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Öğe Kırıkkale yöresinde üretilen bazı kaba yemlerde besin madde miktarları ve metabolize olabilir enerji düzeylerinin belirlenmesi(2008) Güngör, Tülin; Başalan, Mehmet; Aydoğan, İlkayBu çalışma Kırıkkale yöresinde üretilen ve ruminant beslemede yaygın olarak kullanılan bazı kaba yemlerde ham besin madde miktarları ile metabolize olabilir enerji (ME) düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada Kırıkkale yöresinde üretilen bazı kaba yemler (yonca kuru otu, macar fiği kuru otu, mısır silajı, kuru mısır hasılı, buğday samanı, nohut samanı ve üzüm cibresi) kullanılmıştır. Kaba yem örneklerinde kuru madde (KM), ham protein (HP), ham kül (HK), ham yağ (HY) analizleri Weende analiz sistemine göre ve ham selüloz (HS) analizleri ise Crampton ve Maynard metoduna göre yapılmıştır. Yemlerin asit deterjan fiber (ADF) ve asit deterjan lignin (ADL) içerikleri ise Van Soest yöntemine göre belirlenmiştir. Yem maddelerinde ME değerleri HS, ADF ve ADL sonuçlarından yararlanılarak hesaplanmıştır. Kaba yemlerin KM düzeyleri %90.12-95.31 arasında değişmektedir. İyi kaliteli ve kötü kaliteli yonca kuru otu, mısır silajı, buğday samanı ve üzüm cibresinde ortalama HP ve HS miktarları sırasıyla %20.26, 12.11, 5.61, 3.63, 12.15 ve 24.71, 30.62, 33.30, 45.53, 33.52 olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Kırıkkale yöresinde üretilen bazı kaba yemlerin besin madde kompozisyonu ve enerji değerleri tespit edilerek tablo haline getirilmiştir.Öğe Concentrations of NEFA, ?-HBA, triglycerides, and certain blood metabolites in healthy colored Angora goats during the peripartum period(2015) Eşki, Funda; Taşal, İbrahim; Karslı, Mehmet Akif; Şendağ, Sait; Uslu, Barış Atalay; Wagner, Henrik; Wehrend, AxelThe aim of this study was to determine the changes in serum nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA), serum β-hydroxybutyric acid (β-HBA), triglycerides, Ca, Na, and other metabolites (bilirubin, glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH)) in the blood of grazing, healthy goats at the time of parturition. Blood samples were taken weekly from the jugular vein of 11 goats, starting at week 2 antepartum (ap) until week 9 postpartum (pp). NEFA and β-HBA concentrations increased from week 2 ap to 2 weeks pp. The increase in NEFA level was not significant; however, the β-HBA levels were higher (P < 0.05) 2 weeks pp compared to the levels at 2 weeks ap. Triglycerides were recorded at maximum levels (P < 0.05) 2 weeks ap, with the lowest concentrations at 3 weeks pp. Bilirubin levels consistently increased up to 7 weeks pp, followed by a decrease. However, these changes were not significant. Similarly, GLDH activities increased until week 8 pp. A significant difference (P < 0.05) was recorded between the 1st week and 8th week pp. Ca and Na levels were lower during the 1st week pp and increased at 3 weeks pp. The results show that there are characteristic alterations of some metabolic blood parameters in goats around the time of parturition, which may be related to physiological changes.Öğe Effect of substituting barley grain with wet sugar beet pulp silage on some blood metabolites in lambs(Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 2019) Aldemiri, R.; Bingol, N. T.; Karsli, M. A.; Dede, S.The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of substituting grain barley with we sugar beet pulp (WSBP) silage prepared with wheat bran (WSBPS) at different levels on some blood parameters of lambs. A barley grain based control diet was prepared. Then, three experimental diets were prepared by substituting 35, 70 and 100% of barley grain with WSBPS (35, 70 and 100% WSBPS diets). Moreover, negative control was also established. A total of sixty, 6-7 month old male Akkaraman lambs with 24.29+1.50 kg mean body weight were used in the study. These lambs were fed one of five diets for a period of 75 days. Blood samples were taken at the beginning and end of the experiment. Serum glucose, total protein, BUN, phosphorus, and calcium levels were determined. Serum BUN and phosphorus levels were similar at the beginning and end of the