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Öğe Diagnosing atypia of undetermined significance in thyroid fine needle aspiration samples using nuclear scoring(Elsevier Science Inc, 2019) Altinboga, Aysegul Aksoy; Altunkaya, Canan; Ahsen, Hilal; Gumuskaya, Berrak; Topaloglu, Oya; Ulusoy, Serap; Erdogan, FazliBackground Atypia of undetermined significance (AUS) is an indeterminate category in the Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology. Cytological features described as atypia are not always observed in every case, and it is difficult to determine how the small population of cells with enlarged nuclei, a few grooves, and rare elongated nuclei should be classified. Therefore, there is inter-intra observer variability considering these cell types, even though the cytological criteria are well defined. Therefore, this study aimed to establish a nuclear scoring system to help in the differential diagnosis of AUS. Methods: Fine needle aspiration (FNA) samples that showed AUS and had surgical follow-up were included in this study. The aspirate was scored for the presence of intanuclear cytoplasmic inclusions, nuclear grooves, overlapping, enlargement, and elongation individually. The total nuclear score for each case was calculated. Statistical analysis of the association between each nuclear feature and the presence of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) in the surgical specimens was performed. Cut-off points from the total score of these nuclear features were also calculated. Results: Nuclear grooves and overlapping were more common in malignant cases (p < 0.001 and p = 0.048, respectively). A cut-off point of >= 5.5 for the total score was sensitive and specific for defining malignancy. Conclusion: The risk of PTC was higher in nodules with more prominent nuclear overlapping or nuclear groove in their FNA samples. In order to achieve a more confident AUS diagnosis, our scoring system can be helpful for thyroid FNA samples.Öğe The effect of mesenchymal stem cell use on intra-abdominal adhesions in a rat model(Korean Surgical Society, 2018) Karaca, Gokhan; Pehlivanli, Faruk; Aydin, Oktay; Altunkaya, Canan; Uzun, Hafize; Niyaz, Mehmet; Bulut, HuriPurpose: Intra-abdominal adhesions (IAA) are among the most frequently seen pathologies in general surgery practice with an increased morbidity and mortality. In the present study, we investigated the effect of locally applied mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) on IAA. Methods: Twenty-four Wistar Albino rats were used in the study. The rats were divided into three groups including: Sham, control, and MSCs group. On day 0, cecum was reached under anesthesia in all groups, except the Sham group. Scraping with a sponge was performed until petechial bleeding occurred. The control group received no treatment. In the stem cell group, MSCs were applied topically immediately after surgery on adhesions. The rats were sacrificed on day 10 and colon tissues and blood samples were collected for macroscopic, histopathological, and biochemical analysis. Results: In our study, E-selectin, P-selectin, TNF-alpha and IL-1 levels were statistically significantly lower in the MSC group than the control group, while the sham group has the lowest levels. In both the macroscopic and histopathological analyses (ZUhlke's scale), the least amount of adhesion was observed in the Sham group. In addition, although there was less adhesion in the MSC group than the control group, the difference did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion: Topical MSC application immediately after surgery suppresses the inflammatory process. However it was found to be ineffective in histopathological and macroscopic examinations performed on the 10th day.Öğe Effectiveness of thymoquinone, zeolite, and platelet-rich plasma in model of corrosive oesophagitis induced in rats(Korean Surgical Society, 2017) Karaca, Gokhan; Aydin, Oktay; Pehlivanli, Faruk; Altunkaya, Canan; Uzun, Hafize; Guler, OsmanPurpose: The effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), thymoquinone, and zeolite-in corrosive esophageal burns was investigated in a rat model. Methods: Four groups were comprised as containing 10 rats in each group. For group I, oesophagitis was induced and no other procedure was performed (control group). For group II, oesophagitis was induced and thymoquinone was administered for 1 week via oral gavage once a day (thymoquinone group). For group III, oesophagitis was induced for 1 week via oral gavage once a day (PRP group). For group IV, oesophagitis was induced and zeolite was administered for 1 week via oral gavage once a day (zeolite group). On the 10th day, the rats were sacrificed under anaesthesia and venous blood sampling was performed from the vena portae. The oesophaguses were totally excised.