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Öğe Akış sitometri ve veteriner hekimlikteki uygulamaları(2012) Azkur, Ahmet Kürşat; Aslan, Muhammet ErenAkış sitometri hücrelerin fenotipik ve karakteristik özelliklerini kalitatif ve kantitatif olarak inceleyen bir cihazdır. Bu cihaz ile, hücrenin yüzey ve iç proteinleri, organelleri ve diğer bileşenleri analiz ve ayrımı, lazer ve elektronik teknolojisi kullanılarak büyüklük, granülarite ve floresans emisyonu esasına göre gerçekleştirilmektedir. Kısa bir süre içinde heterojen bir popülasyonda analiz yapma ve yüksek saflıkta hücre ayırma yeteneğine sahip olan güçlü bir araçtır. Akış sitometri beşeri hekimlikte hematoloji, immünoloji ve klinik uygulamalarda yaygın olarak kullanılmasının yanı sıra immünoloji laboratuarları nın vazgeçilmez bir parçası olmuştur. Akış sitometri, son yıllarda geniş kullanım alanı ile veteriner hekimlik içinde önemli bir araştırma ve klinik teşhis aracı haline gelmiştir. Veteriner hekimlerin klinik saha çalışmalarında akış sitometri cihazlarını kullanmaları sayesinde, hayvan ve insan refahını olumsuz etkileyen birçok persiste ve/veya klinik enfeksiyonun tespiti ve tedavisi çok kısa sürede, kolaylıkla yapılabilecektir. Veteriner hekimlikte akış sitometri kullanımının yaygınlığının sağlanması kullanılan ayıraç maddelerin azlığının giderilip, daha fazla sayıda monoklonal antikorun ticari olarak elde edilebilir ve kullanılabilir hale getirilmesi ile mümkündür. Bu rapor ile akış sitometrinin genel prensipleri, avantajları ve veteriner hekimlikte kullanılan uygulamaları derlenmiştir.Öğe Ankara, Çorum, Kırıkkale ve Yozgat illerinde yetiştirilen Brucella seronegatif ineklerde BVDV, BHV-1, BHV-4 ve BHV-5 enfeksiyonlarının hematolojik değerlere etkisi, epidemiyolojisi ve genetik karakterizasyonun araştırılması(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2014) Aslan, Muhammet Eren; Azkur, Ahmet KürşatAbortlar, neonatal ölümler ve döl tutmama sorunları hayvan yetiştiriciliğindeki önemli üretim kayıplarıdır. Abortlar ve döl tutmama vakaları virüs, bakteri, protozoa ve mantar enfeksiyonları kaynaklı olabilmektedir. Bu tezde, Ankara, Çorum, Kırıkkale ve Yozgat illerinde abort ve infertilite problemleri bildirilmiş olan ineklerde BVDV, BHV-1, BHV-4, BHV-5 ve Brucella'nın epidemiyolojik yönden incelenmesi ve kan parametreleri üzerine etkisinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. 15 aylık ve üzeri yaştaki toplam 656 inekten tam kan ve kan serumu örnekleri toplandı. Brucella varlığı rose bengal pleyt testi ile %6.85 (45/656) ve serum tüp aglütinaston testi ile %6.25 (41/656) olarak tespit edildi. Seropozitiflik oranları Brucella negatif serum örneklerinde sırası ile BVDV için 436/615 (%70.89), BHV-1 için 254/615 (%41.3), BHV-4 için 177/615 (%28.78) olarak belirlendi. BVDV, BHV-1 ve BHV-4'e spesifik ortak antikorlar %18.69 (117/615) oranında belirlendi. BHV-1 antijeni, seropozitif tam kan örneklerinde PZR ile %0.39 (1/254) oranında tespit edilir iken, BHV-4 ve BHV-5 belirlenemedi. BVDV antijeni RT-PZR ile %3.55 (18/506) oranında tespit edildi. BVDV ve BHV-1 pozitif örneklerin sekans ve filogenetik analizleri yapıldı. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre belirlenen BVDV virüslerin Kırıkkale'de ve Türkiye'de daha önceden rapor edilen pestivirüs tiplerine yakın ve BVDV-1 karakterinde olduğu belirlendi. Virüslerin hematolojik parametrelere olan etkileri 360 tam kan örneğinin kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırmalı istatistiksel analizi sonucu belirlendi. BVDV için; mean corpuscular volume (MCV), yüzde hematokrit (Hct%), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) ve mean platelet volume (MPV), BHV-1 için; MCV, Hct% ve MPV, BHV-4 için ise MPV değerlerinde gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli farklılıklar belirlendi (p <0.005). Sonuç olarak, belirtilen illerde Brucella. BHV-1, BHV-4 ve BVDV varlığının detaylı araştırıldığı ilk çalışmadır. Klinik belirtiler ve kan parametrelerdeki değişiklikler viral enfeksiyonların teşhisinde önemli rol oynamasına rağmen, kesin ve ayırıcı tanıda virolojik testlerin önemli olduğu bir kez daha belirtilmiştir.