experiment (P>0,05). Serum glucose levels were significantly higher in control, 100% WSBPS and negative control whereas Ca level was higher in all groups, except negative control at the end of experiment (P<0,05). Total protein levels were significantly lower in 70 and 100% WSBPS (P<0,05). All of the parameters, except BUN level were statistically similar among groups at the end of the experiment. In conclusion, substituting barley with wet sugar beet pulp silage did not have significant effects on blood parameters, except BUN. Substituting barley with WSBPS could be an alternative feeding strategy for farmers without affecting animal health based on the results of this experiment.Öğe Determining the effects of black cumin seed oil on performance and meat fatty acid profile of broiler chickens(South African Journal Of Animal Sciences, 2019) Demirci, M.; Karsli, M. A.; Aluc, Y.This study was designed to investigate the effects of adding black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) seed (BCS) oil to diets for broiler chickens on their performance and the meat fatty acid profile of the meat. Broiler chicks were assigned to three groups. The unsupplemented control did not receive BCS oil. The two treated groups received 0.5% and 1% BCS oil. The live weight and live weight gain of the experimental groups were generally greater for the treated groups than for the control group. Feed consumption did not differ among groups, and thus the group that was fed the diet supplemented with 1% BCS oil was most efficient. Total saturated fatty acids were lower, and polyunsaturated fatty acids were greater in the treated groups, but monounsaturated fatty acids were greater in meat from the control group. As a result, it can be concluded that the addition of 0.5-1% BCS oil into the diets of broiler may improve the performance of chicks and enrich the meat quality by creating meaningful changes in meat fatty acid profiles, especially in terms of total polyunsaturated fatty acids.Öğe Determination of in situ degradation kinetics of some legume waste not used for human consumption(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2018) Evci, Sevket; Karsli, Mehmet AkifThe objective of this experiment was to evaluate the chemical composition, in situ ruminal degradation kinetics, and protein fractions of subsieve dry beans (DB), chickpeas (CCP), red lentils (RL), and green lentils (CL). Four samples of those legumes were utilized as replicates and were incubated for up to 48 h in the rumen of 3 rams. RL and CCP had higher organic matter (OM) than DB and GL. Crude protein (CP) was the highest in GL (P < 0.05). Ether extract (EE) concentrations were higher in CCP and 1)11 compared to those of RL and CL (P < 0.05). Crude fiber (CF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents were the highest in RL (P < 0.05). The acid insoluble nitrogen (ADIN-N) content was similar in all samples evaluated. While RI, had the lowest OM and CP degradability and water-soluble OM and CP concentrations, DB and CCP had the highest potentially degradable OM and CP contents at the end of the 48 h incubation period (P < 0.05). Escaped protein content was the highest in RL and the lowest in DB (P < 0.05). In conclusion, some of the pulse species that are produced locally and not suitable for human consumption can be used in the diet of ruminant animals as a source of protein based on OM and CP degradabilities and escape protein contents.Öğe Comparison of microbial protein synthesis and nutrient digestibility of Medicago sativa and Prangos pabularia hay in sheep(Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 2018) Guney, Mehtap; Erdogan, Sibel; Karsli, Mehmet Akif; Demirel, MuratThe aim of this study was to compare feed intake, nutrients digestibility, protein fractions entering into the duodenum, and ruminal fermentation parameters of sheep fed Medicago sativa (alfalfa) and Prangos pabularia, locally called kerkol hays. In the study three ruminally and duodenally cannulated Morkaraman sheep were used. It was carried out as two periods within a 2x3 crossover experimental design. Daily intake of crude protein (CP) was higher (P< 0.05) in sheep fed alfalfa than those fed kerkol hay. Digestibility of NDF and ADF were lower (P< 0.05) in sheep fed alfalfa hay than those fed kerkol hay (P< 0.05). The percentage of protein escaping ruminal degradation was higher (P< 0.05) in sheep fed kerkol hay (30.73%) than those fed alfalfa hay (15.05%). Ruminal fermentation parameters were similar between groups, except ruminal NH3-N concentration. It is concluded that kerkol hay can be used as forage for sheep feeding.