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Öğe Assessment of ovarian reserve and Doppler characteristics in patients with multiple sclerosis using immunomodulating drugs(Galenos Yayincilik, 2009) Cil, Aylin Pelin; Leventoglu, Alev; Sonmezer, Murat; Soylukoc, Rabia; Oktay, KutlukObjective: There is limited data about fertility in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients using immunomodulating drugs and no data exists regarding the ovarian reserve of these patients. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate,the ovarian reserve and doppler characteristics of MS patients using irnmunomodulating drugs. Material and Methods: MS patients using immunomodulating drugs (interferon (1M) beta and glatiramer acetate) and age-matched healthy controls were included in the study. Subjects were examined in the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle with transvaginal ultrasound to evaluate ovarian volume, antral follicle count (AFC) and ovarian stromal artery Doppler. On the same da blood was taken for determining serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and estradiol (E2) levels. A subgroup analysis was also carried out between MS patients using only IFN p and controls to compare the same parameters. Results: Mean ovarian volume and total AFC were lower in MS patients using immunomodulating drugs than in the controls. FSH and E2 levels did not show any differences between the groups, but LH levels were, significantly higher in MS patients. All the Doppler parameters of the ovarian stromal artery were higher in MS patients but not significantly. In the subgroup analysis, the same significant differences were found for ovarian volume, AFC and LH levels. In addition, MS patients showed significantly higher mean pulsatility index measurement than the controls. Conclusion: The findings of this study demonstrated diminished ovarian volume and follicular reserve in MS patients using immunomodulating drugs compared to age matched healthy controls. However, further studies are required to elucidate whether compromised ovarian reserve in MS patients is due to drugs or the disease itself.Öğe The antibacterial activity of hemolymph of spider, Agelena labyrinthica (Araneae: Agelenidae)(Kastamonu Univ, Orman Fak, 2008) Yigit, Nazife; Benli, MehlikaSince the number of microorganisms which are resistant to antibiotics have been increasing steadily, the need for treating these pathogens requires novel and efficacious antimicrobial agents, both in medicine and in agriculture. In our study, the hemolymph of Agelena labyrinthica (Clerck, 1757) (Araneae: Agelenidae) which is considered as an alternative resource for antibiotics, was tested against ten bacterial strains, and it was found that five out of ten strains were sensitive to hemolymph. The sensitive bacterial strains were Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella sp., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus. Our results showed that spider hemolymph had antibacterial effects. This is the first study about antibacterial effects of A. labyrinthica's hemolymph.Öğe Melanocytes as the source of the increased melanisation in pigmented epithelial tumours: a holistic approach(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2022) Kilitci, Asuman; Elmas, Omer Faruk; Akdeniz, Necmettin; Gamsizkan, MehmetBackground/aim: We aimed to elucidate the causes of the increased melanisation in basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and seborrheic keratosis (SK), and the role of melanocytes in this process. Materials and methods: This study was a retrospective-cohort study conducted in the pathology department of a university hospital between January 2019 and October 2020. Forty-nine SK and 30 pigmented BCC were included in our study. SRY-box transcription factor 10 (SOX10), CD68, and Masson???Fontana staining was used for analysis in all samples. A representative section of each specimen was photographed under ??400 magnification to facilitate the assessments of the morphology of the melanocytes and their following morphometric parameters: density, nuclear diameter, and distribution. The density of pigmented keratinocytes in the lesional epidermis was scored. The nuclear diameters of melanocytes located in the nonlesional epidermis, the density of the melanophages, and the presence or absence of ulceration and solar elastosis were also recorded. Results: The morphometric findings confirmed a statistically significant increase in melanocyte density in the BCC group compared with that in the SK group (p < 0.001). Moreover, the nuclear minor diameters in the melanocytes of the BCC sections were significantly higher than those in the SK specimens (p < 0.001). The epidermal melanocytes were distributed diffusely in almost all BCC specimens (96.7%), whereas they were mainly limited to the basal layer in the majority of the SK sections (59.2%). The number of epidermal melanised keratinocytes with a score of 3 was significantly higher in the SK group (n = 31; 63.2%) than in the BCC group (n = 6; 20%) (p = 0.001), and they were the main cells representing the pigmented appearance of the tumours. No significant difference was found between both tumour groups in terms of their melanophage density scores (p = 0.206). Conclusion: This study is the first step towards an objective quantification of the melanocytes in pigmented epithelial tumours and may provide a morphological background for future studies on these skin lesions.