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  • Öğe
    Prostat Adenokarsinomunda İğne Biyopsisi Ve Radikal Prostatektomi Örneklerinden Elde Edilen Gleason Skor Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi
    (2019) Devrim, Tuba; Balcı, Mahi
    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, prostat adenokarsinomunda iğne biyopsi (İB) ve radikal prostatektomi (RP) materyalleri, histopatolojik olarak karşılaştırılarak, prognozda önem arz eden Gleason skor ve grade grup sınıflamalarının uyumunun değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı’nda, 2013-2018 yılları arasında 42 adet, prostat adenokarsinomu tanısı almış olan hastaya ait RP ve İB materyalleri histopatolojik olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Çalışma kapsamındaki 42 olgunun ortalama yaşı 61,1 (48-79) ve serum PSA düzeyleri 4 ng/ml (0,03-26,320 ng/ml) idi. Otuz olguda İB ve RP Gleason skorlarında birebir, 12 olguda ise 1 grade skoru farkla uyum tespit edildi. Benzer şekilde RP materyalinde de 6 (%14,2) hastada grade grup skorunda İB’ye göre azalma (düşük skor verme, down-grade), 8 (%19) hastada ise artma (yüksek skor verme, up-grade) belirlenirken 28 (%66,6) hastada ise birebir uyum saptandı. RP ve İB örneklerinde Gleason (p<0,001, kappa= 0,524) ve grade grup (p<0,001, kappa= 0,490) skorları karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı tutarlılıklar tespit edildi. Sonuç: Literatürde İB ve RP materyallerine verilen Gleason skorlarındaki tam uyumluluk oranları %28,2-68 arasında bildirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada ise incelenen İB ve RP örnekleri arasındaki literatüre kıyasla yüksek düzeyde (%71,4) uyum belirlendi. İB ve RP örnekleri arasında Gleason skor uyumsuzluğunun başlıca nedenleri olarak; tümörün multifokal dağılımı, gözlemciler arası uyumsuzluk ve Gleason skor aralığının darlığı olarak düşünüldü.
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    Giant Adrenal Myelolipoma Occurring in the Post-Pregnancy Period
    (2020) Atalay, Emine Sümeyye; Erpek, Hakan; Gök, Mustafa; Eliyatkın, Nuket Özkavruk
    Adrenal myelolipoma is a rare benign tumor, and contrary to most of the adrenal tumors it is an endocrinologically inactive tumor. Mature adipose tissue, and active bone marrow components identified during histopathological examination are diagnostic clues. They are generally small in size, and detected incidentally. Its definitive etiology has not been determined yet. However multiple number of etiopathogenetic factors have been defined. Hematopoietic stem cell embolization in the adrenal gland is one of the most probable theories. In this case report we present a 31-year-old patient whose pregnancy was terminated 10 months previously who developed rapidly progressive giant adrenal myelolipoma during the course of her pregnancy. According to literature findings, our case presented in the study is the first case who presented with abdominal pain during postpartum period. We think that this progressively increasing mass during nearly 10 months might be related to pregnancy.
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    Local Inflammatory Response Can Predict Clinical Outcome in Patients with Curatively Resected Stage-IIB Colon Cancer: An Advanced Methodological Study
    (SPRINGER, 2020) Zengin, Mehmet
    Purpose Although local inflammatory response (LIR) is a reliable survival marker in colon cancers (CCs), there is no consensus on its use in daily practice. We investigated the prognostic value of LIR in a highly homogeneous population with a well-designed methodology. Methods Eighty stage-IIB CC patients operated between 2002 and 2012 were included in the study. Standardization was investigated for extra-biopsy evaluation methods (magnification, staining, and counting). Model A was used for intra-biopsy evaluation methods (block, section, and focus). So, this study makes important contributions to the standardization of pathological evaluations. Results In method 1, the following analyzes showed more successful results for LIR: relationship with prognostic factors [tumour deposits (p=0.017), Crohn's-like reaction (p=0.019), advanced grade, (p=0.012), positive surgical margin (p=0.019), perineural invasion (p=0.025), mismatch repair proteins-proficiency (p=0.031)], reproducibility of the study (Kappa=0.49-0.73, Intra-class correlation=0.442-0.724), and correlation of estimates (r=0.704). The cut-off value was also quite useful (area of under ROC=0.820 [0.694-0.920]). In univariate analysis, low LIR was related to poor overall survival (OS; p<0.001) and poor relapse-free survival (RFS, p=0.001) . Multivariate analysis confirmed that low LIR is an independent poor survival marker for OS (Hazard Ratio [HR]=1.32 [1.08-1.61, p=0.005) and RFS (HR=1.50 [1.22-1.85], p<0.001). Conclusions Our results showed that low LIR had an independent prognostic significance in stage -IIB CCs. We also recommend using model A and method 1 for successful results and standardization.