Öğe Co-culture of rat luteal cells with islet cells enhances islet viability and revascularization(Springer, 2018) Boyuk, Gulbahar; Yigit, A. Arzu; Aydogan, IlkayIslet cell transplantation is a major treatment strategy for type I diabetes, and has proven to be effective for maintaining glucose homeostasis. However, this treatment requires an extended period of immunosuppression to prevent rejection and recurrent transplantation to maintain function. Thus, to enhance the properties of transplanted islet cells, we examined the effect of the co-culture of luteal cells, which secrete progesterone, on islet cell viability, functionality, and revascularization. It was found that islet viability and functionality were higher in the co-cultured group than in single cultures of islets at 48 and 96 h, in parallel with increased progesterone and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) secretion from luteal cells. In the co-culture groups, VEGF levels at 48 and 96 h and CD31 levels at 48 h were significantly higher than those in the islet groups (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively), and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) levels were increased at 96 h (p < 0.001). Thus, co-culture with luteal cells may increase islet vascularity by enhancing VEGF and bFGF levels for up to 96 h, which could help to markedly increase the pre-transplantation time to allow for effective immunosuppression therapy. This method may also promote islet cell viability and functionality. Progesterone and angiogenic factors secreted from luteal cells may be responsible for these positive effects.Öğe Effects of Supplemental Epigallocatechin Gallate in the Diet of Broilers Exposed to Fluoride Intoxication(Humana Press Inc, 2018) Aydogan, Ilkay; Karsli, Mehmet Akif; Basalan, Mehmet; Yildirim, Ebru; Cinar, Miyase; Sen, Goekhan; Sumer, TugceWe evaluated the effects of dietary epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) on the performance, biochemical parameters, and liver histopathology of fluoride-intoxicated broiler chickens. In total, 160 1-day-old male broiler chicks (Ross PM3 strain) were collected and assigned to four groups (40 animals each), with four replicates. The control group received a basal diet; the F group received 800mg/kg fluoride; the EGCG group received 400mg/kg EGCG; and the EGCG+F group received 400mg/kg EGCG and 800mg/kg fluoride. The live weight (LW) of F-treated chicks was significantly lower than that of the controls. In the F-treated groups, feed intake (FI) and LW values were lower, but the feed conversion ratio (FCR) was higher than those of the controls. The ratio of heart weight to LW was found to be the highest in the F-treated groups. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and total oxidant status (TOS) levels in the F-treated groups were significantly higher, whereas the increase in total cholesterol levels was insignificant than those in the control group. In the EGCG+F group, AST, total cholesterol, and TOS levels decreased to a level comparable to those in the control group. Histopathological evaluation revealed that there were mild changes in the portal region in the EGCG+F group; additionally, there was an improvement in liver morphology in the EGCG+F group compared to that in the F group. Thus, EGCG has potent antioxidant and regenerative effects that can ameliorate the detrimental effects of fluoride toxicity on blood parameters and the liver.Öğe Effects of Plantago major extract on serum levels of antioxidant vitamins and minerals in broiler(Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 2018) Dede, S.; Bingol, N. T.; Kilinc, D. Kilicalp; Deger, Y.; Yoruk, I. H.; Ekici, P. Tanritanir; Karsli, M. A.