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Öğe Contractile effects of Eryngium kotschyi Boiss. on rat isolated ileum and detrussor muscle(2014) Baydan, Emine; Kartal, Murat; Dikmen, Begüm Yurdakök; Erdem, Sinem Aslan; İnce, Sinan; Ekici, Hüsamettin; Alp, HarunBu çalışmada, ülkemizdeki endemik bitkilerden Eryngium kotschyi Boiss.in toprak altı (EKTA) ve toprak üstü (EKTU) kısımlarının izole sıçan ileum ve idrar kesesi kasında farmakolojik etkinliği araştırıldı. Bitki ekstrelerinin dokulardaki etkinliği tek, agonist (asetilkolin) ve antagonist (atropin, verapamil, oksibutinin-idrar kesesi, papaverin-ileum) varlığında ve kalsiyumsuz ortamda Ca 2 uygulamaları ile birlikte değerlendirildi. Bitkinin her iki kısmı doku türü, ekstre dozu ve uygulama protokolüne bağlı değişiklik gösterecek şekilde kontraksiyon oluştururken; bu kasılmaların EKTU ve EKTA tek uygulamalarında doza bağımlı, kümülatif uygulamalarında ise dozdan bağımsız olduğu görüldü. Oluşan kasılmaların test edilen antagonistler ile değiştiği; dolayısıyla kontraktil etkinliğin kalsiyum iyonu ve kalsiyum kanallarının uyarılması gibi nonspesifik yolaklara özellikle bağlı olabileceği görüşüne varıldı.Öğe Determination Of Veterinary Drug Residues In Sea Water, Sediment, And Natural Fish In The Aegean Sea(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2014) Baydan, Emine; Kaya, Sezai; Cagirgan, Hasmet; Yildirim, Ebru; Altintas, Levent; Yurdakok, Begum; Kucukosmanoglu, Asli GulIn this research, residues of certain veterinary drugs (florfenicol (FF) and florfenicol amine (FFA)) were screened in natural fish, sediment, and seawater samples of the Aegean Sea, while only chloramphenicol (CAP) was searched for in the sediment. Samples were collected from fish farming cages in selected coordinates (Bodrum, Salihli Region, Turkey) on September, October 2011 and March, April 2012. Method validation and analyses were carried out by HPLC method. For FF; LOD values were 25.11 ppb for sea water, 27.07 ppb for sediment as well as 38.16 and 37.95 ppb for Mullus barbatus and Oblada tnelanura fish samples. FFA value for Mullus barbatus was 39.60 ppb, respectively. For CAP in sediment samples, LOD values were found as 53.59 ppb. In 4 different sampling areas (A, B, C, D), the lowest temperature was recorded as 14 degrees C in March 2012 but the highest was 28.3 degrees C in October 2011; the lowest dissolved oxygen (mg/L) values were detected in March 2012 (from 6.05 to 6.44), the highest in October 2011(10.78-11.55). The pH values slightly varied month by month; the lowest was 7.9 and the highest 8.6. This research revealed that dissolved oxygen and pH values of the collected seawater samples were in accordance with the normal limits of the offshore seawater values; no significant residue of the analyzed veterinary drugs was found to be present, and all values were found to be lower than LOD values in the sampled fish farms. In conclusion; there was no pollution caused by veterinary drugs.Öğe The Effect of Chlorpyrifos on Isolated Thoracic Aorta in Rats(Hindawi Ltd, 2013) Yildirim, Ebru; Baydan, Emine; Kanbur, Murat; Kul, Oguz; Cinar, Miyase; Ekici, Husamettin; Atmaca, NurgulThis study investigated the effect of chlorpyrifos on thoracic aorta and on the level of NO in plasma and aorta. The effect of chlorpyrifos on thoracic aorta in organ bath was determined in 10 rats. Another 45 rats were assigned to 3 groups with 15 rats each: control group 1 received distilled water, control group 2 was given corn oil, and the last group was given 13.5 mg/kg chlorpyrifos dissolved in corn oil every other day for 8 weeks orally. Chlorpyrifos (10(-10) M-10(-5) M) showed no effect on isolated thoracic aorta. Plasma AChE activity was decreased, while LDH, ALT, GGT, and AST activities were increased in chlorpyrifos group compared to control groups. Plasma NO level was increased in chlorpyrifos group compared to control groups. iNOS expression was present in all groups in the cytoplasm of the endothelia and in the smooth muscle cells of aorta. According to semiquantitative histomorphological analysis, iNOS immunopositive reactions were seen in the decreasing order in chlorpyrifos, control 2, and control 1 groups. eNOS immunopositive reactions were observed in the endothelial cell cytoplasm, rarely in the subintimal layer, and the smooth muscle cells of aorta. There were no differences among the groups in terms of eNOS immunostaining. In conclusion, chlorpyrifos induced NO production in aorta following an increase in NOS expression.