Öğe STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE CONTINUING EDUCATION CENTERS AT TURKISH UNIVERSITIES(Anadolu Univ, 2008) Arslan, Mehmet MetinContinuing education centers mainly organize activities for the society in the fields that have gained importance on the improvement of individuals with a view of career building, improving professional knowledge and skills, achieving new skills and supplying individual development needs. Such centers have been established within universities through the principle of making continuing education accessible to everyone as a starting point for a lifelong learning process. These centers which aim at providing continuing education, implement more flexible programs compared to those executed at higher education institutions. In this study, the structure and functions of Continuing Education Centers at Turkish Universities are investigated. The scope of the study includes all the centers that have web pages established under state and public universities in Turkey. Data pertaining to structure and functions of the centers meeting this criterion, the number of which is 43 in total comprising 34 state and 9 private universities, have been evaluated. As a result of the study it was discovered that these centers had very similar foundation principles and organizational structures.Öğe Mortality Trends from Ischemic Heart Disease in Turkey: 2009-2019(Kare Publ, 2022) Yalim, Zafer; Dogan, Nurhan; Yalim, Sumeyra AlanObjective: Cardiovascular diseases still play an important role in public health and epidemiology as the leading cause of death worldwide. Ischemic heart disease is the most common reason in this group. This study aims to analyze the latest trends in ischemic heart disease mortality rates in Turkey by age, gender, and region using the Turkish Statistical Institute mortality data and evaluate the results. Methods: We have obtained ischemic heart disease mortality data (2009-2019, in 12 regions) for Turkey from the mortality database of the Turkish Statistical Institute. Joinpoint analysis was used to estimate the annual percentage change and average annual percentage change to identify significant changes in trends. Results: The mean mortality rate for ischemic heart disease in Turkey was in an increasing trend from 2009 to 2019 (annual percentage change=1.7 (-0.8; 4.3), P = .166). This increase was more pronounced in women (annual percentage change = 2.2 (-0.7; 5.2), P=.121) compared to men (annual percentage change = 1.4 (-1.1; 3.9), P = .235). When the period between 2015 and 2019 was evaluated, it was determined that ischemic heart disease mortality was in a decreasing trend in the groups over 65 years of age. The death rate due to ischemic heart disease is almost 2 times higher in men than in women in Turkey, and this rate ratio is highest in the Istanbul region. Conclusion: Although ischemic heart disease mortality trends have decreased globally, our country's average is still on an increasing trend. However, significant decreases have been observed in ischemic heart disease mortality rates, especially in the group over 65 years of age, in the last 5 years.Öğe Clinical, Demographic and Treatment Characteristics of Pediatric Psoriasis: A Multicenter Study of 150 Patients(Galenos Publ House, 2021) Demirbas, Abdullah; Ozyurt, Kemal; Elmas, Omer Faruk; Metin, Mahmut Sami; Atasoy, Mustafa; Tursen, Umit; Kilitci, AsumanBACKGROUND/AIMS: Many studies have focused on the epidemiological features of adult and childhood psoriasis. However, only a few studies have been conducted to demonstrate the clinical and demographic characteristics of pediatric psoriasis in Turkey. This study aimed to determine clinical, demographic, and treatment characteristics of childhood psoriasis in a multicenter series. MATERIALS and METHODS: This study was conducted in four different centers that are located in four cities of Turkey between June 2016 and June 2020. The demographic parameters, possible triggering factors (emotional stress, physical trauma, infection, and medication), and clinical characteristics (psoriasis type, psoriasis area severity index, involved areas, nail