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  • Öğe
    Bazal Hücreli Karsinomun Ender Yerleşim Alanları: Alt Dudak ve Popliteal Alan
    (2016) Sarı, Elif; Bekircan, Kağan; Bozdoğan, Önder
    Bu yazıda alt dudak ve popliteal bölgede bazal hücreli karsinoma (BHK) tespit edilen iki olguyu sunduk. Kliniğimize 45 yaşında alt dudakta iyileşmeyen yarası olan ve 38 yaşında popliteal deri üzerinde iyileşmeyen yarası olan iki erkek hasta başvurdu. Öykülerinde güneşe maruz kalma ve travma olmayan her bir olgudan biyopsi alındı. Sonuç BHK olarak raporlandı. BHK genellikle baş ve boyun bölgesinde gözlenir, fakat ayrıca alt dudak ve alt ekstremite gibi nadir alanlarda da yerleşebilir. Bu öngörülemeyen alanlar tümör cerrahisi açısından akılda tutulmalıdırlar
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    İdiyopatik Granülomatoz Mastitli Hastalarda Cerrahi Tedavide Onkoplastik Cerrahi Tekniklerinin Kullanılması
    (2019) Kızıltan, Gamze; Karakaş, Ali Özgür; Yüce, Erkan; Babaoğlu, Berrin
    AMAÇ: İdiyopatik granülomatöz mastit (İGM) tam olarak etyolojisi aydınlatılamamış, benign, inflamatuar bir meme hastalığıdır. Memede ağrılı kitle, apse formasyonu ve fistül oluşumu ile ortaya çıkar, klinik ve histopatolojik olarak karsinomu taklit edebilir. : Bu retrospektif çalışmada, 2015 ve 2018 yılları arasında kliniğimize başvurmuş, histopatolojik olarak İGM tanısı almış 5 hastada uyguladığımız onkoplastik teknikler ile cerrahi tedavi sonuçlarımızı sunmayı amaçladık. GEREÇ: Bu çalışmaya Şubat-2015, Mart-2018 tarihleri arasında İGM tanısı ile kliniğimizde tedavi edilmiş 37 hastadan onkoplastik teknikler ile cerrahi uygulanan 5 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. YÖNTEM: Histopatolojik olarak IGM tanısı doğrulanmış hastalarda tutulan memede geniş cerrahi eksizyon uygulandı. Eksizyon sonrası meme şekil ve konturunun rekonstrüksiyonu amaçlandı. Uygun hastalarda tercih edilecek mastopeksi tekniği her hasta için ayrı ayrı planlandı. Preoperatif oturur pozisyonda yapılan çizim ile planlama yapıldı. Tüm ameliyatlar aynı cerrahi ekip tarafından gerçekleştirildi. Hastalara ait kayıtlar retrospektif olarak de- ğerlendirilerek sonuçlar özetlendi. SONUÇ: Hastaların başvuru anında ortalama yaşı 33.2 idi ( SD,10.44, 22- 44 yaş aralığı). Hastalardan 3’ü (%60) kitle bulgusu ile 1’i (%20) ağrı, 1’i (%20) de abse formasyonu ile başvurmuştu. Lezyonlar, 3 hastada (%60) üst iç kadrana, 1 hastada (%20) üst dış kadrana, 1 hastada (%20) ise alt iç kadrana yerleşik olarak tesbit edildi. Aynı şekilde 3 hastada (%60) lezyonlar sağ memede yerleşikken, 2 hastada (%40) sol memeye yerleşikti. Kitle boyutları ortalama 4,5 cm’ydi (SD,3.16, 2-10 cm aralığı). Histopatolojik değerlendir- mede 10 x lik olan H&E boyamalarda meme lobüllerini çevrelemiş mikst inflamatuar hücreler ve eşlik eden non-nekrotizan granülomlar mevcut idi. Cerrahi tedavimiz insizyon ve drenaj, eksizyonel biyopsi ve parsiyel mastektomiyi içermekteydi. Tüm hastalara tedavi öncesi tanı amaçlı insizyonel biyopsi alınarak patolojik tanı konuldu. Apsesi olan hastalara drenaj ve kültür antibiyogram için örnekleme uygulandı. Hastaların hiçbirinde kültür antibiyogramda üreme olmadı. Cerrahi tedavi öncesi 5 hastanın 4’ü (%80) ek olarak ampirik antibiyoterapi, 2’si (%40) ise İGM nedeni ile steroid tedavisi almıştı(Tablo-2). Nüks ve total regresyon sağlanamaması nedenleri ile tüm hastalara geniş cerrahi eksizyon planlandı. Bu amaçla parsiyel mastektomi uygulanan hastaların 3’ünde (%60) intraglandüler flep transpozisyonu ile 2’sinde (%40) ise inferior pediküllü redüksiyon mammoplasti tekniği ile re- konstrüksiyon yapıldı. Memenin üst ½ sinde yerleşmiş kitleler için inferior pedikül tekniği, diğer hastalarda ise geniş eksizyon sonrası rekonstruksiyon için NAC korunarak dermoglanduler flep transpozisyonu tekniği kullanıldı. Çalışmamızdaki bulgular idiopatik granulomatoz mastitin cerrahi tedavisinde onkolastik mammoplasti tekniklerinin kullanılabileceğini göstermekte- dir. Geniş eksizyon sonrası onkoplastik meme cerrahisi tekniklerinin uygun hastalarda rekonstrüksiyon için tercih edilebilir bir yöntem olduğu görül- müştür.