-Biochemically, interleukin. (IL)-1B, IL-6, TNF-alpha, and MCP-1 were examined from venous blood. Inflammation score was evaluated histopathologically in oesophageal tissue that was collected. Results: There was a statistically significant difference among groups in terms of IL-1, IL-6, MCP levels, compared to the control group; median IL-1, IL-6, MCP levels of thymoquinone, PRP, and zeolite groups were statistically significantly' lower. There was a statistically significant difference among groups in terms of inflammation scores, compared to group I; median inflammation scores of groups II, III and IV were statistically significantly lower thymoquinone. Conclusion: PRP, and zeolite exhibited positive effect on recovery in oesophagitis by reducing inflammation in the involved segment.Öğe Effectiveness of thymoquinone, zeolite, and platelet-rich plasma in model of corrosive oesophagitis induced in rats (vol 92, pg 396, 2017)(Korean Surgical Society, 2017) Karaca, Gokhan; Aydin, Oktay; Pehlivanli, Faruk; Altunkaya, Canan; Uzunl, Hafize; Guler, Osman[Abstract No tAvailable]Öğe The effects of scalpel, harmonic scalpel and monopolar electrocautery on the healing of colonic anastomosis after colonic resection(Korean Surgical Society, 2016) Karaca, Gokhan; Pekcici, M. Recep; Altunkaya, Canan; Fidanci, Vildan; Kilinc, Aytul; Ozer, Huseyin; Guler, OsmanPurpose: In our study, the effects of harmonic scalpel, scalpel, and monopolar electrocautery usage on the health and healing of colon anastomosis after resection was investigated. Methods: In this study, 120 female albino Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups each containing 40 rats. Group A, resection with scalpel; group B, resection with monopolar electrocautery; group C, resection with harmonic scalpel. The groups were divided into 4 subgroups consisting of 10 rats and analysed in the postoperative 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th days. Anastomotic bursting pressures, hydroxyproline levels and histopathological parameters were surrogate parameters for evaluating wound healing. Results: The tissue hydroxyproline levels did not show any significant difference between the groups and subgroups. The mean bursting pressure of group A on the 5th day was significantly higher than groups B and C (P < 0.001). When the fibroblast and fibrosis scores were evaluated, scores of group C on the 5th day were significantly higher than the other groups, but the results of bursting pressures and biochemical parameters did not support the fibroblast and fibrosis scores. There were not any significant differences between the groups in other histopathologic parameters. Conclusion: The use of monopolar electrocautery needs more attention since the device causes tissue destruction. The obliterating effect of harmonic scalpel on luminal organs is an important problem, especially if an anastomosis is planned. Despite the disadvantages of scalpel, its efficacy on early wound healing is better than the other devices.Öğe EFFECTS OF THYMOQUINONE, ZEOLITE AND PLATELET RICH PLASMA ON THE HEALING OF ISCHEMIC COLONIC ANASTOMOSIS(2019) Pehlivanlı, Faruk; Karaca, Gökhan; Aydın, Oktay; Altunkaya, Canan; Şahiner, İbrahim Tayfun; Özden, Hüseyin; Uzun, HafizeObjective: Anastomosis on ischemic intestines is a problematicissue in daily surgical routine. In this study, we investigated thepotential effects of thymoquinone, zeolite and platelet rich plasma.Material and Methods: Fifty rats were divided into five groups.In the sham group all rats underwent colonic anastomosis withoutany ischemic insult. Colonic anastomosis was performed aftermesenteric ischemia was induced by clamping the superiormesenteric artery in other study groups. In the control group, nomedication was given to the rats after ishemic anastomosis. InZeolite group and thymoquinone group, Zeolite and thymoquinonewere applied locally on the anastomosis. In the platelet richplasma group, platelet rich plasma was applied locally on theanastomosis. All the rats were sacrified on the 10th day. Blood andtissue samples were retrieved.Results: Hydroxyproline levels were not different between thegroups. Bursting pressure was higher in the thymoquinone groupthan the control group. Reepithelization was higher than thezeolite group in the sham and thymoquinone groups. TNF-? andIL 1? levels were significantly higher in the sham group than allthe other groups. TNF-? and IL 1? levels were also significantlyhigher in the thymoquinone, zeolite and platelet rich plasmagroups than the control group and higher in the thymoquinonegroup than the zeolite and platelet rich plasma groups.Inflammation and ischemic necrosis levels were not differentbetween the groups.Conclusion: Our data is suggesting that thymoquinone andplatelet rich plasma have positive effects on ischemic anastomosishealing, while thymoquinone has the best results.Öğe May dexpanthenol, platelet-rich plasma, and thymoquinone provide new hope to maintain liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy?(2019) Aydın, Oktay; Pehlivanlı, Faruk; Karaca, Gökhan; Aydın, Gülçin; Altunkaya, Canan; Bulut, Huri; Aydınuraz, KuzeyBackground/Aims: Complete liver regeneration may not always be possible after liver injuries and/or partial liver resection. The present study investigated the effects of dexpanthenol, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and thymoquinone on liver regeneration in rats after partial hepatectomy (PH). Materials and Methods: A total of 34 Wistar albino rats, each weighing 250-280 g, were randomly separated into four groups. PH was performed, and except for the control group, intraperitoneal dexpanthenol, PRP, or thymoquinone was administered to the relevant groups for 7 days. All rats were then sacrificed, and the liver tissues were examined histopathologically and biochemically. Results: PRP reduced all oxidant-antioxidant parameters in rats that experienced liver regeneration, but did not create histopathological improvement in the liver tissue. Dexpanthenol had a histopathological improving effect on the liver tissue, but had no effect on biochemical parameters. Thymoquinone showed no histopathological or biochemical effects on liver regeneration. Conclusion: Although dexpanthenol did not affect biochemical oxidative parameters, it was considered to have improving effects on liver regeneration histopathologically. In addition, it was thought that PRP may be used for treatment of ischemia-reperfusion injury and cholestatic damage of the liver. Nevertheless, further studies are required on these subjects.Öğe Meme Kanseri Olgularının Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi(2020) Devrim, Tuba; Akkaya, Merva Aydemir; Atasoy, Pınar; Balcı, Mahi; Altunkaya, Canan; Zengin, MehmetAmaç:Bu çalışma ile meme kanseri tanısı almış kadınlarda klini-kopatolojik parametrelerin retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi ve moleküler alt tiplerin araştırılması amaçlandı.Materyal ve Metot:Çalışmamız kapsamında Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı arşivi taranarak Ocak 2007- Haziran 2019 tarihleri arasında meme kanseri tanısı verilmiş 191 hasta incelendi.Bulgular:İncelenen histopatolojik tümör tipleri, meme tümörlerinin Dünya Sağlık Örgütü 2012 sınıflamasına göre, en yüksek oranda (%89) özel tip olmayan (NST, duktal) meme kanseri olgularına ait olduğu belirlendi. Tümör çapı bakımından en büyük grubu (%48,7) 2–5 cm arası olan olguların oluşturduğu anlaşıldı. Modifiye Scarff-Bloom-Richardson ile değerlendirilen meme kanseri derece 2 (%55,5) tümörler, çalışmamızdaki en büyük grubu oluşturdu. Yaş grubu arttıkça tümör derecesinin arttığı istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde (p<0,001) belirlendi. Tümörlerde, hormon reseptörleri (ER ve PgR) ile yüksek oranda boyanma saptandı. Hastaların %61,2’sin-de lenf nodu invazyonu belirlendi. Bölgesel lenf nodu evresi (pN) 0 olan hastalar %38,8 ile en büyük grubu oluşturdu. Moleküler alt tip bakımından ise en çok (%48,2) luminal A (LA) tipi izlendi. Bunu luminal B (LB) (%37,4), HER2 overeksprese (HO) (%10,8) ve triple negatif (TN) (%4,6) oranları takip etti. LB’nin, LA’ya göre histolojik tümör derecesi bakımından daha ileri olduğu (p<0,001) anlaşıldı. Tümör derecesi HO ve TN’de LA’ya göre daha ileri (p<0,005) dü-zeyde saptandı. Tümör çapı bakımından ise HO, LA’ya göre yüksek düzeyde tespit (p<0,05) edildi. TN’de HO’ya göre daha büyük bir yaş düzeyi (p<0,05) saptandı.Sonuç:Heterojen bir tümör olan meme kanserinde, tümör derece-si en önemli prognostik faktörlerden biridir. Çalışma verilerimiz bir arada değerlendirildiğinde, meme kanseri moleküler alt tiplerinin belirlenmesinin rutin histopatolojik analiz için önemli yararlar sağla-yacağı kanısına varılmışÖğe Platelet-Rich Plasma May Offer a New Hope in Suppressed Wound Healing When Compared to Mesenchymal Stem Cells(Mdpi, 2018) Aydin, Oktay; Karaca, Gokhan; Pehlivanli, Faruk; Altunkaya, Canan; Uzun, Hafize; Ozden, Huseyin; Guler, OsmanBackground: The present study investigated the effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in wound healing suppressed by corticosteroid in rats. Methods: Forty rats were separated into four groups. To disrupt the wound-healing processes, intraperitoneal single dose 10 mg/kg methylprednisolone was administered to all rats with the exception of Sham-S group. Then, full-thickness incision was performed to the abdominal skin of all animals, and PRP or MSCs were applied to the incision line except the Sham-S and Sham-M group animals. Ten days later, all animals were sacrificed to investigate: tissue collagenization, inflammation, and re-epithelialization grades histopathologically; and tissue hydroxyproline (HP), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels biochemically. Results: Collagenization (p = 0.003) and inflammation grade (p = 0.002) values were higher in PR group. Tissue HP level value was found to be high in MC group (p < 0.001). Tissue IL-1 beta level value of Sham-M group was lower than those of other groups (p < 0.001). Conclusions: This preliminary study revealed that PRP could improve the histopathological grades in wound healing which was suppressed by corticosteroid in rats, while MSCs could show their therapeutic effects via biochemical route. These positive effects were more salient in PR group.