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  • Öğe
    Effect of the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic on the follow-up and treatment of patients with rosacea
    (Galenos Publ House, 2023) Durak, Murat; Gündüz, Özgür
    Background and Design: This study aimed to investigate the effects of the precautions and preventive measures implemented during the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on the follow-up and treatment processes of patients with rosacea who applied to the Skin and Venereal Diseases outpatient clinic of a university hospital in Turkiye.Materials and Methods: Age, sex, number of hospital admissions, prescribed topical and systemic treatments, total amount of treatment on a box basis, follow-up interval in multiple applications, and number of applications to the Ophthalmology Department were recorded before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: No difference was found in the age and sex distributions of patients with rosacea who applied to the Skin and Venereal Diseases outpatient clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic compared with that before the pandemic. However, the total number of patients decreased. Furthermore, the total number of drugs prescribed to patients and the number of systemic drugs increased proportionally during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the ratio of patients who continued their follow-up and the use of systemic drugs among these patients increased.Conclusion: In this study, the number of admissions decreased and the rate of patients who needed systemic treatment increased. Rosacea and similar dermatoses that required long-term follow-up could be evaluated via teledermatology during periods when application to outpatient clinics for follow-up becomes difficult such as during pandemics and natural disasters.
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    Darier hastalığı ve akrokeratozis verrusiformis
    (2000) Erkek, Emel; Atasoy, Pınar
    Darier hastalığı nadir görülen, otozomal dominant geçişli bir keratinizasyon bozukluğu hastalığıdır. Seboreik bölgeleri tutan simetrik keratotik papüller, el ayasında çukurcuklar ve tırnak distrofisi ile karakterizedir. Akrokeratozis verrusiformis (Hopf), el ve ayak dorsumlarında verrü planaya benzeyen poligonal papüller ve tırnak distrofisi ile seyreden, otozomal dominant nadir bir hastalıktır. Darier hastalarının bir kısmında el ve ayak dorsumlarında akrokeratozis verrusiformise benzeyen siğilimsi papüller görülebilir. Burada akrokeratozis verrusiformis benzeri akral lezyonların eşlik ettiği bir sporadik Darier hastalığı olgusu sunulmakta ve akral Darier hastalığı ile akrokeratozis verrusiformisin klinikopatolojik ayırıcı tanıları tartışılmaktadır.
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    The efficacy of intermittant low-dose systemic corticosteroid therapy in vitiligo
    (2004) Erkek, Emel; Birol, Ahu; Kurtipek, Saylam Gülcan; Tunçez, Fatma; Bağcı, Yeter; Koçak, Mukadder
    Amaç: Vitiligo depigmente lezyonlar ile karakterize, akkiz, otoimmun bir hastalıktır. Çalısmanın amacı düşük doz, sistemik kortikosteroid tedavisinin vitiligo tedavisindeki rolünü araştırmaktır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Calışmamıza 16 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Sistemik prednizolon 10-15 mg/gün, haftanın 2 ardışık günü, 6 ay süre ile uygulanmıştır.Bulgular: 14 hastada non-segmental [10 (62.5%) simetrik jeneralize- 4 (25%) akrofasyal) ve 2 (12.5%)] hastada segmental vitiligo tespit edildi. Altı aylık tedavi sonrasinda 6 (37.5%) hastada foliküler repigmentasyon, tespit edilirken 10 (62.5%) hastada tedaviye yanıt alınamadı. Hastaların hiçbirinde tam düzelme tespit edilmedi.Sonuç: İntermitan, düşük doz sistemik kortikosteroid vitiligo tedavisinde etkili bulunmamıştır.
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    PCR analysis of HSV-negative erythema multiforme for the expression of other herpesviruses
    (2003) Koçak, Mukadder; Erkek, Emel; Kısa, Özgül; Güney, Çakır; Birol, Ahu
    Background: Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the primary herpesvirus implicated to have a causal role in erythema multiforme (EM), both in cases with an antecedent herpetic infection and in idiopathic EM. However, the association of EM with several other viral infections has been clearly documented. Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate a hypothetical role for the remaining members of the herpesvirus family in HSV-negative cases of EM. Methods: Fresh, unfixed lesional skin biopsies from 25 patients with HSV-negative EM were studied for the presence of Epstein-Barr virus(EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) and human herpesvirus-7 (HHV-7) by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nested PCR. Results: PCR revealed the absence of specific DNA sequences for EBV, CMV, HHV-6 and HHV-7 in all lesional EM specimens analyzed. Conclusion: These findings do not support an etiological role for non-HSV members of the herpesvirus family in HSV-negative EM.
