myringoplasty (FPM) is a safe, cost-effective and easy operation for selected patients. Abdominal fat graft is as effective as ear lobe fat graft on tympanic membrane healing, has cosmetic advantages and should be taken into consideration when planning fat as the graft source.Öğe Fiyat Desteğinden Doğrudan Desteğe: Dünyada Tarımsal Destekleme Politikalarında Yeni Yönelimler(2003) Acar, MustafaBu makalede dünyada tarımsal destekleme politikalarında yeni arayışlar ele alınmakta, Uruguay Turu sonrası dönemde fiyat desteğinden doğrudan desteğe yönelim biçiminde somutlaşan destek politikaları irdelenmektedir. İlk olarak dünyada tarımsal destek politikaları gözden geçirilmektedir. Daha sonra Uruguay Turu anlaşmasında tarımsal ürünlerin üretim ve ticareti konusunda getirilen düzenlemeler tartışılmaktadır. Son olarak tarımsal destekleme politikalarının geleceği konusundaki yeni arayışlara değinilerek, özellikle ABD ve AB olmak üzere çeşitli ülkelerin tarımsal destek programları değerlendirilmektedir.Öğe Free Trade, Economic Freedoms and Prosperity(Ahmet Yesevi Univ, 2010) Acar, MustafaThis study discusses the arguments for and against free trade as one of the main pillars of free market economy and highlights the relationship between economic freedoms and major indicators of economic prosperity. One can put forward many theoretical arguments regarding the superiority of free trade and openness over protectionism and inward-looking policies. What is even better is to support these arguments with empirical evidence. There is a growing body of empirical evidence indicating a positive correlation between economic freedoms and the major indicators of wealth and prosperity (i.e. per capita income, economic growth, foreign direct investments, access to clean water, infant mortality, environmental performance, political rights and civil liberties). The main policy implication of these findings is that those countries which would like to reduce poverty and reach higher levels of prosperity should take economic freedoms seriously and strengthen the institutions of free trade, sound money, property rights, limited government, and sound legal system.Öğe Gerçek Bir Âlim, Mümtaz Bir Şahsiyet: Sabri Fehmi Ülgener(2014) Acar, Mustafa; Bilir, HüsnüSabri Ülgener ülkemizin yetiştirdiği, bir elin parmakları kadar az sayıdaki değerli ilim adamından biridir. Ülgener, tarih, gelenek ve maneviyat ışığında kendimizi anlamak ve geleceğe yön verme arayışı bağlamında Muhafazakâr Düşünce geleneğinin de ağır toplarından biridir. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle Sabri Ülgener’in hayatına ve çok yönlü kişiliğine değinilecek; daha sonra temel eserleri ele alınacak, metodolojisi ve zihniyet dünyası incelenecektir.Öğe İmalat Sanayi ve Tekstil Sektörü İçin Cobb-Douglas, CES ve Translog Üretim Fonksiyonlarının Tahmini(2006) Işık, Nihat; Acar, MustafaBu çalışmada, 1985-2001 dönemi yıllık verilerine dayanarak, Türk imalat sanayi ve onun en önemli alt sektörlerinden biri olan tekstil sektörüne ilişkin Cobb-Douglas (C-D), CES ve Translog üretim fonksiyonları tahmin edilmiş; ilgili sektörlerde üretim esnekliği, ölçeğe göre getiri ve ikâme esneklikleri bulunmuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, gerek imalat sanayi, gerekse tekstil sektöründe ölçeğe göre artan getiri gözlenmekle birlikte, tekstil sektöründe ölçeğe göre getiri (2.25), imalat sanayine kıyasla (1.62) daha yüksektir. CES üretim fonksiyonunda ikâme esneklikleri yaklaşık 1 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Sonuçlar, C-D üretim fonksiyonunun incelenen dönem itibariyle Türk imalat sanayi ve tekstil sektörünün üretim yapısını daha iyi açıklayan, dolayısıyla temsil kabiliyeti daha yüksek üretim fonksiyonu olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Bu sonuçlar, imalat sanayi ve tekstilde henüz tüketilmemiş kâr fırsatlarının olduğuna, tekstil sektöründe sermaye yoğun yatırımların daha cazip olacağına ve adı geçen sektörlerde işgücü reel ücretleri üzerinde belirli bir baskının varolacağını ima etmektedir.Öğe International study of the incidence of particular types of septal deformities in chronic rhinosinusitis patients: The outcomes from five countries(Sage Publications Inc, 2014) Cingi, Cemal; Muluk, Nuray Bayar; Acar, Mustafa; Skitarelic, Neven; Markesic, Josip; Vugrinec, Ozren; Manea, ClaudiuBackground: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) may be more frequent in patients with particular types of septal deformities. The aim of this article was to investigate the incidence of particular types of septal deformities in adult CRS patients and healthy volunteers in various countries to determine whether some of them are more frequent in those groups. Methods: This international multicentric study involved 505 subjects from five countries: Croatia, Romania, Italy, Russia, and Turkey. The