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Öğe Alevilik ve bektaşiliğin düşünsel temelleri(Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, 2013) Keleş, Hatice; Çilingir, LokmanAlevilik ve Bektaşilik hakkında toplum içerisinde bilgi eksikliğinin ve gerçekte ne olduğu hakkında bir merakın mevcut olduğu görülmektedir. Bunun başlıca nedeni Aleviliğin sözlü kültür geleneğine dayalı olması ve Alevilerin uzun dönem bu yaşam tarzlarını gizlemek durumunda kalmış olmasıdır. Günümüzde Alevilik hakkında ortak bir tanımlama yapılamamaktadır. Aleviler kendi içinde de ayin ve ritüelleri farklı olabilmektedir. Tüm bunlar toplum içinde Alevilik hakkında bir karmaşa yaratırken, Alevilerin de bir kimlik bunalımı yaşamasına neden olmaktadır. Bu durum Alevilik hakkında birçok yorum yapılmasına neden olmaktadır. Tarihsel gelişimi incelendiğinde görülmektedir ki Alevilik, Türk Kültürüyle şekillenmiş, siyasi yönelimlere göre hareket eden bir yaşam tarzıdır.Öğe Association of asthma-related symptoms with snoring and apnea and effect on health-related quality of life(Elsevier, 2005) Ekici, Aynur; Ekici, Mehmet; Kurtipek, Ercan; Keleş, Hatice; Kara, Türkan; Tunçkol, Müge; Koçyiğit, PınarObjectives: This study aimed to investigate the association of asthma-related symptoms with snoring and apnea, and to assess their effects on health-related quality of life (HRQL). Design: Population-based cross-sectional study. Subjects and methods: A total of 10,224 parents and grandparents of students from 14 randomly selected primary schools in city center were asked to answer questionnaires sent by their children. All subjects were questioned for asthma-related symptoms, sleep-related disorders (snoring and apnea), and for HRQL using the Respiratory Questionnaire, Sleep and Health Questionnaire, and Short Form-12 (SF-12) Health Survey, respectively. Results: The overall response rate to questionnaires was 97.7%, and all analysis was performed on 7,469 subjects (3,920 women and 3,549 men) who provided sufficient responses to questions. There were 2,713 subjects who reported asthma-related symptoms. The snoring and the observed apnea were more prevalent in subjects with asthma-related symptoms (54.0% vs 41.4%; odds ratio [OR], 1.7; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.5 to 1.8; p < 0.001) than those without asthma-related symptoms (16.7% vs 7.0%; OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 2.3 to 3.1; p < 0.001), respectively. Asthma-related symptoms were found to be associated with snoring (OR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.3 to 1.6; p < 0.001) and observed apnea (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.8 to 2.5; p < 0.001) after adjusting for gender, age, body mass index, income, education, and smoking. Also, HRQL was found to be adversely affected by asthma-related symptoms, snoring, and observed apnea (beta = - 0.26, p < 0.001; beta = - 0.07, p < 0.001; and beta = - 0.08, p < 0.001, respectively, for SF-12 overall score) after adjusting for other confounding factors. Conclusion: Present data suggest that there is a link between the sleep-related breathing disorders and asthma-related symptoms. Moreover, the presence of snoring and observed apnea in individuals with asthma-related symptoms causes further impairment in HRQL. The effects on HRQL of coexistence of these three disorders should be supported by clinical studies.Öğe Erken evre hemoroid tedavisinde infrared koagulasyon ve lastik bant ligasyon(2006) Yakaryılmaz, Fahri; Güliter, Sefa; Özkurt, Zübeyde; Keleş, Hatice; Ebinç, FatmaGiriş ve amaç: Semptomatik hemoroidlerin tedavisi için cerrahi dışı farklı yöntemler olmasına rağmen bunların hangisinin daha üstün olduğu tartışmalıdır. Bu çalışmada erken evre hemoroidlerin tedavisinde lastik bant ligasyon (LBL) ve infrared koagulasyon (IRK)’un etkinliğinin ve komplikasyonlarının araştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Randomize prospektif bu çalışmada fleksible sigmoidoskopi ve anoskopik inceleme ile 2. derece internal hemoroid tanısı konulan, daha önce tedavi edilmemiş 51’i kadın, 40’ı erkek, median yaşı 42 (21–64) yıl olan 91 hastaya semptomlar kaybolana kadar 4 hafta ara ile bir veya daha fazla