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    The efficacy of intermittant low-dose systemic corticosteroid in the treatment of alopecia areata
    (2004) Birol, Ahu; Erkek, Emel; Tunçez, Fatma; Kurtipek, Sayam Gülcan; Bağcı, Yeter; Koçak, Mukadder
    Alopecia areata (AA) is a common cause of non-scarring alopecia characterized by patchy hair loss. AA is difficult to treat because of its chronic and inflammatory nature. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of low-dose systemic corticosteroids in the treatment of AA. Fifteen patients with AA were included in this study. Systemic prednisolone 10-15 mg/day on 2 consecutive days per week for 6 months was administered. Fourteen patients (93.3%) had patchy alopecia areata. One patient (6.3%) had alopecia universalis. Seven (46.7%) patients showed complete healing, 5 (33.3%) showed partial response and 3 (20%) did not respond to treatment. Low-dose intermittant corticosteroid therapy may be a successful and well tolerated treatment option in AA and also in patients with alopecia totalis and universalis.
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    Does influenza subtype H1N1 have a place in the etiology of pityriasis rosea?
    (Termedia Publishing House Ltd, 2019) Demirkan, Serkan; Kacmaz, Birgul
    Introduction: Pityriasis rosea (PR) is an acute, inflammatory skin disease of unknown cause. Various infectious agents including viruses have been proposed as causative agents and presence of influenza subtype H1N1 was shown in case reports with PR, but the relation was not conclusive. We hypothesited that there may be a relation between PR and H1N1, since both of them are prevalent in the same period as winter or season transitions. Aim: To investigate the effect of the H1N1 virus in PR in this study. Material and methods: Twenty-one female and 12 male PR patients who applied to Kirikkale University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Dermatology Outpatient Clinic were included in the study. Influenza subtype H1N1 IgM and IgG antibodies were detected by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) in sera of patients; tissue biopsy specimens were examined for influenza subtype H1N1 RNA by PCR. Results: Seven (23%) of the 33 patients had positive IgM and IgG antibodies. Influenza subtype H1N1 RNA was not detected in the tissue samples of 33 PR patients. Conclusions: According to the results of this study, we can say that influenza subtype H1N1 does not play a role in PR etiology.
  • Öğe
    CAG polymorphism in the androgen receptor gene in women may be associated with nodulocystic acne
    (Termedia Publishing House Ltd, 2019) Demirkan, Serkan; Sayin, Derya Beyza; Gunduz, Ozgur
    Introduction: Acne vulgaris (AV) is a multifactorial, inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit. Hormones play a major role in the pathogenesis of acne. In cases of hyperandrogenism; hirsutism, acne, seborrhoea and alopecia appear in women. However, severe acne can also be seen without evidence of hyperandrogenism. In this case, hypersensitivity of the androgen receptor gene (ARG) encoded in the X chromosome, which is the only receptor for androgens, can be considered. ARG contains a polymorphic CAG triple loop encoding the polyglutamine pathway at the 5'end of exon 1. Aim: To investigate CAG repeat polymorphism in the ARG in nodulocystic acne patients in Turkish population. Material and methods: This prospective clinical study was conducted between 2016 and 2017 in accordance with the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. DNA isolation from blood was performed using the RTA (R) Genomic DNA Isolation Kit. The fragment lengths obtained from the device to determine CAG repeat numbers were analysed based on -288 bp length 22 CAG repeat content. Results: A total of 199 subjects; 100 patients (51 males, 49 females) and 99 controls (49 males, 50 females) were included in the study. The mean allele length in the patient group was 19.34; and 19.7 in the control group. There was a statistically significant difference between female patients and the control group, when the patients and control groups were compared by gender (p = 0.0059). Conclusions: The CAG trinucleotide repeat count in the ARG may be associated with acne, without hirsutism findings.