involvement, joint involvement, subjective symptoms, disease duration, last treatments and duration of use, and history of accompanying diseases) of pediatric patients with psoriasis were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 150 patients from four different centers were enrolled in the study, of whom 71 (47.30%) were males and 79 (52.70%) were females, with a mean age of 13.71 +/- 42 years (age range: 1-18 years). A family history of psoriasis was determined in 20 (13.33%) patients. Possible triggering factors included emotional stress (n=90, 60%), physical trauma (n=21, 14%), infection (n=14, 9.33%), and medication (n=1, 1.67%). The most common area of involvement was the trunk (n=69, 46%) followed by the scalp (n=42, 28%), hand (n=20, 13.33%), and face (n=19, 12.67%). The prevalence of clinical types was as follows: plaque (n=125,83.33%), guttate (n=10, 6.67%), palmoplantar (n=7, 4.67%), inverse (n=6, 4%), and pustular (n=2, 1.33%) psoriasis. Nail and joint involvement were observed in 30 (20%) and 15 (10%) patients, respectively. The last treatments received included topical treatment (n=101, 67.33%), phototherapy (n=23, 15.33%), acitretin (n=16,10.67%), methotrexate (n=9, 6%), and cyclosporine (n=1, 0.67%). CONCLUSION: In our cohort, the clinical types and treatments used for childhood psoriasis were similar to those of other studies, but the rate of family history was lower, whereas the incidence of emotional stress was higher. Addressing the psychological impacts of psoriasis along with its physical aspects may provide better treatment outcomes.Öğe Consequences of Social Isolation in Rats on Their Antioxidant Defense System and Erythrocyte Deformability(Aves, 2009) Aydogan, Sami; Ascioglu, Meral; Comu, Faruk MetinPurpose: In this study, our purpose was to investigate effect of oxidative stress composing in isolated rats on erythrocyte deformability and antioxidant system, considering importance of mechanical, and biochemical properties of erythrocytes in efficiency of blood circulation Material and Methods: Fourty Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups according to their ages; where one of them consisted of 2 months old rats and the other 12 months old rats. Then, randomly selected ten rats in each group were isolated separately in a cage and hold 12/12 hour light-dark cycle lasting 21 days. Blood samples were collected at the end of the 21st day, and superoxide dismutasc (SOD), catalasc (CAT) activities and malondialdchydc (MDA) levels were measured spcctrophotometrically. Changes in plasma nitric oxide level were determined by Griess method depending on total nitrite -nitrate. In addition, relative filtration rate (RFR), relative filtration time (RFT) and relative resistance (Rrcl) of the erythrocytes were calculated as the indexes of erythrocyte deformability. Results: The SOD and CAT levels were found significantly lower in both of young and adult isolated rats when compared to the young and adult control groups. The nitric oxide levels were also found significantly lower in the young and adult isolated rats when compared to their control groups. The peroxidation of the lipids were also decreased by social isolation, in the erythrocyte membrane of both young and adult isolated rats compared to the controls. The indexes of erythrocyte deformability, RFR was found significantly higher, whereas the RFT was significantly lower in young and adult isolated rats compared to the young and adult controls. However, the Rrel of the erythrocytes were not altered dramatically. Conclusion: As a consequence, our data reveals that the social isolation causes a lack of plasma nitric oxide levels in the socially isolated rats and probably due to this decrease in one of the major oxidants for the erythrocyte membrane results in the decreased lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, our results reveal that the social isolation stress causes alterations in the antioxidant defense system and these alteration results in the changes in erythrocyte deformability reflecting that some tissue perfusion problems can occur with long term and repeated loneliness and especially in the early stages of the life span.Öğe Outcomes of transcorneal electrical stimulation therapy in the early stages of retinitis pigmentosa(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2022) Demir, M. Necati; Acar, Ugur; Sobaci, Gungor; Goksuluk, DincerBackground/aim: To investigate the effect of transcorneal electrical stimulation (TES) therapy in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Materials and methods: We performed TES therapy in 21 patients with RP in 12 sessions with 1-week intervals. The following parameters obtained before and after the TES therapy were compared statistically; the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA, logMAR), Ishihara color vision level, multifocal electroretinography (mf-ERG) response, automated visual field (VF) outcome, and the 25-item low vision quality-of-life (LVQOL) questionnaire points. Results: The mean age of patients (6 females; 15 males) was 31.67 ?? 