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    The concomitant use of USP28 and p53 to predict the progression of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder
    (ELSEVIER GMBH, 2020) Devrim, Tuba; Atac, Fatih; Devrim, Alparslan Kadir; Balci, Mahi
    The Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 28 (USP28) is a deubiquitinase involved in the DNA damage pathway. Recently, USP28 protein is reported to play roles in the mechanism of p53 action and could be a possible prognostic marker for bladder cancer (BCa). This study aims to explore the relation of USP28 with tumor growth and invasion, and also to investigate the interplay between USP28 and p53 in BCa. Expression levels of USP28 and p53 in human BCa (invasive and non-invasive, n = 43) and control tissues (n = 8) were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) profiling. The relationship between protein and gene expression levels, clinicopathologic features and prognosis were evaluated. Significant positive correlations were found between BCa tumor progression and the USP28 expression, and also between the USP28 and p53 scores (p all < 0.05). Immunohistochemistry staining percentages were strongly correlated between USP28 and p53, and also positive correlations between tumor progression and p53 expressions were determined (p all < 0.001). Interestingly, USP28 and p53 were highly expressed and correlated in BCa. Consequently, the immunohistochemistry and qPCR results reported in our study suggested the idea that USP28 in coordination with p53 could serve as a marker in BCa progression.
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    Oxidative and histopathological effects of the application of electrosurgical devices to the penile tissue of rats
    (ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2020) Günal, Yasemin Dere; Boybeyi, Özlem; Atasoy, Pınar; Kısa, Üçler; Aslan, Mustafa Kemal; Bakar, Bülent; Soyer, Tutku
    Introduction This study was performed to evaluate the oxidative and histopathological changes that occur following the application of electrosurgical devices (monopolar or bipolar cautery) to penile tissue. Material and methods Eighteen Wistar albino male rats were randomly distributed into three groups. In the control group (CG, n = 6), all penile tissues were sampled without any additional process following the administration of anesthesia. In the monopolar cautery group (MPG, n = 6), a 15-W cauterization process lasting 5 s was performed on an approximately 2 mm(2) area of the ventral side of the penile shaft, 0.5 cm proximal to the edge of the glans in the midline. Bipolar cautery was practiced in the third group (BPG, n = 6) using the same techniques outlined in the previous statement. Penile tissues consisted of the cautery application area, the edge of the glans, and dorsal side of the penis and were sampled after 90 min; then, histopathological evaluation and biochemical examination involving malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) measurements were performed. Results and discussion Histopathologically, the MPG and BPG demonstrated increased inflammation, fibrosis, and epithelial loss in the urethra in the areas to which cautery was applied as compared to the CG (P < 0.05). The vascular structures of the corpus cavernosa were significantly decreased in the cautery application area of both the MPG and the BPG as compared to the CG (P < 0.05). In the Masson's trichrome stained samples, significant collagen deposition was observed in the cautery application area both in the MPG and the BPG as compared to the CG (P < 0.05). However, S-100 staining was decreased in these groups as compared to the CG (P < 0.05). S-100 staining was also decreased in the MPG as compared to the BPG on the edge of the glans (P < 0.05). Biochemically, MDA values were significantly increased in the MPG as compared to the CG and the BPG (P < 0.05). Conclusion Monopolar and bipolar cautery both did cause oxidative changes and triggered inflammatory, vascular, and peripheral nerve alterations in the cautery application area while bipolar cautery did not cause any distant effects.