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Plantago major liquid extract on serum antioxidant vitamin and mineral concentrations of broiler. The experiment consisted of the control and 2 treatment groups, composed of 28 Ross 308 broiler chicks (Total, 84). A basal (control) diet was formulated. P Major was added to the control diet as following: PM1 (5 g/kg feed), PM2 (10 g/kg feed). The chicks were feed for 42 days ad libitum. The serum micronutrients (Retinol, alpha-tocopherol, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, and zinc) levels were determined. The retinol, alpha-tocopherol, Fe, Mg, Mn levels were not affected, and the Zn levels decreased in the PM1 and PM2. The supplementation of P. major has affected the serum vitamin D and Zn levels for this study, and should be analyzed for the alterations on the metabolism in subsequent studies.Öğe Investigation of Some Morphological Traits of Boer x Hair F1 Crossbred and Pure Hair Goat Kids Raised in Semi-Intensive Conditions(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2017) Bolacali, Memis; Ozturk, Yahya; Yilmaz, Orhan; Kucuk, Mursel; Karsli, Mehmet AkifThe aim of the study was to determine various morphological characteristics from birth to the age of 150th day of Boer x Hair goat F1 crossbred (BH) kids and pure Hair goat (HG) kids raised in semi-intensive conditions and reveal factors such as the effects of genotype, dam age, dam's live weight, year, birth type and sex on this parameter. This study was applied between the years 2011-2012 in epsilon atak in the Van region and between the years 2013-2014 at the Yuzuncu Yil University Research and Practice Farm. Various body measurements; wither height, back height, rump height, sacrum height, body length, chest length, chest depth, chest circumference, circumference of leg, cannon bone circumference, chest width, front-rump width, mid-rump width were determined 29.8, 28.4, 28.7, 26.2, 28.7, 17.0, 13.3, 30.4, 26.9, 5.2, 5.9, 6.0, and 8.7 cm at birth, respectively; 43.8, 43.8, 44.6, 40.6, 43.6, 22.2, 19.3, 51.7, 41.4, 6.6, 9.2, 9.3, and 11.3 cm at 60th day, respectively; 56.1, 53.4, 54.4, 47.5, 53.3, 27.3, 24.1, 61.4, 49.6, 7.3, 10.6, 11.1, and 13.2 cm at 150th day, respectively for BH kids; 27.3, 25.9, 29.3, 25.3, 27.1, 15.9, 12.3, 29.0, 21.3, 5.1, 5.0, 5.6, and 7.4 cm at birth, respectively; 40.4, 40.1, 42.9, 37.6, 40.5, 22.3, 18.4, 48.1, 36.4, 6.0, 7.9, 9.1, and 10.8 cm at 60th day, respectively; 50.3, 49.2, 51.0, 45.7, 50.4, 27.5, 22.9, 57.3, 43.4, 6.5, 9.5, 10.7, and 11.9 cm at 150th day, respectively for HG kids. When all of the data was considered, it was concluded that the BH kids are much better than the HG kids for both morphological and zoometric values.Öğe Effect of genotype and non-genetic factors on growth traits and survival rates in Turkish indigenous Hair goats and their first cross with Boer bucks(Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 2017) Bolacali, Memis; Ozturk, Yahya; Yilmaz, Orhan; Kucuk, Mursel; Karsli, Mehmet AkifThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of genotype and non-genetic factors on the growth traits and survival rates of Turkish indigenous Hair goats (n=63) and their first crosses with Boer bucks (n=91), reared under a semi-intensive management system in the Van province of Turkey. The live weights of the kids at birth and on days 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 were determined to be 3.64, 8.89, 13.99, 18.97, 23.62, 27.22 and 30.44 kg, respectively. The average daily gains in the pre-weaning, post-weaning and overall periods were 171.09, 136.43 and 148.34 g, respectively. The multiple-birth kids had lower survival rates than the single-birth kids (P<0.01). As a result, it may be recommended to Hair goat breeders in the region to use Boer bucks in cross-breeding in order to ensure a better growth performance from the kids; to apply a sustainable selection program; and to improve management conditions. In addition, the data obtained from this study may be used as a model for designing policies on Hair goat breeding in this region.