seansta LBL (n45) veya IRK (n46) uygulandı. Her seanstan bir hafta sonra ve son seanstan 2, 12 ve 24 ay sonra tedavilerin etkinliği ve komplikasyonları değerlendirildi. Ağrı değerlendirmesi 0 ile 10 arasında skorlanan vizüel analog skala (VAS) ile yapıldı. Bulgular: LBL ve İRK gruplarında ortalama tedavi seans sayısı benzerdi (1.730.45 ve 1.780.42, p0.05). Postoperatif birinci hafta sonunda spontan ağrı için ortalama VAS skorları LBL ve IRK gruplarında sırası ile 3.82.1 ve 2.42.0 idi (p0.05). LBL grubunda VAS skoru 5 olan hasta sayısı 5 iken, IRK grubunda 0 idi (p0.05). Birinci hafta sonunda rektal tenezm sıklığı LBL grubunda %26.6, IRK grubunda %6.5 bulundu (p0.01). Sekizinci hafta sonunda iki grupta da hiçbir hastanın rektal ağrı ve/veya tenezm yakınması yoktu. LBL ve IRK’nın rektal kanamayı önlemedeki başarısı sırası ile 2. ayda %97.8 ve %89.1 (p0.05), 12. ayda %88.9 ve %82.6 (p0.05), ve 24. ayda %86.7 ve %54.3 (p0.01) idi. Sonuç: LBL ikinci derece hemoroidlerin kanama kontrolünde IRK’dan daha etkilidir. Ancak postoperatif erken komplikasyonlar LBL’de daha sıktır. Postopreratif 2. yıl nüks IRK’da daha sık olmasına rağmen komplikasyonların azlığı nedeni ile erken evre hemoroidlerin tedavisinde IRK ilk basamak tedavi seçeneği olabilir.Öğe Evaluation of gallbladder motility in patients with irritable bowel syndrome(E M H Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd, 2005) Guliter, Sefa; Yılmaz, Sevda; Yakaryılmaz, Fahri; Keleş, HaticeBackground: Abnormalities involving smooth muscle function in different systems of the body have been reported in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). There are a few studies on gallbladder function in this disorder with conflicting results. Objectives: To investigate the motility of gallbladder in patients with IBS. Patients and methods: Forty-eight patients (15 male and 3 3 female) with IBS and 48 healthy volunteers (15 male and 3 3 female) were included into the study. Thirty-four patients (70.8%) had constipation predominant and 14 patients (29.2%) had diarrhoea predominant type of IBS. Fasting and postprandial gallbladder volumes were studied using real time ultrasonography and ejection fraction (EF) of gallbladder was calculated. Results: While fasting gallbladder volume (FGV) was similar between IBS and control groups (18.0 +/- 4.0 ml vs. 17.8 +/- 4.9 ml, p > 0.05), postprandial gallbladder volume (PGV) was lower in IBS group than in the control group (5.5 +/- 1.4 ml vs. 6.2 +/- 1.9 ml, p = 0.03). Accordingly, the mean EF of gallbladders was found to be higher in IBS group than in the control group (69.1% vs. 64.1%, p = 0.0001). There were no difference in FGV, PGV and EF of gallbladders between constipation predominant and diarrhoea predominant IBS patients (P > 0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that IBS patients have increased emptying of gallbladder compared to healthy subjects.Öğe High-resolution computed tomography findings in elderly patients with asthma(Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2006) Yilmaz, Sevda; Ekici, Aydanur; Ekici, Mehmet; Keleş, HaticeObjective: Based on the hypothesis that airway remodelling is related to the duration of asthma, HRCT scanning should show greater abnormalities in the early-onset than the late-onset asthmatics. It was, therefore, intended to assess the presence and the frequency of airway and parenchymal abnormalities with high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) in elderly asthmatic patients, and to determine whether these abnormalities are related to the duration of asthma. Patients and methods: Sixty-eight clinically stable asthmatic patients aged >= 60 yr were included in this prospective study. The patients were separated into two groups according to the duration of symptoms as late-onset asthma (n = 3 1) with disease duration of < 5 yr, and early-onset asthma (n = 37) with disease duration of >= 5 yr. All patients were lifelong non-smoker and had been using inhaled beta agonists and inhaled steroids. HRCT-scanning and histamine inhalation test were performed on all patients. Results: In comparison with late-onset asthmatic patients, those with early-onset asthma had significantly higher frequency of emphysema (21.6% versus 0.0%, p=0.006), bronchial dilatation (13.9% versus 0.0%, p=0.03) and bronchial wall thickness (41.7% versus 12.9%, p=0.01). Multiple logistic regression analysis identified that early-onset of disease was an independent risk factor for the presence of irreversible HRCT-scan abnormalities in elderly asthmatics [odds ratio (OR): 9.4 (2.7-32.7),p=0.00001]. Conclusion: Present data suggest that HRCT abnormalities in early-onset elderly asthmatics reflect parenchymal and airway changes that become irreversible throughout the long course of the disease. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Irritable bowel syndrome in young and elderly patients with stable asthma(Elsevier Science Inc, 2005) Ekici, Arif; Guliter, Sefa; Ekici, Mücahit; Kalpaklıoğlu, Füsun; Kara, Tuba; Keleş, Hatice; Koçyiğit, PelinBackground. It has been speculated that asthma and irritable bowel syndrome may share common pathophysiological processes. Aim. To estimate the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome in young and elderly patients with stable asthma. Patients and methods. Sixty-five young (age < 60 years) and 66 elderly (age >= 60 years) stable asthmatics, and 119 age-matched healthy volunteers were enrolled. In all participants, presence of irritable bowel syndrome, quality of life and psychological status were evaluated. Results. The prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome in asthmatic group was higher than that in the control group (27.5% versus 16.8%; odds ratio, 1.8 [1.0 - 3.4]; p = 0.04). The prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome was significantly higher in young asthmatics than in age-matched healthy controls (36.9% versus 20.3%; odds ratio, 2.2 [1.0 - 5.1]; p = 0.04) and than in elderly asthmatics (36.9% versus 18.2%; odds ratio, 0.3 [0.1 - 0.8]; p = 0.01). Logistic regression analysis identified the younger age (odds ratio, 2.1 [1.1 - 3.8]; p = 0.01), and the presence of asthma (odds ratio, 1.9 [1.0 - 3.5]; p = 0.03) as independent risk factors for irritable bowel syndrome in all participants after adjusting for gender. We also found impaired quality of life to be associated with the presence of irritable bowel syndrome and asthma in all participants after adjusting for age and gender. Conclusion. The prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome appears to be significantly higher in young asthmatics, but not in elderly asthmatics, compared to age-matched healthy counterparts. Potential pathogenic mechanisms of higher irritable bowel syndrome prevalence in young asthmatics need to be explained by further studies. (c) 2005 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı olan olgularda tiroid fonksiyonları(2006) Ekici, Aydanur; Keleş, Hatice; Ekici, Mehmet; Kalpaklıoğlu, A. Füsun; Bulcun, Emel; Karlıdağ, Ali; Altınkaya, VolkanAmaç: Tiroid hormon regülasyonu, tiroid dışı sistemik hastalıklarda sıklıkla bozulur. Kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı (KOAH) olanlarda kronik hipoksinin hipotalamik-hipofizer fonksiyon anormalliklerine yol açtığı bildirilmiştir. Biz de bu çalışmada, stabil KOAH'lı hastalarda tiroid fonksiyonları ve solunum fonksiyonları ile arter kan gazı (AKG) değerleri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya "The Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD)" kriterlerine göre KOAH tanısı konulan, stabil dönemde ve farklı evrelerde olan 45 (43 erkek, 2 kadın) hasta ile 17 (14 erkek, 3 kadın) sigara içmeyen sağlıklı birey kontrol grubu olarak dahil edildi. Tüm bireylerin solunum fonksiyon testleri (SFT), AKG incelemeleri yapıldı. Serum serbest tiroksin (sTsub4/sub), serbest triiyodotironin (sTsub3/sub), tiroid stimülan hormon (TSH) düzeyleri ölçüldü. Sonuçlar: Hasta grubunun yaş ortalaması 59.86 11.11 (40-80) yıl, kontrol grubunun yaş ortalaması ise 56.88 9.93 (42-75) yıl idi ve iki grup arasında yaş ve cinsiyet dağılımı bakımından fark yoktu (sırasıyla p 0.33, p 0.09). İki grup arasında SFT ve AKG değerleri bakımından anlamlı fark mevcutken (p 0.05), sTsub3/sub, sTsub4/sub ve TSH değerleri açısından fark yoktu (p 0.05). KOAH gruplarının birbirleriyle karşılaştırılmasında ise sadece sTsub3/sub düzeyleri evre IV