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  • Öğe
    Biochemical, pathological and ultrastructural investigation of whether lamotrigine has neuroprotective efficacy against spinal cord ischemia reperfusion injury
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2021) Kahveci, Fatih Ozan; Kahveci, Ramazan; Gökçe, Emre Cemal; Gökçe, Aysun; Kısa, Üçler; Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi; Fesli, Ramazan
    Introduction: Lamotrigine, an anticonvulsant drug with inhibition properties of multi-ion channels, has been shown to be able to attenuates secondary neuronal damage by influencing different pathways. The aim of this study was to look into whether lamotrigine treatment could protect the spinal cord from experimental spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury. Materials and methods: Thirty-two rats, eight rats per group, were randomly assigned to the sham group in which only laparotomy was performed, and to the ischemia, methylprednisolone and lamot-rigine groups, where the infrarenal aorta was clamped for thirty minutes to induce spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury. Tissue samples belonging to spinal cords were harvested from sacrificed animals twenty-four hours after reperfusion. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels, interleukin-1 beta levels, nitric oxide levels, superoxide dismutase activity, catalase activity, glutathione peroxidase activity, malondialde-hyde levels and caspase-3 activity were studied. Light and electron microscopic evaluations were also performed to reveal the pathological alterations. Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan locomotor scale and the inclined-plane test was used to evaluate neurofunctional status at the beginning of the study and just before the animals were sacrificed. Results: Lamotrigine treatment provided significant improvement in the neurofunctional status by pre -venting the increase in cytokine expression, increased lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress, depletion of antioxidant enzymes activity and increased apoptosis, all of which contributing to spinal cord damage through different paths after ischemia reperfusion injury. Furthermore, lamotrigine treatment has shown improved results concerning the histopathological and ultrastructural scores and the functional tests. Conclusion: These results proposed that lamotrigine may be a useful therapeutic agent to prevent the neuronal damage developing after spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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    Association Between Plasma Adrenomedullin Levels and Bone Mineral Density in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    (Galenos Yayincilik, 2005) Uçar, Banu; Noyan, Volkan; Yücel, Aykan; Sağsöz, Nevin; Çağlayan, Osman
    Objective: The aim of the study was to compare bone mineral density measurements between patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and age and body mass index matched healthy controls, and to examine whether plasma adrenomedullin concentration was associated with bone mineral density. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kirikkale University School of Medicine. Patients: Twenty women with PCOS and 13 healthy control subjects were enrolled in the study. Interventions: Plasma adrenomedullin, serum androstenedione, free testosterone, testosterone, DHEAS, SHBG, FSH, LH, estradiol, fasting insulin and fasting glucose were measured in each subject. Bone mineral density (lumbar spine 2-4 (L2-4), femoral neck, ward's triangle, great trochanter) measurements were measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Insulin resistance was estimated by fasting insulin level, fasting glucose: insulin ratio and 75 g of glucose tolerance test for 2 hours. Main Outcome Measures: Bone mineral density and correlation between bone mineral density and plasma adrenomedullin. Result: Bone mineral density measurements did not differ between the groups. There were no correlations between plasma adrenomedullin and bone mineral density measurements. Conclusions: Further studies are needed to evaluate the relation between bone mineral density and plasma adrenomedullin.