  • Öğe
    Anti-inflammatory activity of Anthemis tricolor Boiss
    (Termedia Publishing House Ltd, 2019) Demirkan, Serkan; Ozcinar, Ozge; Kivcak, Bijen
    Introduction: Traditionally, Anthemis genus has been used for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, haemorrhoid and stomach ache in Europe. There are several in-vitro and in-vivo studies that showed the pharmacological properties of Anthemis species such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiedemic and hepatoprotective properties. Aim: Our study referred to the model of inflammation formed in rats; we aimed to evaluate anti-inflammatory properties of A. tricolor extracts. Material and methods: Five different extracts of A. tricolor were tested against the negative control and 2 different topical corticosteroids (betamethasone and hydrocortisone); n-hexane and sesquiterpene extracts of A. tricolor Bois showed significantly reduced erythema compared to the negative control. Results: Only n-hexane and sesquiterpene extracts of A. tricolor have the anti-inflammatory effect. Conclusions: This is the first report on anti-inflammatory activity of A. tricolor and we showed an anti-inflammatory effect of n-hexane and sesquiterpene extract of A. tricolor with UV erythema test as a_result, hence A. tricolor extracts can be used for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases due to anti-inflammatory activity.
  • Öğe
    Rationale for the autologous serum skin test in acute versus chronic urticaria
    (Termedia Publishing House Ltd, 2019) Demirkan, Serkan; Baccioglu, Ayse
    Introduction: Autologous serum skin test (ASST) is a rapid, in-vivo clinical test to detect functional autoantibodies in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU), but the rationale for its use in acute urticaria (AU) is unknown. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of ASST among patients with AU or CSU. Material and methods: Treatment-naIve adult (age >= 18 years) patients with a diagnosis of AU (< 6 weeks' duration) and CSU were enrolled prospectively in a cross-sectional study. Healthy age- and sex-matched subjects served as controls. Besides a detailed history and physical examination, ASST, total immunoglobulin E (IgE), freeT3 (fT3), freeT4 (fT4), anti-thyroglobulin, and anti-TPO levels were assessed in all subjects. Results: Of 101 subjects, mean age was 34.35 +/- 12.68 years and the study comprised 58.4% of females with no difference between AU (n = 27), CSU (n = 46), and control groups (n = 28). The ratio of positivity in ASST was similar between AU (25.9%) and CSU groups (21.7%), but higher than in controls (10.7%, p = 0.33 for all). The ratio of patients with high total IgE levels (> 100 IU/ml) in AU (85.2%) and CSU (65.2%) groups was similar (p = 0.06), but significantly higher than in the control group (10.7%) (p < 0.001 and p < 0.001). The CSU group had significantly higher abnormal thyroid test results (45.7%) than AU (14.8%) and control groups (3.6%) (p = 0.01 and p < 0.001), whereas patients with clinically diagnosed thyroiditis were only in the CSU group (6.5%). In logistic regression analysis, there was no relation found among the possible risk factors for ASST, even if analysed separately as AU, CSU and control groups. Conclusions: Even though thyroid function test levels were found to be related with CSU, and total IgE was associated with urticaria, ASST was found to be of importance. This study confirms that ASST was insufficient to demonstrate autoimmunity and acute-chronic urticaria nature. Further tests indicating auto-antibodies in AU and CSU are needed.
  • Öğe
    Treatment of multiple eccrine hidrocystoma with oral isotretinoin following erbium-yttrium aluminum garnet laser
    (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2019) Demirkan, Serkan
    Eccrine hidrocystomes (EH) are benign cystic tumors of dermal eccrine ducts. There is still no gold standard treatment option for EH because of the large number of lesions, the risk of cicatrization and the different treatment options offered. We offer combined oral isotretinoin and following erbium-yttrium aluminum garnet laser treatment as an alternative treatment option in difficult patients with EH.
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    Elevated Tear Human Neutrophil Peptides 1-3, Human Beta Defensin-2 Levels and Conjunctival Cathelicidin LL-37 Gene Expression in Ocular Rosacea
    (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2019) Gokcinar, Nesrin Buyuktortop; Karabulut, Ayse Anil; Onaran, Zafer; Yumusak, Erhan; Yildiran, Fatma Azize Budak
    Purpose: To investigate the role of innate immunity in ocular rosacea. Methods: Thirty-two patients with ocular rosacea patients (group-1) and 28 healthy volunteers (group-2) who served as controls were enrolled in the study. Tear function parameters were assessed, conjunctival impression cytology was performed and tear samples were collected. Human-neutrophil-peptides (HNP) 1?3 and human-beta-defensin-2 (hBD-2) levels were measured in tears by using ELISA tests. Cathelicidin leucin-leucin-37 (LL-37), hBD-2, human-beta-defensin-9 (hBD-9) gene expression levels were measured in the conjunctival impression cytology samples using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: Tear HNP1-3 (p?=?0.024), hBD-2 (p?