Öğe Comparison of hematological parameters of Brucella-seronegative naturally infected cattle with BVDV, BHV-1, and BHV-4(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2016) Aslan, Muhammet Eren; Azkur, Ahmet Kursat; Biyikli, Emel; Gazyagci, Serkal; Sozdutmaz, IbrahimAbortion, neonatal deaths, and infertility cause important production losses in the livestock industry. Many viral infections are responsible for changes in hematological values of animals. This study aimed to find whether there is any difference in blood parameters of cattle that are naturally infected with BVDV, BHV-1, and BHV-4 and Brucella-seronegative. For this purpose, 401 whole-blood samples collected from cattle were analyzed by ELISA and PCR/RT-PCR to detect specific antibodies and antigens for BVDV, BHV-1, and BHV-4. Hematological analysis and results were compared between naturally infected BVDV, BHV-1, and BHV-4 groups and a control group. Results showed a statistically significant increase in hematological values of group 2 with BVDV compared to the corresponding parameters of group 1 (control) for mean corpuscular volume (MCV), hematocrit (Hct%), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and mean platelet volume (MPV). The same was seen for hematological values of BHV-1 for MCV, Hct (%), and MPV and of BHV-4 for MPV (P < 0.005). However, it was determined that statistical differences in hematological values of naturally infected animals cannot be used as markers for clinical diagnosis of viral infections. Thus, we suggest that evaluations of hematological parameters with specific diagnostic tests are necessary to obtain more reliable results for the diagnosis of viral diseases.Öğe Comparison of hematological parameters of Brucella-seronegative naturallyinfected cattle with BVDV, BHV-1, and BHV-4(2016) Aslan, Muhammet Eren; Azkur, Ahmet Kürşat; Bıyıklı, Emel; Gazyağcı, Serkal; Sözdutmaz, İbrahimAbortion, neonatal deaths, and infertility cause important production losses in the livestock industry. Many viral infections are responsible for changes in hematological values of animals. This study aimed to find whether there is any difference in blood parameters of cattle that are naturally infected with BVDV, BHV-1, and BHV-4 and Brucella-seronegative. For this purpose, 401 whole-blood samples collected from cattle were analyzed by ELISA and PCR/RT-PCR to detect specific antibodies and antigens for BVDV, BHV-1, and BHV-4. Hematological analysis and results were compared between naturally infected BVDV, BHV-1, and BHV-4 groups and a control group. Results showed a statistically significant increase in hematological values of group 2 with BVDV compared to the corresponding parameters of group 1 (control) for mean corpuscular volume (MCV), hematocrit (Hct%), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and mean platelet volume (MPV). The same was seen for hematological values of BHV-1 for MCV, Hct (%), and MPV and of BHV-4 for MPV (P < 0.005). However, it was determined that statistical differences in hematological values of naturally infected animals cannot be used as markers for clinical diagnosis of viral infections. Thus, we suggest that evaluations of hematological parameters with specific diagnostic tests are necessary to obtain more reliable results for the diagnosis of viral diseases.Öğe Epidemiology and genetic characterization of BVDV, BHV-1, BHV-4, BHV-5 and Brucella spp. infections in cattle in Turkey(Japan Soc Vet Sci, 2015) Aslan, Muhammet Eren; Azkur, Ahmet Kürşat; Gazyagcı, SerkalThe aim of the study was to determine the epidemiological data of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1), bovine herpesvirus-4 (BHV-4), bovine herpesvirus-5 (BHV-5) and Brucella associated cattle that were previously reported to have abortion and infertility problems in Ankara, Corum, Kirikkale and Yozgat provinces, Turkey. Whole blood and sera samples were obtained from 656 cattle, and antibodies against Brucella spp. were detected in 45 (6.86%) and 41 (6.25%) animals by Rose Bengal plate and serum tube agglutination tests, respectively. The seropositivity rates against BVDV, BHV-1 and BHV-4 were 70.89%, 41.3% and 28.78%, respectively. RT-PCR and PCR were performed to detect RNA and DNA viruses in blood samples, respectively. The BVDV 5'-untranslated region and BHV-1 gB gene detected in this study were phylogenetically analyzed. The BVDV strains analyzed in this study were closely related to those previously reported from Turkey. The nucleotide sequence from the BHV-1 strain detected in this study is the first nucleotide sequence of BHV-1 circulating in this area of Turkey deposited in the GenBank. The presence of Brucella spp. and prevalence of BHV-1, BHV-4 and BVDV in cattle should be further investigated throughout these regions.