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    The Effects of Metformin, Ethinyl Estradiol/Cyproterone Acetate, and Metformin Ethinyl Estradiol/Cyproterone Acetate Combination Therapy on Carotid Artery Intima-media Thickness in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    (2020) Ünal, Derya; Demirci, Hüseyin; Yılmaz, Murat; Kısa, Üçler; Tulmaç, Murat; Güliter, Sefa
    Introduction: Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are in the risk group for early-onset cardiovascular disease. There are few studies evaluating physiological and inflammatory cardiovascular risk factors in PCOS. Our study aimed to measure carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) in PCOS cases and to assess the effects of metformin, ethinyl estradiol/cyproterone acetate (EE/CA) and metformin + EE/ CA combination therapy on carotid IMT, insulin resistance, C-reactive protein (CRP), apelin and adiponectin. Methods: Basal carotid IMT, insulin resistance [Homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)], apelin, adiponectin, and CRP values were evaluated in 60 women with PCOS and 43 healthy volunteers between the ages of 18 and 45. After baseline evaluation, patients were divided into metformin (n=20), EE/CA (n=20) and metformin + EE/CA (n=20) treatment groups. Treatment regimens were administered for six months. At the end of the treatment, the same parameters were reevaluated. Results: Compared with the control group, CRP (p=0.003), HOMA-IR (p=0.004) and IMT (p=0.049) were significantly higher, and adiponectin (p=0.002) and apelin (p=0.031) levels were significantly lower in patients with PCOS. At the end of the six-month treatment, the adiponectin level in the metformin (p=0.012) and metformin + EE/CA groups (p=0.012), and the apelin level in the metformin (p=0.024), EE/CA (p=0.024) and metformin + EE/CA groups (p=0.024) were significantly higher. There was no statistically significant change in CRP level in all treatment groups (p>0.05). There was no statistically significant change in carotid IMT value in all treatment groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: According to these results, we can say that women with PCOS have subclinical atherosclerosis and that metformin treatment has a positive effect on subclinical atherosclerosis.
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    The effects of ozone on the acute phase of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats
    (2020) Günal, Yasemin Dere; Türer, Özlem Boybeyi; Atasoy, Pınar; Kısa, Üçler; Aslan, Mustafa Kemal
    BACKGROUND: In this study, we aimed to examine the therapeutic effects of ozone on the acute phase of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury in rats to resemble clinical practice. METHODS: Eighteen Wistar albino rats were assigned to control (CG, n=6), sham (SG, n=6) and ozone groups (OG, n=6). A midline laparotomy was performed and a superior mesenteric artery (SMA) in the SG and OG was occluded with a 0/0 catgut suture, but in the CG, the incision was closed without any intervention. Tissue oxygenation was monitored with a tissue oxygenation monitor to achieve the same grade during intestinal ischemia. The incision was closed and, in the OG, ozone/oxygen mixture (0.7 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally, 20 minutes before reperfusion. Surgical incision was reopened and reperfusion was achieved after 60 minutes of ischemia in the SG and OG. After 60 minutes of reperfusion, 2 cm small intestine segment was sampled for histopathological assessment of the intestinal mucosal damage (Chiu score) and biochemical assessment of oxidative stress markers (nitric oxide: NO, malondialdehyde: MDA, superoxide dismutase: SOD) in all groups. RESULTS: The Chiu scores of the SG and OG were statistically increased than that of the CG (p=0.002; and p=0.002, respectively). Chiu score in the OG was higher compared to that in the SG, but not statistically significant (p=0.175). MDA levels were statistically higher in the SG and OG than that of the CG (p=0.004; and p=0.010, respectively). However, the difference between the SG and OG was not statistically significant (p=0.522). SOD and NO levels were not significantly different between groups (p=0.451 and p=0.056, respectively). CONCLUSION: Contrary to the literature, single-dose ozone therapy did not reduce the oxidative stress or improve the ischemic damage in intestinal I/R injury in rats. Further evaluation with different doses in different time periods is needed for potential clinical use.