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    Primary Unilateral Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Kidney in a Dog
    (ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2020) Sozmen, M.; Devrim, T.; Kuruca, N.; Inal, S.; Karaca, E.; Gulbahar, M. Y.
    Primary small cell carcinomas are rare in domestic animals. A mass measuring 15 x 20 x 9 cm was detected in the left abdominal cavity of a 7.5-year-old female golden retriever. The cut surface of the excised mass showed a tumour replacing the left kidney. Microscopically, the mass was composed of polymorphic, small basophilic cells with a high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and round, oval or short slender fusiform nuclei with condensed or finely granular chromatin, absent or inconspicuous nucleoli, and scant, faintly eosinophilic cytoplasm with poorly defined cytoplasmic borders. Immunohistochemically, most of the neoplastic cells were immunoreactive for thyroid transcription factor 1 and CD56, moderately positive for vimentin and weakly or sparsely labelled for chromogranin A, synaptophysin, Wilms' tumour 1 protein, neuron-specific enolase, pan-cytokeratin (CK) AE1/AE3 and epithelial membrane antigen. The tumour cells were negative for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1, CK7, CK20, CD3, CD45 and CD99. These findings indicated a neuroendocrine origin of the tumour. To the best of author's knowledge, this is the first report of a small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma originating as a primary tumour in the kidney of a dog. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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    The Proportion of Tumour-Stroma in Metastatic Lymph Nodes is An Accurately Prognostic Indicator of Poor Survival for Advanced-Stage Colon Cancers
    (SPRINGER, 2020) Zengin, Mehmet; Benek, Suat
    The importance of tumour microenvironment in tumour behaviour has now become clearer. This study aimed to determine the prognostic effect of the proportion of tumour-stroma (PTS) in metastatic lymph nodes of advanced-stage colon cancers (CCs). We investigated PTS in positive lymph nodes of stage III-IV CC patients who underwent surgical treatment between 2004 and 2014. We used a standard approach in methodology. PTS was significantly associated with prognostic factors in the metastatic lymph nodes (perineural invasion [p = 0.031], lymphatic invasion [p = 0.032], invasive margin [p = 0.043], advanced pT [p = 0.020], and margin involvement [p = 0.034]). In addition, the correlations between PTS estimates (R = 0.704 to 0.617,p < 0.001), the reproducibility of the research (Kappa appa = 0.72-0.68) and the usefulness of the cut-off value (ROC: 50.33%; AUC = 0.752 [0.667-0.857]) were successful. In univariate analysis, 5-year survival was poor for RFS (p < 0.001), OS (p = 0.001) and LR (p = 0.013) in high PTS patients. Multivariate analysis confirmed that high PTS was an independent worse parameter for RFS (HR = 1.32, 95% CI: 1.17-2.55,p = 0.001) and OS (HR = 1.37, 95% CI: 1.25-1 - 2.56,p = 0.009). In this study, we showed that high PTS in metastatic lymph nodes was a successful prognostic marker for advanced-stage CCs. Also, the standard approach we used for the methodology was successful.
