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Öğe Adverse effect of VEGFR-2 (rs1870377) polymorphism on the clinical course of COVID-19 in females and males in an age-dependent manner(Elsevier, 2023) Kocakap, Derya Beyza Sayin; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Aksoy, Emel; Sahin, Omer; Baccioglu, Ayse; Ekici, Aydanur; Kalpaklioglu, Ayse FusunThe COVID-19 pandemic has affected people worldwide with varying clinical presentations ranging from mild to severe or fatal, and studies have found that age, gender, and some comorbidities can influence the severity of the disease. It would be valuable to have genetic markers that might help predict the likely outcome of infection. For this objective, genes encoding VEGFR-2 (rs1870377), CCR5D32 (rs333), and TLR3 (rs5743313) were analyzed for polymorphisms in the peripheral blood of 160 COVID-19 patients before COVID-19 vaccine was available in Turkiye. We observed that possession of the VEGFR-2 rs1870377 mutant allele increased the risk of severe/moderate disease in females and subjects >= 65 years of age, but was protective in males <65 years of age. Other significant results were that the CCR5D32 allele was protective against severe disease in subjects >= 65 years of age, while TLR3 rs5743313 polymorphism was found to be protective against severe/moderate illness in males <65 years of age. The VEGFR-2 rs1870377 mutant allele was a risk factor for severe/moderate disease, particularly in females over the age of 65. These findings suggest that genetic polymorphisms have an age-and sex-dependent influence on the severity of COVID-19, and the VEGFR-2 rs1870377 mutant allele could be a potential predictor of disease severity.(c) 2023 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.Öğe Analysis of Borrelia burgdorferi antibody seroprevalence in patients with Behçet's disease using 3 different serological assays(2004) Ayaşlıoğlu, Ergin; Erkek, Emel; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Kılıç, Dilek; İnal, Ali; Keskin, GöksalAbstract: Behçet's disease is a chronic multisystemic inflammatory vasculitis of unknown etiology. Various infectious agents have been implicated as potential triggering factors in the pathogenesis of the disease. The present study was designed to evaluate the seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies in Turkish patients with Behçet's disease. For this purpose, 90 consecutive patients with Behçet's disease and 50 healthy individuals were enrolled into a prospective study. The IgM and IgG antibodies to B. burgdorferi in sera were determined by 3 different serological techniques, namely indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blotting (WB). Although there was a tendency in the patient group toward a higher seropositivity rate using the ELISA and WB tests, statistical analysis revealed no difference in antibody prevalence between the patient and control groups for each technique performed (P >0.05 for all 3 assays). The findings of the present study do not support a potential role for B. burgdorferi in the etiopathogenesis of Behçet's disease, at least in the geographical region of central Anatolia.Öğe Anti-sitomegalovirus (HCMV) IgM pozitif olgularda HCMV antijenemisinin araştırılması(2002) Kaygusuz, Sedat; Köksal, İftiharSitomegalovirus (HCMV); gebelikte, yenidoğan döneminde ve immünsüpresif konakta önemli infeksiyonlara neden olan bir etkendir. Seroloji, kültür ve moleküler yöntemler erken ve pratik tanı için yetersiz kalmaktadır. Anti-HCMV IgM pozitifliği antijenemi döneminden sonra görülmektedir. Ancak özellikle bağışıklığı baskılanmış bireylerde antijenemi ile anti-HCMV IgM pozitifliği eşzamanlı bulunabilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, anti-HCMV IgM ile antijeneminin birlikte olduğu durumları saptamak idi. Anti-HCMV IgM pozitifliği saptanan ve gebelik, böbrek yetmezliği, malignensi ve akut ateşli hastalık gibi klinik tablolara sahip 56 değişik olguda, immünfloresans yöntemiyle HCMV antijenemisi (HCMV pp65) araştırıldı. Yalnız lenfoma nedeniyle kemoterapi alan bir olguda pozitiflik saptandı. HCMV antijenemisinin araştırılması anti-HCMV IgM pozitif olguların yerine, transplant alıcısı, seronegatif gebe gibi risk altındaki kişilerde periyodik olarak yapılması gerektiği sonucuna varıldı.