Öğe Influence of Florfenicol on Hematological Parameters in Broilers(Wiley, 2018) Yigit, Ayse Arzu; Yildirim, Ebru; Baydan, Emine; Aydogan, Ilkay; Ekici, Husamettin; Guncum, Enes…Öğe Investigation of Ivermectin Susceptibility in Kangal and Akbaş Dogs via MDR1 Gene Mutation(2024) Baydan, Emine; Kul, Bengi Çınar; Akkurt, Mustafa Yenal; Yıldırım, Ebru; Arslanbaş, Emre; Aydın, Farah GönülThis research aimed to investigate the sensitivity to the drug (ivermectin) in Kangal and Akbaş breed dogs, which are dog breeds native to Turkey, via the MDR1 gene mutation. For the research, blood, hair and intraoral swap samples were taken from 30 Kangal and 20 Akbaş breed dogs (male-female mixed, adult) with ethical permission and approval forms. Kangal dog samples were taken from the dogs bred in the farms in Sivas center and Kangal village, and Akbaş dog samples were taken from the dogs bred in the farms in the Sivrihisar center, Ankara and Eskişehir regions. The samples taken were evaluated based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from the wool and subsequent two-way dideoxy chain termination reaction in the presence of 4 base farm deletions (c.296-299delAGAT) in the 4th exon of the ABCB1 gene that encodes the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) drug transporter protein. According to the obtained DNA sequence results, the deletion of “AGAT” was not determined in any of the individuals screened. The results of this study, which is preliminary research, showed that Kangal and Akbaş breed dogs are safe in terms of sensitivity to drugs that are set to be absorbed and excreted by the P-gp pump, especially ivermectin. However, it would be useful to repeat the analysis of both breeds with more examples.Öğe Investigation of some veterinary drug residues in sea water, sediment, and wild fishes captured around fish farms in the Aegean Sea: Oxytetracyline, ivermectin and emamectin(Ankara Univ Press, 2015) Baydan, Emine; Kaya, Sezai; Cagirgan, Hasmet; Yildirim, Ebru; Altintas, Levent; Yurdakok, Begun; Kucukosmanoglu, Asli GulVeterinary drug residues and their metabolites in food are regularly investigated by local authorities; however their fate in the environment is still unknown. Despite the importance of the aquaculture industry and the widespread use of antibiotics; limited scientific information regarding their residue in natural fish, sediment and sea water are available in TURKEY. The current study; which is the first study in this area, was undertaken to determine the oxytetracycline (OTC), ivermectin (IVM) and emamectin benzoate (EMA) residues from samples of wild fishes (Oblada melanura, Mullus barbatus), sea water and sediment collected in four different months, caught around the fish cages near Salihli Island in Bodrum, Aegean Sea. Samples were analyzed by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) followed by the validation for each matrix. No residues were found to be above the Limit of detection (LOD) levels of the validated methods in the screened samples. In order to understand the possible risk of veterinary antibiotics, especially for low dose accumulation, to the ecosystem for sustainable aquaculture, conduction of more screening analysis with expanded possible matrices would be beneficial.Öğe Kırıkkale İlinde Ruminant İşletmelerinden Alınan Sularda Nitrat, Nitrit ve Amonyum Seviyelerinin Belirlenmesi(2022) Sarıkaya, Hatice Akay; Yıldırım, Ebru; Baydan, Emineİçme suyundaki organik maddelerin insan ve hayvan sağlığı açısından zarar vermeyecek düzeyde olması önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışma, Kırıkkale İli sınırları içerisindeki 59 büyükbaş hayvan işletmesinden temin edilen sularda, bazı inorganik maddelerin (nitrat, nitrit, amonyum) seviyelerinin belirlenmesi ve bu materyalleri tüketen hayvanların sağlığına olumlu veya olumsuz etki yapacak düzeyde olup olmadıkları konusunda fikir sahibi olabilmek amaçlanarak yapılmıştır. Numunelerin analizinde iyon kromatografi cihazı kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarında tespit edilen ortalama değerler; nitrit için 2 numune (%3,39) pozitif 1,64±1,61 ppm, nitrat için 59 numune(%100) pozitif 42,35±38,87 ppm ve amonyum için 3 numune (%5,08) pozitif 22,86±12,38 ppm olarak tespit edilmiştir. Nitrit için değerler sularda 0,50-2,79 ppm aralığında olup 2 numune (%3,39) 0,5 ppm düzeyini aşmıştır. Hiçbir değer 10 ppm düzeyini aşmamıştır. Nitrat yönünden toplanan 59 su numunesinin 19’u (%32,20) içme suyu için belirlenen 50 ppm, 7 su numunesi (%11,86) hayvanlar için limit değer olarak önerilen 100 ppm, 5 su numunesi (%8,47) ise hayvanlar için kronik zehirlenme oluşturan 125 ppm sınır değerini aşmıştır. Toplanan su numunelerinden 3 (%5,08) adedinde amonyum 0,5 ppm düzeyini aşmıştır. Sonuç olarak, hayvanlar tarafından tüketilen suların hayvancılık işletmelerinin ekonomik düzeyini artırması amacıyla kontrol altında tutulması uygun olacaktır.