  • Öğe
    Pediatric dog bite injuries of head and neck: An algorithm for the treatment of our clinic
    (WOLTERS KLUWER MEDKNOW PUBLICATIONS, 2020) Sanli, Elif; Altay, Berkan
    Background: Dog bite injuries are more frequent injuries than they are supposed to be in our country. Aims and Objectives: This study presents our pediatric dog bite injuries of head and neck and a simple algorithm of the treatment. Materials and Methods: A retrospective screening was done of the cases, and data was collected. Descriptive statistical analysis was done about age, sex, type of injury, time of injury, type of dog breed, and closure options. Results: A total of ten children were enrolled to the study. The mean age was 6.4 years, and most of the cases were preschool-aged children. Scalp was the most affected region at head and neck. Pit bull was the only known dog breed. The common time of the injuries was morning. Major injuries were more than minor ones, and they were closed with graft or flaps. Conclusion: We think that dog bite injuries are an important problem in our country. Therefore, further detailed multi-centered studies should be done.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of Pediatric Fingertip Injuries Using Etiology, Demographics and Therapy
    (KARE PUBL, 2020) Karakas, Ali Ozgur; Yuce, Erkan
    Objectives: In this study, 354 pediatric cases were evaluated and treated at the emergency service department due to fingertip injuries in a four years period. The data were studied using etiology, demographics, treatment and complications. This study aims to draw attention to fingertip injuries that are very common in childhood and to help developing preventive strategies. Methods: Of the 354 patients, 191 were boys and 163 were girls. Their ages ranged from six months to 17 years. These patients were studied concerning sex, injured hand and fingers, injury mechanism, injury zone, selected treatment modalities and complications. All interventions were performed under local anesthesia at the emergency service department. Patients were discharged on the same day. Results: In our study group, the male patients (54%) were more affected than the girls (46%). It was observed that the right hand (65.3%) was much more vulnerable to the injury than the left hand (34.7%). It was determined that the most injured fingers were middle fingers in the 136 (38.4%) of the patients, followed by the ring finger (33.9%). Injury was most frequent at five years old patient group. The most frequent type of injury was crush type injuries with a rate of 83.3%, and among crush type injuries, the most common mechanism was trapping of fingers in the doors or windows. While many of these injuries required surgical intervention, appropriate patients were treated with wound care and secondary wound healing. Conclusion: In childhood, hand injuries are quite frequent and fingertip injuries constitute the majority of these entities. These childhood injuries lead to significant functional, aesthetic and psychological sequelae in these patients. The knowledge about the etiology, distribution and mechanisms of these injuries will enable the development of preventive measures in this regard.