types of septal deformities were observed and grouped according to the Mladina classification. Subjects were examined by means of native anterior rhinoscopy, anterior rhinoscopy after decongestion, and fiber endoscopy with topical anesthesia. CRS patients have been diagnostically proved by computed tomography scanning of the paranasal sinuses. Results: Considering the CRS patients, the prevalence of so-called vertical deformities (types 2, 3, and 4) was seen. Among them, type 3 deformity was found most frequently in Turkey, Croatia, Italy, and Romania. Conclusion: Type 3 deformity has been found frequently in CRS patients in all five of the countries. Russian subjects exhibited a high frequency of type 4 deformity. Because this type consists of types 2 and 3, the later, again, has been proven to be prevalent in CRS patients also in this group of patients.Öğe Is resveratrol therapeutic when used to treat allergic rhinitisinitis in rats?(Canadian Soc Clinical Investigation, 2016) Bozdemir, Kazim; Sahin, Ethem; Altintoprak, Niyazi; Muluk, Nuray B.; Cengiz, Betul P.; Acar, Mustafa; Cingi, CemalPurpose: Resveratrol has anti-infective, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of resveratrol in a rat experimental model of allergic rhinitis (AR). Methods: Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups: control (n=7), AR with no treatment (AR+NoTr, n=7) and AR with resveratrol treatment (AR+Res, n=7). For AR+Res, AR was induced and resveratrol given on days 21-28. On day 28, the total blood IgE levels were measured. Allergic symptoms (sneezing, nose-rubbing, eye lacrimation and nasal congestion) were scored on a 0-3 point scale, and histopathological changes in the nasal mucosa were evaluated. Results: Allergic symptom score of AR+NoTr was higher than the other two groups and the score of AR+Res was higher than the control group. Histopathologically, neither ciliary loss nor chondrocyte hypertrophy differed among the three groups; however, vascular congestion, inflammatory and plasma cell numbers, eosinophil and mast cell infiltration and goblet cell numbers were higher and mast cell infiltration was more prominent in AR+NoTr than in AR+Res and control. AR+Res and control did not differ significantly in any histological parameter. In AR+NoTr, nasal mucosa exhibited ciliary loss, squamous epithelial metaplasia, inflammatory cell infiltration, vascular congestion of the lamina propria and goblet cell epithelial metaplasia. In AR+Res, goblet cell metaplasia was focal or absent and infiltration of the lamina propria by inflammatory cells, eosinophils, and plasma cells was reduced relative to AR+NoTr. Conclusion: Allergic symptoms and tissue reactions were reduced by resveratrol treatment in rats with experimentally-induced AR.Öğe Is there a relationship between cribriform plate dimensions and septal deviation angle?(Springer, 2014) Saylisoy, Suzan; Acar, Mustafa; San, Turhan; Karabag, Aral; Muluk, Nuray Bayar; Cingi, CemalThe aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the relationship between cribriform plate (CP) dimensions and septal deviation degree. Coronal paranasal CT scans of 99 patients were reviewed. We measured depth and width of cribriform plate on both sides and compared with septal deviation side and septal deviation degree. Deviation angles were 6.85 +/- A 1.47A degrees for right deviations; and 7.11 +/- A 1.63A degrees for the left deviations. The mean depth of CP was 5.08 +/- A 1.57 mm at the right side and 5.06 +/- A 1.59 mm at the left side; and the mean width of CP was found 4.71 +/- A 1.36 mm at the right side and 4.56 +/- A 1.51 mm at the left side. When CP dimensions were evaluated according to the septal deviation side, mean width of CP was 4.69 +/- A 1.36 mm at ipsilateral side (deviated side); and 4.58 +/- A 1.51 mm at the contralateral side. The mean depth of CP was 4.9 +/- A 1.56 mm at the ipsilateral side (deviated side); and 5.22 +/- A 1.58 mm at the contralateral side. The CP depth at the contralateral side was significantly higher than that of the ipsilateral side (deviated side). In right SD, ipsilateral and contralateral CP depth increased. As deviation angle increased, ipsilateral and contralateral CP width, right and left CP width increased. Ipsilateral and contralateral CP width; and additionally ipsilateral and contralateral CP depth increased together. In other words, right and left CP width; and CP depth increased simultaneously. It is well known that the higher incidence of intracranial penetration is on the side where the position of the ethmoid roof (ER) is lower. The presence of septal deviation, the possibility of the deeper CP at the contralateral side should be taken into consideration to avoid iatrogenic injury.Öğe Is There a Relationship Between Snoring Sound Intensity and Frequency and OSAS Severity?