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    The role of cancer-related inflammation for prediction of poor survival in postmenopausal female patients with stage II/III colon cancer
    (ELSEVIER, 2020) Zengin, Mehmet; Karahan, Irfan
    Objective: Cancer-related inflammation (CRI) is thought to be a successful predictor of prognosis in colon cancers (CC), but opinions on how to use it are highly variable. In this study, the role of CRI cells in survival for CC patients was investigated by considering gender and menopausal status. Methods: 163 stage II/III CC patients who underwent curative surgery between 1995 and 2015 were included in the study. The relationship between CRI cells was examined using a standard methodology. Results: High neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) had a better relationship with prognostic factors, especially in postmenopausal women (gender, p = 0.037, positive surgical margin, p = 0.001; MSI, p < 0.001; Crohn's-like reaction, p = 0.001, etc). Also, the reproducibility of the study was better in postmenopausal women (intraobserver agreement = 0.72, intra-class correlation = 0.722, correlation of estimates = 0.718). In univariate analysis, 5-year survival was worse in postmenopausal women with high NLR (OS, p= 0.001; RFS, p < 0.001). In multivariate analysis, high NLR was independently a worse biomarker for OS (hazard ratio [HR], 1.29; 95% CI, 1.18-2.12; p = 0.001) and RFS (HR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.21-2.59; p < 0.001) in postmenopausal women. Conclusions: NLR had an independent poor prognostic significance in postmenopausal female patients, and the use of a standard approach for methodology improved successful results.
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    Effects of mesenchymal stem cell and amnion membrane transfer on prevention of pericardial adhesions
    (WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH, 2020) Kabalci, Mehmet; Sahin, Mustafa; Pekcan, Zeynep; Zengin, Mehmet; Dogru, Mehmet Tolga; Kisa, Ucler
    Background: To investigate and compare the antiadhesive/antifibrotic effects of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and amnion membrane transfer (AMT) in a rat model. Material and methods: Three experimental and sham groups were formed using 30 Wistar-Albino rats. AMT and MSC were applied to the related groups. The control group was not treated. After 12 weeks follow-up, intracardiac blood and cardiac-pericardiac tissue samples were taken. The severity of adhesions and fibrosis were scored macroscopically and microscopically with Hematoxylin/ Eosin and Masson's trichrome staining. TNF-alpha, TGF-beta, IL-1, PDGF, FGF, VEGF and Caspase-3 levels were measured with the ELISA method. Results: Severe adhesions were observed in the AMT and control groups, but no adhesion was present in the MSC group. Pericardial thickness, increased vascularity, fibrosis, and collagen accumulation were similar between control and AMT groups, but were less in Sham and MSC groups. Between MSC and AMT groups, only Caspase-3 level was different, which is an apoptosis marker. Conclusion: The positive effects of MSC on adhesion, which we achieved in our study, suggest that it may prevent adhesion. AMT did not provide a positive effect. The correlation of Caspase-3 with postoperative adhesion/fibrosis should be examined in more detail.
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    Tumour budding in preoperative biopsy specimens is a useful prognostic index for identifying high-risk patients in early-stage (pN0) colon cancer
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2020) Zengin, Mehmet; Cifci, Aydin
    Background/aim: Tumour budding (RI)) is considered a valuable prognostic factor in colon cancer (CC), but its use in daily practice is uncertain. W investigated the prognostic effect of RI) using preoperative biopsy specimens in a fairly homogeneous population. Materials and methods: Eighty-two (pN0) CC patients vho underwent surgery after preoperative biopsy between 1997 and 2013 We re included in the study. Model A (using the 'deeply invasive blocks & hot -spot area & invasive margin) and method 1 (using the '20x objective & immunohistochemistry staining & quantitive counting') were used as standard methods. Results: High BD was significantly associated with poor prognostic factors (lymphatic invasion [P = 0.008], perineural invasion [P = 0.041], advanced pT [P = 0.015], invasive margin [P = 0.008], and margin involvement [P = 0.019]). Moreover, correlations between different BD estimates (r = 0.613-0.696), reproducibility of study (Kappa = 0.68-0.73), and usefulness of cut-off value (area of under ROC = 0.746 [0.663-0.8291) were well. In univariate analysis, 5 -year survival was poor in patients with high BD (relaps-free survival 1RfS I: 71 %, P < 0.001; overall survival I OS1: 73 %, P 0.004, local recurrence I I,R 1: 18 %, P = 0.032). Multivariate analyses confirmed that high BD is an independent worse survival parameter for RI S (1 lazard ratio [I IR]: 1.53 [1.14-2.80], P 0.015), OS (I IR: 1.44 11.17-2.751, P 0.032, and FR (I IR: 1.59 11.05-2.761, P 0.045). Conclusion: Our data show that BD provides valuable prognostic information for early-stage (pN0) CC in preoperative biopsy specimens and that adding RI) to current risk classification may contribute to better patient selection.