  • Öğe
    Stem cells combined 3D electrospun nanofibrous and macrochannelled matrices: a preliminary approach in repair of rat cranial bones
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2019) Isoglu, Ismail Alper; Bolgen, Nimet; Korkusuz, Petek; Vargel, Ibrahim; Celik, Hakan Hamdi; Kilic, Emine; Piskin, Erhan
    Repair of cranial bone defects is an important problem in the clinical area. The use of scaffolds combined with stem cells has become a focus in the reconstruction of critical-sized bone defects. Electrospinning became a very attracting method in the preparation of tissue engineering scaffolds in the last decade, due to the unique nanofibrous structure of the electrospun matrices. However, they have a limitation for three dimensional (3D) applications, due to their two-dimensional structure and pore size which is smaller than a cellular diameter which cannot allow cell migration within the structure. In this study, electrospun poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) membranes were spirally wounded to prepare 3D matrices composed of nanofibers and macrochannels. Mesenchymal stromal/stem cells were injected inside the scaffolds after the constructs were implanted in the cranial bone defects in rats. New bone formation, vascularisation and intramembranous ossification of the critical size calvarial defect were accelerated by using mesenchymal stem cells combined 3D spiral-wounded electrospun matrices.
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    Effectiveness of the Biophysical Barriers to the Peridural Fibrosis in Rat Laminectomy Model
    (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2019) Akkurt, Ibrahim; Bakar, Bulent; Dincel, Gungor Cagdas; Yildiran, Fatma Azize Budak; Ogden, Mustafa; Nursoy, Egemen; Sari, Elif
    Purpose: Peridural fibrosis which could occur after the spinal surgery could adhere neural tissue closely and may cause to neural entrapment symptoms and require surgical reintervention. Aim of the study: Present study was designed to reduce occurrence of peridural fibrosis in rat laminectomy model by using biophysical barriers called hyaluronic acid (HAS) dural barrier, activated polyethylene glycol and polyethylene imine (PEG) dural barrier, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Materials and methods: In this study, 2 of 26 male Wistar albino rats (325-350 g body weight), which were not included into study groups were sacrificed by removing their total blood and their blood was used for preparation of PRP, and remaining rats were randomly delivered into four groups called SHAM, HAS, PEG, and PRP groups. Then L3-4-5 laminectomy was performed to all animals and experimental agents were administered to the selected groups mentioned above. Spinal colons of all animals were removed gross total after 6-week period and investigated histopathologically. Additionally, real-time-polymerase chain reaction was used to obtain collagen type I and type III, transforming growth factor-1 beta, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha gene expressions. Results: All results demonstrated that polyethylene glycol and polyethylene imine dural barrier and PRP could decrease peridural fibrosis formation efficiently in rat. Conclusion: Present study results suggested that to reduce or block formation of peridural fibrosis, either polyethylene glycol and polyethylene imine dural barrier or PRP could be used effectively in human subjects after they will be closely investigated in future studies.
  • Öğe
    Effect of Local and Systemic Dimethylsulfoxide on Peripheral Nerve Repair: A Controlled Randomized Experimental Study
    (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2019) Sanli, Elif; Dincel, Gungor Cagdas; Umay, Ebru
    Introduction: We investigated the possible beneficial effect of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) on peripheral nerve repair in rats. Methods: Seventy rats were divided into four groups: control, sham, DMSO-L, and DMSO-IP. Except in the control group, nerve repair was done at the right sciatic nerve. DMSO was administered locally and intraperitoneally for 12 weeks to the DMSO-L and DMSO-IP groups, respectively. No therapeutic agent was administered to the other groups. Nerve regeneration was assessed by behavioral, electrophysiological, histopathological, and immunohistochemical tests. Results: With the exception of S-100 protein expression, all results indicate that DMSO has a beneficial effect on peripheral nerve regeneration. Functional nerve recovery was notably more evident in the DMSO-L than in the DMSO-IP group. Under macroscopic examination, nerve scores of the regeneration area in the DMSO-L group was also better than in the others. Discussion: We believe that DMSO can improve peripheral nerve regeneration in rats.