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    Kırıkkale Ve Çevresinde Ergen Bireylerde D Vitamini Düzeyi Değerlendirmesi
    (2019) Badem, Nermin Dindar
    Amaç: Kırıkkale ve çevresinde yaşayan ergenlerde D vitamini düzeyininin yaş, cinsiyet ve ölçüm zamanına göre oluşturulmuş gruplardaki değişimini değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Muhtelif endikasyonlarla D vitamini düzeyi ölçülmüş, yaşları 11-18 arasında 2672 ergen çalışmaya alındı. Ergenler yaş, cinsiyet ve ölçüm zamanına göre gruplara ayrıldı. D vitamini düzeylerine göre bireyler literatürlere uygun şekilde; D vitamini eksikliği (?20 ng/mL), D vitamini yetersizliği (21-29 ng/mL), optimal D vitamini düzeyi (30-100 ng/mL) şeklinde sınıflandırıldı. Bulgular: Çalışma grubunun 1747’si kızlardan (%65.4), 925’i erkeklerden (%34.6) oluşuyordu. Tüm grubun D vitamini düzeyi 15.54±8.59 ng/mL olmakla birlikte kızlarda 13.48±7.80 ng/mL, erkeklerde 19.42±8.67 ng/mL idi. Kız ve erkeklerin D vitamini düzeyleri anlamlı şekilde farklıydı (p<0.001). Kızların % 84.9’unda D vitamini eksikliği, % 12.1’inde D vitamini yetersizliği varken sadece % 3’ünde normal düzeyde D vitamini vardı. Bu sıralama erkeklerde % 59.5, % 31.4 ve % 9.2 şeklindeydi. D vitamini düzeyi kızlarda 11 yaştan 18 yaşa doğru daha da azalmakta olup her yaş grubunda erkeklerden anlamlı şekilde daha düşüktü. Aylara göre değerlendirmede özellikle temmuz, ağustos ve eylül aylarındaki D vitamini düzeyleri diğer aylara göre anlamlı şekilde yüksekti (p<0.001). Sonuç: Çalışmamızda ergenlik dönemindeki bireylerde D vitamini açısından yüksek oranda eksiklik/yetersizlik olduğunu ve bu eksikliğin her mevsimde görüldüğünü tespit ettik. Kızlarda bu eksiklik erkeklere göre daha belirgindi. Özellikle kızlara vitamin D takviyesi konusunda hassasiyet gösterilmelidir.
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    Effects of thyroid hormone supplementation on oxidative stress after sleeve gastrectomy in rats
    (2018) Orman, Suleyman; Başok, Banu İşbilen; Kısa, Üçler; Kahraman, Nevin Genc; İşman, Ferruh Kemal
    Aim: Sleeve gastrectomy has been used for the surgical treatment of morbid obesity. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of triiodothyronine supplementation on oxidative stress parameters in anastomotic tissue level. Material and Methods: Twenty-four male Wistar albino rats were divided into control (n:12), and experimental (n:12) groups and underwent sleeve gastrectomy. Experimental group rats received a single dose of triiodothyronine (400 mg/100 g) in the operation day. Rats were sacrificed on postoperative day 7. Serum thyroid hormones were analysed. The supernatants were used to measure total oxidant status, total antioxidant status, nitric oxide and malondialdehyde levels. All tissue parameters were analysed by spectrophotometric methods. Oxidative stress index values were calculated. Results: Thyroid stimulating hormone levels in both the control and triiodothyronine group did not significantly change on the 7th postoperative day (p=0.663). Free triiodothyronine levels were significantly higher in triiodothyronine group rats than in control group rats (triiodothyronine vs control: p=0.004). Although total oxidant status levels did not altered by thyroid hormone treatment (p>0.05), total antioxidant status levels significantly decreased (p<0.05). Oxidative stress index values were not statistically different in tissues (p>0.05). Tissue nitric oxide levels were also similar in both groups (p>0.05). Malondialdehyde levels increased in triiodothyronine given rats compared with the control group (p<0.01). Conclusion: This study showed that total oxidant status levels and oxidative stress index values were similar in both groups. However, triiodothyronine supplementation induced lipid peroxidation by increasing tissue malondialdehyde levels that might deplete tissue antioxidant level.
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    Investigation (in vivo and in vitro) of booster dose vaccine requirement for long-term protection against hepatitis b virus infection
    (2009) Saygun, Onur; Eyigün, Can Polat; Avcı, İsmail Yaşar; Kısa, Üçler; Pahsa, Alaaddin
    Aim: Studies have shown that no booster dose was required at least 10 to 15 years after a primary vaccination for individuals who developed protective anti-hepatitis B surface (anti-HBs) antibodies. In this study, booster dose requirement for HBV after primary immunization was investigated. Materials and Methods: Seventeen individuals vaccinated previously were enrolled in the study. They had once developed a protective level of anti-HBs antibody after immunization and their anti-HBs titer had declined to an underprotective level. Twenty uninfected and unvaccinated healthy people were chosen as controls. Lymphoproliferative response to in-vitro stimulation with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and anti-HBs response to vaccine were evaluated for immune response. Results: T lymphocytes from 4 (24%) of the study group showed lymphoproliferative response to HBsAg stimulation while none of the controls did (P < 0.05). In all subjects in the study group, anti-HBs response (?10 mIU/ml) was detected 1 to 7 days after the booster injection but in only 2 of the controls antibody response was detected 28 days after the first dose of HBV vaccine (P < 0.0001). Conclusions: A booster dose of HBV vaccine might not be required because of immunological memory.