Öğe Ruminal Fermentation(Springer International Publishing Ag, 2016) Owens, Fredric N.; Basalan, MehmetEquipped with a complex and advanced digestive tract that cultures diverse anaerobic microbes, adult ruminant animals possess a unique ability to not only harvest feed and forage but also to employ microbes to degrade complex fiber sources and produce nutrients essential for and readily digested by the host animal. When fermented, fiber, starches, and sugars yield volatile fatty acids, carbon dioxide, and methane. Protein sources are partially degraded to ammonia, volatile fatty acids and gases. Lipids are partly cleaved to glycerol and fatty acids with unsaturated fatty acids being hydrogenated. Most organic compounds in the diet can be fermented by anaerobic microbes within the rumen. The extent to which feed components are degraded is limited either by the accessibility of various feed components to ruminal microbes, by the enzymatic activity of ruminal microbes (that will vary with ruminal conditions), or the duration of time available for fermentation. Based on the ratios of volatile fatty acids produced and fermentation balance equations, energetic efficiency of fermentation and yield of various gases (carbon dioxide and methane) and ATP can be calculated. From ATP yield, the yield of microbial organic matter and microbial protein can be estimated. Ruminal fermentation occasionally becomes dysfunctional resulting in bloat, acidosis, and specific toxicoses. Chemical and antimicrobial compounds included in the diet can alter the microbial population or the fermentation process to avoid metabolic disorders and enhance energetic efficiency. Extent of ruminal digestion and yield of microbial products can be quantified most reliably by using live animals equipped with surgically installed cannulas for sampling digesta. But to simplify and speed feed quality measurement and to test effects of various feed additives, analytical laboratories incubate samples with ruminal microbes using batch and continuous culture techniques or suspend feeds within Dacron bags in the rumen for various durations of time. Thanks to their ability to both harvest and digest complex carbohydrates prevalent in diverse locations and present in agricultural and industrial wastes, ruminants throughout the world serve mankind through converting useless and underutilized resources into food and fiber products that have high nutritional and economic value.Öğe Chemical and ruminal in vitro evaluation of Canadian canola meals produced over 4 years(Elsevier Science Inc, 2016) Broderick, Glen A.; Colombini, Stefania; Costa, Sara; Karsli, Mehmet A.; Faciola, Antonio P.To test the effects of year and processing plant on the nutritional value of canola meal (CM), 3 CM samples/yr were collected from each of 12 Canadian production plants over 4 yr (total = 144). Samples of CM were analyzed for differences in chemical composition and for in vitro ruminal protein degradability using the Michaelis-Menten inhibitor in vitro (MMIIV) method. In the MMIIV method, protein degradation rate (k(d)) was estimated by 2 methods: from net release (i.e., blank corrected) of (1) ammonia plus AA determined by o-phthaldialdehyde fluorescence (OPA(F)) assay or (2) ammonia, AA, plus oligopeptides determined by o-phthaldialdehyde absorbance (OPA(A)) assay; rumen-undegradable protein (RUP) was computed assuming passage rates of 0.16 and 0.06/h for, respectively, soluble and insoluble protein. Casein, solvent soybean meal (SSBM), and expeller soybean meal (ESBM) were included in all incubations as standard proteins. Differences among years and plants were assessed using the mixed procedures of SAS. Small but significant differences were found in CM among years for chemical composition, including N solubility; some of these differences may have been related to changes in our analytical methods over time. However, adjustment of degradation activity of individual in vitro incubations based on the mean degradation activity over all incubations yielded k(d) and RUP that did not differ by year using either assay. Simultaneously incubating CM samples from 2 yr in the same