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    Dexmedetomidine as an Alternative Anesthetic Agent for Flap Surgery: An Intravital Evaluation in the Cremaster Muscle Flap
    (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2019) Gencay, Isin; Boybeyi, Ozlem; Unlu, Gulhan; Yazici, Ilker; Aydin, Gulcin; Buyukkocak, Unase
    Introduction: Flap surgery is one of the most commonly used techniques of reconstructive surgery for effective repair of damaged tissue. Optimal anesthetic technique and anesthetic agent plays an important role in flap perfusion. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of dexmedetomidine infusion on the microcirculation in the cremaster muscle flap by direct in vivo monitoring. Materials and Methods: We randomly divided 9 Wistar albino rats into 3 groups. The rats in the control group underwent the surgical procedure (isolation of the cremaster muscle) alone; the rats in the experimental groups 1 and 2 received an infusion of dexmedetomidine (10 and 30 min) after the surgical procedure. Results: The means of vessel diameters, number of functional capillaries, and movements of leukocytes in all groups were evaluated using intravital microscopic examination. The diameters of the arterioles and venules of the cremaster muscle significantly increased in the dexmedetomidine groups. The number of functional capillaries was higher in the dexmedetomidine groups than in the control group. No difference was observed in the movements of leukocytes between the control and experimental groups. Dexmedetomidine significantly increased the diameters of the arterioles and venules of the cremaster flap and the number of functional capillaries. Conclusion: On the basis of the effects of dexmedetomidine on microcirculation, we suggest that dexmedetomidine continue to be used as an anesthetic agent, and may be considered also for reconstructive procedures, particularly flap surgery.
  • Öğe
    Which is more effective for pain relief during fractionated carbon dioxide laser treatment: EMLA cream or forced cold air anesthesia?
    (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2018) Sari, Elif; Bakar, Bulent
    Background and aim: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a eutectic mixture of local anesthetic (EMLA) cream and forced cold air anesthesia (FCAA) on pain control during ablative fractionated carbon dioxide (CO2) laser treatment. Methods: Fifteen volunteers participated in this prospective, controlled, split-face clinical study. EMLA cream was applied 60minutes before the laser procedure on half of the face, and FCAA was performed on each subunit of the other half of the face. The laser procedure was performed on each half of the face. Patients rated their pain during the procedure using a pain scale scored from 0-10. Both doctor and nurse rated patient discomfort during the procedure using a scale scored from 0-10. The pain scores associated with both EMLA and FCAA sides of the face were compared statistically. Results: Patient pain scores and discomfort scores detected by doctor and nurse were not statistically different between EMLA and FCAA. There was no statistically significant difference between males and females. Conclusion: Instead of using EMLA, FCAAwhich can be applied in a shorter timemay be a cost-effective, simple, and safe local anesthesia method used in the ablative fractionated CO2 laser procedure.
  • Öğe
    Tessier Number 30 Facial Cleft: A Rare Maxillofacial Anomaly
    (Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2018) Sari, Elif
    Introduction: In number 30 facial cleft patients, the deformities vary in their presentation, ranging from minor clefting of the lower lip (2) to complete clefts of the mandible with absence of the hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage, and manibrium. Materials and Methods: A case of Tessier number 30 facial cleft with only lower lip deformity is reported in this paper. Results: The pathognomonic features of the facial clefts were reviewed in terms of the related literature. Conclusion: We aimed to remind the pathology and review the literature in this report.
  • Öğe
    A Case of Two Synchronous Cutaneous Collision Tumors
    (Gazi Univ, Fac Med, 2017) Ayva, Sebnem Kupana; Tepeoglu, Merih; Gunduz, Ozgur; Yazici, Ilker; Bozdogan, Onder
    Cutaneous collision tumors are known as two independent tumors which are close anatomically and separated from one another by well boundaries. We, herein report a 83-year-old female patient with two cutaneous collision tumors in two different localizations at the same time. First cutaneous collision tumor located on left ala nasi was squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma and second one located on the right commisure was composed of malignant melanoma (Clark Level IV) and basal cell carcinoma. However, the presence of collision tumors is not uncommon and is often reported in the literature, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first case which shows the association of two synchronous cutaneous collision tumor in the same individual.