  • Öğe
    Decreased choroidal thickness in vitiligo patients
    (Bmc, 2018) Demirkan, Serkan; Onaran, Zafer; Samav, Guzin; Ozkal, Fatma; Yumusak, Erhan; Gunduz, Ozgur; Karabulut, Ayse
    Background: Vitiligo is a disease characterized by depigmented macules and patches that occur as a result of the loss of functional melanocytes from the affected skin through a mechanism which has not been elucidated yet. Destruction of pigment cells in vitiligo may not remain limited to the skin; the eyelashes, iris, ciliary body, choroid, retinal pigment epithelium and meninges may also be affected. This study aims to compare the choroidal thickness of patients with and without vitiligo using optical coherence tomography (OCT). Methods: Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) (Retina Scan Advanced RS-3000 NIDEK, Japan) instrument (with lambda = 840 nm, 27,000 A-scans/second and 5 mu m axial resolution) was used for the imaging. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 21.0 software package. Results: In all values except optic nevre area measurements, the choroidal thickness of all vitiligo patients was found out to be thinner compared to the control group. Conclusions: In vitiligo, the choroidal thickness may be affected by the loss of melanocytes.
  • Öğe
    Olfactory bulb volume and olfactory sulcus depth in patients with Behcet's disease
    (Cambridge Univ Press, 2018) Dogan, A.; Muluk, N. Bayar; Asal, N.; Sahan, m H.; Inal, M.; Gunduz, O; Arikan, O. K.
    Objective To investigate olfactory bulb volume and olfactory sulcus depth in patients with Behcet's disease, using magnetic resonance imaging. Methods Cranial magnetic resonance imaging scans of 27 adults with Behcet's disease (10 males and 17 females) and 27 healthy controls were examined. Olfactory bulb volume and olfactory sulcus depth were measured on coronal, T2-weighted, spectral pre-saturation with inversion recovery sequences. Results Bilateral olfactory bulb volume and right-sided olfactory sulcus depth were significantly lower in the Behcet's disease group than in the control group (p < 0.05). Left-sided olfactory sulcus depth increased with Behcet's disease duration. In both groups, olfactory bulb volume was significantly higher in the left than the right side. There were no gender differences for olfactory bulb volume and olfactory sulcus depth. Positive correlations were determined between right- and left-sided olfactory bulb volume values and between right- and left-sided olfactory sulcus depth values. Conclusion Behcet's disease may decrease olfactory functions, related to lower olfactory bulb volume and olfactory sulcus depth. The affected vascular system and possibly damaged neural system, nasal mucosal lesions, and prolonged nasal mucociliary clearance time may cause olfactory dysfunction. Patient follow up is recommended, with magnetic resonance imaging examinations of the olfactory system if necessary.
  • Öğe
    Retrospective analysis of endemic melasma patients
    (Pagepress Publ, 2017) Demirkan, Serkan; Gunduz, Ozgur; Dayangan, Cemile
    Melasma is an acquired diffuse hypermelanosis characterized by localized, symmetrical, irregular, light-to-dark brown maculae occurring in sun-exposed areas of skin. The aim of this retrospective study was to determine demographics of patients, analysis of etiologic factors, clinical features, efficacy and side effects of available topical treatments due to high incidence of melasma patients. In this study melasma patients in Birecik State Hospital were investigated retrospectively. Between January 2014 and October 2015, 1008 patients had diagnosis of melasma in 49,809 applications of 24,603 different patients who admitted to Dermatology Outpatient Clinics. Of the 1008 patients, 263 had completed 3-month treatment period. These patients did not receive treatment in June, July, August and September. All melasma patients were rural and dealing with agriculture. There was no significant difference between female and male patients in terms of age. Of the 253 female melasma patients, only 2 of them had not child and none of them were using hormone drug. Of the 263 patients with melasma, Fitzpatrick skin type was 3 in 79 (30%) patients, 4 in 184 (70%) patients. Sanliurfa city showed higher fertility rate, sun exposure, and skin type than Turkey as a whole. These predisposing factors may explain higher melasma occurrence in Sanliurfa. Patient information about preventive measures and treatment play important role in treatment of cosmetic condition. The most important measure seems to advise patients about sun-protection especially during pregnancy.