in vitro runs confirmed that no year effects existed for k(d) or RUP. Differences existed in chemical composition of CM among the 12 processing plants over the 4 yr of sample collection. Moreover, consistent differences in k(d) and RUP were observed among plants: k(d) ranged from 0.069 to 0.113/h (OPA(A) assay) and 0.075 to 0.120/h (OPA(F) assay), and RUP estimates ranged from 51 to 43% (OPA(A) assay) and 49 to 41% (OPA(F) assay). Regression of k(d) on insoluble N content of CM yielded correlation coefficients (R-2) = 0.40 (OPA(A) assay) and 0.42 (OPA(F) assay), and regressions of k(d) on NDIN and N-fraction B-3 yielded R-2 < 0.02. Mean estimates from both OPAA and OPAF assays for casein, SSBM, ESBM, and CM were, respectively, k(d) = 0.764, 0.161, 0.050, and 0.093/h and RUP = 18, 33, 56, and 45%. A range of 8 percentage units from lowest to highest RUP suggests that substantial differences exist in metabolizable protein content of CM produced by different processing plants.Öğe Effects of the Replacement of Soybean Meal with Pea as Dietary Protein Source on the Serum Protein Fractions of Broilers(Facta-Fundacio Arnco Ciencia Tecnologia Avicolas, 2016) Bingol, N. T.; Dede, S.; Karsli, M. A.; Deger, Y.; Kilinc, Kilicalp D.; Cetin, S.The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the replacement of different levels of protein derived from soybean meal with that from peas in broiler diets on serum protein fractions. A corn-soybean meal basal diet was formulated as the control diet (Control=C) (NRC, 1994), and then pea was added to the control diet to replace 20% (P20) or 40% (P40) of the crude protein of the control diet. The diets were randomly fed to 12 pens per treatment, each housing five birds, for 42 days. Blood samples were collected from 36 birds (3 birds x 4 pens x3 treatments) and the serum protein fractions were separated. Gamma-globulin percentage was higher in group P20 compared with C and P40 groups. Total protein, beta-globulin, and gamma-globulin concentrations were significantly higher in group P20 compared with those of both control and P40 group (p<0.05).Öğe Determination of nutrient content and digestibility characteristics of Prangos ferulacea (L.) on grazing lands of Eastern Anatolia(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2015) Aldemir, Resit; Bingol, Nuriye Tugba; Karsli, Mehmet Akif; Akca, IsmailThe aim of this study was to compare nutrient content, and in situ protein and organic matter degradation kinetics of Prangos ferulacea (L.) (locally called helis), a naturally growing plant on the top of Mount Artos, with those of alfalfa. P. ferulacea plants used in the study were collected from three different parts of Mount Artos in Van Province over two years. While organic matter content and in vitro organic matter digestibility of P. ferulacea were significantly higher, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen contents were significantly lower compared with those of alfalfa (P < 0.01). In general, in situ dry matter, and organic matter and crude protein degradability of P. ferulacea were significantly higher compared with those of alfalfa starting from 6 h of incubation (P < 0.05). Organic matter and crude protein degradability of P. ferulacea was 79.15% and 85.31%, respectively, after 48 h of incubation. By-pass protein content and both organic matter and crude protein degradation rates were similar between samples (P > 0.05). It can be concluded that P. ferulacea has a better nutrient quality compared with even high quality alfalfa based on nutrient contents and digestibility values, and therefore substitution of alfalfa by P. ferulacea in the diet of ruminant animals is feasible.