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    The Scaphomastoid Suture as an Alternative Surgical Technique for Prominent Ear Deformity
    (Univ West Indies Faculty Medical Sciences, 2017) Sari, E.
    Background: A prominent ear is a common disorder which affects the patient's social relations and physiological condition. This deformity can be corrected by using several well-known methods ranging from early splinting to surgery. This study presents yet another new and practical method for protruding ear correction. Patients and method: A total of 40 patients (male, n = 19; female, n = 21) with 76 prominent ears were operated on using the proposed technique. The conchomastoid measure was between 2-4.5 cm with an average of 2.8 cm before the surgery. Being the traditional method, postauricular incision was performed on each ear under local anaesthesia. The process was continued at suprapericondrial plan. By using 4/0 monofilament nonabsorbable suture material, four scaphomastoid sutures were inserted from the posterior aspect of scaphoid fossa to the mastoid periosteum of each prominent ear and tied gently. After control for bleeding, the skin was closed with 5/0 absorbable monofilo'neil suture. Results: Median follow-up was 13.2 months. Complications occurred in both ears. A unilateral haematoma was at one patient's left ear. The haematoma was drained under local anaesthesia and the resuturaing done according to the procedure. A unilateral allergic reaction occurred on the skin sutures of one patient during her first postoperative month and it resolved after taking off the suture material. The mean time of the surgery for each ear was 27.6 minutes (20-40 minutes). The results were satisfactory both for patients and the surgeon. Conclusion: This safe, simple and quick method helps to obtain natural and well-shaped ears. What is more, it does not disturb the external ear canal. No keloid formation and suture exposition were observed with this method, which makes it an effective substitute for other surgical procedures.
  • Öğe
    Cranial bone regeneration via BMP-2 encoding mesenchymal stem cells
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Vural, Altugan Cahit; Odabas, Sedat; Korkusuz, Petek; Saglam, Atiye Seda Yar; Bilgic, Elif; Cavusoglu, Tarik; Vargel, Ibrahim
    Cranial bone repair and regeneration via tissue engineering principles has attracted a great deal of interest from researchers during last decade. Here, within this study, 6mm critical-sized bone defect regeneration via genetically modified mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) were monitored up to 4 months. Cranial bone repair and new bone formations were evaluated by histological staining and real time PCR analysis in five different groups including autograft and bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) transfected MSC groups. Results presented here indicate a proper cranial regeneration in autograft groups and a prospering regeneration for hBMP-2 encoding mesenchymal stem cells.
  • Öğe
    Effects of DMSO on a rabbit ear hypertrophic scar model: A controlled randomized experimental study
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2017) Sari, Elif; Bakar, Bulent; Dincel, Gungor Cagdas; Yildiran, Fatma Azize Budak
    Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic drug widely used to treat several diseases as reported in the literature. It has a detractive effect on collagen deposition in the abnormal tissue. This study aimed to investigate the possible therapeutic effects of DMSO on hypertrophic scar formation in rabbits. Twenty-four New Zealand male albino rabbits were randomly divided into four groups: control, sham, DMSO, and TRA (triamcinolone acetonide). Except the control group, punch biopsy defects were created on each animal's right ear. Following the hypertrophic scar formation on day 28, intralesional DMSO and triamcinolone acetonide were administered once a week for 4 weeks into these scars of the DMSO and TRA groups, respectively. No therapeutic agent was administered to the control and sham groups. One week after the last injection, ear samples were collected for histopathological, immunohistochemical, and real-time polymerase chain reaction gene expression analyses. Histopathological examination revealed that the epithelium in the DMSO group was thicker than that in the control and TRA groups, but thinner than that in the sham group. Connective tissue thickness and vascularity level of the sham group were higher than those of the control, DMSO, and TRA groups. The collagen type I immunoreactivity level of the sham and TRA groups was higher than those of the control and DMSO groups. The collagen type III immunoreactivity level was higher in the sham group than in all other groups. Collagen type I/type III immunoreactivity ratios were lower in the DMSO group. The alignment of collagen fibers was normal in the DMSO group, but was irregular in the sham and TRA groups. The collagen type I gene expression levels of the DMSO and TRA groups were lower than that of the sham group. Collagen type III and IFN-gamma mRNA expression levels were almost similar among the groups. TGF-1 beta mRNA expression levels were higher in the DMSO and TRA groups than in the control and sham groups. On the basis of the results, it can be concluded that intralesional administration of DMSO decreases hypertrophic scar formation easily and safely. (C) 2017 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    A rare type of burn injury due to butane gas inhalation