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    Late effects of cutaneous 3-methylcholanthrene exposure on DNA damage-related pleiotropic growth factors and oxidative stress markers in mice
    (Comenius Univ, 2020) Devrim, T.; Ekici, H.; Devrim, A. K.; Sozmen, M.; Senol, A.; Bozkurt, K. M.; Yalcin, S.
    BACKGROUND: Skin is the body's first defence against direct exposure to variety of chemicals. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) are common in polluted urban air and have a potential of producing harmful effects. Moreover, their late effects can occur months or years after exposure. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate the long-term effects of 3-MC induced dermal toxicity on the expression of markers of apoptosis, pleiotropic cytokines, and oxidative stress and to determine the protective effect of cisplatin. METHODS: Groups were designed as control (group 1), 3-MC applied (group 2) and 3-MC+cisplatin applied mice (group 3). Cutaneous expressions of TGF beta, PDGFA, PDGFC, bFGF, PDGFR alpha, USP28, and Ki67 were evaluated with qPCR. Total oxidant (TOS), total antioxidant (TAS) and oxidative stress index (OSI) values were determined in liver and kidney tissues. RESULTS: The expression levels of TGF beta, PDGFR alpha, USP-28, Ki67, and PDGFA were decreased significantly in MC applied groups. Renal TAS levels were significantly lower in group-3. Liver and kidney OSI values were increased in both groups 2 and 3. CONCLUSION: The results indicated that low dose 3-MC caused oxidative stress and downregulated apoptotic and cytokine markers in the long term and cisplatin had no ameliorative effects on this degeneration processes (Tab. 3, Fig. 3, Ref. 32).
  • Öğe
    Differential Expression of EGFR-1, MMP-3, and MMP-9 in Spontaneous Abortions, Induced Abortions, and Tubal Pregnancies
    (De Gruyter Poland Sp Zoo, 2019) Balci, Mahi; Ozdemir, Gulhan
    Objective: The purpose of our study was to assess trophoblastic and uterine sufficiency in miscarriage pathogenesis with immunohistochemical methods and to determine if they could be used as a screening tool for the risk of miscarriage in the future. Material and Method: Placental tissue specimens that were comprised of 20 spontaneous abortions, 23 voluntarily terminated (induced) abortions, and 12 tubal pregnancies were included in this study. Trophoblastic cells and implantation area were evaluated for staining with EGFR-1, MMP-3, and MMP-9 by immunohistochemistry. Results: EGFR-1 expression was more intense and diffuse in decidual cells in the placental bed of spontaneous abortion specimens; this difference was statistically significant (P=0.004). MMP-3 expression was markedly increased in villous and extravillous trophoblastic cells in induced abortions; the difference between the groups was found to be statistically significant (P values ranged from < 0.01 to 0.005). MMP-9 expression tended to be higher in spontaneous abortion and tubal pregnancy specimens, and the results were statistically significant as P values were lower than 0.01. Conclusion: Higher EGFR-1 expression in the decidual tissue of spontaneous abortion specimens suggests that EGFR-1 triggers the migration of extravillous trophoblasts, leading to their destructive invasion. Similarly, MMP-9 immunopositivity might be indicative of aggressive invasion contributing to spontaneous abortion pathogenesis. Relatively high levels of MMP-3 expression in induced abortion specimens used as a control group might be a predictor of successful implantation, whereas its decreased expression might be indicative of risk for pregnancy loss.
