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Öğe 2-Boyutlu video ve derinlik haritası temelli 3-Boyutlu video kalite değerlendirmesi(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2016) Erten, Mustafa Yasin; Yılmaz, Doç. Gökçe NurGünden güne gelişen 3 Boyutlu (3B) video teknolojilerine (kodlama, iletim, saklama vs) geri bildirim oluşturabilmesi dolayısı ile 3B Video Kalite Değerlendirmesi (VKD) günümüzde 3B video üreticileri için ihtiyaç haline gelmiştir. Bu ihtiyaç da araştırmacıların ilgisini çekmiş ve önemli bir çalışma alanı haline gelmiştir. Böylece hem 2 Boyutlu (2B) hemde 3B metrikler geliştirilmeye başlanmıştır. Günümüzde, araştırmacılar tarafından 2B videolar için yaygın olarak kullanılan nesnel VKD metrikler literatürde yerini almıştır. Fakat, 3B videolarda 2B videolarda bulunmayan derinlik, doğallık, yoğunluk hassasiyeti gibi bilgilerin bulunmasından ve bunların değerlendirilmesinin zor olmasından ötürü İnsan Görsel Sistemi (İGS) ile yüksek ilintiye sahip yaygın kullanımlı bir metrik 3B videolar için geliştirilememiştir. Bundan dolayıdır ki, 3B VKD için halen zaman ve maliyet dezavantajları olmasına rağmen öznel testler kullanılmaktadır. Literatürdeki nesnel metrikleri ele aldığımızda üç başlık altında incelenmiştir: Tam Referanslı (TR), Azaltılmış Referanslı (AR) ve Referanssız metrikler. TR metriklerin videoyu kalite değerlendirebilmesi için videonun orjinaline sahip olması gerekmektedir. AR metriklerin VKD yapabilmesi için orijinal video dizisinden elde edilen özniteliklerin olması gerekirken Referanssız metriklerin VKD yapabilmesi için orijinal videoya ya da özniteliklerine sahip olmasına gerek yoktur. Bu yüzden Referanssız metrikler zaman ve hız bakımından avantajlarının yanında bant genişliğini de verimli kullanmamızı da sağlar. Dolayısıyla güvenilir bir Referanssız 3B VKD metriği geliştirmek çok önemli ve elzemdir. Bu tezin amacı, 2B+derinlik haritası temelli 3B videoların farklı hızlarda kodlanmış 2B videolarının İGS ile bağlantılı hareket, yapısal karmaşıklık ve kontrast bilgiler ini kullanarak Referanssız bir 3B nesnel VKD metriği geliştirmektir. Önerilen 3B nesnel VKD metriği farklı bit oranlarında kodlanan videolardan elde edilen öznel ve literatürde çok kullanılan 2B TR nesnel VKD sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırılmış ve oldukça yüksek performans elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, geliştirilen 3B nesnel VKD metriğinin orijinal videoya ya da özniteliklerine gereksinim duymadan 3B VKD' sini başarıyla gerçekleştirdiği sonucuna varılmıştır.Öğe Advanced forecast models for the climate and energy crisis: The case of the California independent system operator(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2025) Bulut, Merve; Aydilek, Huseyin; Erten, Mustafa Yasin; Ozcan, EvrencanClimate change across the globe, especially extreme temperature events, is increasing pressures on energy systems. The extraordinary situation that California and the West faced in late August and early September 2022, when record temperatures led to a spike in electricity demand, provided an important backdrop for the resilience and sustainability of clean energy technologies. The electricity market managed by the California Independent System Operator is considered in this study to examine the potential impacts on electricity demand spikes and system resilience. The methodology of the research involves analyzing the system operator's responses to electricity demand using advanced deep learning algorithms, convolutional neural network - long-short term memory and attention mechanism models. 1, 3 and 7-days forecasts of electricity demand were made using models in the day ahead market. In 1-day forecasts, while the former models have a mean absolute percentage error value of 12.40%, the latter model has a lower error rate of 10.36%. Overall findings obtained from various scenarios show that the long-short term memory - attention mechanism can more effectively understand complex patterns in energy demand and has the potential to increase system stability against such extreme weather events. The advanced horizon of the study offers an important perspective on how clean energy technologies, especially battery energy storage systems, can provide solutions to today's priority problems such as climate change and extreme temperature.Öğe Application of Economic Load Distribution to Power Systems with the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Approach(2023) Erten, Mustafa Yasin; Eke, İbrahimThe economic dispatch problem has received increasing attention with the development of modern power systems. It is an optimization problem that aims to find the most economical schedule of generating units while satisfying load demand and operational constraints. In this paper, the application of the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm to the economic dispatch problem is presented. The proposed method is demonstrated using a six-unit system. Additionally, the results obtained from the proposed method are compared with those from other optimization methods applied to the same problem.