Öğe Antimicrobial susceptibility of Brucella melitensis isolates from blood samples(2008) Açıkgöz, Ergin Ayaşlıoğlu; Kılıç, Selçuk; Aydın, Kemalettin; Kılıç, Dilek; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Ağalar, CananAmaç: Bruselloz tüm dünyada yaygın olarak görülen ve ülkemizde kırsal alanlar başta olmak üzere önemli bir sağlık sorunu oluşturan zoonotik bir hastalıktır. Bu çalışmada, kan örneklerinden izole edilen Brucella cinsi bakterilerde tür/biyotip tayini yapılması ve bu suşların antimikrobiyal duyarlılıklarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem ve Gereç: Çalışmaya Kırıkkale ilinde kan kültürlerinden izole edilmiş 46 Brucella suşu alınmıştır. ‹zolatların identifikasyon ve tür/biyotip tayininde konvansiyonel yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Tetrasiklin, streptomisin, rifampisin, siproşoksasin ve azitromisin için minimal inhibitör konsantrasyon (M‹K) değerlerinin belirlenmesinde E-test yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Tüm izolatlar B. melitensis (45’i biyotip-3) olarak belirlenmiştir. Antibiyotik duyarlılık sonuçlarına bakıldığında, izolatların tümü tetrasiklin, streptomisin, siproşoksasin ve azitromisin’e duyarlı bulunmuştur. Kırkdört suş rifampine duyarlı, iki suş ise orta duyarlı olarak saptanmıştır. Tetrasiklin, streptomisin, rifampin, siproşoksasin ve azitromisin için M‹K90 değerleri sırasıyla 0,25 mg/l, 0,50 mg/l, 1,0 mg/l, 0,25 mg/l ve 1,0 mg/l olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç: Son yıllarda, Brucella suşlarının identifikasyon ve antimikrobiyal duyarlılıklarının belirlenmesi üzerine büyük bir ilgi artışı vardır. Antibiyotik duyarlılık sonuçları Brucella suşlarında kullanılmakta olan konvansiyonel ilaçlara karşı in vitro direnç olmadığını göstermektedir. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular, Türkiye’de bu konuda yapılan benzer çalışmalar ve dünya verileri eşliğinde gözden geçirilmiştir.Öğe Are serum levels of trace elements in children with auditory neuropathy within normal limits? A pilot study(Canadian Soc Clinical Investigation, 2010) Muluk, Nuray Bayar; Yalcinkaya, Fulya; Arikan, Osman Kuersat; Cirpar, Oezden; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Ercan, VarolObjectives: To determine whether trace elements that are essential for neural function play a role in the pathophsiology and etiology of auditory neuropathy (AN).. Materials and methods: Patients diagnosed with auditory neuropathy consisted of eight children (two male, six female). The blood tests including the measurement of sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper and magnesium were done in children with AN during their routine care. Results: Of the eight children with AN, many had serum levels outside the normal range: one had low sodium, two had low potassium, one had low chloride, two had high zinc and three had low zinc, two had low calcium and two had higher than normal phosphorus. Conclusion: Although some serum trace element levels in our patients were higher or lower than normal values, the mean values were within normal limits. Thus, we were unable to detect a relationship between serum trace element levels and AN-. In the future, larger studies should be conducted to confirm these findings.