  • Öğe
    Rare Plasmacytoid Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder: Two Case Reports
    (Urol & Nephrol Res Ctr-Unrc, 2019) Devrim, Tuba; Atac, Fatih; Altunkaya, Canan; Ozbek, Aye; Ozdemir, Gulhan; Eryol, Merve
    Plasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma is a rare and aggressive form of urothelial carcinoma characterized with delayed presentation and poor prognosis. Very few cases of this carcinoma have been reported in the literature. Here, we report and discuss two cases of bladder plasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma of a 57-year-old male presented with renal colic, and a 33-year-old female presented with macroscopic hematuria. Pathologic examinations of the transurethral biopsies revealed urothelial carcinoma with plasmacytoid appearance. Subsequently, immunohistochemical evaluation showed positive expression of epithelial markers and CD138. Additionally, losing of the membranous expression of E-cadherin verified the diagnosis of plasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma.
  • Öğe
    Tumour Budding and Tumour Stroma Ratio are Reliable Predictors for Death and Recurrence in Elderly Stage I Colon Cancer Patients
    (Elsevier Gmbh, 2019) Zengin, Mehmet
    Aim: Tumour budding (BD) and Tumour stroma ratio (TSR) are considered valuable survival parameters for colon cancer (CC), but it is still unclear whether these parameters predict a poor prognosis. This study aimed to determine the survival effect of TB and TSR in elderly stage I CC patients. Methods: We evaluated these parameters in eighty-eight stage I CC patients who underwent surgical treatment alone between 1998 and 2015. The relationship between these parameters and age was investigated. Model A was used for methodology. Results: In elderly patients (>= 68), these parameters obtained more successful results for following analysis: relationship between prognostic factors [lymphatic invasion (BD, p = 0.003; TSR, p = 0.003), perineural invasion (BD, p = 0.016; TSR, p = 0.004), tumour deposites (BD, p = 0.005; TSR, p = 0.033), MSI (BD, p = 0.031; TSR, p = 0.012), etc.], correlation of estimates (BD, r=0.724; TSR, r = 0.703), and reproducibility of study (BD [Kappa (kappa)] = 0.53-0.75; TSR (kappa) =0.56-0.71). Also, the cut-off values were useful for BD (area of under ROC (AUC)= 0.816 [0.707-0.925]) and TSR (AUC =0.810 [0.697-0.924]). In univariate analysis, in elderly patients, these parameters had a poor 5-year survival for RFS (p < 0.001[BD], p = 0.001 [TSR] ), OS (p < 0.001[BD], p =0.005[TSR]), and LR (p =0.008[BD], p = 0.034[TSR]). Multivariate analysis confirmed that these parameters are independent worse predictors for RFS (BD: 1.42[HR], p=0.002; TSR: 1.50[HR], p=0.001), OS (BD: 1.38[HR], p = 0.014; TSR: 1.42[HR], p=0.005), and LR (BD: 1.61[HR], p=0.034) in elderly patients. Conclusions: Our results confirm that BD and TSR are reliable indexes for poor survival in elderly stage I CC patients. We recommend using model A for successful results and standardization.
  • Öğe
    Periostin alters transcriptional profile in a rat model of isoproterenol-induced cardiotoxicity
    (Sage Publications Ltd, 2019) Sozmen, M.; Devrim, A. K.; Kabak, Y. B.; Devrim, T.
    Periostin is an extracellular matrix protein from the fasciclin family that guides cellular trafficking and extracellular matrix organization. Periostin stimulates mature cardiomyocytes to reenter the cell cycle. The molecular mechanism behind such stimulation remains to be explored. A DNA microarray technology constituting 30,429 gene-level probe sets was utilized to investigate effects of recombinant murine periostin peptide on the gene expression pattern in a rat model of isoproterenol (ISO)-induced myocardial injury. The experiment was performed on 84 adult male Sprague-Dawley rats in four groups (n = 21): (1) control group, (2) only periostin applied group, (3) ISO cardiotoxicity group, and (4) ISO + periostin group. The experiment was continued for 28 days, and rats were killed on days 1, 7, and 28 (n = 7). Microarray analyses revealed that periostin significantly altered the expression of at least +/- 2-fold of 2474 genes in the ISO + periostin group compared to the ISO cardiotoxicity group of which 521 genes altered out of 30,429 gene-level probe sets. Ingenuity pathway analysis indicated that multiple pathway networks were affected by periostin, with predominant changes occurring in the expression of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, oxidative stress, fatty acid metabolism, and TNF-alpha NF-kappa B signaling pathways. These findings indicate that periostin alters gene expression profile in the ISO-induced myocardial injury and modulates local myocardial inflammation, possibly mitigating inflammation through TNF-alpha NF-kappa B signaling pathway along with a decreased Casp7 activity and apoptotic cell death.