  • Öğe
    A Case of Two Synchronous Cutaneous Collision Tumors
    (Gazi Univ, Fac Med, 2017) Ayva, Sebnem Kupana; Tepeoglu, Merih; Gunduz, Ozgur; Yazici, Ilker; Bozdogan, Onder
    Cutaneous collision tumors are known as two independent tumors which are close anatomically and separated from one another by well boundaries. We, herein report a 83-year-old female patient with two cutaneous collision tumors in two different localizations at the same time. First cutaneous collision tumor located on left ala nasi was squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma and second one located on the right commisure was composed of malignant melanoma (Clark Level IV) and basal cell carcinoma. However, the presence of collision tumors is not uncommon and is often reported in the literature, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first case which shows the association of two synchronous cutaneous collision tumor in the same individual.
  • Öğe
    The investigation of antimicrobial peptides expression and its related interaction with methotrexate treatment in patients with psoriasis vulgaris
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Ozlu, Emin; Karadag, Ayse Serap; Ozkanli, Seyma; Oguztuzun, Serpil; Akbulak, Ozge; Uzuncakmak, Tugba Kevser; Akdeniz, Necmettin
    Background: Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory and immune-mediated disease. Recently, the role of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) such as human beta defensins (hBDs) in the pathogenesis of psoriasis has been investigated. We aimed to evaluate the expression profiles of hBD-1 and hBD-2 in psoriatic skin before and after methotrexate (MTX) therapy and to compare healthy controls. Methods: Immunohistochemical expressions of hBD-1 and hBD-2 were assessed in 16 patients with psoriasis vulgaris and 20 normal skin biopsies from healthy controls. The patients were administered a 12 week of MTX and skin biopsy samples were obtained from the lesional skin of the patients pre-/posttreatment and normal body of the healthy controls. Results: The median (range) Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) value was 21.6 (8.2-27.7) before the treatment whereas; 3.05 (1-23.4) after the treatment. hBD-1 expression in psoriasis patients was significantly higher as compared to the healthy controls before treatment (p > 0.01). No significant difference was observed between psoriasis patients and healthy controls in terms of hBD-2 expression before treatment (p > 0.05). No significant difference was observed between before-after MTX treatment in terms of hBD-1 and hBD-2 expression levels in psoriasis patients (p > 0.05). Conclusions: These findings suggest a role for hBD-1 in psoriasis pathogenesis. But MTX treatment does not affect on hBD-1 and hBD-2 expressions. Further studies are needed to assess the roles of these AMPs in psoriasis etiopathogenesis.
  • Öğe
    Regulatory T-cell cytokines in patients with nonsegmental vitiligo
    (Wiley, 2017) Kidir, Mehtap; Karabulut, Ayse A.; Ercin, Mustafa E.; Atasoy, Pinar
    In the etiopathogenesis of vitiligo, the role of suppressor cytokines, such as transforming growth factor- (TGF-) and interleukin-10 (IL-10), associated with regulatory T-cells (Treg) is not completely known. In this study, the role of Treg-cell functions in the skin of patients with nonsegmental vitiligo was investigated. Lesional and nonlesional skin samples from 30 adult volunteers ranging in age from 18 to 36 years with nonsegmental vitiligo were compared with normal skin area excision specimens of 30 benign melanocytic nevus cases as controls. All samples were evaluated staining for forkhead box P3 (Foxp3), TGF-, and IL-10 using the standardized streptavidin-biotin immunoperoxidase immunohistochemistry method. Foxp3 expression was lower in lesional vitiligo skin specimens compared to controls; it was also lower in lesional vitiligo specimens than nonlesional vitiligo specimens. IL-10 levels were lower in lesional vitiligo specimens compared to the controls, whereas IL-10 expression was significantly lower in lesional specimens compared with nonlesional specimens. TGF- expression was higher in both lesional and nonlesional skin specimens of patients with vitiligo compared to controls. TGF- expression was lower in lesional skin specimens than nonlesional skin specimens. In addition, there was no significant correlation between Foxp3 expression with TGF- and IL-10 expressions in lesional skin specimens in the vitiligo group. In this study, results supporting the contribution of Treg cells and IL-10 deficiency to the autoimmune process were obtained. Therefore, future studies are necessary to demonstrate the definitive role of Treg-cell functions in the etiopathogenesis of vitiligo.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation Of Optic Nerve With Strain And Shear Wave Elastography In Patients With Behcet's Disease And Healthy Subjects