Öğe Aseptik meninjit tablosu ile başvuran bir sistemik lupus eritematozuz(2005) Ayaşlıoğlu, Ergin; Çeken, Sabahat; Kılıç, Dilek; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Erol, Özlem; Küçük, Seda SibelAseptik meninjit, sistemik lupus eritematozuz (SLE)'da nadir görülen klinik bir tablodur. Bu yazıda, aseptik meninjit tablosu ile başvuran bir 22 yaşındaki kadın SLE olgusu sunulmuş, bu tabloya neden olabilecek infeksiyon ve infeksiyon dışı hastalıklar tartışılmıştır.Öğe A case of brucellar septic arthritis of the knee with a prolonged clinical course(Springer Heidelberg, 2005) Ayaşlıoğlu, Engin; Özlük, Özlem; Kılıç, Dilek; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Kara, Simay; Aydın, Gülümser; Tekeli, EminBrucellosis is a systemic infectious disease with a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations. Arthritis is frequently observed in its course and may be one of the main presenting clinical features of the disease. We report a case of brucellar monoarthritis of the knee with a prolonged clinical course despite efficient antibiotic treatment.Öğe A Case of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Caused by Ewingella americana: First Report from Turkey(2014) Ecemiş, Kenan; Gül, Serdar; Ecemiş, Emine; Ayaşlıoğlu, Ergin; Türkel, Yakup; Kaygusuz, SedatEwingella americana özellikle immunsuprese hastalarda ciddi enfeksiyonların çok ender bir sebebidir. Biz bu çalışmada bir yoğun bakım hastasında seftriaksonla başarı ile tedavi edilen bir ventilator ilişkili pnömoni olgusu sunduk. Bizim bilgimize göre bu vaka İngilizce literatürde Ewingella americana'nın etken olarak bildirildiği ilk ventilatör ilişkili pnömoni (VİP) olgusudurÖğe CİNSEL YOLLA BULAŞAN HASTALIKLARIN TANI VE TEDAVİSİNDE GÜNCEL YAKLAŞIMLAR(2021) Ayvaz, Gökçe; Kaygusuz, SedatCinsel yolla bulaşan enfeksiyon terimi, cinsel aktivite yoluyla bulaşan patojenlerin neden olduğu, akut ya da kronik olabilen, değişik özelliklerde lezyonlarla seyreden, infertilite, düşkünlük hatta ölümle sonuçlanabilen çeşitli hastalıkları kapsamaktadır. Cinsel yolla bulaşan enfeksiyonların bir kısmı döküntü ve ülserle seyrederken, bir kısmı da akıntı ya da her iki klinik tablo ile birlikte görülebilmektedir. Sifilis, genital herpes enfeksiyonu, şankroid, granuloma inguinale ve lenfogranuloma venereum genellikle ülser ile seyrederken; gonokok ve klamidya enfeksiyonları, bakteriyel vajinozis, trikomonas vajinalis ve vulvovajinal kandidiazis gibi bazı hastalıklar genellikle akıntı ile seyretmektedir.Tanı için bir kısım hastalıkta kültür altın standart iken, bir kısmının tanısı klinik kriterlere dayanmakta, birçoğunda ise doku veya lezyondaki eksudanın direkt mikroskopik incelemesi, nükleik asit amplifikasyon testleri ve serolojik testler (antijen veya antikor tarama) öne çıkmaktadır.Tedavinin amaçları patojenin elimine edilmesi, lezyon ve semptomların ortadan kalkması, bulaştırıcılık ve rekürren enfeksiyon riskinin azaltılması ile geç dönemde görülebilecek komplikasyonların ortadan kalkmasıdır. Uygun antimikrobiyal tedavi ile birlikte partner tedavisi ve yönetimi de kür için önemlidir.Öğe Current Approaches in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2021) Ayvaz, Gökçe; Kaygusuz, SedatThe term sexually transmitted infection includes various diseases caused by pathogens transmitted through sexual activity. The diseases can be acute or chronic, resulting in lesions with varying characteristics as well as infertility, weakness or even death. While some sexually transmitted diseases progress with ulcers, some of them can present with discharge or both clinical presentations. Syphilis, genital herpes infection, chancroid, granuloma inguinale and lymphogranuloma venereum usually progress with ulcers while gonococcal and chlamydia infections, bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas vaginalis and vulvovaginal candidiasis usually progress with discharge.While culture is successful in diagnosis for some diseases, the diagnosis of others are based on clinical criteria. In many of the diseases, direct microscopic examination of the exudate taken from the tissue or lesion, nucleic acid amplification tests and serological tests are more successful.The goals of treatment are to eliminate the pathogen, to eliminate lesions and symptoms, to reduce the risk of contagiousness and recurrent infection, and to eliminate complications that may occur in the late period. Along with appropriate antimicrobial therapy, partner treatment and management is also very important.