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    Ruptured cystic teratoma associated with mucinous cystadenoma in a pregnant woman
    (Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2019) Aydin, O.; Pehlivanli, F.; Karaca, G.; Aydin, G.; Sayan, C. D.; Atasoy, P.; Daphan, C. E.
    Mature cystic teratoma is the most common ovarian neoplasm. However, mucinous cystadenoma with teratoma has been very rarely reported in literature. This case report, which is very rare, describes a clinical entity not previously reported in literature. A 34-year-old pregnant woman presented in the 23rd gestational week with severe right lower quadrant pain. She was diagnosed with acute abdomen and was then treated surgically. During the surgical intervention, a spontaneously ruptured mass was detected in the right ovary. This was reported histopathologically as a mature cystic teratoma in collision with mucinous cystadenoma. To the best of our knowledge, this case report is the first to have identified a ruptured mature cystic teratoma in collision with mucinous cystadenoma in a pregnant woman.
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    Diagnosing atypia of undetermined significance in thyroid fine needle aspiration samples using nuclear scoring
    (Elsevier Science Inc, 2019) Altinboga, Aysegul Aksoy; Altunkaya, Canan; Ahsen, Hilal; Gumuskaya, Berrak; Topaloglu, Oya; Ulusoy, Serap; Erdogan, Fazli
    Background Atypia of undetermined significance (AUS) is an indeterminate category in the Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology. Cytological features described as atypia are not always observed in every case, and it is difficult to determine how the small population of cells with enlarged nuclei, a few grooves, and rare elongated nuclei should be classified. Therefore, there is inter-intra observer variability considering these cell types, even though the cytological criteria are well defined. Therefore, this study aimed to establish a nuclear scoring system to help in the differential diagnosis of AUS. Methods: Fine needle aspiration (FNA) samples that showed AUS and had surgical follow-up were included in this study. The aspirate was scored for the presence of intanuclear cytoplasmic inclusions, nuclear grooves, overlapping, enlargement, and elongation individually. The total nuclear score for each case was calculated. Statistical analysis of the association between each nuclear feature and the presence of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) in the surgical specimens was performed. Cut-off points from the total score of these nuclear features were also calculated. Results: Nuclear grooves and overlapping were more common in malignant cases (p < 0.001 and p = 0.048, respectively). A cut-off point of >= 5.5 for the total score was sensitive and specific for defining malignancy. Conclusion: The risk of PTC was higher in nodules with more prominent nuclear overlapping or nuclear groove in their FNA samples. In order to achieve a more confident AUS diagnosis, our scoring system can be helpful for thyroid FNA samples.