    (Turkish Assoc Trauma Emergency Surgery, 2017) Seven, Ergin; Horoz, Ugur; Sari, Elif; Ozakpinar, Hulda Rifat; Sandikci, Mert Muhittin; Inozu, Emre; Tellioglu, Ali Teoman
    BACKGROUND: Abusive inhalation of butane gas is becoming a serious public health problem among teenagers and young adult population; however, there has been little reporting on explosion burns associated with abuse of butane cigarette lighter fluid. METHODS: Retrospective study was conducted of 22 patients who were burned in last 2 years in explosion of butane gas, a flammable, odorless, and colorless aliphatic hydrocarbon. RESULTS: Details of sociodemographic profile of the patients, any underlying psychiatric illness, alcohol abuse, depth of burn injury, any associated injury, duration of hospitalization, and percentage of burned area were recorded and analyzed. CONCLUSION: All of the patients were young men, and most had superficial burn injury. Hospital stay ranged from 0 to 11 days. All of the patients were treated with conservative management.
  • Öğe
    Non-metastatic Non-melanoma Skin Cancers: Our 3 Years of Clinical Experiences
    (Iranian Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Assoc, 2017) Sari, Elif
    BACKGROUND Nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSC) constitute the largest group of skin cancers. In this study, NMSCs were analyzed retrospectively. METHODS Between June 2013 and March 2017, demographics and comorbidities of patients underwent reconstructive surgery for NMSC; their risk factors, types, diameters, differentiation, localizations, follow-up times, treatment methods and complications were compared and statistically analyzed. RESULTS Totally, 163 tumors [111 basal cell carcinoma and 52 cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC)] were excized from 148 patients (63 females, 85 males). Mean age was 70.8 years. Fitzpatrick skin types were between 2-4 and 74 patients. Comorbidities were detected in 63 patients. Tumors were mostly localized in head and neck regions. Forty two lesions in cSCC group were good and 10 were medium differentiated. Defects were reconstructed with flaps in 108 patients. Others underwent primer suturation and grafting. Mean follow-up time was 16.2 months. There was not any complication except one graft failure. There were not significant statistical differences between two groups in terms of skin type, comorbidity, tumor size, fallow-up time and gender values. Conversely, differences of risk factor and age values between the groups were significant. There was a positive correlation between the tumor diameter and poor differentiation in cSCC group. Moreover, there was a negative correlation between tumor size and skin type values in groups. CONCLUSION Our results are quite different from literature needing further multicentric studies on NMSC to clarify the difference.
  • Öğe
    Personality traits in aesthetic surgery patients
    (Cukurova Univ, Fac Medicine, 2016) Buturak, S. Visal; Sari, Elif; Oguzturk, Omer; Gunes, Aslihan Kirici
    Purpose: It has been known that psychological factors have an important effect on the decision to undergo aesthetic surgery. In this study, we aimed to test the hypothesis that the personality traits of people admitted for aesthetic surgery differ from those of people who have never planned to undergo aesthetic surgery in their lives. Material and Methods: Forty-seven patients who were referred to the outpatient clinic of the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery, Kirikkale University to undergo aesthetic surgery were enrolled in the study. Forty-three subjects who neither underwent nor planned to undergo aesthetic surgery at any time in their lives were included in the study as a control group. Psychometric evaluation of the patients and the control group was conducted using the Turkish version of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). Results: Taking 65 as a cut-off point, the ratio of patients who scored >= 65 on the hysteria subscale of the MMPI was found to be significantly higher in the sugery group than in the control group and the ratio on social introversion subscale was also higher in the patient group than in the control group, very closely approaching significance. Conclusion: It should be kept in mind that people who have personality traits that can be partially improved with psyachiatric treatment, such as social introverted, lonely, timid, shy, and hysterical and feel the need for validation by others, may be more often admitted for aesthetic surgery.