Öğe The detection of Brucella spp. by BACTEC 9050 blood culture system(2004) Ayaşlioğlu, Ergin; Kiliç, Dilek; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Küçük, Seda; Çeken, Sebahat; Erol, Özlem; Alpay, YeşimRecent reports have demonstrated that automated continous monitoring blood culture systems are fast and efficent in the detection of Brucella spp. In this retrospective study, the detection of these slow-growing bacteria by BACTEC 9050 blood culture system was evaluated. For this purpose, 60 patients, whose blood cultures were monitored by using BACTEC 9050 system were included into the study. Brucella spp. were isolated in 26 of 31 patients from whom two blood cultures were obtained and in 17 of 29 patients from whom single blood culture were obtained. The majority of isolates (84.1 %) were detected within 7 days of incubation while the earliest detection was on the 3rd day in two samples. However, the bacteria were isolated by subcultures after 30 days of incubation in 8 of the samples. In conclusion, the routine 5 or 7 days-incubation protocols with BACTEC 9050 system were not efficient for the isolation of Brucella spp. Obtaining two blood cultures and prolonge incubation followed by subcultures increased the probability of bacterial isolation.Öğe Diagnosis of acute brucellosis by polymerase chain reaction technique(Refik Saydam National Public Health Agency (RSNPHA), 2015) Çeken, Sabahat; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Kiliç, Dilek; Ağalar, CananObjective: Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease which is a public health problem in our country like many parts of the world. The illness has nonspecific symptoms and physical signs. Bacterial culture is gold standard in the diagnosis of brucellosis but it is difficult and time consuming, so serologic techniques are used routinely. But serologic techniques have low specificity because of cross reactions. Molecular methods like polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are good alternatives in the early and rapid diagnosis of brucellosis, as it is in other infectious diseases. The aim of this study was to compare PCR method with conventional methods in the diagnosis of brucellosis. Methods: The study included 35 patients and 20 healthy volunteers. Sera for serology and whole blood samples for PCR were collected from each subject in both groups. DNA was extracted from peripheral mononuclear cells obtained from the blood samples and an in house PCR assay was used to detect brucella DNA. Results: Standart tube agglutination (STA) titers of most patients were ?1/160, except one patient which was 1/80. Blood cultures were positive for 16 patients. The STA titers of all controls were negative. PCR was positive for 97% of the patients and all of the volunteers were negative. Conclusion: It is concluded that the tested PCR assay has high sensitivity in the diagnosis of brucellosis and it may be used in rapid and accurate diagnosis of brucellosis.Öğe Do CCR5 (CCR5?32) and TLR3 (RS5743313) gene polymorphisms prevent chronic hepatitis B infection?