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Öğe Agrocybe vervacti (Fr.) Singer'in spor ve misellerinin anatomik ve morfolojik özellikleri(2015) Güler, Perihan; Türkoğlu, Aziz; Yıldız, GöksuAgrocybe vervacti (Fr.) Singer Strophariaceae familyasında yer alır ve ülkemizde doğal olarak yayılış gösterir. Örnekler Kırıkkale ve ilçelerinden toplandı. Anatomik çalışmalar spor ve miseller incelendi. Örneklerin arazideki morfolojik özellikleri ve petride geliştirilen misellerinin morfolojik yapıları incelendi. Bu amaçla bazidiyokarptan alınan parçalar patates dekstroz agar (PDA) besiyerinde doku kültürü yöntemi ile geliştirildi. Miseller karanlıkta, 25ºC'de inkübe edildi. Miseller inokulasyonun 11.günü kolonizasyonlarını tamamladı. Agrocybe vervacti sporları ve katı besiyerinde geliştirilen miselleri hem ışık hem de taramalı elektron (SEM) mikroskobu ile incelendi. Sporlar oval ve çimlenme poruna sahiptir. Miseller septalıdır.Öğe Antibacterial and antifungal activity of Heracleum sphondylium subsp artvinense(Academic Journals, 2006) Ergene, Aysun; Güler, Perihan; Tan, Stewart; Mirici, Semra; Hamzaoğlu, Engin; Duran, AhmetEthanol and aqueous extract of Heracleum sphondylium subsp. artvinense was investigated for their antimicrobial activities against eight bacterial species (Enterococcus feacalis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Listeria monocytogenes, Shigella, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Corynobacterium diphtheria) and two yeast (Candida albicans and C. krusei). Both ethanol and aqueous extract of H. sphondylium subsp. artvinense showed antimicrobial activity against the gram-positive bacterium (S. aureus).Öğe Antifungal activities of Fomitopsis pinicola (Sw.:Fr) Karst and Lactarius vellereus (Pers.) Fr.(Academic Journals, 2009) Güler, Perihan; Akata, Ilgaz; Kutluer, FatihIn this study, antifungal activities of Fomitopsis pinicola (Sw.:Fr) Karst and Lactarius vellereus (Pers.) Fr. extracts with chloroform and ethanol against Fusarium inflexum and Fusarium heterosporium were investigated. Mycelial discs (8 mm empty set) taken from actively growing margin of 7-day-old culture of each species and were placed in each extract medium. All species were incubated for 3 days at 28 degrees C in the dark. Antifungal activity was obtained by disc diffusion method.Öğe Antifungal effects of Clitocybe odora (Bull.: Fr.) kumm. against the plant pathogen Fusarium culmorum and Fusarium moniliforme(2011) Türkoğlu, Aziz; Güler, Perihan; Araz, Aydan; Kutluer, Fatih; Kunduz, İlknurBu çalışmada, Clitocybe odora aseptik şartlarda kurutuldu ve 12 saat süre ile çözgenler içinde bırakıldı. Ekstraktlar süzüldü ve evaporatör kullanarak 600C’de kurutuldu. Elde edilen kuru materyaller 40C’de muhafaza edildi. Antifungal aktiviteler Disk Difüzyon metodu ile ölçüldü. Bu metoda göre, F.culmorum ve F.moniliforme inokulumları patates dekstroz agar besiyeri üzerine yayıldı. Clitocybe odora ekstraktları 6 mm çapındaki disklerde 10 ?l olacak şekilde emdirildi. Tüm diskler besiyeri üzerine ayrı ayrı bırakıldı ve 280C’de 48 saat inkübe edildi. Kontrol için su ve sadece aseton ve kloroform içeren diskler kullanıldı. Çalışmada ticari antibiyotikler eritromisin ve amoksilin karşılaştırma için kullanıldı.Öğe Development of agaricus bitorquis (quel.) sacc mycelium at different temperatures(2007) Güler, Perihan; Arkan, OğuzIn this study, the development of Agaricus bitorquis (Quel.) Sacc. mycelium at different temperatures was examined. Spores were developed in the wheat agar medium for 20 days at 30°C. At the end of the incubation period, they were grouped as A, B, C, and D. In this way, the main cultures were obtained. The mycelium of these groups was grown at 25, 28, 30, 32, 35 and 38°C. Mycelium grown at 30°C served as a control. A group mycelium had good development at 25, 28, 30, 32°C. For Group A mycelium 35°C was the lethal temperature point; for other groups 38°C was lethal. The growth of C group mycelium at 35°C showed differences from the control.Öğe Erica manupuliflora Salisb. poleninin Morchella conica pers.'nın misel gelişimine etkisi(2001) Güler, Perihan; Sorkun, KadriyeFarklı konsantrasyonda polen içeren malt ekstrakt ağarın Morchella conica Pers. vegetatif misel gelişimine etkileri araştırıldı. Polen ekstraktı konsantrasyonları %1, %3, %5, %10 olarak hazırlandı. Vegetatif misellerin radyal büyüme hızları kriter olarak alındı. Polen ilave edilen besiyerlerinde vegetatif misel gelişimi kontrole göre daha hızlı oldu. Kontrol grubunda kolonizasyon süresi 9 gün olurken, bu süre %10 konsantrasyonda 7 gün, %5 konsantrasyonda 6 gün, %3 konsantrasyonda 6 gün ve %1 konsantrasyonda 4 gün oldu. Veriler istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi. Verilere dayanılarak grafik çizildi.