Öğe Genetic Variability of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in the 5 '-UTR in the Central Anatolia of Turkey(Univ Fed Rio Grande Do Sul, 2012) Sarikaya, Baki; Azkur, Ahmet Kursat; Gazyagci, Serkal; Aslan, Muhammet ErenBackground: The genus Pestivirus in the family Flaviviridae comprises the members bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1 (BVDV-1), classical swine fever virus and border disease virus. The BVDV enveloped and the genome is a single-strand positive sense RNA molecule of approximately 12.3 kilobases in length. The genome is transcribed as a single open reading frame, flanked by 5' and 3' untranslated regions. Genetic typing of BVDV has usually been performed using sequences from the 5'-UTR, N-pro and E2 regions. BVDV is an RNA virus with a high genome variability having practical consequences on epidemiology, diagnosis and disease control. Genetic monitoring was suggested as the first step in BVDV control because genetic typing of BVDV shows evidence of an increasing number of variants. For this reason circulating genetic typing of BVDV is important update these data. Circulating BVDV in the field shows genetic and antigenic diversity. 5'-UTR nucleotide sequence analysis has been widely used for pestivirus genotype identification. To further characterize the BVDV, the nucleotide sequence of the 5'-UTR that represents a conserved region of the virus genome was analyzed in many studies. The purpose of the current study was to investigate genotypes of pestivirus were circulating in cattle populations in Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. Materials, Methods & Results: Blood samples from 160 animals in randomly selected seven cattle dairy farms that lives with more than 1100 cattle, were collected between November 2009 and March 2010 from Kirikkale (n = 57), Corum (n = 50), Ankara (n = 21), Yozgat (n = 17), Kirsehir (n = 15) cities where are located in Central Anatolia region of Turkey. To detect BVDV in cattle, viral RNA was extracted from whole blood samples using QIAamp Viral RNA Kit and the 5'-UTR were targeted using RT-nested PCR accomplished with first round primers pair panpestivirus and with second round BVDV-1a, BVDV-1b and, BVDV-2 pooled blood samples, respectively. It was detected in second round of RT-nested PCR that BVDV-1a and, BVDV-2 rate are 0.625%, 7.5% in the cattle respectively but not BVDV-1b. Positive PCR amplicons were purified from agarose gel by using commercial DNA purification kit GeneClean III. Two panpestivirus positive PCR amplicons were sequenced using 326 primer. To determine genetic typing of circulating BVDV in the cities, two panpestivirus positive PCR amplicons were sequenced to found genetic diversity and all data were deposited in GenBank under accession numbers; BVDV/Turkey/Kirikkale/01 (HQ393488.2) and BVDV/Turkey/Kirikkale/02 (HQ393489.2). Gene sequences were compared to Mega 4.1 and ClustalW analyzing software. Discussion: The BVDV has a world-wide distribution and causes significant economical losses especially on cattle farms. In this study, it was investigated genetic variability of BVDV subtypes by identifying the 5'-UTR nucleotide sequences of two panpestivirus amplicons from field samples. It was found that BVDV-1a and BVDV-2 in terms of BVDV epidemiology is genotyping, 0.625% and 7.5% using RT-nested PCR respectively. Genetic typing is important for the precise classification and molecular epidemiology of BVDV-1 and epidemiological information on currently epidemic viruses is also important for BVDV prevention and control. We suggest that vaccines should contain at least one strain of both species in Turkey. The study of genetic diversity of BVDV is useful for the understanding of pestivirus field locations as well as for epidemiological studies and planning future BVDV control and vaccination programs in Turkey.Öğe Haematological parameters in blood of maedi-visna virus-infected and uninfected sheep(Academic Journals, 2011) Gazyagci, Serkal; Azkur, Ahmet Kursat; Aslan, Muhammet ErenThe maedi-visna virus (MVV) classified as a lentivirus of the retroviridae family, causes a very common economically important disease in sheep, in many parts of the worlds. Presences of the infection in Turkey have been shown by researches in previous studies. In this study all blood samples were examined by ELISA and PCR to detect MVV antibody and antigen responses, respectively. Hematological findings were monitored and comparing antibody and antigen positive naturally infected (n=5), antibody positive and antigen negative (n=20), antibody and antigen negative (n=20) in sheep was done. When infected sheep were compared with control sheep, Hgb and MPV parameters were shown statistically different (P <= 0.001). These findings suggested that MVV infections should be considered as an important health risk for sheep flock and Hgb and MPV blood parameters may be helpful to diagnosis of MVV.