(Wiley, 2023) Tuncel, Burcin; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Kocakap, Derya Beyza Sayin; Aksoy, Emel; Azkur, Ahmet KursatHepatitis B virus (HBV) is still a significant health problem in human. HBV severity or sensitivity of patients may be based on the individual genetic factors significantly. The aim of this study is to investigate the association of CCR5 (CCR5 Delta 32), TLR3 (rs5743313) functional gene polymorphisms, interferon-gamma (IFN-?) level in HBV infection, which are thought to play an important role in innate and acquired immunity in patients who have undergone HBV seroconversion and those who have chronic hepatitis B disease and receive treatment. One hundred patients who are became naturally immune against HBV infection (HBsAg negative, anti-HBc IgG, and anti-HBs IgG positive), and 100 patients with chronic hepatitis B infection (>6 months HBsAg positive) who are receiving oral antiviral therapy were compared for CCR5 Delta 32, TLR3 (rs5743313) genotypes and serum IFN-gamma level. It was found that CCR5 Delta 32 polymorphism (Wt/Delta 32 and Delta 32/Delta 32) was significantly higher in the chronic hepatitis B group (p=0.048) but not for TLR3 gene polymorphism. However, serum IFN-gamma level was significantly higher in the HBV seroconversion group (75 +/- 89ng/ml) than in the chronic hepatitis B group (4.35 +/- 17.27ng/ml) (p < 0.001). In conclusion, a higher CCR5 Delta 32 allele frequency in patients with chronic hepatitis B might be considered as a marker of progression to chronic hepatitis.Öğe Doğumsal nazolakrimal kanal tıkanıklığı olan olgularda bakteriyolojik inceleme ve antibiyotik duyarlılığı(2004) Taner, Pelin; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Akarsu, Cengiz; Ergin, Ahmet; Ayaşlıoğlu, ErginAmaç: Doğumsal nazolakrimal kanal tıkanıklığı (DNKT) saptanan olgularda mükopürülan akıntıdan örnekler alınarak enfeksiyona yol açan bakterileri saptamak, antibiyotik duyarlılığını incelemek. Gereç ve Yöntem: Şubat 2000-Mayıs 2002 tarihleri arasında, kliniğimize başvuran ve DNKT tanısı alan 26 olgunun 29 gözünden alınan örnekler değişik kültür ortamlarına ekildi ve üreyen bakterilerin antibiyotik duyarlılıkları incelendi. Olguların yaşları 1-9 ay (ortalama 4.83.8 ay), izlem süresi 6-12 ay (ortalama 93.2 ay) arasında değişmekteydi. Bulgular: Alınan kültür örneklerinin %75.8'inde üreme saptandı. Kültür sonuçlarında, %79 oranında gram pozitif bakterilerin, %21 oranında ise gram negatif bakterilerin ürediği gözlendi. En sık saptanan bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae (%37.5) iken, 2. sıklıkta Staphylococcus epidermidis (%16.6) yer aldı. Gram pozitif bakteriler üzerinde kloramfenikol, ampisilin/sülbaktam; gram negatif bakteriler üzerinde ise kloramfenikol, siproflokzasin ve oflokzasin en etkin antibiyotiklerdi. Sonuç: Ülkemizde pediatrik dakriyosistitlerden çoğunlukla gram pozitif bakteriler sorumlu olmakla birlikte, gram negatif bakteriler de nadir olmayarak saptanmıştır. Bu nedenle DNKT olan olgularda kültür alınması ve etkene yönelik antibiyotiğin seçilmesi, medikal tedavinin başarısına katkıda bulunabilir.Öğe Echinococcosis: A possible etiology in psoriatic disease(Karger, 2006) Apan, Teoman Zafer; Kaygusuz, SedatWe aimed to investigate seroprevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in patients with psoriasis to determine a possible etiologic role, since both echinococcosis and psoriasis are defined as T cell-mediated diseases. Forty psoriatic patients and 50 age- and sex-matched control subjects were included in the study. IgG-specific ELISA was used to determine seropositivity. E. granulosus-specific IgG antibodies were found to be positive in 17/40 (42.5%) of the patients with psoriasis and in 11/50 (22%) of the control subjects (p = 0.008). Our results suggest that echinococcosis might be one of the causative pathogens in the etiopathogenesis of psoriasis in highly endemic regions. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel.Öğe The effect of a restriction policy on the antimicrobial consumption in Turkey: a country-wide study(Springer, 2005) Hosoğlu, Salih; Esen, Şaban; Öztürk, Recep; Altindiş, Mustafa; Ertek, Mustafa; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Celen, Mustafa KemalBackground: The total annual expenditure of antimicrobials in Turkey in 2002 was 24% of all drug spending. In order to reduce the cost of drug expenditure, the Turkish government introduced a new restriction policy on the prescription of antimicrobials in June 2003. This new policy is based on the justification that the physicians specializing in infectious diseases should be primarily responsible for the prescription of antimicrobials. Objectives: Compare and contrast the usage of antimicrobials at hospitals before and after the implementation of the new restriction policy. Methods: The data was collected from the same departments in two different periods in 2003 at 15 hospitals throughout Turkey. The first set of data was collected a few days before the new policy was implemented in May 2003 and the second data set 6 months after that. Antimicrobial usage was calculated as defined daily doses (DDDs) per 100 patient days according to ATC-DDD index. The change in antimicrobial consumption was determined by comparing the mean DDD values before and after the implementation of the new policy. Results: Before the intervention, the mean antimicrobial use density was 71.56 DDD/100 patients-day at the hospitals in the study. Six months after the implementation, the mean antimicrobial use density was 52.64 DDD/100 patients-day. There was a 26.4% decrease in the antimicrobial usage between that prior to and that after the intervention (P < 0.025). Conclusions: The study shows that the implementation of the new policy resulted in a significant reduction in the prescription of antimicrobials.Öğe The effect of different types of honey on healing infected wounds(Ma Healthcare Ltd, 2018) Eroglu, Oguz; Deniz, Turgut; Kisa, Ucler; Comu, Faruk Metin; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Kocak, Orhan MuratObjective: To investigate the effects of treatments of 'mad honey', blossom honey and nitrofurazone on infected wound healing. Method: Male albino Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups: 'mad honey' (MH), blossom honey (BH), nitrofurazone (N) and control (C). All rats were anaesthetised intraperitoneally. A circular skin incision was made to the back regions. Grafts containing slime-producing Staphylococcus epidermidis were placed on the incision area and then sutured to the skin. Infection in the wound area was confirmed after 48 hours. Wounds were dressed twice daily with the various treatment materials. Rats were randomly euthanised on days 7 or 14, and tissue samples taken. Tissue samples were assessed for hydroxyproline (HP), tensile strength (TS) and macroscopic measurement (area and intensity). Results: HP levels were higher in the treatment groups (MH, BH, N) at days 7 and 14 compared with the control group. 'Group x day' interaction was found in the HP levels (p=0.015). Increases in HP levels in the MH and N groups between days 7 and 14 were significantly higher than those in the other groups (p<0.05). Intensity was significantly lower in the control group and significantly higher in group MH compared with the other groups. Significant 'group x day' interaction was observed in intensity (p=0.006). TS was significantly lower on day 7 than on day 14 (p=0.022). No marked difference was observed between the groups, nor any 'group x day' interaction, in terms of TS. Conclusion: Honey administration successfully healed infected wounds. However, there was no significant difference between the effect of MH and that of N in terms of wound healing.Öğe Epidemia of Tularemia in Central Anatolia(Medwell Online, 2010) Kaygusuz, Sedat; Osman-Arikan; Azkur, Kursat; Simsek, Hulya; Gazyagci, Serkal; Muluk, Nuray; Ertek, MustafaTularemia is a zoonotic disease caused by Francisella tularensis which can be transmitted to humans by tick bites contaminated water handling infected materials and inhalation. The different clinical types are ulceroglandular, glandular, oropharyngeal, oculoglandular, typhoidal and pneumonic tularemia. Streptomycin and tetracycline are commonly used to treat this infection. In this study approched other patients after the suspected tularemia patient attended to Kirikkale University, Faculty of Medicine with the servical mass complaint at January 2010. To find the reservoir for tularemia, laboratory research was carried on the mice. suspected to be infected with Francisella tularensis in the town of infection.