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  • Öğe
    Yoğurt üretiminde kontaminasyon kaynaklarının belirlenmesi
    (2004) Kasımoğlu, Aylin; Şireli, U. Tansel; Akgün, Sadi
    Bu çalışmada, koliform bakteri ve Escherichia coli sorunu olan bir fabrikadaki kontaminasyon nedeni olan kritik kontrol noktalarının belirlenmesi, hijyen kurallarına uygun üretim yapılmasının sağlanması, ekonomik kayıpların önlenmesi ve halk sağlığının korunması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada üretimin başından sonuna kadar her aşamada süt işletmesinde kullanılan aletler, malzemeler, temasta bulunulan yüzeyler, hava, personel elleri ve su örnekleri olmak üzere toplam 20 kontrol noktasından ve kontrollerin yapıldığı günlerde üretilen yoğurtlardan örnekler alınmıştır. Her bir örneğin, aerob mezofil genel canlı, enterobakteriler, koliform bakteriler, E. coli, stafilokok-mikrokok, koagulaz pozitif stafilokok, enterokok, maya ve küf yönünden mikrobiyolojik analizleri yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, enterobakteriler ve koliform bakterilerin özellikle E. coli ile kontaminasyona neden olan kritik kontrol noktalarının; vakum cihazı, süt pompası ve personel elleri olduğu belirlenmiş, ancak ekipman temizliğinin öğretilmesi, hijyenik önlem amacıyla gerçekleştirilen personel eğitimi ve el dezenfektanı kullanımını veya kullanılmasından sonrasında yapılan kontrollerde risk bulunmamıştır. Türkiye'deki süt fabrikalarında dizaynın standart olmaması nedeniyle kontaminasyon kaynaklarının farklı olması kaçınılmazdır. Bu kapsamda, risklerin en aza indirilmesi veya ortadan kaldırılması için süt işletmelerinde kendine özgü kritik kontrol noktalarının belirlenmesi gerekmektedir.
  • Öğe
    Canlı fakat kültürlü yapılamayan bakteriler ve gıda güvenliği yönünden önemi
    (2004) Ayaz, N.Deniz; Erol, İrfan
    Bakteriler, uygun olmayan koşullarla karşılaşınca kendilerine özgü bir uyum mekanizması geliştirirler. Bu koşullarda bakteriler genellikle katı besi yerinde koloni oluşturma yeteneğini kaybederler fakat canlılıklarını korurlar. Bu duruma mikroorganizmalar için, canlı fakat kültürü yapılamayan (Viable But Non Culturable, VBNC) hal denir. Soğuğa maruz kalmak ve besin maddelerinin yokluğu bakterilerin VBNC hale girmelerine neden olan temel faktörlerdir. Çubuk formundaki Gram negatif bir bakteri VBNC hale girdiğinde kok veya kısa çubuk şekline dönüşmekte ve boyutu küçülmektedir. Bazı araştırmacılara göre VBNC hale geçmiş olan bakteriler uygun koşullarla karşılaşınca tekrar kültürü yapılabilir hale geçmektedirler ve bu durum resuscitation olarak adlandırılmaktadır. VBNC bakteriler arasında gıda güvenliği ve halk sağlığı yönünden önemli olan Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli, Salmonella Enteritidis, Vibrio cholerae ve Legionella pneumophila gibi patojen bakteriler yer almaktadır. Son yıllarda VBNC bakteriler ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalar etkili, pratik ve duyarlılığı yüksek saptama metotlarının geliştirilmesi üzerine yoğunlaşmış ve bunların neticesinde PCR, DVC (Direct Viable Count) gibi moleküler tekniklerin güvenilir metotlar oldukları vurgulanmıştır.