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    The effect of low-dose methotrexate on autologous fat graft survival
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2016) Sari, Elif; Bakar, Bulent; Sarkarati, Bahram; Bozdogan, Onder; Cavusoglu, Tarik
    Background/aim: The survival of autologous fat graft tissue is dependent on various factors such as vascularization and inflammation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the possible beneficial effects of low-dose methotrexate (LD-MTX) on fat graft volume and survival. Materials and methods: A total of 13 male Wistar albino rats were divided into two groups, a control group and an LD-MTX group. An autologous fat graft obtained from the inguinal region of each rat was transferred to its back. LD-MTX was administered intraperitoneally in the LD-MTX group once a week for 4 weeks after the surgical procedure. The control group underwent surgery but was not administered MTX. Fat grafts were harvested for analyses. Results: The results showed that 2 months postoperatively the fat graft weights of the control and LD-MTX groups were not significantly different. In addition, the vascularity of the grafts was higher in the LD-MTX group than it was in the control group. The mean lipid peroxidation levels were essentially the same in the two groups, but myeloperoxidation was significantly lower in the LD-MTX group than it was in the other group. Conclusion: The results showed that LD-MTX administration may not preserve the quality and volume of transplanted fat tissue in rats.
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    Estimated beginning time of local anesthesia effectiveness in forced cold air application: A preliminary study
    (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2016) Sari, Elif; Sandikci, Mert Muhittin; Bakar, Bulent; Tellioglu, Ali Teoman
    Background: The literature has reported that forced cold air anesthesia decreases the discomfort effect of various laser therapies. The aim of this preliminary study was to determine the average beginning time of the local anesthetic effect of the forced cold air application when it is applied to all body surfaces except the face. Materials and methods: A total of 52 participants (26 females and 26 males) were included in this study. During application of the forced cold air, the beginning time of local anesthesia effectiveness for each volunteer was determined by giving painful stimuli. The results were then analyzed statistically. Results: The mean beginning time value of the local anesthesia was 52.88 (ranging between 30 and 60) seconds in the female group and 56.34 (ranging between 30 and 60) seconds in the male group. The mean beginning time value of the local anesthesia was 54.61 (ranging between 30 and 60) seconds in both genders. There was no statistical difference between the two groups (Z = - 0.834, p = 0.404). Conclusion: Forced cold air anesthesia-which is a quick, safe, cost-effective, and practical local anesthesia method-seems to be useful and effective when used alone in laser treatment.
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    Effectiveness of Dimethylsulfoxide on the Survival and Volume Preservation of Autologous Fat Graft Tissue: A Preliminary Study
    (Oxford Univ Press Inc, 2016) Sari, Elif; Bakar, Bulent; Sarkarati, Bahram; Bozdogan, Onder; Cavusoglu, Tarik
    Background: The survival of autologous fat graft tissue is dependent on various factors, such as vascularization and inflammation. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the possible beneficial effects of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) on fat graft volume and survival. Methods: Eighteen male Wistar albino rats were divided randomly into three groups. An autologous fat graft obtained from the inguinal region of each rat was transferred to its back. DMSO was administered intraperitoneally (IP) in the DMSO-IP group and cutaneously (C) in the DMSO-C group once daily for 15 days after the surgical procedure. The control group underwent surgery but was not administered with DMSO. Two months after surgery, the grafted fatty tissues were harvested for histopathological and biochemical analyses. Results: The results showed that 2 months postoperatively, fat grafts of the DMSO-C and DMSO-IP groups weighed significantly more than the grafts of the control group. Moreover, the vascularity of the grafts was higher in the DMSO-C group than in the control group, and no significant difference was found between the two DMSO groups. The mean lipid peroxidation levels were the same in the three groups, but myeloperoxidation was significantly lower in the DMSO-C group than in the other two groups. Conclusions: The study results showed that cutaneous rather than intraperitoneal DMSO administration could preserve the quality and volume of transplanted fat tissue in rats by enhancing vascularity and decreasing inflammation.