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    The effect of insulin resistance on mortality in critically ill patients in the intensive care unit
    (INDIAN ANAESTHETISTS FORUM, 2020) Bakkal, Ayse Gulcan; Buyuksekerci, Murat; Gencay, Isin; Aydin, Gulcin; Caglayan, Osman; Buyukkocak, Unase
    Background and Aims: Insulin resistance can be described as a subnormal biological response to a specific insulin concentration or deterioration of an accepted response to insulin in glucose homeostasis and deficiency of insulin response. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of insulin resistance on mortality in critically ill patients. Methods: Over 18-year-old and nondiabetic 150 patients that had been hospitalized in an intensive care unit (ICU) between September 2013 and October 2014 were enrolled in this study. The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Enquiry II (APACHE II), Glasgow Coma Scale, and Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale were calculated on the day of admission to the ICU, and following 4th day and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th weeks. Insulin resistance was calculated using the HOMA formula. Infection and other complications during ICU stay, the requirement of mechanical ventilation (MV), nutritional status (parenteral and/or enteral), vasopressor, steroid, and insulin treatment were also recorded. Patients followed in the ICU were recorded as survivors and nonsurvivors. Results: Glucose levels were found to be higher in nonsurvivor group at the 1st week and there was a significant positive relationship between APACHE II score and insulin resistance at the 3rd week. There was a significant relationship between mortality and requirement of MV, vasopressor medication, complications, and infection. Conclusion: We conclude that the effect of insulin resistance seems to affect the mortality in critically ill patients after at least a 3 weeks long follow-up time.
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    A new inflammatory marker in overweight patients: triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1
    (COMENIUS UNIV, 2020) Cifci, A.; Ceylan, Durmaz S.; Oklu, K.; Gungunes, A.; Katar, D.; Karahan, I; Boyunaga, H.
    BACKGROUND: Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1 (TREM-1) is secreted by phagocytes in adipose tissue and it also upregulates the expression of genes involved in the inflammatory response and atherosclerotic conditions. This study was aimed to investigate the serum TREM-1 levels in overweight patients. METHODS: Twenty-eight subjects in the overweight group (OG) and 20 age-matched healthy subjects in the control group (CG) (BMI 27.6 +/- 1.2 vs 23.1 +/- 2.17 kg/m(2), respectively, p< 0.001) were included in the study. The serum sTREM-1 level was measured by ELISA. The homeostasis model assessment score (HOMA-IR) was also calculated. RESULTS: The mean TREM-1 levels were significantly higher in OG than in CG (407.3 +/- 323.7 vs 150.3 +/- 152.7 pg/mL, respectively, p< 0.001). The HOMA-IR score was also significantly higher in OG than in CG (3.42 +/- 3.63 vs 2.77 +/- 1.61, respectively). A positive correlation was detected between TREM-1 and BMI (r= 0.318, p= 0.028). CONCLUSIONS: This study mainly demonstrated that a high serum TREM-1 level might be an early inflammatory marker in overweight patients. We found that TREM-1 might be associated with BMI in overweight patients regardless of insulin resistance (Tab. 1, Ref. 21). Text in PDF
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    The Role of Resolvin D1 in the Differential Diagnosis of the Cholangiocarcinoma and Benign Biliary Diseases
    (CLIN LAB PUBL, 2020) Gül-Utku, Özlem; Karatay, Eylem; Ergül, Bilal; Kısa, Üçler; Erdin, Züleyha; Oğuz, Dilek