9.80 years (20???50 years). While increases in BCVA level, color vision level, mf-ERG response in p1 amplitude of ring 1, and LVQOL questionnaire points were statistically significant, changes in VF test and other mf-ERG responses were not. Twenty of the patients (95.24%) stated that they were satisfied with the TES therapy. No considerable side effect was observed in any patient due to the therapy. Conclusion: The TES therapy may be an effective and safe treatment modality in slowing the RP progression, especially in the early stages of the disease. Longer-term follow-ups in larger patient populations are warranted.Öğe Domestic Lifestyle and Nutritional Status of Children During Covid-19 Pandemics(Galenos Publ House, 2021) Bulbul, Selda; Gulbahce, Aliye; Goksen, Nil Koc; Ata, Ali Emrecan; Kocagozoglu, Sevim GoncaObjective: After Covid-19 pandemic was declared, a number of restrictions have been imposed all over the world. We aimed to detect changes in eating habits of children and adults during Covid-19 pandemic when lifestyle changes were inevitable due to these restrictions. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. The data collection process was completed by online questionnaire forms sent via mail system. There were questions about demographic characteristics of the participants and their children, lifestyle changes during the pandemic period and awareness of the pandemic. Participants with more than one child were asked to use the information of their youngest children. In statistical analyzes we used Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 20.0 for Windows. Pearson Chi-square test was used for comparisons of categorical variables. The significance level was accepted as p <= 0.05 in all statistical processes. Results: A total of 327 people between 19-65 years of age participated in this study, and 174 of them had children with a mean age of 6.8 years, including 96 (55.7%) boys and 78 (44.3%) girls. Among all children, physical activity decreased in 101 (58%), screen time increased in 87 (50%) and 40 (23%) of them consumed their meals in front of the screen. The snacking habits of 130 (74.8%) children increased, 34 (19.5%) started consuming too much junk food and 12 of them (6.9%) gained weight. We observed that boys consumed more food than girls during their stay at home when compared to usual prerestriction days as they felt anxious and troubled (p=0.02). Conclusion: Pandemics do not affect our lives not only with disease burden but also, have effects on daily lives of families and children. During this period, besides precautions against infection, special interest should be given to feeding, sleeping habits and physical activities that would boost immune system and measures should be taken to prevent harmful habits.Öğe Effect of kefir consumption on intestinal microbiota and some blood parameters in Angora cats(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2022) Kabakci, Ruhi; Cufaoglu, Gizem; Sen, GokhanProbiotics are one of the best alternatives to improve gut health. Kefir, which was discovered in the North Caucasus centuries ago, is still consumed frequently today due to its health benefits. Its impacts on the gastrointestinal system have begun to be investigated in animals. In this study, we focused to examine the effect of kefir on intestinal microbiota, some hematological parameters, and fecal quality in Angora cats to provide preliminary data regarding the hypothesis of its use as an alternative probiotic food supplement. Commercial kefir was given orally (30 mL/kg) to seven healthy Angora cats for 14 days. On day 0 and day 14, fresh feces and blood of the cats were collected. The results showed that two-week kefir consumption significantly increased the number of total mesophilic aerobic bacteria, lactococci, lactobacilli, and yeast in the gut microbiota (p < 0.05). Also, a significant decrease was recorded in the number of enterococci (p 0.05). Measured hematological parameters (WBC, RBC, HGB, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, PLT) were not affected during the experiment (p 0.05). Additionally, no significant changes were recorded in the body weights, body condition scores, fecal scores, and fecal water contents (p 0.05). Daily kefir consumption positively altered the intestinal microbiota of Angora cats by increasing the total mesophilic aerobic bacteria, lactococci, lactobacilli, and yeast. Moreover, no detrimental effect was observed in the blood parameters, body condition scores, and fecal quality. Therefore, it could be suggested that including kefir in Angora cats??? daily diets can improve their health conditions.