KOAH'lılarda evre II KOAH'lılara göre anlamlı olarak düşük bulundu (p 0.013). KOAH'lı hastalarda sTsub3/sub düzeyleri FEVsub1/sub L, FEVsub1/sub%, FVC L, pH, PaOsub2/sub ve oksijen satürasyonu (SaOsub2/sub) ile pozitif korelasyon (sırayla r 0.346, p 0.020; r 0.351, p 0.018; r 0.310, p 0.038; r 0.317, p 0.034; r 0.308, p 0.040 ve r 0.390, p 0.008) gösterirken yaş, sigara paket/yıl, PaCOsub2/sub ve hastalık süresi ile negatif korelasyon (sırasıyla r -0.355, p 0.017; r -0.332, p 0.026; r -0.330, p 0.027 ve r -0.432, p 0.003) gösterdi. TSH ve sTsub4/sub düzeyleri ile SFT ve AKG parametreleri arasında ise korelasyon saptanmadı. Yorum: Bizim çalışmamızda, stabil KOAH'lı hastalarda sadece sTsub3/sub düzeyleri SFT ve AKG değerlerinin gösterdiği hastalık ciddiyeti ile korele bulunmuştur. Bunun organizmanın hastalık ciddiyetine karşı bir cevabı olup olmadığı bilinmemektedir. Daha geniş longitüdinal çalışmalarla altta yatan mekanizmalar açıklanmalıdır.Öğe Melanocortin-4 Receptor Gene Polymorphisms in Obese Patients(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2009) Yurtçu, Erkan; Yılmaz, Akın; Özkurt, Zübeyde; Kolukısa, Emine; Yılmaz, Murat; Keleş, Hatice; Menevse, AdnanObesity is a complex disease caused by both genetics and environmental factors. Melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) (MIM 155541) gene polymorphisms were reported to be the cause of monogenic obesity in humans. We studied three polymorphisms (Val50Met, Val103Ile, and Ser58Cys) and a mutation (Asn274Ser) of the MC4R gene in 203 obese patients and in 110 healthy subjects in the Turkish population. A high incidence of Val103Ile and Val50Met polymorphisms as well as the Asn274Ser mutation was found in the obese patients, whereas no significant correlation was found regarding the Ser58Cys polymorphism. We conclude that there is a concordance between the polymorphisms (Val103Ile, Val50Met, Ser58Cys) that were first studied in the Turkish population with obesity.Öğe Negative mood and quality of life in patients with asthma(Springer, 2006) Ekici, Aydanur; Ekici, Mehmet; Kara, Turkan; Keleş, Hatice; Koçyiğit, PınarThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of negative mood states at the moment of questionnaire, and other patient and disease characteristics on quality of life (QoL) in patients with asthma. The study groups were composed of 116 stable adult asthmatic patients and 116 age and sex matched healthy subjects. We used Short-Form Health Survey-36 (SF-36) for the assessment of general QoL in all participants, and the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ) for the assessment of disease specific QoL in patients with asthma. We evaluated negative mood in all subjects with a questionnaire including six mood subscales in three categories (nervous-anxious, hostile-angry and fearful-panicky). Negative mood scores were not different between asthmatic and comparison groups (p=0.4), but both SF-36 Physical Component Summary (PCS) and Mental Component Summary (MCS) scores were significantly lower in asthmatic group (p=0.003 and p=0.001, respectively). Multiple linear regression analysis in all study population indicated that both reduced PCS and MCS scores of SF-36 were associated with negative mood score (beta=-0.28, p < 0.001 and beta=-0.37, p < 0.001, respectively) and with FEV1% (beta=0.19, p=0.001 and beta=0.25, p < 0.001, respectively) after adjusting for age, female sex, and the presence of asthma. On the other hand, multiple linear regression analysis in patients with asthma revealed that negative mood score and disease severity score were significant predictors for overall score of AQLQ after adjusting for other patient and disease characteristics (beta=-0.17, p=0.008 and beta=-0.64, p < 0.001, respectively). The level of negative mood and disease severity in asthmatics significantly impair QoL. Thus, considering that one of the main objectives of health care should be preserving a satisfactory QoL in asthmatics, the presence and seriousness of negative mood and their effects on QoL should be taken into account as part of the clinical evaluation in asthmatics.