  • Öğe
    Base study for the establishment of national Salmonella control program in hatching farms and table eggs in Turkey
    (Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2020) Diker, Kadir Serdar; Goncuoglu, Muammer; Sahin, Guzin; Akan, Mehmet; Gurcan, Ismail Safa; Mustak, Hamit Kaan
    Foodborne infections due to Salmonella are still a major concern worldwide. Particularly contaminated egg and egg related products are the primary sources for human salmonellosis. It is necessary to determine the risk factors associated with Salmonella contamination of eggs within the scope of farm to table and environment. The objective of this study was to develop the "National Salmonella Control Program in Laying Hens" and report the prevalence and serotype distribution findings of Salmonella in laying hens and eggs in Turkey. A total of 2122 samples were collected and analysed according to ISO 6579:2002 after the isolation and identification procedures. All Salmonella isolates were serotyped including 726 eggs and 1396 farm specimens from 241 epidemiological units (EpUs) that were located in 9 different provinces between 2015 and 2017. Salmonella contamination was detected in 14.9% of 241 EpUs. The results indicated that almost half of the flocks have multiple contamination sources. The highest contamination rate was obtained from environmental (11%) followed by faeces (7.5%) and the lowest was from water samples (1.6%). The overall contamination rate was detected as 7.46% for farms and 3.3% for eggs. As S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium are the most frequently seen serotypes all over the world, in Turkey S. Typhimurium was not detected and S. Enteritidis was the 5th most common isolated serotype. According to our results it can be concluded that differences in various countries, particularly geographical and egg hatching systems, may affect the contamination rate and serotype distribution of Salmonella.
  • Öğe
    An investigation on biocontrol of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by a bacteriophage cocktail in pastirma
    (Ankara Univ Press, 2019) Cufaoglu, Gizem; Derinoz, Askin Nur; Ayaz, Naim Deniz
    In this study, it was aimed to investigate the biocontrol of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in pastirma (a traditional Turkish meat product produced and consumed without heat treatment) by bacteriophages. A cocktail was prepared from two pre-characterized phages which were isolated from cattle slaughterhouse wastewaters and were found to have lytic activity against E. coli O157: H7. The phage cocktail at a concentration of 10(9) pfu/ml was applied to pastirma slices which experimentally contaminated at 6,9 x 10(3) cfu/ml and incubated for one week at room temperature (22-24 degrees C). During the incubation period, reduction effects of bacteriophages on E. coli O157: H7 were investigated on certain times and days. As a result, the phage cocktail was able to reduce the bacterial count approximately 2 log cfu/g in the bacteriophage applied group, therefore the number of E. coli O157: H7 decreased and remained below the detection limit (< 10 cfu/g) during the experiment. The bacteriophage cocktail consisting of phage M8AEC16 and phage M12BEC16 has been found to be effectively usable for biocontrol of E. coli O157:H7 in pastirma.
  • Öğe
    Listeria monocytogenes risk associated with chicken at slaughter and biocontrol with three new bacteriophages
    (Wiley, 2019) Çufaoğlu, Gizem; Ayaz, Naim Deniz
    The aim of this study was to isolate Listeria monocytogenes from chicken neck skins and lytic bacteriophages from poultry slaughterhouse wastewaters, and following the characterization of the isolates, biocontrol of L. monocytogenes was investigated on chicken drumsticks with the isolated phages. L. monocytogenes prevalence was detected 12.3% in the chicken samples and the dominant serotype was determined as 1/2a (92.5%). Expression levels of major virulence genes were revealed by real-time RT-PCR. Ten different DNA profiles were detected by ERIC-PCR fingerprinting. According to the MIC results, LM-P75 was defined as MDR by showing resistance to antibiotics in six different groups. Besides, five lytic listeriophages were isolated from wastewaters and treated with Cla1 and Sac1. Taking EoP, TEM, in vitro, and in vivo analyses results into consideration, three bacteriophages were used for the biocontrol assay. The application of the bacteriophages on drumsticks achieved a reduction up to 3.3 log CFU/ml in L. monocytogenes count in 3 hr of incubation at 4 degrees C. Practical applications Our results showed that in spite of the developments in hygiene practices during slaughtering, chicken meat is still a potential source for L. monocytogenes. On the other hand, the phage cocktail that used in this study can be an effective tool to reduce L. monocytogenes in chicken carcasses at final wash or at cooling step in poultry slaughtering process, as well as in decontamination of chicken meat parts.