Öğe Hypoglycemic activity of a dietary mushroom Pleurotus florida on alloxan induced diabetic rats(2013) Khatun, Selima; Islam, Aminul; Güler, Perihan; Çakılcıoğlu, Uğur; Chatterjee, C. NarayanSpecies of Pleurotus possess various medicinal properties including hypoglycemic and hypocholesterolemic activities. The feeding effect of the mushroom Pleurotus florida in powdered form was evaluated on growth, blood glucose and cholesterol level in alloxan-induced diabetic albino rats against control. The starch was estimated in dry mushroom and found to be 0.28% (dry weight). The result indicated no significant difference in respect of gaining body weights between Bengal gram-fed and mushroom-fed groups. For studying antidiabetic effect, the control group and half of alloxan-induced (100 mg/kg i.p) experimental groups were fed on normal diet with Bengal gram whereas the other half of alloxan-induced group was fed on same diet but with additional mushroom powder. Blood samples were analysed for glucose, serum cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid levels on 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days of alloxan treatment. Body weights and mortality were noted during the period of study. The diabetic group administered with mushroom diet showed significantly decreased level of blood glucose and cholesterol compared to the counterpart. Estimation of lipid profile revealed much lower LDL cholesterol in mushroom fed diabetic group than in non- mushroom fed diabetic control group. The study, thus, points out the prominent effect of feeding dried mushroom (P. florida) on growth of albino rat and positive effect of P. florida on lowering blood glucose and cholesterol level in diabetic rats thereby suggesting its hypoglycemic and hypocholesterolemic effect.Öğe Kırıkkale ili makrofungus florasının tespiti ve genetik karakterizasyonu(2014) Güler, Perihan; Çelebi, Ayten Keskin; Türkoğlu, Aziz[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Macrofungi flora of Beytepe campus area (Ankara)(2003) Güler, Perihan; Mutlu, BirolIn this study, the fungi were collected from Beytepe Campus area in the years of 1999 and 2000, particularly autumn and spring. As a result of these field and laboratory studies, 17 macrofungi were identified, 3 of which belonged to Ascomycetes and 14 to Basidiomycetes.Öğe Morphological development of Morchella conica mycelium on different agar media(Triveni Enterprises, 2009) Güler, Perihan; Özkaya, E. G.The present study presents the development of mycelium of Morchella conica where different concentration of sucrose added at different agar media. For this sucrose have been added as 0.25, 0,50, 0.75, 1.00 and 1.25% concentration to wheat agar, potato dextrose agar, malt extract agar and complete medium yeast agar The radial growth speed, morphologic specifications, radial growth radius and pigmentation of mycelium were taken as criteria, the development period of mycelium in wheat agar was completed in 4 days and mycelium were very thin. The colonization period of the mycelium was determined; 7 days in potato dextrose agar, 5 days in malt extract agar and 5 days at complete medium yeast agar The development of the mycelium; at potato dextrose agar was dense and circular at malt extract agar and at completed medium yeast agar was rhizomorphic. Mycelium has developed very well at sucrose medium and formed creamy and light yellow pigmentation.Öğe Propolis effect on sclerotial formations of Morchella conica Pers.(Pakistan Botanical Soc, 2005) Güler, Perihan; Bozcuk, Suna; Mutlu, Fatma; Sorkun, KadriyeIn this study, the effects of propolis at different concentrations on sclerotial formations of Morchella conica Pers., were examined. The propolis used was obtained from three different regions of Turkey. The propolis extracts were prepared at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 EEP concentrations and they were added to malt extract agar. During the incubation period of 10 days, the mycelium of control group developed rhizomorphic and parallel oil the surface of agar medium and there was no pigmentation. On the other hand, the mycelium did not develop normally oil the agar medium in the presence of propolis but the sclerotial formations were observed. The sclerotial cells were spherical in form, with thick walls and they were characterised with different pigmentations.