Öğe Control of mobile robot formations using A-star algorithm and artificial potential fields(National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), 2021) Manuel, Nelson Luis; İnanç, Nihat; Erten, Mustafa YasinFormations or groups of robots become essential in cases where a single robot is insufficient to satisfy a given task. With an increasingly automated world, studies on various topics related to robotics have been carried out in both the industrial and academic arenas. In this paper, the control of the formation of differential mobile robots based on the leader-follower approach is presented. The leader's movement is based on the least cost path obtained by the A-star algorithm, thus ensuring a safe and shortest possible route for the leader. Follower robots track the leader's position in real time. Based on this information and the desired distance and angle values, the leader robot is followed. To ensure that the followers do not collide with each other and with the obstacles in the environment, a controller based on artificial potential fields is designed. Stability analysis using Lyapunov theory is performed on the linearized model of the system. To verify the implemented technique, a simulator was designed using the MATLAB programming language. Seven experiments are conducted under different conditions to show the performance of the approach. The distance and orientation errors are less than 0.1 meters and 0.1 radians, respectively. Overall, mobile robots are able to reach the goal position and maintaining the desired formation in finite time. © 2021 Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics - Indonesian Institute of Sciences.Öğe Effect of MWCNT and GNP nanomaterial concentrations on thermal and electrical behavior of copper-based nanocomposites(Springer Heidelberg, 2024) Yilmazel, Ruestem; Erten, Mustafa Yasin; Pul, MuharremIn this study, the physical effects of incorporating nano-sized graphene plates (GNP) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) into a pure copper matrix were examined. Powder metallurgy was used as the composite production method. The microstructures of the nanocomposites were examined, and EDAX elemental and XRD phase analyses were performed. The properties of the electrical resistance and conductivity, thermoelectric properties, and thermal expansion characteristics were determined through various tests. Additionally, the thermal expansion behavior of the composite structures was investigated by measuring the sample sizes before and after the sintering heat treatment. It was observed that as the quantity of nano additives increased, there was a rise in reinforcement agglomeration and porosity. As a result of the experimental study, it was concluded that the addition of MWCNT and GNP nanomaterials to pure copper negatively affected the structural homogeneity of the composite, but positively influenced its electrical and thermal properties.Öğe Forecasting Electricity Consumption for Accurate Energy Management in Commercial Buildings With Deep Learning Models to Facilitate Demand Response Programs(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2024) Erten, Mustafa Yasin; Inanc, NihatIn the context of rapidly increasing energy demands and environmental concerns, optimizing energy management in commercial buildings is a critical challenge. Smart grids, empowered by advanced Energy Management Systems (EMS), play a pivotal role in addressing this challenge through Demand Side Management (DSM). However, the efficiency of DSM-based building EMS is often limited by the accuracy of load forecasting. This paper addresses this gap by exploring load forecasting models within DSM-based building EMS, focusing on a case study in a commercial building in Ankara, Turkey. Employing Deep Learning (DL) models for load forecasting, we provide inputs for rule-based controllers to enhance energy efficiency. Our major contribution is the development of the ANFIS-IC algorithm, aimed at maximizing demand response participation in commercial buildings. ANFIS-IC, integrating ANFIS controllers with LSTM-based load consumption forecasts, leads to a 33.14% reduction in energy consumption and a 39.22% decrease in energy costs, surpassing the performance of rule-based controllers alone which achieve reductions of 25.34% in energy consumption and 34.03% in energy costs. These findings not only highlight the potential of integrating rule-based controllers with deep learning algorithms but also underscore the importance of accurate load forecasting in improving the effectiveness of DSM-based building EMS.