  • Öğe
    Plasmid-Mediated Colistin Resistance in Escherichia coli O157:H7 Cattle and Sheep Isolates and Whole-Genome Sequence of a Colistin-Resistant Sorbitol Fermentative Escherichia coli O157:H7
    (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc, 2019) Ayaz, Naim Deniz; Cufaoglu, Gizem; Yonsul, Yesim; Goncuoglu, Muammer; Erol, Irfan
    The aims of this study were to investigate the plasmid-mediated colistin resistance genes (mcr-1, mcr-2, mcr-3, mcr-4, and mcr-5), phenotypic colistin resistance in Escherichia coli O157:H7(+)/H7(-) strains isolated from cattle and sheep, and whole-genome sequence (WGS) analysis of colistin-resistant sorbitol fermentative E. coli O157:H7. According to the results, 5 of the 49 isolates were found to harbor mcr-2 and/or mcr-3 genes. Three isolates, including a sorbitol fermentative E. coli O157:H7, were found phenotypically resistant to colistin with a minimum inhibitory concentration value of 128 mu g/mL. The genome of sorbitol fermentative E. coli O157:H7 did not show 100% similarity to any of the other genome sequences found in the universal genome database. It has also been determined that this isolate carried 62 different antimicrobial resistance genes. This is the first report of plasmid-mediated mcr-2 and mcr-3 genes carrying E. coli O157:H7 from cattle and sheep isolates and WGS of a colistin-resistant sorbitol fermentative E. coli O157:H7. Findings of this study indicate that cattle and sheep can be an important source of colistin resistance in E. coli O157:H7, and slaughterhouse wastewater might be a significant route for dissemination of the plasmid-mediated colistin genes. Therefore, the use of colistin in veterinary medicine should be restricted to reduce the development of resistance. Also it may be necessary to review the non-sorbitol fermentation-based isolation protocol for not missing the sorbitol fermentative E. coli O157:H7 in epidemiological studies.
  • Öğe
    Microbiological characterization of cig kofte sold at retail in Ankara, Turkey, and evaluation of selected antimicrobials as ingredients to control foodborne pathogens in cig kofte during refrigerated storage
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2018) Ghazzi, Marya; Porto-Fett, Anna C. S.; Ayaz, Naim D.; Ozansoy, Gorkem; Cufaoglu, Gizem; Goncuoglu, Muammer; Luchansky, John B.
    We monitored the occurrence and fate of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, E. coli O157, Listeria monocytogenes, and/or Salmonella spp. in cig kofte (translated as "raw meatball") purchased from establishments in Turkey or prepared and inoculated in our laboratory. Of the 24 beef and 144 vegetarian samples of cig kofte purchased, Salmonella were recovered from the vegetarian samples (1 of 24 samples), but not from the samples containing beef (<= 2.3 log CFU/g detection limit). L. monocytogenes were recovered from 2 of 24 beef (8.3%) and 2 of 144 vegetarian (1.4%) samples of cig kofte, whereas E. colt O157 were recovered from 5 of 24 meat (20.8%) and 21 of 144 vegetarian (14.6%) samples of cig kofte tested. Levels of total aerobic bacteria ranged from 3.7 to 9.0 log CFU/g, whereas levels of Enterobacteriaceae and coliforms ranged from 2.3 to 7.3 log CFU/g. In our laboratory, finely-ground beef (93:7%, lean:fat) was separately inoculated (ca. 4.0 log CFU/g) with multi-strain cocktails of STEC, Salmonella spp., or L. monocytogenes and then mixed with either bulgur wheat alone or with bulgur wheat along with tomato sauce, vegetables, and various spices. Next, aliquots of buffered vinegar (BV) or distilled white vinegar (DV; 5% acidity) were added as antimicrobials to the inoculated batter to deliver 0, 2.5, or 5.0% (vol/wt) of the antimicrobial. The resultant batter was shaped into ca. 15 g balls by hand and stored at 4 or 15 degrees C. When cig kofte was formulated with or without spices and with or without antimicrobials, pathogen numbers remained relatively unchanged after 3 days of storage at 4 degrees C. In contrast, when cig kofte was formulated without spices and without antimicrobials, pathogen levels increased by ca. 0.2 to 0.9 log CFU/g, respectively, after 3 days at 15 degrees C. When product was formulated with spices, in the absence of antimicrobials, STEC and L. monocytogenes levels decreased by ca. 03 and 0.7 log CFU/g, respectively, whereas Salmonella spp. increased by ca. 0.3 log CFU/g after 3 days at 15 degrees C. Thus, the formulation of cig kofte used in this study did not support growth (<= 1.0 log CFU/g) of either STEC, Salmonella spp., or L. monocytogenes. Our data also confirm that pathogens can be recovered on occasion from cig kofte sold at restaurants and at retail in Turkey, as well as highlight the importance of proper formulation, handling, and storage practices to ensure its safety. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Öğe
    Prevalence and Characterization of Listeria monocytogenes Isolated from Beef and Sheep Carcasses in Turkey with Characterization of Locally Isolated Listeriophages as a Control Measure
    (Int Assoc Food Protection, 2018) Ayaz, Naim Deniz; Onaran, Bahar; Cufaoglu, Gizem; Goncuoglu, Muammer; Ormanci, Fatma Seda; Erol, Irfan
    Swab samples from cattle and sheep carcasses (120 of each) were tested for Listeria monocytogenes, and 120 slaughterhouse wastewater samples were tested for listeriophages over 12 months (10 samples per month) to note the seasonal distribution. L. monocytogenes and bacteriophage isolates were characterized, and the biocontrol of L. monocytogenes was investigated in meatballs with a phage cocktail. L. monocytogenes was found in 3.4 and 2.5% of cattle and sheep carcasses, respectively. All the isolates were found to harbor hlyA, actA, inlA, inlB, inlC, inlJ, plcA, plcB, fbpA, and fri genes with varied mRNA expression levels by real-time reverse transcriptase PCR analysis. Five isolates did not harbor the vip gene. According to enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR, L. monocytogenes isolates were classified into four different groups based on their DNA patterns. The L. monocytogenes isolates were characterized for antibiotic susceptibility; one strain was found to be resistant to five different antibiotic classes. Of 11 lytic listeriophages, two were selected for the cocktail based on their DNA restriction profiles, efficiency of plating, transmission electron microscopy, and in vitro and in vivo analyses. In the biocontrol study, we used a food model that consisted of a novel bacteriophage cocktail in raw meatballs. The highest reduction of L. monocytogenes was recorded as 2.2 log CFU/g at a multiplicity of cellular infection of 4.7 at the end of 1 h. In conclusion, the new bacteriophage cocktail in this study can be considered an efficient biocontrol agent of L. monocytogenes in meatballs.
  • Öğe
    Biocontrol of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ready-to-eat salad using a lytic bacteriophage
    (Polish Soc Veterinary Sciences Editorial Office, 2017) Cufaoglu, Gizem; Onaran, Bahar; Ayaz, Naim Deniz; Goncuoglu, Muammer; Ormanci, Fatma Seda
    E. coli O157:H7 is a life threatening foodborne pathogen associated with thousands of infections. Controlling such bacterial pathogens in raw and ready-to-eat foods has gained urgency with each passing day. The use of specific virulent bacteriophages as a biocontrol agent on minimally processed foods is an effective, natural and non-destructive treatment. This study was aimed at determining the efficiency of a lytic bacteriophage against E. coli O157:H7 in ready-to-eat salads. For this purpose, E. coli O157:H7 NCTC 12900 (EC00) and nalidixic acid resistant E. coli O157:H7 ATCC 43895 (NA-EC95) were used as the model bacterium in decontamination trials of mayonnaise based ready-to-eat salads which are consumed without any heating process and include beans, carrots, potatoes, pickled cucumbers and salami. A previously described phage M8AEC16 which was classified in Myoviridae family was used as the biocontrol agent. The highest reductions were observed at 22 degrees C storage conditions. Reductions reaching up to 2.7 log cfu/g of viable E. coli O157:H7 counts were observed in the beginning of the storage period. The findings of the study showed that phage M8AEC16 can be used as a biocontrol agent in the decontamination of E. coli O157:H7 in such mayonnaise based ready-to-eat salads.