    (Elsevier Science Inc, 2017) Inal, Mikail; Tan, Sinan; Demirkan, Serkan; Burulday, Veysel; Gunduz, Ozgur; Ornek, Kemal
    The objective of this study was to investigate the elasticity characteristics of the optic nerve using strain and shear wave elastography in patients with Behc, et's disease and to compare the results with those of healthy volunteers. Forty-six optic nerves from patients with Behc, et's disease and 54 optic nerves from healthy volunteers were investigated prospectively in this study using strain and shear wave elastography. There was a statistically significant difference in terms of elasticity patterns between patients and healthy volunteers (p < 0.001). Elastographic images of healthy volunteers revealed most optic nerves to be type 3 (51.8%); however, type 2 (40.7%) and type 1 (7.5%) were also observed. Elastographic examination of Behc, et's disease patients revealed type 2 in 52.2%, type 1 in 43.5% and type 3 in 4.3% of patients. Statistically significant differences were observed between patients and healthy volunteers in the analysis of shear wave elastography values (p < 0.001). Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was perfect (0.933) (95% CI = 0.885-0.980), and a cutoff value of 16.5 kPa shear had very high sensitivity and specificity for the patient group. Strain and shear wave elastography findings for the optic nerves of patients with Behc, et's disease were significantly different from those for healthy volunteers. (E-mail: (C) 2017 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
  • Öğe
    The role of macrophages in the pathogenesis of mycosis fungoides
    (Wiley, 2017) Kara, D. O.; Ozsarac, K. C.; Uzar, M. K.; Bozdogan, O.; Gunduz, O.
    BackgroundMacrophages are classified into classically activated (M1) and alternatively activated (M2) macrophages. Decrease in macrophage number in tumour tissue with treatment has been reported. AimThe aim of this study was to determine whether treatment has an effect on the number of dermal M1 and M2 macrophages in patients with mycosis fungoides (MF). MethodsIn total, 21 patients (8 women, 13 men; age range 42-73 years) were included in this study. We determined markers for dermal M1 (inducible nitric oxide synthase and CD68) and M2 (markers: CD163 and CD206) macrophages using double immunohistochemistry to reduce the error rate, and then counted the cells. ResultsThe number of dermal M1 cells was significantly lower pretreatment compared with post-treatment (P < 0.01). The numbers of dermal M2 cells were also numerically decreased by treatment. These results did not change significantly after exclusion of the patients who had recurrence (n = 2). There were no statistically significant differences between groups classified by stage, lesion type or treatment outcome. ConclusionMacrophage numbers are decreased in MF after treatment of tumour tissue.
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    Metastasis suppressor proteins in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
    (Elsevier Gmbh, 2016) Bozdogan, Onder; Vargel, Ibrahim; Cavusoglu, Tarik; Karabulut, Ayse A.; Karahan, Gurbet; Sayar, Nilufer; Yulug, Isik G.
    Cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (cSCCs) are common human carcinomas. Despite having metastasizing capacities, they usually show less aggressive progression compared to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of other organs. Metastasis suppressor proteins (MSPs) are a group of proteins that control and slow-down the metastatic process. In this study, we established the importance of seven well-defined MSPs including NDRG1, NM23-H1, RhoGDI2, E-cadherin, CD82/KAI1, MKK4, and AKAP12 in cSCCs. Protein expression levels of the selected MSPs were detected in 32 cSCCs, 6 in situ SCCs, and two skin cell lines (HaCaT, A-431) by immunohistochemistry. The results were evaluated semi-quantitatively using the HSCORE system. In addition, mRNA expression levels were detected by qRT-PCR in the cell lines. The HSCOREs of NM23-H1 were similar in cSCCs and normal skin tissues, while RGHOGDI2, E-cadherin and AKAP12 were significantly downregulated in cSCCs compared to normal skin. The levels of MKK4, NDRG1 and CD82 were partially conserved in cSCCs. In stage I SCCs, nuclear staining of NM23-H1 (NM23-H1nuc) was significantly lower than in stage SCCs. Only nuclear staining of MKK4 (MKK4nuc) showed significantly higher scores in in situ carcinomas compared to invasive SCCs. In conclusion, similar to other human tumors, we have demonstrated complex differential expression patterns for the MSPs in in-situ and invasive cSCCs. This complex MSP signature warrants further biological and experimental pathway research. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.