Öğe Gerçek zamanlı fiyat bilgisine dayalı talep tarafı katılımı yönetim sistemi geliştirilmesi(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2022) Erten, Mustafa Yasin; İnanç, NihatBu tezde, yük tahmin modelleri ve Talep Tarafı Yönetimi (TTY) tabanlı bina enerji yönetim sistemlerinin kapsamlı bir incelemesi yapılmıştır. Geliştirilen derin öğrenme tabanlı yük tahmin modeli, bina yükünün tahmin edilmesi için kullanılmıştır. TTY uygulamaları geliştirmek için Ankara'da bulunan ticari bir binada uygulanmıştır. Derin Öğrenme (DÖ) modelinden elde edilen yük tahmin profili çıktıları, bina enerji performansını iyileştirmek için kural tabanlı kontrolöre bir girdi olarak kullanılmıştır. ANFIS tabanlı Akıllı Denetleyici (ANFIS-AD), ticari binaların talep yanıtı katılımını en üst düzeye çıkarmak için tasarlanmış ve tezde bir vaka çalışmasıyla birlikte tanıtılmıştır. ANFIS-AD'nin amacı; yük atma ve yük alma bölgeleri için dinamik ayar noktaları oluşturmak ve Talep Yanıtı (TY) teşviklerini göz önünde bulundurarak, Enerji Depolama Sistemini (EDS) yönetip binadaki termal konforu etkilemeden enerji tüketimini ve maliyetini azaltmaktır. ANFIS-AD, kural tabanlı kontrolör ve mevcut sistem ile karşılaştırıldığında; ticari binadaki enerji tüketimini sırasıyla %25 ve %34 oranında azaltmış ve işletme maliyetlerini sırasıyla %33 ve %39 oranında düşürmüştür. Tezde önerilen merkezi enerji yönetim sistemi ise enerji sağlayıcı kuruluşlar için dengesizlik enerji maliyetlerini en aza indirmek üzere tasarlanmıştır. Enerji sağlayıcı kuruluşların portföyünde yer alan tüketim birimlerinin, dengeleme birimi olarak çalıştırılması sayesinde tüketimlerin yönetilmesi dengesizlik maliyetinin yanı sıra aktif enerji maliyetlerini de azaltma fırsatı sunmaktadır. Geliştirilen çözüm sayesinde sadece enerji sağlayıcı kurumların kârlılığı artmakla kalmayıp, ortaya çıkan avantajlar, tüketicilere de indirim şeklinde yansımaktadır.Öğe Investigation of the effect of lubricant properties of carbon nanomaterial in Cu/MWCNT composites on wear(Frontiers Media Sa, 2024) Pul, Muharrem; Yilmazel, Rustem; Erten, Mustafa Yasin; Kucukturk, Gokhan; Kaya, Duran; Salunkhe, Sachin; Zumrut, YavuzThis experimental study investigated the abrasive wear behaviour of pure copper-based and multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) doped composites synthesized by the powder metallurgy technique. Composite structures were formed by reinforcing MWCNT at different ratios between 1% and 8% in 99.9% pure copper by powder metallurgy. The microstructures of the nanocomposite samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. Then, density and hardness measurements and abrasive wear tests were performed to determine their mechanical properties. The collected data were evaluated with scanning electron microscopy images. It has been determined that copper's nano-sized carbon reinforcement material has a dry lubricant effect up to a specific ratio, reducing wear losses. On the contrary, wear losses increase as the MWCNT reinforcement ratio increases between 4% and 8%. The best results in lowering wear losses were obtained from the sample with 1% MWCNT reinforcement. Depending on the increase in the amount of nanomaterial reinforcement in the composite structure, it was observed that pore formation enlarges with reinforcement agglomeration. It was concluded that the dense porosity in the composite structure neglects the lubricating properties of the MWCNT reinforcement material and increases the wear losses by having a negative effect.Öğe IoT based Smart Home Testbed using MQTT Communication Protocol(2020) Yalçınkaya, Fikret; Aydilek, Hüseyin; Erten, Mustafa Yasin; İnanç, NihatTechnology is developing day by day in the world. In addition, developing technologies bring innovations and conveniences to all areas of life. However, ensuring the continuity of these innovations brought by technology reveals different problems. Smart home approach, which increases the quality of human living areas, is one of the most popular working subjects of recent times. In a smart home, built with the Internet of Things technology products, it is very important that the sensors and control devices communicate in a safer way and work in a coordinated manner to ensure the ecosystem's continuity in a safer way. In this study, an IoT based smart home testbed was realized by using MQTT communication protocol which one of the most used IoT communication protocols. With the developed system, the control of the smart home and the operating performance of the system were controlled with the mobile application. The results obtained in the light of the data provided by the test show that the system developed with the MQTT communication protocol can successfully ensure data flow and control in Smart Home applications.Öğe IoT based Smart Home Testbed using MQTT Communication Protocol(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2020) Yalçınkaya, Fikret; Aydilek, Hüseyin; Erten, Mustafa Yasin; İnanç, NihatTechnology is developing day by day in the world. In addition, developing technologies bring innovations and conveniences to all areas of life. However, ensuring the continuity of these innovations brought by technology reveals different problems. Smart home approach, which increases the quality of human living areas, is one of the most popular working subjects of recent times. In a smart home, built with the Internet of Things technology products, it is very important that the sensors and control devices communicate in a safer way and work in a coordinated manner to ensure the ecosystem's continuity in a safer way. In this study, an IoT based smart home testbed was realized by using MQTT communication protocol which one of the most used IoT communication protocols. With the developed system, the control of the smart home and the operating performance of the system were controlled with the mobile application. The results obtained in the light of the data provided by the test show that the system developed with the MQTT communication protocol can successfully ensure data flow and control in Smart Home applications.