Öğe Diagnostic Approach in Cystinuria: A Case Report(Galenos Publ House, 2021) Bulbul, Selda; Gulbahce, Aliye; Kocagozoglu, Sevim GoncaCystinuria is an, inherited metabolic disorder progressing with recurrent kidney stones due to impaired reabsorption of dibasic amino acids and arises from mutations in the SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 on chromosome 2. Cystine crystals were detected in the urinalysis of a 17 -year -old male patient who was investigated for recurrent kidney stones. Because of demonstration of cystine excretion in the urinary amino acid analysis and having positive family history, we suspected Cystinuria Type B and initiated supportive therapy. However, based on the results of molecular analyses his diagnosis was changed as Cystinuria Type A. In conclusion, our final diagnosis was changed according to the molecular analyses but our treatment approach did not change. Therefore we would like to emphasize that, prominent physical examination findings and supportive laboratory test results will be sufficient for the diagnosis of cystinuria.Öğe Working Hard, Is it Dark? Ethical Values, Workaholism, and Psychological Contract Breach(Igiad-Turkish Entrepreneurship & Business Ethics Assoc, 2022) Pehlivanli, Edib Ali; Akin, AdnanThis study has been designed to explore the direct and indirect relationships among work enjoyment, being compelled to work (work driven), ethical values, and psychological contract breach (PCB). The research was carried out using 357 questionnaire data obtained from academic staff working at a state university in Turkey. The obtained findings show the work enjoyment dimension of workaholism to increase ethical values while the work-driven dimension decreases ethical values. Meanwhile, the work driven dimension negatively mediates the positive effect from the work enjoyment dimension on ethical values. Moreover, the organizational ethics sub-dimension of academic ethical values negatively affects the perception of PCB. Therefore, although the study provides significant contributions to the extant literature on business ethics, workaholism, and PCB, the findings also have significant implications for researchers and practitioners. The theoretical and practical implications of all the find-ings have been discussed and evaluated in the context of the literature.Öğe Experiences in Delivering Teaching and Learning Practices in Establishments of Veterinary Education of the Mediterranean Region Under COVID-19 Pandemic: From Crisis to Opportunities(Aves, 2022) Fejzic, Nihad; Seric-Haracic, Sabina; Ayaz, Naim Deniz; De Meneghi, Daniele; Abu Basha, Ehab; Tligui, Noursaid; Ettriqui, AbdelfettahIn this study, the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic crisis on veterinary education in selected members of the Mediterranean Network of Veterinary Education Establishments (Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Italy, Turkey, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunis) was analyzed. The challenges presented by the pandemic and new approaches and practices adopted by different veterinary education establishments in the Mediterranean region to address the long-term consequences of coronavirus disease 2019 on veterinary education were highlighted. Although countries in this region followed different epidemiological policies, restrictions of access of veterinary students to teaching hospitals, extramural facilities, and laboratories were prolonged over the entire time during 2020 and 2021 in most of the veterinary education establishments. It could be concluded that strengthening the existing networks of veterinary education establishments in the region by sharing experiences, standardization of curricula (regional and international accreditation), and networking are seen as an opportunity for improvement of the quality of teaching and competence in this digital era. Unfortunately, more work is still required to achieve such an ambitious agenda including galvanization of public demands for quality education, political will to implement changes, and securing financial support and other resources to continue program development across the region.Öğe Boundary value problems for a second-order (p, q)-difference equation with integral conditions(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2022) Gencturk, IlkerOur purpose in this paper is to obtain some new existence results of solutions for a boundary value problem for a (p, q)-difference equations with integral conditions, by using fixed point theorems. Examples illustrating the main results are also presented.