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Öğe The effect of gender on disease activity and clinical characteristics in patients with axial psoriatic arthritis(TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2020) Nas, Kemal; Kılıç, Erkan; Tekeoğlu, İbrahim; Keskin, Yaşar; Çevik, Remzi; Sargın, Betül; Acer Kasman, SevtapObjectives In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of gender on clinical findings, disease activity, functional status and quality of life in patients with axial involvement in Turkey. Methods Patients with PsA who met the CASPAR classification criteria were enrolled consequently in this cohort. Turkish League Against Rheumatism (TLAR)-Network was formed with the participation of 25 centres. The demographic variables, fatigue, diagnostic delay, the beginning of peripheral arthritis, enthesitis, dactylitis and spine involvement, inflammatory low back pain, BASFI, HAQ, HAQ-s, visual analogue scale-pain (VAS-pain), anxiety, depression and disease activity parameters (ESR, DAS28, BASDAI) were recorded. Axial involvement was assessed according to clinical and radiological data according to modified New York (MNYC) or Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS) criteria. Results A total of 1018 patients with PsA were included in this study. Of the 373 patients with axial involvement, 150 were male (40.2%) and 223 (59.8%) were female. Spondylitis was detected in 14,7% of men and 21,9% of women in all patients. Pain score (VAS) (p < .002), fatigue (p < .001), ESR (p < .001), DAS28 (p < .001), BASDAI score (p < .001), PsAQoL (p < .001), HAQ score (p < ,01), HAQ-S score (p < .001), anxiety (p < .001), depression (p < .024), FACIT (p < .001) and FiRST (p < .001) scores were statistically significantly worse in women than males with axial PsA. However, quality of life was better (p < .001) and PASI score (p < .005) were statistically worse in male patients than in female patients with axial involvement. Conclusion This study has shown that the burden of disease in axial PsA has significant difference between genders. Disease activity, physical disability, functional limitation, depression and anxiety scores were higher in female patients, while quality of life were better and PASI score were higher in male patients. Therefore, we suggest that new strategies should be developed for more effective treatment of axial PsA in female patients.Öğe The Efficacy of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate in Osteoarthritis Management: Review(Ortadogu Ad Pres & Publ Co, 2009) Alptekin, Derya ÖzmenOsteoarthritis (OA), the most common form of arthritis, has become a public health concern with gradually increasing importance because of the aging of the world population. It is a degenerative joint disease with unknown accurate etiology. OA is a multifactorial process influenced by metabolic, genetic and other risk factors. Recently, increasing number of clinical trials, related to either etiopathogenesis or new therapeutic approaches are remarkable. During this period, the terms "disease modifying osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs) or condroprotective drugs" came into prominence. Two of the most important members of this group are glucosamine and chondroitin Sulfate. They are natural building blocks of joint cartilage and play important roles in both maintenance and restoration of it. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are classified as food supplements rather than drugs in our country as well as in many other countries. Many commercial forms including these compounds can be obtained by patients without any prescription subsequently leading to misuse. Nevertheless, because of their wide safety profile, they are recommended by many physicians as an adjuvant to standard OA treatment. In this review, in the light of the recent literature within the last ten years, the efficacy and safety of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate in OA management and their adverse reaction profiles, which rarely occur, were discussed. There are some clinical trials, which have revealed rather conflicting results due to the short span of time, different commercial products and other methodological differences. However, according to the results of multicenter and well-designed clinical trials conducted in the last few years, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate seem effective in decreasing the intensity of symptoms in moderate to severe OA.Öğe Upper extremity problems in paraplegic patients: Review(Ortadogu Ad Pres & Publ Co, 2007) Tosun, Aliye; Karataş, Gülçin KaymakThe incidence of upper extremity problems has increased along with the prolonged mean lifespan in spinal cord injured people. Depending on a wheelchair for ambulation and for performing daily life activities, bones, joints and soft tissues of the upper extremities in such cases continuously bear weight and consequently several upper extremity problems develop. Therefore, people on wheelchairs should be trained for the necessity of protecting the upper extremities for the continuity of their independence. In addition to the protection of joints, training about upper extremity conditioning techniques including strengthening and flexibility programs should also be provided.Öğe Biomechanics responsible for effect of elbow position on biceps tendon reflex [3] (multiple letters)(2004) Nandigam K.; Keles I.; Balci N.; Beyazova M.[No abstract available]Öğe Heterotopic ossification following stroke: A report of two cases and review of the literature(2002) Keleş, İlayda Ceren; Kutay Ordu, N.; Aydın, Gülümser; Akyüz, MüfitHeterotopic ossification (HO), frequently encountered in patients with spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, burns and total hip arthroplasty, is the formation of new bone in periarticular soft tissues. It is less common in stroke patients. Immobilization is a major factor in the formation of HO in neurologic disorders. In addition to early diagnosis and treatment, beginning of exercise therapy in patients with limited mobility is essential to reduce morbidity related to HO. A general review of the literature and two HO cases following stroke are presented in this article.