Öğe Kırıkkale Üniversitesi'ne Kurulacak Olan Rüzgar Türbini İçin Enerji ve Maliyet Analizinin Yapılması(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2014) Arslan, Özge Pınar; Arıkan, Yağmur; Erten, Mustafa Yasin; Çam, ErtuğrulBu çalışmada, Müsiad'ın Ahiler Ajansı ile ortak yürüttüğü proje kapsamında, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi kampüs alanında bulunan ve rüzgar hızı belirlenen bir bölgenin verileri kullanılarak, bölgenin rüzgar enerjisi potansiyeli analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada ilk olarak rüzgar enerjisiyle alakalı kavramlar açıklanmış, daha sonra belirlenen rüzgar verisi yardımıyla bölgede kurulabilecek 800 kW'lık anma gücüne sahip Enercon-53 rüzgar türbinin farklı kule yükseklikleri için enerji analizi ve maliyet analizi yapılmıştır. Bu analiz yardımıyla kule yüksekliğinin enerji üretim miktarına, kapasite faktörüne ve yatırımın amorti edilebileceği süreye etkisi incelenmiştir.Öğe Optimal Site Selection for a Solar Power Plant in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey(Hindawi Ltd, 2017) Akkas, Özge Pınar; Erten, Mustafa Yasin; Çam, Ertuğrul; İnanç, NihatPrimary energy sources are running out due to the increase in electrical energy consumption. Environmental problems caused by primary energy sources are also increasing. Using more renewable energy resources (RES) can be considered as one of the most powerful solutions to address these problems. Today, required photovoltaic power systems (PVPS) and wind energy systems (WES) are widely used as RES for addressing these problems. Because of their high costs, feasibility studies are required for locating large systems associated with these resources. In this study, various suggestions are determined about location selection, which is an important stage in the PVPS's establishment. Hence, the criteria for selecting the appropriate location are analyzed by the multicriteria decision making (MCDM) methods and the results are evaluated for 5 cities in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey. In conclusion, it is determined which city is the most suitable place for installation of solar power plants.Öğe Solar Power Prediction using Regression Models(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2022) Erten, Mustafa Yasin; Aydilek, HüseyinSolar power prediction is an important problem that has gained significant attention in recent years due to the increasing demand for renewable energy sources. In this paper, we present the results of using four different regression models for solar power prediction: linear regression, logistic regression, Lasso regression, and elastic regression. Our results show that all four models are able to accurately predict solar power, but Lasso regression and elastic regression outperform linear and logistic regression in terms of predicting the maximum solar power output. We also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each model in the context of solar power prediction.Öğe Synthesis of biocompatible Ti-6Al-4V composite reinforced with ZrO2 and bioceramic produced by powder metallurgy: Morphological, structural, and biocompatibility analysis(Wiley, 2024) Pul, Muharrem; Erdem, Umit; Bozer, Busra Moran; Simsek, Tuncay; Yilmazel, Rustem; Erten, Mustafa YasinIn this experimental study, the initial phase involved preparing composite structures with various mix ratios using the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, widely used in clinical applications, in conjunction with ZrO2 and hydroxyapatite (HA) synthesized via the precipitation method, employing powder metallurgy techniques. Subsequently, the microstructures of the resultant hybrid composite materials were imaged, and x-ray diffraction (XRD) phase analyses were conducted. In the final phase of the experimental work, tests were performed to determine the biocompatibility properties of the hybrid composites. For this purpose, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assays were carried out. The tests and examinations revealed that structures compatible both morphologically and elementally were obtained with no phase transformations that could disrupt the structure. The incorporation of ZrO2 into the Ti-6Al-4V alloy was observed to enhance cell viability values. The value of 98.25 +/- 0.42 obtained by adding 20% ZrO2 gave the highest cell viability result. The addition of HA into the hybrid structures further increased