  • Öğe
    Biocontrol of Shiga Toxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Turkish Raw Meatball by Bacteriophage
    (Wiley, 2016) Gencay, Yilmaz Emre; Ayaz, Naim Deniz; Copuroglu, Gizem; Erol, Irfan
    With an Escherichia coli O157:H7 virulent bacteriophage, M8AEC16, biocontrol efficiency of phages on a highly risky, ready-to-eat, traditional delicacy food called raw meatball under different storage conditions was investigated. Phage, belonging to the Myoviridae family, was isolated from the wastewater of a local slaughterhouse and showed a broad lytic activity toward many E.coli O157:H7 strains with high efficiency of plating and O157 specificity. Our experimental study provided favorable results, with 0.69-2.09 log colony-forming unit (cfu)/g E.coli O157:H7 reductions in the first 5h of the replica trials. Major reductions of viable E.coli O157:H7 counts were observed in the beginning of the storage period, reaching up to 1.85 log cfu/g. Although a significant reduction in E.coli O157:H7 was observed with increased phage concentration, storage conditions had minor effect on efficiency of phage biocontrol. This is the first study in Turkey that investigates applicability of phage biocontrol for a traditional food model. Practical ApplicationsPhage addition in preparation stage of a very complex food model, ready-to-eat Turkish raw meatball, is a promising application in decontamination of Escherichia coli O157:H7. Although investigation of its genomic characteristics along with its stability to different food matrices must be completed for further use of the model phage M8AEC16, findings of this work were encouraging, as phages are valuable in biocontrol of important foodborne in this ready-to-eat Turkish delicacy.
  • Öğe
    Comparison Of Prevalence And Genetic Diversity Of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 In Cattle And Sheep
    (Slovak Univ Agriculture Nitra, 2016) Erol, Irfan; Goncuoglu, Muammer; Ayaz, Naim Deniz; Ormanci, Fatma Seda Bilir
    In this study the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157: H7 was detected by immunomagnetic separation (IMS) based cultivation technique and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in feces and/or colon tissue of cattle (n= 282) and sheep (n= 218) at slaughterhouse. The major virulence genes, intimin variants, Shiga toxin variants and antibiotic resistance genes of the isolates were examined by PCR and genomic diversity of the cattle and sheep E. coli O157: H7 isolates were assessed using pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). In the present study the prevalence of E. coli O157: H7 was found higher in sheep (6.4 %) than in cattle (3.9 %). All the E. coli O157: H7 isolates were detected as positive for at least one stx gene and positive for other virulence genes. Twelve (29.3 %) and one (2.4 %) of the cattle isolates carried stx2 and stx1 gene, respectively. However 11 (17.7 %) of the sheep E. coli O157: H7 isolates carried stx2 and five (8.1 %) of the isolates harbored stx1 gene only. At least one antibiotic resistance gene was detected from 35 isolates. E. coli O157: H7 isolates from four sheep and three cattle harbored tetB gene. From three cattle and one sheep samples strA carrying E. coli O157: H7 were isolated. Among them, isolates from 2 cattle and one sheep samples were carried both tetB and strA. Isolates were grouped into six different clusters. From a cattle and a sheep, two different E. coli O157: H7 which have different PFGE patterns, were isolated. It can be concluded that sheep pose a risk as cattle for STEC O157: H7 contamination in Turkey.