Öğe In vitro investigation on extracellular traps formation of cat polymorphonuclear leucocytes against Toxoplasma gondii(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2021) Simsek, Neslihan Sursal; Cakmak, Ayse; Yildiz, KaderNeutrophil granulocytes are one of the most important defenders of the innate immune system in the host. Moreover, neutrophils are able to reach the inflammation area and kill the pathogens using various defense strategies including neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). However, there is still not enough information available regarding the innate immunity against Toxoplasma gondii in cats that are both definitive and intermediate hosts of this parasite. Therefore, we investigated the in vitro NETs formation which is induced by cat polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) against T. gondii tachyzoites. Firstly, PMNs were isolated from cat venous blood samples by using discontinues Percoll dilutions (72%, 63%, 54%, and 45%). Afterward, MN-tachyzoites cocultures were stained against histone (H3), neutrophil elastase (NE), and myeloperoxidase (MPO) by using monoclonal antibodies and were examined under a fluorescence microscope. The effect of different parasite doses (1:1, 1:3, and 1:5) and incubation times (30, 60, 90, and 120 min) on NETs formation was also evaluated. The presence of the extracellular DNA content was measured using a fluorometer. Confluent Vero cell cultures were used to assess the effect of NETs on the tachyzoites viability. The classical structures of NETs, such as extracellular DNA, NE, H3, and MPO were microscopically observed in the NETs formation released from cat PMNs. The amount of extracellular DNA increased in parallel with the incubation time (p < 0.001). The influence of the tachyzoites dose on the NETs formation was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Zymosan was used as a positive control in the experiments and it was shown to be an important inducer for the NETs formation. In conclusion, as mentioned previous studies and considering our results, the NETs may be a conserved strategy to control T. gondii infection in hosts because of the immobilization and lethal effects.Öğe The apoptotic and proliferative effects of tulathromycin and gamithromycin on bovine tracheal epithelial cell culture(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2022) Sahin, Yasar; Yildirim, Ebru; Yurdakok Dikmen, Begum; Turk, MustafaGamithromycin and tulathromycin are commonly used in the treatment of bovine respiratory bacterial diseases. The current work was undertaken to establish the apoptotic, necrotic, and cytotoxic effects of these antibiotics in the target animal. Cells with apoptosis and necrosis were determined by dual staining method, cytotoxic effects were determined by MTT assay, cell proliferative effects were examined by XCelligence real-time cell analysis system (RTCA-SP). The comparison between gamithromycin and tulathromycin concentrations on tracheal cells in terms of % cell viability was found to be significantly different. While the cell viability percentage of gamithromycin was higher at 150 mu g/mL, 180 mu g/mL, and 240 mu g/mL than tulathromycin, and at 2 mu g/mL, 4 mu g/mL, 10 mu g/mL, 20 mu g/mL, and 50 mu g/mL concentrations tulathromycin cell viability was higher than gamithromycin (p < 0.05). When the staining method data were evaluated, the difference between the results of % apoptotic index at 20 mu g/mL concentration was significant and it was found that gamithromycin had more apoptotic effect than tulathromycin (p < 0.05). It was seen that tulathromycin and gamithromycin applied on tracheal epithelial cells at concentrations of 2 and 10 mu g/mL increased the viability depending on time. The increase in epithelial cell proliferation of gamithromycin and tulathromycin due to time shows that these antibiotics can maintain longterm prophylactic treatment against diseases.Öğe Epidemiological investigation of bovine tuberculosis infection dynamics in Turkey(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2022) Cakir, Sahin; Yildirim, Murat; Diker, Kadir Serdar; Keskin, Fevziye Ipek; Yuksel, Selcen; Deveci, Burak; Akcay, ErhanA national epidemiological research project was carried out to define the dynamics affecting the epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) infection in Turkey and to identify the risk factors. Official veterinarian (OV) and breeder original questionnaires were produced separately as part of this study to collect thorough data regarding the disease from the field. The number of questionnaires that needed to be filled out was decided by 95% confidence interval (CI) and 5% margin of error. The findings of 371 OV and 317 breeder questionnaires completed online across the country were analyzed. In addition, 28 outbreaks determined by random method were visited. To observe regional differences and field conditions, the opinions of OVs who monitored the disease and breeders were compiled. It was observed that the data obtained from both questionnaires was largely compatible. The main factors in the epidemiology of bTB infection were found to be effective fight, development of state policy, providing adequate financing, animal purchase, ear tagging and records, animal traders, animal markets, animal movements, conditional slaughtering, slaughterhouses, postmortem inspection, premise conditions, socio-economic impact, evaluation of raw milk, disease-free premises, compensation payments, and quarantine processes.