Öğe The results of consecutive superovulations in cows by induction with various exogenous progesterone routes(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2014) Akyol, Numan; Kizil, Sedat Hamdi; Satilmis, Muharrem; Karasahin, Tahir; Erat, SerkanThe aim of this study was to determine the possibility of yielding more transferable embryos from cows superovulated with/without exogenous progesterone (ear implant and intravaginal device). Two experiments were conducted in Holstein Friesian cows to evaluate the effect of exogenous progesterone on the yield of corpus luteum (CL), total embryo and ova, and transferable embryos before superovulation. A superovulation program using 2 different progesterone resources was applied (G1 = intravaginal device, G2 = ear implant). Superovulation and uterus irrigations were done at 28-day intervals in the treatment groups. Cows in the control group were superovulated at 60-day intervals without application of exogenous progesterone. The mean numbers of CLs and transferable embryos for the G1, G2, and control groups were, respectively 4.82 +/- 0.29, 6.71 +/- 0.29, and 7.81 +/- 0.31 for CLs and 0.86 +/- 0.35, 3.50 +/- 0.35, and 1.53 +/- 0.39 for transferable embryos. It was shown that exogenous manipulation of the estrus cycle by progesterone could be applied without superovulation intervals in Holstein cows. It may also be postulated that the ear implant was more effective than the intravaginal device as a progesterone source in the superovulation program.Öğe Effect of Cocoa Butter and Sunflower Oil Supplementation on Performance, Immunoglobulin, and Antioxidant Vitamin Status of Rats(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014) Yildirim, Ebru; Cinar, Miyase; Yalcinkaya, Ilkay; Ekici, Husamettin; Atmaca, Nurgul; Guncum, EnesThis study investigated the effects of cocoa butter and sunflower oil alone and in combination on performance, some biochemical parameters, immunoglobulin, and antioxidant vitamin status in Wistar rats. Forty-eight male rats were assigned to four groups, consisting of 12 rats with 3 replicates. Control received balanced rat diet without oil, cocoa butter group received 3.5% cocoa butter, sunflower oil group received 3.5% sunflower oil, the last group received 1.75% sunflower oil + 1.75% cocoa butter supplementation in the rat diet for 8 weeks. The total feed consumption in sunflower oil group was statistically lower than in the other groups. The serum creatinine level was decreased in cocoa butter group compared to control. Triglyceride and VLDL cholesterol levels were decreased in only sunflower oil and only cocoa butter groups as compared to control. The level of Ig M was statistically lower in cocoa butter and cocoa butter + sunflower oil groups than in control and sunflower oil groups. There were no statistically important difference in vitamin concentrations among trial groups. It was concluded that the supplementation of cocoa butter in diet decreased Ig M level, while the supplementation of cocoa butter and sunflower oil alone decreased the triglyceride and VLDL cholesterol levels.Öğe Effects of Dietary Supplementation with Vitamin C and Vitamin E and Their Combination on Growth Performance, Some Biochemical Parameters, and Oxidative Stress Induced by Copper Toxicity in Broilers(Humana Press Inc, 2014) Cinar, Miyase; Yildirim, Ebru; Yigit, A. Arzu; Yalcinkaya, Ilkay; Duru, Ozkan; Kisa, Ucler; Atmaca, NurgulThis study investigated effects of dietary supplementation with vitamin C, vitamin E on performance, biochemical parameters, and oxidative stress induced by copper toxicity in broilers. A total of 240, 1-day-old, broilers were assigned to eight groups with three replicates of 10 chicks each. The groups were fed on the following diets: control (basal diet), vitamin C (250 mg/kg diet), vitamin E (250 mg/kg diet), vitamin C + vitamin E (250 mg/kg + 250 mg/kg diet), and copper (300 mg/kg diet) alone or in combination with the corresponding vitamins. At the 6th week, the body weights of broilers were decreased in copper, copper + vitamin E, and copper + vitamin C + vitamin E groups compared to control. The feed conversion ratio was poor in copper group. Plasma aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase activities, iron, copper concentrations, and erythrocyte malondialdehyde were increased; plasma vitamin A and C concentrations and erythrocyte superoxide dismutase were decreased in copper group compared to control. Glutathione peroxidase, vitamin C, and iron levels were increased; aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and copper levels were decreased in copper + vitamin C group, while superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and vitamin E concentrations were increased; aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase were decreased in copper with vitamin E group compared to copper group. The vitamin C concentrations were increased; copper, uric acid, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and malondialdehyde were decreased in copper + vitamin C + vitamin E group compared to copper group. To conclude, copper caused oxidative stress in broilers. The combination of vitamin C and vitamin E addition might alleviate the harmful effects of copper as demonstrated by decreased lipid peroxidation and hepatic enzymes.Öğe Sheep as an important source of E-coli O157/O157:H7 in Turkey(Elsevier Science Bv, 2014) Gencay, Yilmaz EmreEscherichia coli O157:H7 is a globally important foodborne pathogen and has been mainly associated with cattle as the reservoir. However, accumulating data shows the importance of sheep as an E. coli O157:H7 vehicle. The presence of E. coli O157/O157:H7 in recto-anal mucosal swap and carcass sponge samples of 100 sheep brought to the slaughterhouse in Kirikkale were analyzed over a year. Molecular characteristics (stx(1), stx(2), eaeA, hly, lpfA1-3, espA, eae-alpha 1, eae-alpha 2, eae-beta, eae-beta 1, eae-beta 2, eae-gamma 1, eae-gamma 2/theta, stx1(c),stx1(d), Stx2(c), stx2(d), stx2(e), stx2(f), stx2(g), bla(ampC), tet(A), tet(B), tet(C), tet(D), tet(E), tet(G), sul1, sul2, floR, cmlA, strA, strB and aadA) of 79 isolates were determined and minimum inhibitory concentrations of 20 different antibiotics were investigated. E. colt O157/O157:H7 was found in 18% of sheep included in the study and was more prevalent in yearlings than lambs and mature sheep, and male than female sheep, though none of the categories (season, sex or age range) had significant effect on prevalence. Furthermore, Shiga-toxigenic E. colt (STEC) O157:H7 was determined in 2% and 8% of sheep feces and carcasses, respectively. Additionally, lpfA1-3 and eae-gamma 1 were detected in all isolates. None of the isolates showed resistance against investigated antibiotics, even though 4 sorbitol fermenting E. colt O157 isolates were positive for tet(A), sul1 and aadA. This is the first study in Turkey that reveals the potential public health risk due to the contamination of sheep carcasses with potentially highly pathogenic STEC O157:H7 strains. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe The Smooth Muscle Contractility In Aflatoxicated Broiler Chicken Ileum(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2013) Yildirim, Ebru; Aktuna, Zuhal; Yalcinkaya, Ilkay; Eraslan, Gokhan; Kanbur, Murat; Aydos, Tolga R.; Oruc, ErtanThis study was conducted to investigate the contractility of aflatoxicated isolated broiler ileum smooth muscles. Fourty-eight, one-day old broiler chicks were divided into 4 groups, each containing 12 chicks. The 1st group was the control group, the 2nd group received 1 g/kg yeast glucomannan (Mycosorb), the 3rd group received 2 mg/kg aflatoxin, and the 4th group received 1 g/kg yeast glucomannan + 2 mg/kg aflatoxin in the feed. At the 21st day of the study, chicks were decapitated and the ileum isolated. Decapitation lasted on 28th day of the study. The isolated ileum strips were mounted under a basal tension of 1 g. The contractions of acetylcholine (ACh), nicotine, and bethanechol were calculated as g contraction/mg wet weight of ileum. For histopathologic examination, ileum sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and masson trichrome. The isolated ileum muscle contractions with ACh, nicotine, and bethanechol were not statistically significant in the study groups as compared to control group (P>0.05). Pathological examination revealed no histopathological changes in the smooth muscle tissues of the study group chicks when compared with control group. It is concluded that aflatoxins do not specifically change the contractility of broiler chick ileum to agonists most likely due to lack of aflatoxin-induced pathologic changes in the broiler chick ileum.
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