Öğe Perception of dyspnea during exacerbation and histamine-related bronchoconstriction in patients with asthma(Elsevier Science Inc, 2006) Ekici, Mehmet; Ekici, Aydanur; Kara, Türkan; Keleş, Hatice; Karlıdağ, Ali; Altunkaya, Volkan; Bulcun, EmelBackground: Numerous studies have been performed concerning the perception of dyspnea during changes in airway caliber provoked in the laboratory setting, but studies of asthma exacerbation are scarce. Objective: To investigate whether the perception of dyspnea during histamine-induced bronchoconstriction might be used to identify patients with asthma who sense dyspnea poorly during exacerbation. Methods: The perception of dyspnea in 50 patients (45 female, 5 male) with asthma was evaluated at admission with exacerbation and during a stable period. Perceived intensity of dyspnea was estimated using a modified Borg scale. The perception of dyspnea in the stable period 4 to 6 weeks after exacerbation was measured with the histamine challenge test. Perception parameters were defined as the change in Borg score divided by the change in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) as a percentage of the baseline FEV1 (Delta Borg/Delta FEV1) and as the Borg score at 20% decrease (PS20Histamine) or increase (PS20Exacerbation) in FEV1. Results: The perception of dyspnea during asthma exacerbation was unrelated to the perception of dyspnea during histamine-induced bronchoconstriction (for Delta Borg/Delta FEV1, beta = .08, P = .50; for PS20, beta = -.11, P = .40). The K value for the agreement of poor perceivers at exacerbation and during the stable period was -0.21 (P = .10). However, the intensity of dyspnea caused by histamine-induced bronchoconstriction was lower than that caused by asthma exacerbation (PS20: 1.6 +/- 1.1 vs 2.8 +/- 2.5. respectively. P = .004; Delta Borg/Delta FEV1: 0.08 +/- 0.05 vs 0.21 +/- 0.28, respectively, P = .001). Conclusion: The perception of dyspnea during asthma exacerbation is not correlated with the perception of dyspnea during histamine-induced bronchoconstriction. Therefore, the perception of dyspnea during histamine-induced bronchoconstriction cannot be used to identify the asthmatic patients who perceive dyspnea poorly.Öğe Predictive value of grip strength for bone mineral density in males: site specific or systemic?(Springer Heidelberg, 2006) Aydın, Gülümser; Atalar, Ebru; Keleş, Işık; Tosun, Aliye; Zog, Gülfer; Keleş, Hatice; Orkun, SevimThis study aimed to investigate the predictive role of grip strength on bone mineral density (BMD) of different sites in males. Two hundred thirty-four male patients were included in the study. BMD of lumbar spine, femoral neck, proximal radius-ulna (PRU) and distal radius-ulna (DRU) sites were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and grip strength by using a hand dynamometer. Grip strength and BMD values of PRU and DRU at forearms were significantly higher on the dominant sides (P = 0.001, P = 0.001, P = 0.001, respectively). Stepwise linear regression analysis revealed that only the grip strength of the same side was the best predictor of the BMD of the dominant and non-dominant PRU with a ratio of 8.5 and 10.2%, respectively, whereas grip strength of the same side, age and weight were the best predictors of the BMD of the dominant and non-dominant DRU with a ratio of 25 and 24.6%, respectively. There was no predictive value of grip strength for BMD of lumbar spine and femoral neck. In conclusion, grip strength appears to be predictive of site specific rather than systemic BMD.Öğe The effect of postoperative administration of low-molecular-weight-heparin (tinzaparin) on arterial thrombosis in an experimental rat model(2024) Gültekin, Yıldırım; Bolat, Ali; Özbayburtlu, Merih; Keleş, Hatice; Kunt, Atike TekeliIntroduction: Low molecular weight heparins are licensed in the prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism but not of arterial thrombosis. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of postoperative administration of low molecular weight heparin, tinzaparin, on the rate of arterial thrombosis in a rat model. Methods: The right femoral arteries of sixteen male Wistar Albino rats were incised transversely and then were repaired with a continuous suture. Eight rats were given 175 IU/kg/day tinzaparin postoperatively for three days, while the remaining eight rats were kept free of tinzaparin. All rats were controlled daily for vascular circulation, bleeding, and hematoma until the reoperation on the fourth postoperative day. Reoperation was performed to explore vascular patency and excise a sample of vascular tissue from the repaired femoral artery for histopathological examination. A blood sample was also withdrawn for the detection of anti-factor Xa activity to show the efficacy of tinzaparin. Results: During the postoperative three-day follow-up period, while vascular circulation disorder was detected in none of the tinzaparin- treated rats, it was detected in two rats not treated with tinzaparin (25%). None of the rats in either group developed bleeding or hematoma at the surgical site. Anti-factor Xa activity in the rats treated with tinzaparin postoperatively was found to be significantly higher than in the rats not treated with tinzaparin (p<0.001). Histopathological examination revealed thrombus and fibrin formation at the femoral artery incision line in only one rat (12.5%) treated with tinzaparin, and in seven rats (87.5%) not treated with tinzaparin (p?0.001). Intimal hyperplasia was not detected in any group, but mixed-type inflammatory cell infiltration and endothelial and fibroblastic activity around the sutures were noted in both. Conclusion: The postoperative subcutaneous administration of 175 IU/kg/day tinzaparin effectively attenuates the rate of arterial thrombosis in arterial surgical interventions in a rat model.Öğe The effects of Ara-C, simvastatin and combo therapy on energy metabolism of HL-60 promyolocytic leukemia cell lines(Turkish Biochemistry Society, 2013) Boyuna?a, Hakan; Günnur Dikmen, Z.; Kenar, Levent; Saygun, Oral; Keleş, Hatice; Ugur Ural, Ali; Lale, MustafaObjective: Cancer cells choose their metabolic pathway depending on the oxygen content and substrate concentration of the medium. A wide spectrum of therapeutic agents regulating the energy metabolism of cancer cells are in still in use. Cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) is a pyrimidine analogue used in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and simvastatin is an inhibitor of HMG-CoA (3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA) reductase, which regulates cholesterol biosynthesis. Thus, this study aimed to assess the energy metabolism of HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells and healthy white blood cells, additionally to determine the effects of simvastatin and Ara-C, alone or in combination on the energy metabolism of these cells. Materials and Methods: Healthy white blood cells, untreated and treated HL-60 promyolocytic leukemia cell lines were incubated for 4 hours with radiolabelled glucose. Following incubation, lactate, which is one of the end products of the carbohydrate catabolism, and radiolabelled CO2 produced by cells were collected and measured by the liquid scintillation device. In addition, glycogen consumption per hour was determined in each group. Results and Conclusion: We found that untreated HL-60 promyolocytic cells use anaerobic glycolytic pathway whereas healthy white blood cells use aerobic glycolysis for energy gain. It was concluded that combined use of Ara-C and Simvastatin might lead to significant increase in the rate of aerobic glycolysis of HL-60 promyelocytic cells and the metabolism of these leukemia cells become more similar to the metabolism of healthy white blood cells which they originate from. © TurkJBiochem.com.Öğe Üç olguda doksisikline bağlı özofajeal mukozal hasar(2003) Güliter, Sefa; Keleş, Hatice; Özkurt, Zübeyde Nur; Sezikli, Yusuf; Ateş, YükselBirçok ilaç Özofajeal mukozal hasara neden olmaktadır. Özofajeal mukozal hasarlı olguların yaklaşık yarısında rahatsızlık nedeni antibiyotiklerdir ve ilk sırada doksisiklin yer almaktadır. Bu yazıda, ikisi kadın üç hastada doksisiklin kullanımına bağlı gelişen mukozal hasar incelendi. İki olguda herhangi bir predispozan faktör saptanmadı. Bir olgunun ilacı susuz yutup hemen yattığı öğrenildi. İlacın kesilmesi ve proton pompa inhibitörü ile kısa sürede tüm hastalarda semptomatik ve endoskopik iyileşme sağlandı.