Öğe EŞ ZAMANLI PCT VE CRP İSTENEN TOPLUM KÖKENLİ PNÖMONİ VE KOAH ALEVLENMESİ OLAN HASTALARDA BU PARAMETRELERİN KORELASYONU VE MALİYET ETKİLİLİK AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMES(2019) Badem, Nermin Dindar; Peker, Seydi Ali; Kaygusuz, SedatAmaç: Bakteriyel enfeksiyonlar önemli morbidite vemortalite nedenidir. Serum prokalsitonin ve C-reaktifprotein sistemik inflamasyon ve bakteriyel enfeksiyonlarıntanı, tedavi ve takibinde önemli belirteçlerdir. Buçalışmada nihai tanıları pnömoni ve/veya KOAHalevlenmesi olan hastalarda son zamanlarda enfeksiyontakibinde sıklıkla kullanılmaya başlanan prokalsitonin ileklasik belirteç olarak kullanılan C-reaktif protein düzeyleriarasındaki korelasyon araştırıldı. Ayrıca alt solunum yoluenfeksiyonu tanısı ya da yönetimi için C-reaktif proteininmi, prokalsitoninin mi maliyet etkililik açısından yararlıolduğunu saptamayı amaçladık.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Toplam 1948 hastadan elde edilmiş4712 örnekten eş zamanlı çalışılan prokalsitonin ve Creaktif protein sonuçları değerlendirildi. Örneklerden499’u (%10.6) KOAH alevlenmesi (Grup I), 1480’i(%31.4) pnömoni (Grup II) ve 2733 (%58)’i KOAHalevlenmesi ve pnömoni (Grup III) tanısı almış hastalarınörneklerinden oluşuyordu.Bulgular: C-reaktif protein ve prokalsitonin düzeyleriarasında pozitif güçlü korelasyon saptandı (rho=0.512,p<0.001). Yine prokalsitonin ve C-reaktif proteinarasındaki grup içi değerlendirmede Grup I, Grup II veGrup III’de pozitif güçlü korelasyon tespit edildi (sırasıylarho=0.539, p<0.001; rho=0.509, p<0.001; rho=0.511,p<0.001).Sonuç: Prokalsitoninin C-reaktif protein ile korelasyongösterdiği, enfeksiyonun ileri dönem takibinde yüksekmaliyetli prokalsitonin yerine C-reaktif protein ölçümününkullanılmasının uygun olacağı kanaatine varılmıştırÖğe Evaluation of Clinical Features and Olfactory Functions in COVID-19: A Multicentre Study(Springernature, 2023) Tas, Burak Mustafa; Alpaydin, Turgay; Akcali, Sinem; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Erol, Oezlem Ozluk; Sencan, Ziya; Comert, ElaIntroductionCoronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) causes olfactory loss one of the initial diagnostic criteria. The brief smell identification test (BSIT) is an objective test frequently used in olfactory dysfunction. This study aimed to observe the changes in olfactory functions and clinical features in a short time in COVID-19.MethodsIn this prospective study involving 64 patients, the BSIT was performed at two different times; at the time of first application and on the 14th day. Demographic features, laboratory findings, body mass index (BMI), blood oxygen saturation values (SpO2), complaints at first admission, fever, follow-up place, and treatment schemes were noted.ResultsThere was a significant difference between the BSIT scores at the first admission and when the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) became negative on the 14th day (p<0.001). Low oxygen saturation values at first admission were associated with low BSIT scores. No relationship was found between olfactory functions and complaints at admission, fever, follow-up place, and treatment schemes. ConclusionAs a result, negative effects of COVID-19 on olfactory functions have been demonstrated even in the short follow-up period. In addition, low saturation values at first admission were associated with low BSIT scores.
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