    Background: The discrimination of malignant biliary strictures from benign biliary diseases (BBDs) is challenging and complicated. We aimed to investigate whether Resolvin D1 (RvD1) would aid in the discrimination of cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) from BBDs. Methods: Thirty-one patients with CCA, 27 patients with BBD, and 30 healthy controls were enrolled in this crosssectional study. The diagnosis of CCA was based on results obtained from abdominal USG, MRCP, abdominal CT, endosonography, and tumor markers, including CEA and CA 19-9. Histopathological evaluation was performed in the majority of patients, and the final diagnosis was based on surgery or biopsy results. RvD1, CEA, and CA 19-9 were analyzed in all patients with CCA and BBD. Results: RvD1 was significantly lower in those with CCA compared to patients with BBD and healthy controls. In addition, CEA and Ca 19-9 levels were significantly higher in the CCA group than the BBD group (p < 0.001). RvD1 concentration, CA 19-9 concentration, and total bilirubin level were found to be correlated with tumor stage (r = -0.702, 0.390, and 0.569, respectively). ROC curve analysis revealed that an RvD1 concentration of < 380 ng/mL (AUC: 0.783, 95% CI: 0673 - 0.893, p < 0.001) and CA 19-9 concentration of > 94.5 U/mL (AUC: 0.94, 95% CI: 0.898 - 0.998, p < 0.001) could be used to discriminate patients with CCA from those with BBD. Conclusions: Resolvin D1 and CA 19-9 levels might be used to effectively discriminate between BBD and CCA. Moreover, both RvD1 and CA 19-9 levels are associated with the stage of CCA, indicating that they may also be used in assessing disease progression.
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    Prevention of the harmful effects of free oxygen radicals by using N-acetylcysteine in testicular torsion
    (ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2020) Tangul, Sevgi Ulusoy; Cakmak, Ahmet Murat; Caglayan, Osman; Bozdogan, Onder
    Introduction Testicular torsion is a urological emergency both in childhood and in adult life. Many studies on experimental testicular torsion have demonstrated biochemical and pathological ischemia reperfusion injury and the efficacy of some drugs have been investigated to prevent this damage. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) promotes glutathione synthesis and acts as a glutathione precursor because of the fact that it increases the glutathione-reductase activity by transporting sulfhydryl groups. Aim In this experimental study, the authors aimed to investigate the effectiveness of NAC in preventing ischemia-reperfusion injury following testicular torsion and detorsion. Study design For this experimental study, 36 albino Wistar-male rats were used. The rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: sham (n = 8), ischemia-reperfusion (n = 8), ischemia-NAC -reperfusion (n = 10), and ischemia-NAC-reperfusionNAC (n = 10) groups. Two hours of torsion and 4 h of detorsion were created in the left testis. After 4 h of detorsion, the rats were sacrificed. Each tissue was divided into two sections for biochemical and pathological examinations. Results There was a statistically significant difference between the study groups in terms of the total-sulfhydryl level, nitric oxide level, and the malondialdehyde values. Histopathological examination revealed that NAC was effective in preventing reperfusion injury in the testis but ineffective in preventing the reduction in the spermatid count. Discussion The results of this experimental study support that NAC can histopathologically maintain the structure of seminiferous tubules against ischemis reperfusion injury and prevent damage to the germinative cells. However, it was unable to prevent the reduction in spermatid count. There was no significant difference in the prevention of ischemiareperfusion injury between NAC administration during the first hour of ischemia and NAC administration during reperfusion. Although NAC can prevent tissue damage from ischemia reperfusion injury, it is not effective against the reduction in the spermatid count. Conclusion N-acetylcysteine may be biochemically effective in preventing ischemia-reperfusion injury after testicular torsion and detorsion. NAC is a readily available and easy to use agent that can be used during testicular ischemia.