  • Öğe
    Phenotypic and genotypic antibiotic resistance profiles of Escherichia coli O157 from cattle and slaughterhouse wastewater isolates
    (Springer, 2015) Ayaz, Naim Deniz; Gencay, Yilmaz Emre; Erol, Irfan
    The aims of this study were to determine the minimal inhibition concentration of 20 different antibiotics on cattle and slaughterhouse wastewater Escherichia coli O157, including both Shiga toxigenic E. coli O157 (STEC O157) and non-Shiga toxigenic strains (non-STEC O157) by the Epsilometer test, and to determine the antibiotic resistance gene profiles of the isolates by PCR. A total of 102 cattle and slaughterhouse wastewater E. coli O157 isolates including 96 E. coli O157:H7(+) (81 non-sorbitol fermenting [NSF] STEC O157:H7, 12 NSF non-STEC O157:H7, and three sorbitol fermenting [SF] non-STEC O157:H7) and six non-STEC O157:H7(-) isolated from 744 cattle and slaughterhouse wastewater samples collected within a 2-year period were assessed. Of 93 NSF E. coli O157:H7 isolates, 19 were resistant to tetracycline and sulfamethoxazole, 14 to trimethoprim, 13 to cefoxitin, 11 to streptomycin, 10 to ampicillin, eight to chloramphenicol, six to cephalothin, four to cefaclor, four to aztreonam, and four to nalidixic acid. In six of the E. coli O157:H7(-) isolates, tetracycline resistance was detected while five of them were also resistant to ampicillin, sulfamethoxazole, and trimethoprim. In PCR analysis, 26.0 % (25/96) of the NSF E. coli O157:H7(+) and all of the E. coli O157:H7(-) isolates harbored one or more antibiotic resistance genes. While tetA, tetB, tetC, strA, strB, and sulI genes were detected from a number of the isolates, tetD, tetE, tetG, cmlA, floR, sulII, aadA, and ampC genes were not detected in any of the isolates. Results suggest a high antibiotic resistance in E. coli O157:H7(+)/H7(-) cattle and wastewater isolates. The majority of our resistant isolates, antibacterial resistance genes did not correlate with observed phenotypic resistance. Other resistance traits and regulatory factors that mediate antibiotic resistance should be included in further antimicrobial resistance investigations.
  • Öğe
    Species distribution, molecular characteristics and vancomycin resistance gene profiles of Enterococcus sp isolates from farmhouse cheeses in western Turkey
    (Wiley, 2014) Buyukyoruk, Sadik; Ayaz, Naim D.; Gencay, Yilmaz E.; Beyaz, Devrim; Kocak, Pelin
    Species distribution, virulence traits and vancomycin resistance gene profiles of Enterococcus isolated from 43 home-made artisan cheese samples collected from open markets, located in Aydin region of Turkey, were investigated. Of the 129 isolates, 95 were identified as Enterococcus sp.; Enterococcus faecium being the most prevalent species (82.1%), followed by Enterococcus faecalis (13.6%) and Enterococcus durans (1.0%). None of the enterococci were harbouring vanA or vanC, while seven isolates (7.3%) were shown to harbour vanB gene by multiplex PCR. gelE (49.4%) being the most prevalent virulence factor was followed by asa1 (27.3%), esp (22.1%), cylA (4.2%) and hyl (3.1%).
  • Öğe
    Prevalence and molecular characterization of sorbitol fermenting and non-fermenting Escherichia coli O157:H7+/H7– isolated from cattle at slaughterhouse and slaughterhouse wastewater
    (Elsevier, 2014) Ayaz, Naim Deniz; Gencay, Yilmaz Emre; Erol, Irfan
    The prevalence and seasonal distribution of E. colt 0157:H7(+)/H7(-) in an array of aged cattle at slaughter and its dissemination with slaughterhouse wastewater over a two year period in Turkey were investigated. For this purpose, a total of 720 samples (240 rectoanal mucosal swap [RAMS], 240 carcass sponge and 240 bile samples) of 240 cattle categorized according to age, gender, breed and sampling site were collected along with additional 24 wastewater samples and were subjected to immunomagnetic separation based cultivation technique to efficiently isolate E. coli 0157 from the background flora. Identification (rfbE(0157),fliC(h7)), detection of major virulence factors (sbc7, sU2, eaeA, hly, lpfA1-3 and espA), intimin variants (eae-alpha 1, eae-alpha 2, eae-beta 3, eae-beta 1, eae-beta 2, eae-gamma l and eae-gamma 2/0) and shiga toxin variants (stx70 stx(1d), stx(2c), stx(2d), stx(2e), stx(2f)and stx(2g)) of all the isolates were assessed by PCR. From 10(42%) of RAMS and 11(4.6%) of carcass sponge samples and 5 (20.8%) of slaughterhouse wastewater samples, a total of 102 colonies (99 sorbitol negative and 3 sorbitol positive) were