the cell viability values by approximately 10%. All viability values for both HA-added and HA-free groups were obtained above the 70% viability level defined in the standard. According to the genotoxicity test results, the highest cytokinesis-block proliferation index values were obtained as 1.666 and 0.620 in structures containing 20% ZrO2 and 10% ZrO2 + 10% HA, respectively. Remarkably, all fabricated composite and hybrid composite materials surpassed established biocompatibility standards and exhibited nontoxic and nongenotoxic properties. This comprehensive study contributes vital insights for future biomechanical and other in vitro and in vivo experiments, as it meticulously addresses fundamental characterization parameters crucial for medical device development.Öğe The Effect of SiC and MgO Ceramic Reinforcements on the Mechanical Behavior and Electrical Properties of the Composite Structure in Al7075/SiC/MgO Hybrid Composites(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2023) Erten, Mustafa Yasin; Yilmazel, Rustem; Filazi, Ahmet; Pul, MuharremIn this study, certain technical properties of new generation aluminum-based composites, obtained by combining the Al7075 alloy widely used in the industrial field with two different ceramics, were investigated. For this purpose, SiC and MgO ceramics in particle form were reinforced into the Al7075 matrix material using powder metallurgy technique and composite structures were produced in three different reinforcement ratios. Measurements to determine electrical resistance and conductivity and bending and compression strength tests were performed on the obtained composite structures. The density and porosity amounts of the composite structures were also determined, and their microstructures were examined with a digital microscope. With the increase of SiC/MgO amount in the aluminum composite structure, the electrical resistance increased, and the conductivity value decreased. With the effect of SiC/MgO reinforcing materials, the density value of the composite structures decreased while the amount of porosity increased. The hardness values increased due to the effect of SiC and MgO ceramics in the structure. The bending and compression strength values initially increased and then started to decrease with the increase of reinforcement ratios. It has been determined that the formation of porosity in the composite structure negatively affects the mechanical behavior. The second important factor was evaluated to be the amount and shape of ceramic-based reinforcement particles in the structure. Due to the effect of SiC, which has very high electrical resistance, and MgO, which has dielectric properties, the electrical conductivity values of the composite structures decreased. The increase in electrical resistance and the decrease in electrical conductivity were directly proportional to the amount of ceramic-based reinforcement particles in the composite structure.Öğe The Effect of SiC and MgO Ceramic Reinforcements on the Mechanical Behavior and Electrical Properties of the Composite Structure in Al7075/SiC/MgO Hybrid Composites(2023) Erten, Mustafa Yasin; Yılmazel, Rustem; Filazi, Ahmet; Pul, MuharremIn this study, certain technical properties of new generation aluminum-based composites, obtained by combining the Al7075 alloy widely used in the industrial field with two different ceramics, were investigated. For this purpose, SiC and MgO ceramics in particle form were reinforced into the Al7075 matrix material using powder metallurgy technique and composite structures were produced in three different reinforcement ratios. Measurements to determine electrical resistance and conductivity and bending and compression strength tests were performed on the obtained composite structures. The density and porosity amounts of the composite structures were also determined, and their microstructures were examined with a digital microscope. With the increase of SiC/MgO amount in the aluminum composite structure, the electrical resistance increased, and the conductivity value decreased. With the effect of SiC/MgO reinforcing materials, the density value of the composite structures decreased while the amount of porosity increased. The hardness values increased due to the effect of SiC and MgO ceramics in the structure. The bending and compression strength values initially increased and then started to decrease with the increase of reinforcement ratios. It has been determined that the formation of porosity in the composite structure negatively affects the mechanical behavior. The second important factor was evaluated to be the amount and shape of ceramic-based reinforcement particles in the structure. Due to the effect of SiC, which has very high electrical resistance, and MgO, which has dielectric properties, the electrical conductivity values of the composite structures decreased. The increase in electrical resistance and the decrease in electrical conductivity were directly proportional to the amount of ceramic-based reinforcement particles in the composite structure.