  • Öğe
    Oxidative and histopathological effects of the application of electrosurgical devices to the penile tissue of rats
    (ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2020) Günal, Yasemin Dere; Boybeyi, Özlem; Atasoy, Pınar; Kısa, Üçler; Aslan, Mustafa Kemal; Bakar, Bülent; Soyer, Tutku
    Introduction This study was performed to evaluate the oxidative and histopathological changes that occur following the application of electrosurgical devices (monopolar or bipolar cautery) to penile tissue. Material and methods Eighteen Wistar albino male rats were randomly distributed into three groups. In the control group (CG, n = 6), all penile tissues were sampled without any additional process following the administration of anesthesia. In the monopolar cautery group (MPG, n = 6), a 15-W cauterization process lasting 5 s was performed on an approximately 2 mm(2) area of the ventral side of the penile shaft, 0.5 cm proximal to the edge of the glans in the midline. Bipolar cautery was practiced in the third group (BPG, n = 6) using the same techniques outlined in the previous statement. Penile tissues consisted of the cautery application area, the edge of the glans, and dorsal side of the penis and were sampled after 90 min; then, histopathological evaluation and biochemical examination involving malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) measurements were performed. Results and discussion Histopathologically, the MPG and BPG demonstrated increased inflammation, fibrosis, and epithelial loss in the urethra in the areas to which cautery was applied as compared to the CG (P < 0.05). The vascular structures of the corpus cavernosa were significantly decreased in the cautery application area of both the MPG and the BPG as compared to the CG (P < 0.05). In the Masson's trichrome stained samples, significant collagen deposition was observed in the cautery application area both in the MPG and the BPG as compared to the CG (P < 0.05). However, S-100 staining was decreased in these groups as compared to the CG (P < 0.05). S-100 staining was also decreased in the MPG as compared to the BPG on the edge of the glans (P < 0.05). Biochemically, MDA values were significantly increased in the MPG as compared to the CG and the BPG (P < 0.05). Conclusion Monopolar and bipolar cautery both did cause oxidative changes and triggered inflammatory, vascular, and peripheral nerve alterations in the cautery application area while bipolar cautery did not cause any distant effects.
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    Serum Copeptin Levels in Threatened Preterm Labor
    (TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 2020) Tulmac, Ozlem Banu; Sayan, Cemile Dayangan; Dag, Zeynep Ozcan; Oguz, Yuksel; Gencosmanoglu, Gulenay; Caglar, Turhan; Kisa, Ucler
    Aim: We investigated maternal copeptin level's usefulness in prediction of preterm birth. Materials and methods: The study was comprised of 97 pregnant women hospitalized for threatened preterm labor and 35 healthy pregnant women without preterm labor. Serum copeptin were compared with likelihood of threatened preterm labor timing of delivery and time interval to delivery. Result: Copeptin level of threatened preterm labor group was higher than of control group [7.76(0.39-35.62) ng/mL, 6.23(1.64-36.88) ng/mL, respectively, p = .04]. Copeptin levels of women did not differ according to preterm or term birth [7.76(0.69-35.62) ng/mL, 6.73(0.39-36.88) ng/mL, respectively, p = .22). Quartiles of copeptin levels were not associated with risk status or preterm birth. Conclusions: Serum copeptin is higher in threatened preterm labor. It does not differentiate those with threatened preterm labor verses preterm birth.
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    Research on the Effects of Levetiracetam in Spinal Cord Injury Model in Rats: An Experimental Study
    (TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 2020) Nursoy, Egemen; Ogden, Mustafa; Bakar, Bulent; Dincel, Gungor Cagdas; Kisa, Ucler; Ozveren, Mehmet Faik
    Purpose: Despite advances in spinal biomechanic research, surgical techniques, and rehabilitation processes, no significant improvement has been identified in the treatment of spinal cord injury (SCI) and neurological recovery. Aim of the Study: This study was designed to investigate the potential therapeutic effects of methylprednisolone and levetiracetam on SCI. Materials and Methods: In this study, 42 male Wistar Albino rats, each weighing 300-350 g, were separated into three main groups: control group, acute and subacute stage groups. With the exception of the control group, a T7-8 dorsal laminectomy was performed on the spinal column of the rats. A temporary vascular aneurysm clip was then applied to the spinal cord for 1 min to create SCI and methylprednisolone or levetiracetam was administered intraperitoneally to all except the control and SHAM control groups. The damaged spinal cord was removed for histopathological and biochemical examinations. Results: Both pharmacological agents were determined to have improved the histopathological architecture in damaged neural tissues during the acute period of SCI, but could not sustain this activity in the subacute period. Neither pharmacological agent affected the biochemical data in the acute nor subacute stages. Conclusions: Both pharmacological agents showed histopathological healing effects in injured tissues during the acute phase of SCI in this rat model but these effects could not be sustained in the subacute period. No effect on biochemical data was seen in either the acute or subacute period. There is a need for further advanced studies to determine the effects of levetiracetam on the healing processes in SCI.