Öğe PROGESTERONE INCREASES THE ISCHEMIC DAMAGE IN MALE RATS WITH CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA REPERFUSION INJURY(2019) Öğden, Mustafa; Bakar, Bülent; Altunkaya, Canan; Dağlı, Ahmet Turan; Özdemir, Alemiddin; Özveren, Mehmet FaikObjective: In the current literature, there are few acceptedpharmacological treatment methods for acute ischemic stroke.This study was conducted to investigate the effects ofprogesterone on transient ischemia / reperfusion injury in malerats.Material and Methods: A total of 25 Wistar albino male andyoung rats were divided into 5 groups called Control group,acute stage groups (Sham-A and PRG-A), and chronic stagegroups (Sham-C and PRG-C), randomly and their internalcarotid arteries were compressed using temporary aneurysmclips for 30 minutes. At 4 hours after removal of the clips,progesterone was injected to the animals of the PRG-A andPRG-C group via intraperitoneal route. After sacrifice of allanimals, pyknotic and necrotic neuronal cells were counted inhippocampal cornu amnonis (CA)1, CA2, CA3 and parietalcortical regions, histopathologically. Tissue interleukin (IL)-6,IL-10, caspase-3, and hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF1) geneexpression levels were evaluated using real time polymerasechain reaction assay.Results: Histopathological and biochemical findings revealedthat progesterone has no healing effects on ischaemic neuronaltissue damage in either acute or chronic period. Moreover,progesterone was found to significantly increase symptoms ofischaemia in both acute and chronic periods compared tohealthy control group and even compared to Sham groups whereI/R injury was applied and no experimental agent wasadministered.Conclusion: At the end of this study, it was thought thatprogesterone had no therapeutic effect on cerebral ischemia /reperfusion injury in male sex rats and it could lead to increase itfurther, unfortunately.Öğe Rare Plasmacytoid Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder: Two Case Reports(Urol & Nephrol Res Ctr-Unrc, 2019) Devrim, Tuba; Atac, Fatih; Altunkaya, Canan; Ozbek, Aye; Ozdemir, Gulhan; Eryol, MervePlasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma is a rare and aggressive form of urothelial carcinoma characterized with delayed presentation and poor prognosis. Very few cases of this carcinoma have been reported in the literature. Here, we report and discuss two cases of bladder plasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma of a 57-year-old male presented with renal colic, and a 33-year-old female presented with macroscopic hematuria. Pathologic examinations of the transurethral biopsies revealed urothelial carcinoma with plasmacytoid appearance. Subsequently, immunohistochemical evaluation showed positive expression of epithelial markers and CD138. Additionally, losing of the membranous expression of E-cadherin verified the diagnosis of plasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma.Öğe Skin punch biopsy sectioning: before or after tissue processing?(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Sungu, Nuran; Yavuz, Sibel; Marali, Seda; Balci, Serdar; Kilicarslan, Aydan; Altunkaya, Canan; Guler, GulnurBackgroundWe intended to study whether there is a meaningful difference in microscopic examination between dividing a biopsy section into two equal parts before tissue processing (first method) or after (second method). MethodsA total of 400 cases were included in the study. Punch biopsies (PB) were cut into two pieces using the first method in 200 cases and just before paraffin embedding in another 200 cases using the second method. We microscopically evaluated the epidermal mesh view, the presence of a cross-cut hair follicle and bow shape because of epidermal angling, the presence of two pieces on the slide and if there was a difference of >2 mm between the parts, and the number of new sections and new slides. ResultsCross-cut hair follicle (p = 0.018), epidermal mesh view (p = 0.036), difference of >2 mm between the parts (p = 0.008), the number of new sections (p < 0.001) and new slides (p < 0.001) were considerably higher when the first method was used compared with the second method. The presence of two pieces was less (p < 0.001) when using the first method. ConclusionsWe noted a meaningful difference in the quality of microscopic evaluation between the first and second methods. Better sections were obtained with the second method. In addition, the decrease in the number of new slides will reduce workload, archival work and cost.