(Sage Publications Inc, 2016) Acar, Mustafa; Yazici, Demet; Muluk, Nuray Bayar; Hanci, Deniz; Seren, Erdal; Cingi, CemalObjectives: We investigated the relationship between snoring sounds and severity of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Methods: A total number of 103 snoring patients (60 males and 43 females) were evaluated by means of polysomnographic findings and snoring sound recordings. Snoring sound intensity was assessed using fast Fourier transform (FFT) method by measuring maximal frequency (Fmax) and average snoring sound intensity level (SSIL). Results: Maximal frequency and SSIL are correlated with apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), REM AHI, and severity of the OSAS. So, as the severity of the OSAS increased, so did the Fmax and SSIL of the snoring recordings, meaning patients started snoring louder with more frequency. In older patients, in females, in severe OSAS group, and in patients with higher body mass index (BMI), AHI and AHI REM values and SSIL and Fmax values increased. As mean oxygen (O-2) saturation and lowest O-2 saturation decreased, SSIL and Fmax values increased. Conclusion: Maximal frequency and SSIL analysis of the snoring sound increased in severe OSAS patients. People should be aware of the importance of snoring sounds. In particular, patients with snoring sounds increasing in intensity and of higher frequency should discuss with their physicians the possibility of OSAS.Öğe Is There An Association between Migraine and Allergic Rhinitis?(Sage Publications Inc, 2017) Guvenc, Isil Adadan; Acar, Mustafa; Muluk, Nuray Bayar; Kucukcan, Nagehan Erdogmus; Cingi, CemalWe conducted a prospective study to evaluate nasal signs and symptoms and to perform allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) testing to investigate the relationship between migraine and allergic rhinitis. Our study group consisted of 40 patients diagnosed with migraine22 men and 18 women, aged 21 to 38 years (mean: 25.7). We compared their findings with a control group of 40 healthy adults15 men and 25 women, aged 19 to 36 years (mean: 25.1). Allergen-specific IgE measurements were obtained with six groups of allergens: fungi, grass pollens, tree pollens, wild herbs, house dust mite 1, and house dust mite 2. We found no significant difference between the migraine patients and the controls in the incidence of nasal signs and symptoms (i.e., discharge, congestion, itching, and sneezing) or inferior turbinate signs (i.e., color and edema). According to the IgE assays, 14 migraine patients (35.0%) were sensitized to one or more allergens, compared with 11 of the controls (27.5%); the difference was not statistically significant. Sensitization was highest for the grass pollens panel in both groups. Even though we did not find an association between migraine and allergic rhinitis, the recent literature supports a correlation between migraine and atopy. The two conditions share common neural pathways and common mediators, and they can be linked statistically in patients and their families. A pathophysiologic association between the two conditions seems more likely than an etiologic association. In this regard, future efforts could be focused on the determination of atopy in migraine patients and the therapeutic implications of this diagnosis.Öğe İSMİYLE MÜSEMMA, BİLGİSİYLE DERYA BİR ÂLİM: AHMET BİLGİN(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2022) Acar, MustafaProf. Dr. Ahmet Bilgin, benim gözümde bir yaşayan efsanedir. İlim-irfan adamlı-ğıyla nüktedanlığı güleryüz ve cömertlikle, yardımseverliği samimiyetle bu kadar takdire şayan bir şekilde bünyesine nakşetmiş bir insan bulmak zordur. Bu anlamda Ahmet Bilgin hoca “nesli tükenmekte olan Kelaynak kuşları”na benzetilebilir bir yaşayan efsanedir.Öğe Nasal septal body and inferior turbinate sizes differ in subjects grouped by sex and age(Int Rhinologic Soc, 2014) San, Turhan; Muluk, Nuray Bayar; Saylisoy, Suzan; Acar, Mustafa; Cingi, CemalObjectives: To compare the size of the nasal septal body (SB) and inferior turbinate (IT) of subjects grouped by sex and age. Method: We measured SB and IT areas (in cm(2)) bilaterally in computed tomography (CT) sections of 150 paranasal sinuses from 72 males and 78 females. Results:The right and left SB areas were smaller in females than in males. In the <= 25-year-old group, the right IT (RIT) was significantly smaller in females than in males. In the 26-35 and 46-45 age groups, the right SB (RSB) was significantly smaller in females than in males. Conclusion: The nasal SB may play a role in nasal physiology similar to a turbinate and help support optimal airflow. The vascular and glandular structures of the SB should be investigated in detail, and minimal invasive procedures should be performed in nasal surgery to avoid damaging essential structures.