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    Effect of synbiotics in the treatment of smokers and non-smokers with gingivitis: randomized controlled trial
    (WILEY, 2020) Ercan, N.; Olgun, E.; Kisa, U.; Yalim, M.
    Background To evaluate the efficacy of synbiotic tablets on the clinical and biochemical parameters of smokers and non-smokers with gingivitis. Methods Eighty patients with gingivitis [40 smokers (+), 40 non-smokers (-)] were randomly assigned to test (T) or control (C) groups. Four groups were defined: T(+), T(-), C(+) and C(-). The subjects daily chewed a synbiotic or placebo tablet for 30 days. The gingival crevicular fluid levels of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8 and IL-10 were determined as the primary outcome variables. Results The clinical and biochemical parameters for all groups significantly reduced compared with the baseline (P < 0.05). While there were no significant differences between the groups for gingival index, the plaque index was significantly higher in both smoker groups than that in the T(-) group during the second month (P < 0.05). IL-8 levels in C(-) and IL-6 levels in both control groups were significantly higher than those in the T(+) group. The IL-10 levels in both control groups were significantly higher than those in the T(-) group during the second month (P < 0.05). Conclusions Adjunctive synbiotic tablets significantly reduce subclinical therapeutic outcomes for both smokers and non-smokers compared with placebo according to the biochemical parameters.
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    The Effect of Extractum Cepae, Heparin Sodium, and Allantoin in Experimental Peritoneal Adhesion
    (SPRINGER INDIA, 2020) Ozmen, Ismail; Gunal, Yasemin Dere; Atasoy, Pinar; Kisa, Ucler; Yorubulut, Serap; Aslan, Mustafa Kemal; Boybeyi-Turer, Ozlem
    The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of extractum cepae (EC), heparin sodium (HS), and allantoin (AA) on postoperative peritoneal adhesion (PPA) prevention. Forty-eight rats were allocated into six groups (n = 8). PPA was performed by Harris method. In group 1, no additional procedure was done. Abdominal cavity was washed with normal saline in group 2, EC in group 3, HS in group 4, AA in group 5, and EC-HS-AA mixture (EHA-m) in group 6. On the 21st postoperative day, PPA was scored with Nair adhesion score and examined for fibrosis histopathologically and hydroxy-proline levels (OHP) biochemically. Macroscopically, PPA was decreased in groups 2, 4, and 6 compared to groups 1, 3, and 5 (p < 0.05) and decreased in group 2 compared to other groups (p < 0.05). Histopathologically, fibrosis was decreased in groups 2, 4, and 6 compared to other groups and decreased in group 2 compared to other groups (p < 0.05). Tissue OHP level was decreased in groups 2, 3, 4, and 5 compared to groups 1 and 6 (p < 0.05). Tissue OHP level was decreased in group 6 compared to group 1, but the difference was not statistically significant. PPA formation decreases with normal saline, HS and EHA-m, whereas increases with EC and AA both macroscopically and microscopically. Although HS and EHA-m seem to have adhesion prevention effect, washing the intestines with saline seems to be more effective.