Öğe Kırıkkale ilindeki ineklerde BVDV, BHV-1, BHV-4 ve BHV-5 enfeksiyonlarının epidemiyolojisi, genetik karakterizasyonun belirlemesi ve kan parametrelerinin karşılaştırılması(2013) Azkur, Ahmet Kürşat; Gazyağcı, Serkal; Aslan, Muhammet Eren[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Molecular and Serological Characterization of Pestivirus Infection Among Sheep in Kirikkale, Turkey(2011) Azkur, Ahmet Kürşat; Gazyağcı, Serkal; Aslan, Muhammet Eren; Ünal, NilgünBorder hastalığı virüsü koyun sürülerinde ekonomik kayıplara neden olur ve dünyada yüksek seroprevalansa sahiptir. Bu çalışmada Kırıkkale ili ve tüm ilçelerinde bulunan 25 koyun sürüsünden elde edilen 1075 örneği kullanılmıştır. Pestivirüse karşı oluşan antikorlar 1075 serumun %74.51'inde ELISA kullanılarak tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, seropozitifl ik oranlarının her bir koyun sürüsünde %8.4 ve %100 arasında değişmektedir. Seropozitifl ik ve ırk,yaş ve cinsiyet arasındaki ilişki araştırıldı. Seropozitifl ik, cinsiyet ve yaş arasında bir bağlantı tespit edilemezken, koyun ırkları ve pestivirüse karşı oluşan pozitif antikor cevabı arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edildi (P<0.05). Virüs tespiti çalışmaları, virüs enfekte pestivirüse karşı antikor oluşturmayan hayvanların oranının %4.37 olduğunu göstermiştir. Moleküler aşamada enfekte virüsün 5'UTR bölgesi tersine transkripsiyon ve nested PZR ile çoğaltıldı. PZR sonrası sekans analizi ve filogenetik analiz yapıldı. Buna göre koyun sürülerini enfekte eden virüs Türkiye'de daha önceden bildirilen BDV suşlarından farklı fakat pestivirüs tip 3 ile çok yakın antijenik benzerliği olduğu belirlendi.Öğe Serological and Epidemiological Investigation of Bluetongue, Maedi-Visna and Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Viruses in Small Ruminant in Kirikkale District in Turkey(Kafkas Univ, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2011) Azkur, Ahmet Kursat; Gazyagci, Serkal; Aslan, Muhammet ErenViral infections cause important problems and significant economic loses in sheep and goats that can be protected by an investigation of infections. This study aimed to determine the sheep and goat viral infections including bluetongue virus (BTV), maedivisna virus (MVV) and caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) in Kirikkale city located in Central Anatolia region of Turkey. Blood samples collected from 279 sheep and 146 goats were tested by ELISA, RT-nested PCR and nested PCR. It was detected that antibody response to BTV (49.8%), CAEV (7.5%) and MVV (19.4%) were seropositivity values in all serum samples. BTV (2.87%) and MVV (9.25%) antigens were detected in seropositive whole blood samples via RT-nested PCR and nested PCR but not CAEV. It was found that double positive animals (14.6%) for MVV and BTV in sheep but not goat. As a conclusion sheep and goat were infected with naturally BTV, CAEV and MVV in Kirikkale region. This study showed that this the first report for BTV, MVV and CAEV infections from Kirikkale region. Therefore infections are needed to be further investigations to determine detailed survey studies.Öğe A survey study on hantavirus, cowpox virus, and Leptospira infections in Microtus hartingi in Kirsehir Province, Central Anatolia, Turkey(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2013) Azkur, Ahmet Kursat; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Aslan, Muhammet Eren; Gazyagci, Serkal; Gozutok, Serdar; Toyran, KubilayThe aim of this study was to investigate whether hantaviruses, cowpox viruses, or Leptospira infections were prevalent in Microtus hartingi trapped in Kirsehir Province, located in Central Anatolia, Turkey. Leptospira spp. was detected in 20 of the 43 (46.5%) Microtus hartingi kidney samples and confirmed by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. Five of the 20 Leptospira spp. PCR positive amplicons were sequenced, analyzed, and confirmed as Leptospira spp. This is the first study to genetically characterize Leptospira in Microtus hartingi in Turkey. There was no evidence of cowpox viruses or hantaviruses in Microtus hartingi. Therefore, additional studies are needed.