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    The effect of coenzyme Q and selenium on kidney in rats with partial unilateral ureteral obstruction
    (Aves, 2019) Kirdag, Mustafa Koray; Tuglu, Devrim; Yuvanc, Ercan; Kisa, Ucler; Balci, Mahi; Batislam, Ertan; Yilmaz, Erdal
    Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate the antioxidant effects of selenium and coenzyme Q on renal damage in a partial unilateral ureteral obstruction (PUUO) in a rat model. Material and methods: A total of 24 Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups as Group 1 Control Group, Group 2, PUUO Group, Group 3 PUUO + coenzyme Q group, Group 4 PUUO + selenium group. Paraoxonase (PON), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and total oxidant levels (TOS) were analyzed biochemically from tissue and blood samples. Tissue samples were examined histopathologically. Results: The TAC in the tissues was found to be statistically significantly increased in Groups 3 and 4, compared to Group 2. Tissue TOS was found to be significantly reduced in Groups 3 and 4, compared to Group 2. Serum PON levels were significantly increased in Group 3 and 4, compared to Group 1 and 2. Histopathological examination showed that interstitial inflammation and congestion were lesser in the coenzyme Q and selenium groups than in the PUUO group. A more significant decrease was found in the selenium group than in the coenzyme Q group. Conclusion: Our study results showed that coenzyme Q and selenium reduced the oxidation and the damage in tissue in PUUO in rats.
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    What is the protective effect of metformin on rat ovary against ischemia-reperfusion injury?
    (Wiley, 2018) Sayan, Cemile Dayangan; Karaca, Gokhan; Ozkan, Zehra Sema; Tulmac, Ozlem B.; Isik, Asli Ceylan; Devrim, Tuba; Yeral, Ilkin
    AimThe aim of this study was to investigate the protective effect of metformin on the rat ovary against ischemia-reperfusion injury. MethodsThirty-seven female Wistar albino rats were used in the study. The rats were divided into five groups, as follows: sham operation group (group 1); torsion group (group 2); torsion/detorsion+saline group (group 3); torsion/detorsion+low-dose metformin group (group 4); and torsion/detorsion+high-dose metformin group (group 5). The right ovary from each rat was evaluated histologically using hematoxylin-eosin staining, and the left ovaries were evaluated for tissue levels of the reduced-glutathione-to-oxidized-glutathione ratio, malondialdehyde (MDA), and caspase-3 activation. ResultsThe highest damage score was observed in group 3, and the lowest score was observed in group 1. The tissue caspase-3 activity levels of groups 2, 3, and 4 were significantly higher than those of group 1. The difference between group 1 and group 5 in terms of tissue caspase-3 activity was not significant (P=0.4). The reduced-glutathione-to-oxidized-glutathione ratio of group 1 was significantly higher than the ratios found in groups 2, 3, and 4. The tissue MDA level of group 1 was significantly lower than the levels found in groups 2, 3, 4, and 5. The tissue MDA level of group 5 was significantly lower than the levels in groups 3 and 4. ConclusionFrom both histopathological and biochemical analyses, the results of the study demonstrated that metformin has beneficial effects when it comes to attenuating ovarian ischemia-reperfusion injury.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the antioxidant effects of pheniramine maleate and nebivolol on testicular damage in rats with experimentally induced testis torsion
    (Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2018) Yuvanc, Ercan; Tuglu, Devrim; Ozan, Tunc; Kisa, Ucler; Balci, Mahi; Batislam, Ertan; Yilmaz, Erdal
    Purpose: To investigate the biochemical, histopathologic, and spermatogenetic changes in the detorsionated testicle after experimental torsion and to study the antioxidant effects of pheniramine maleate and nebivolol. Methods: Twenty-four Sprague-Dawley male rats were divided into 4 groups: Group 1: Sham; Group 2: Torsion/Detorsion (T/D); Group 3: T/D + Pheniramine maleate (PM); Group 4: T/D + Nebivolol (NB) group. Paroxanase (PON), total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS), and oxidative stres index (OSI) were measured, and spermatogenetic and histopathologic evaluation was performed in tissue and blood samples. Results: The evaluation of tissue TAS indicated no statistically significant difference in Group 3 compared to Group 2. A statistically significant increase was detected in Group 4 compared to Group 2. Serum PON levels revealed a statistically significant increase in Groups 3 and 4 compared to Groups 1 and 2. The Johnsen testicular biopsy score decreased in Groups 3 and 4, but the decrease was not statistically significant. Conclusions: Pheniramine maleate and nebivolol have antioxidant effects against ischemia-reperfusion damage. They also support tissue recovery, which is more significantly observed by nebivolol.