Ankara, Çorum, Kırıkkale ve Yozgat illerinde yetiştirilen Brucella seronegatif ineklerde BVDV, BHV-1, BHV-4 ve BHV-5 enfeksiyonlarının hematolojik değerlere etkisi, epidemiyolojisi ve genetik karakterizasyonun araştırılması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Abortlar, neonatal ölümler ve döl tutmama sorunları hayvan yetiştiriciliğindeki önemli üretim kayıplarıdır. Abortlar ve döl tutmama vakaları virüs, bakteri, protozoa ve mantar enfeksiyonları kaynaklı olabilmektedir. Bu tezde, Ankara, Çorum, Kırıkkale ve Yozgat illerinde abort ve infertilite problemleri bildirilmiş olan ineklerde BVDV, BHV-1, BHV-4, BHV-5 ve Brucella'nın epidemiyolojik yönden incelenmesi ve kan parametreleri üzerine etkisinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. 15 aylık ve üzeri yaştaki toplam 656 inekten tam kan ve kan serumu örnekleri toplandı. Brucella varlığı rose bengal pleyt testi ile %6.85 (45/656) ve serum tüp aglütinaston testi ile %6.25 (41/656) olarak tespit edildi. Seropozitiflik oranları Brucella negatif serum örneklerinde sırası ile BVDV için 436/615 (%70.89), BHV-1 için 254/615 (%41.3), BHV-4 için 177/615 (%28.78) olarak belirlendi. BVDV, BHV-1 ve BHV-4'e spesifik ortak antikorlar %18.69 (117/615) oranında belirlendi. BHV-1 antijeni, seropozitif tam kan örneklerinde PZR ile %0.39 (1/254) oranında tespit edilir iken, BHV-4 ve BHV-5 belirlenemedi. BVDV antijeni RT-PZR ile %3.55 (18/506) oranında tespit edildi. BVDV ve BHV-1 pozitif örneklerin sekans ve filogenetik analizleri yapıldı. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre belirlenen BVDV virüslerin Kırıkkale'de ve Türkiye'de daha önceden rapor edilen pestivirüs tiplerine yakın ve BVDV-1 karakterinde olduğu belirlendi. Virüslerin hematolojik parametrelere olan etkileri 360 tam kan örneğinin kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırmalı istatistiksel analizi sonucu belirlendi. BVDV için; mean corpuscular volume (MCV), yüzde hematokrit (Hct%), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) ve mean platelet volume (MPV), BHV-1 için; MCV, Hct% ve MPV, BHV-4 için ise MPV değerlerinde gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli farklılıklar belirlendi (p <0.005). Sonuç olarak, belirtilen illerde Brucella. BHV-1, BHV-4 ve BVDV varlığının detaylı araştırıldığı ilk çalışmadır. Klinik belirtiler ve kan parametrelerdeki değişiklikler viral enfeksiyonların teşhisinde önemli rol oynamasına rağmen, kesin ve ayırıcı tanıda virolojik testlerin önemli olduğu bir kez daha belirtilmiştir.
Abortion, neonatal deaths and infertility mainly important production losses in livestock industry. The abortions and infertility were attributed to virus, bacteria, protozoa and fungi infections. The aim of the thesis was to determine epidemiological data and comparison blood parameters of BVDV, BHV-1, BHV-4, BHV-5 and Brucella–associated cattle which were reported with abortion and infertility problems previously in Ankara, Corum, Kirikkale, and Yozgat provinces. Whole blood and sera samples were obtained from totally 656 cattle that are over age of 15 months. Brucella was detected as 6.85% (45/656) by rose bengal plate and 6.25% (41/656) by serum tube agglutination test. The seropositivity rates were detected by ELISA as BVDV 436/615 (70.89%), BHV-1 254/615 (41.3%) and BHV-4 177/615 (28.78%) in Brucella negative serum samples respectively. Common specific antibodies against to BVDV, BHV-1 and BHV-4 were determined 18.69% (117/615). BHV-1 antigens were detected 0.39% (1/254) in seropositive whole blood samples via PCR, but BHV-4 and BHV-5 were not. BVDV antigen rate was detected 3.55% (18/506) by RT-PCR. BVDV and BHV-1 PCR positive samples were sequenced and phylogenetic analyses were carried out. Accordingly this results, some BVDV viruses was close to BVDV-1 and also close to pestivirus types that previously reported from Kirikkale and Turkey. Viruses could affect hematological parameters in 360 whole blood samples by comparing control groups. The percentage of mean corpuscular volume (MCV), hematocrit value (Hct%), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean platelet volume (MPV) for BVDV, MCV, Hct(%) and MPV values for BHV-1, MPV values for BHV-4 were determined statistically significant differences between the groups (p <0.005). As a result presence of Brucella BHV-1, BHV-4 and BVDV were carried out detail investigation in these cities. Although diagnosis of viral diseases plays important role clinical observations and blood parameters, it is clearly found like others that virological test are necessary to precise and differential diagnosis.
Abortion, neonatal deaths and infertility mainly important production losses in livestock industry. The abortions and infertility were attributed to virus, bacteria, protozoa and fungi infections. The aim of the thesis was to determine epidemiological data and comparison blood parameters of BVDV, BHV-1, BHV-4, BHV-5 and Brucella–associated cattle which were reported with abortion and infertility problems previously in Ankara, Corum, Kirikkale, and Yozgat provinces. Whole blood and sera samples were obtained from totally 656 cattle that are over age of 15 months. Brucella was detected as 6.85% (45/656) by rose bengal plate and 6.25% (41/656) by serum tube agglutination test. The seropositivity rates were detected by ELISA as BVDV 436/615 (70.89%), BHV-1 254/615 (41.3%) and BHV-4 177/615 (28.78%) in Brucella negative serum samples respectively. Common specific antibodies against to BVDV, BHV-1 and BHV-4 were determined 18.69% (117/615). BHV-1 antigens were detected 0.39% (1/254) in seropositive whole blood samples via PCR, but BHV-4 and BHV-5 were not. BVDV antigen rate was detected 3.55% (18/506) by RT-PCR. BVDV and BHV-1 PCR positive samples were sequenced and phylogenetic analyses were carried out. Accordingly this results, some BVDV viruses was close to BVDV-1 and also close to pestivirus types that previously reported from Kirikkale and Turkey. Viruses could affect hematological parameters in 360 whole blood samples by comparing control groups. The percentage of mean corpuscular volume (MCV), hematocrit value (Hct%), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean platelet volume (MPV) for BVDV, MCV, Hct(%) and MPV values for BHV-1, MPV values for BHV-4 were determined statistically significant differences between the groups (p <0.005). As a result presence of Brucella BHV-1, BHV-4 and BVDV were carried out detail investigation in these cities. Although diagnosis of viral diseases plays important role clinical observations and blood parameters, it is clearly found like others that virological test are necessary to precise and differential diagnosis.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mikrobiyoloji, Microbiology ; Veteriner Hekimliği, Veterinary Medicine, ,