Öğe Protective effect of kombucha mushroom (KM) tea on chromosomal aberrations induced by gamma radiation in human peripheral lymphocytes in-vitro(Triveni Enterprises, 2010) Çavuşoğlu, Kültigin; Güler, PerihanThe aim of this study was to investigate the potential radioprotective effect of kombucha musroom tea (KM-tea) on gamma radiation (gamma)-induced chromosomal aberrations (CAs) in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro. For this purpose, we used in vitro dose-effect relationship, and correlated these data with statistical parameters. CAs were classified into six major types as break, dicentric, acentric, fragment, gap and ring. Mitotic index (MI) and the numbers of aberrant metaphases (AMN) were also calculated for each donor Six groups of the lymphocytes were prepared by in vitro culture according to the standard protocol. Group I (control) did not receive any gamma-radiation or KM-tea, Group II (positive control) was treated with 1000 mu l dose of KM-tea alone, Group III was treated with 5 Gy dose of gamma-radiation alone, Group IV was treated with 250 mu l dose of KM-tea before irradiation, Group V was treated with 500 mu l KM-tea before irradiation, Group VI was treated with 1000 mu l KM-tea before irradiation. The results indicated that all KM-tea supplemented lymphocytes had lower frequency of CAs than in the group treated with gamma-radiation alone (p<0.05). It was seen that KM-tea had a protective effect againist CAs particularly at 500 and 1000 mu l doses. Besides, MI values increased and AMN decreased after application of KM-tea in a dose/dependent manner In vitro results showed that KM-tea supplementation may decrease the frequency of CAs and its radioprotective action against ionizing radiation is dose-dependent.Öğe Rhizopogon roseolus (Corda) Th. Fr.’ un kültürel özellikleri(2017) Güler, PerihanBu çalışmada Rhizopogon roseolus (Corda) Th. Fr.’un spor ve miselyumlarının anatomik ve morfolojik özellikleri çalışıldı. Mantar örnekleri Kırıkkale-Türkiye’den toplandı ve laboratuvara getirildi. Alınan doku örnekleri patates dekstroz agar (PDA) besiyerinde doku kültürü yöntemi ile gelişti. 25C’de inkübe edildi. Miseller inokulasyondan 2 gün sonra besiyeri üzerinde karışık olarak gelişim gösterdi. Özellikle koloninin en dış bölgesindeki misellerde yoğunluğun arttığı ve pigmentasyon oluşumu gözlendi. Misellerde önce hafif sarımsı renkte gelişme olduğu daha sonra koloninin en dışında pembemsi pigmentasyon geliştiği görüldü. Kolonizasyon oluşumu 20 günde tamamlandı R.roseolus’un spor ve miselleri hem ışık hem de scanning elektron mikroskop (SEM) ile incelendi. R.roseolus’un sporları düz ve boyutları 3.5-4x6.5-7 µm. olup genellikle oval şekillidir.Öğe Screening of Morphological and Anatomical Features of Coprinellus micaceus (Bull.) Fr. From Turkey(2015) Güler, Perihan; Türkoğlu, AzizIn this study, cultural properties those morphological and anatomical features of Coprinellus micaceus (Bull.) Fr. spores and mycelium were examined. Carpofor is tawny brown-brown and shape from oval to bell-shaped to convex. Stem is white. The mushroom samples were brought to the laboratory and were incubated in the dark for 10 days, in 26° C. During incubation period, the development of mycelium were measured on a daily and the radial growth rates was taken as criteria. The spores and mycelium of Coprinellus micaceus were investigated with help of both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Öğe Screening of Spore Ornamentation of Some Mushrooms(2015) Güler, Perihan; Türkoğlu, AzizIn this study, spores of twelve basidiomycetes species were examined. These species were collected from Kırıkkale-Turkey in the year of 2012 at autumn and spring. The collected samples were brought in the laboratory and mushrooms were dried in aseptic conditions. They were examined morphologically and anatomically. The spores of Laetiporus sulphureus, Cortinarius cotoneus, Boletus erythropus, Ganoderma lucidum, Coprinus disseminatus, Psathyrella candolleana, Volvariella pusilla, Schizophyllum commune, three Inocybe spp. that I. dunensis, I. dulcamara, I. praetervisa and Phellinus hartigii were investigated.Öğe Screening to mycelium specifications of ganoderma lucidum (Fr.) karst (reishi)(2011) Güler, Perihan; Kutluer, Fatih; Kunduz, İlknurBu çalışmada, ölümsüzlük mantarı olarak bilinen Ganoderma lucidum-Reishi’un morfolojik ve anatomik yapısı incelendi. G. lucidum doku parçası patates dekstroz agar merkezine ekildi ve 28ºC’de 22 günlük bir süre için karanlık olarak inkübe edildi. Aşılama döneminin sonunda; misel beyaz renkli ve çok sağlam bir doku oluştu. G. lucidum’un spor ve misellerinin anatomik çalışmaları elektron mikroskobu (SEM) ve ışık mikroskobu (LM) ile ayrı ayrı tespit edildi ve fotoğrafları çekildi.Öğe To produce efficient strains of Agaricus bitorquis (Quel.) Saccardo, which are resistant to high temperatures(Elsevier Science Bv, 2005) Güler, Perihan; Ergene, Aysun; Tan, S.…