Öğe A novel hybrid global optimization algorithm having training strategy: hybrid Taguchi-vortex search algorithm(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2021) Saka, Mustafa; Coban, Melih; Eke, Ibrahim; Tezcan, Suleyman Sungur; Taplamacioglu, Muslum CengizIn this paper, a novel hybrid Taguchi-vortex search algorithm (HTVS) is proposed for solving global optimization problems. Taguchi orthogonal approximation and vortex search algorithm (VS) are hybridized in presenting method. In HTVS, orthogonal arrays in the Taguchi method are trained and obtained better solutions are used to find global optima in VS. Thus, HTVS has better relation between exploration and exploitation, and it exhibits more powerful approximation to find global optimum value. Proposed HTVS algorithm is applied to sixteen well-known benchmark optimization test functions with different dimensions. The results are compared with the Taguchi orthogonal array approximation (TOAA), vortex search algorithm, grey wolf optimizer (GWO), sine cosine algorithm (SCA), moth-flame optimization algorithm (MFO), whale optimization algorithm (WOA) and salp swarm algorithm (SSA). In order to compare the effectiveness of HTVS statistically, Wilcoxon signed-rank test (WSRT) is used in this study. Furthermore, HTVS is applied to two different real engineering problems having some constraints (tension/compression spring design and pressure vessel design). All obtained results suggested that HTVS can find optimal or very close to optimal results. Moreover, it has good computational ability and fast convergence behavior as well.Öğe Several Shaping Characteristics of OneCurve Continuously Rotating System versus Three Different Kinematic Systems: ProTaper Universal, Twisted File Adaptive and WaveOne Gold(Galenos Publ House, 2022) Turkyilmaz, Ali; Arikan, VolkanObjective: This study aimed to compare the curvature change, preparation time, resin removal amount and working length reduction properties of the OneCurve (0.25/0.06), ProTaper Universal F2 (0.25/0.06), Twisted File Adaptive SM2 (0.25/0.06) and WaveOne Gold Primary (0.25/0.07) using simulated root canal models. Materials and Methods: A total of 67 plastic models were used. Three models were used to verify the initial curvature angle, the weight of the unprepared resin block and the initial root canal length. The remaining 64 models were divided into four groups of 16 samples. After preparation, the changes in parameters were measured again. Statistical analysis was done with SPSS 22.0 using one-way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey's tests and Kruskal-Wallis with Bonferroni corrections. Pearson and Spearmen correlation coefficients were also used. A p-value <0.05 was significant. Results: Significant differences were observed between OneCurve, ProTaper Universal F2, Twisted File Adaptive SM2 and WaveOne Gold Primary file systems in terms of resin removal amount, root canal curvature change and preparation time (p<0.05). The correlations were statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusions: Twisted File Adaptive SM2 performed significantly less resin removal and curvature change. Furthermore, the Twisted File Adaptive and WaveOne Gold Primary instruments required less preparation time compared with OneCurve and ProTaper Universal F2.Öğe Diagnosis of osteoarthritic changes, loss of cervical lordosis, and disc space narrowing on cervical radiographs with deep learning methods(Turkish Joint Diseases Foundation, 2022) Maras, Yuksel; Tokdemir, Gul; Ureten, Kemal; Atalar, Ebru; Duran, Semra; Maras, HakanObjectives: In this study, we aimed to differentiate normal cervical graphs and graphs of diseases that cause mechanical neck pain by using deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) technology. Materials and methods: In this retrospective study, the convolutional neural networks were used and transfer learning method was applied with the pre-trained VGG-16, VGG-19, Resnet-101, and DenseNet-201 networks. Our data set consisted of 161 normal lateral cervical radiographs and 170 lateral cervical radiographs with osteoarthritis and cervical degenerative disc disease. Results: We compared the performances of the classification models in terms of performance metrics such as accuracy,