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    Effect of delivery mode and anaesthesia methods on cardiac troponin T
    (ELSEVIER MASSON, CORP OFF, 2020) Bakirci, Sukru; Tulmac, Murat; Dag, Zeynep Ozcan; Sayan, Cemile Dayangan; Isik, Yuksel; Gencay, Isin; Boyunaga, Hakan
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    The effect of the systemic folic acid intake as an adjunct to scaling and root planing on clinical parameters and homocysteine and C-reactive protein levels in gingival crevicular fluid of periodontitis patients: A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial
    (WILEY, 2020) Keceli, H. Gencay; Ercan, Nuray; Karsiyaka Hendek, Meltem; Kisa, Ucler; Mesut, Burcu; Olgun, Ebru
    Aim To evaluate clinical and biochemical effects of adjunctive systemic folic acid (FA) intake with scaling and root planing (SRP) in periodontitis treatment. Materials and methods Sixty periodontitis subjects (30 per group) were randomly assigned into study groups and treated with either SRP + placebo (SRP + P) or SRP + folic acid (SRP + F). In addition to clinical parameters (plaque index [PI], gingival index [GI], probing pocket depth [PPD], clinical attachment level [CAL] and gingival recession [GR]), gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samples were obtained at baseline and post-treatment (PT) periods (one (PT-1), three (PT-3) and six (PT-6) months) for C-reactive protein (CRP) and homocysteine (Hcy) evaluation. Results Significant time-dependent reduction was detected at all clinical parameters for both groups (p < .001). Compared to SRP + P, CAL was lower in SRP + F at PT-1 (p = .004) and PT-3 (p = .035), whereas GR was lower at only PT-1 (p = .015). GCF volume and CRP did not show inter-group differences, whereas Hcy was higher in SRP + F at PT-3 (p = .044) and PT-6 (p = .041). GCF volume and Hcy showed reduction after treatment in both groups (p < .001). Conclusion Both modalities exhibited clinical improvement and change in biochemical parameters. Adjunctive systemic FA intake may be recommended adjunctive to periodontitis treatment to reveal better outcomes. However, its impact mechanisms should be further enlightened.
  • Öğe
    Effects of mesenchymal stem cell and amnion membrane transfer on prevention of pericardial adhesions
    (WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH, 2020) Kabalci, Mehmet; Sahin, Mustafa; Pekcan, Zeynep; Zengin, Mehmet; Dogru, Mehmet Tolga; Kisa, Ucler
    Background: To investigate and compare the antiadhesive/antifibrotic effects of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and amnion membrane transfer (AMT) in a rat model. Material and methods: Three experimental and sham groups were formed using 30 Wistar-Albino rats. AMT and MSC were applied to the related groups. The control group was not treated. After 12 weeks follow-up, intracardiac blood and cardiac-pericardiac tissue samples were taken. The severity of adhesions and fibrosis were scored macroscopically and microscopically with Hematoxylin/ Eosin and Masson's trichrome staining. TNF-alpha, TGF-beta, IL-1, PDGF, FGF, VEGF and Caspase-3 levels were measured with the ELISA method. Results: Severe adhesions were observed in the AMT and control groups, but no adhesion was present in the MSC group. Pericardial thickness, increased vascularity, fibrosis, and collagen accumulation were similar between control and AMT groups, but were less in Sham and MSC groups. Between MSC and AMT groups, only Caspase-3 level was different, which is an apoptosis marker. Conclusion: The positive effects of MSC on adhesion, which we achieved in our study, suggest that it may prevent adhesion. AMT did not provide a positive effect. The correlation of Caspase-3 with postoperative adhesion/fibrosis should be examined in more detail.
  • Öğe
    Nonfunctional adrenal incidentalomas may be related to bisphenol-A
    (SPRINGER, 2020) Eker, Fatih; Gungunes, Askin; Durmaz, Senay; Kisa, Ucler; Celik, Zeynep Rumeysa
    Purpose Bisphenol-A (BPA) is an endocrine-disrupting chemical that may affect the hormones and their receptors. The aim of this study is to determine whether BPA has an effect on the development of nonfunctional adrenal incidentaloma (NFAI). Methods Fifty patients who were admitted to endocrinology outpatient clinics and diagnosed as NFAI were included in the study. Fifty healthy people without adrenal mass and adrenal pathology in the upper abdominal computerized tomography or magnetic resonance imaging were also included as control group. Age, gender and body mass index of the study groups were similar. The serum samples for BPA were stored at -80 degrees C in refrigerator until working in the lab. Serum BPA levels were measured using ELISA technique. Results Mean serum BPA level was 7.06 +/- 3.96 ng/ml in NFAI patients and 4.79 +/- 3.01 ng/ml in control group. Serum BPA level was significantly higher in NFAI group than control group (p = 0.001). Serum BPA levels were also found to be significantly higher in women with NFAI than in men with NFAI (p = 0.019). Conclusions The mechanisms of NFAI development have not been clarified yet. Increased BPA exposure with developed industrialization may play a role in NFAI formation. For the reduction of BPA exposure, the use of plastic prepacked products, plastic containers, and safety measures are essential for public health.