isolated. Overall, 17 (7.1%) and 15 (6.3%) of 240 sampled cattle were shown to harbor E. coli 0157 and E. colt 0157:H7, respectively either in their RAMS or carcass sponge samples analyzed. Statistically significant differences between categories; season, age, gender and breed of cattle were not observed (p > 0.05). None of the isolated E. coli 0157:H7+/H7- strains harbored any of the investigated intimin types other than eaeyi or shiga toxin variants stx(1d), StX(2e), six(2f) or StX(2g) while all were lpfA1-3+ except 5 E. coli 0157:H7- strains. Intimin variant eaey, and shiga toxin 1 variant stx/c were detected from all of the eaeA+ (97/102, 95.1%) and stxt (32/102,313%) strains, respectively while from sbd" (80/102, 78.4%) isolates, both stx(2c) (68/80, 85.0%) and 5tx(2d) (12/80, 15.0%) variants were determined. In the last decade, prevalence of E. coli 0157:H7 has an increasing trend in cattle. Slaughterhouses are the significant sources of environmental contamination with E. coli 0157:H7. Isolation and molecular characterization of sorbitol fermenting E. coli 0157:H7 are a novel finding and may lead to a revision of reference isolation procedure of E. coli 0157:H7 in future. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    A potential infection source for humans: Frozen buffalo meat can harbour tissue cysts of Toxoplasma gondii
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2013) Gencay, Yılmaz Emre; Yıldız, Kader; Gökpınar, Sami; Leblebicier, Abdullah
    Buffaloes are considered resistant to toxoplasmosis. Tissue cysts of Toxoplasma gondii found rarely in skeletal muscles of buffaloes. However, in the present study, we found tissue cyst of T gondii in frozen boneless buffalo meat illegally imported to Turkey. Spherical tissue cysts of T. gondii. 27-34 to 30-32 (mean 31 x 30) mu m in diameter, were found in 3 out of 20 (15%) spontaneously thawed meat samples analyzed by light microscopy of percoll dilutions. All positive samples were also confirmed by observation of 97 bp gene products of T. gondii repetitive B1 gene by nested PCR. The tissue cysts however, were not found following a preservation of two days at -18 degrees C. Present study shows that frozen buffalo meat can be a potential new infection source for human toxoplasmosis. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    The Relationship of Coxiella burnetii Seropositivity Between Farm Animals and Their Owners: A Pilot Study
    (Medwell Online, 2010) Dogru, Aylin Kasimoglu; Yildirim, Murat; Unal, Nilgun; Gazyagci, Serkal
    Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by Coxiella burnetii. This study aimed to detect the relationship of C. burnetii seropositivity between farm animal owners and their animals. Blood serums of 20 farm animal owners, 32 cow and 88 sheep were investigated with indirect Immuno Fluorescent Assay (IFA) using C. burnetii phase I and II antigens. Milk samples of the same animals were tested for C. burnetii by PCR. The serological test results of animals and their owners were compared by statistically methods to reveal the interdependence and correlations. The seropositivities of IgG antibodies against C. burnetii were 90.0% for farm animal owners, 53.1% for cows and 63.6% for sheep. All of the animal owners were consuming dairy products made from their. own animals raw milk. However, as shown by PCR results, none of the tested cows and sheep were responsible for shedding of C. burnetii through their milks. Although, there was no correlation between the shedding pattern and serological results of animals, there was a significant correlation between the serological results of animals and their owners for both phase I and II antigens against C. burnetii. There are statistically important relationships between farm animals and their. owners about phase I and phase II IgG titration levels against C. burnetii. Moreover, there was close dependency between the presence of chronic C. burnetii infections in animals and their owners. On the other hand, serological results of milk samples are not in significant correlation with the serologically dependency of animals and their owners.
  • Öğe
    Serotype identification and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Salmonella spp. isolated from chicken carcasses
    (Springer, 2010) Doğru, Aylin Kasımoğlu; Ayaz, Naim Deniz; Gencay, Yılmaz Emre
    In this study, 32 Salmonella strains isolated from 400 chicken carcasses were serotyped, and antibiotic resistance profiles were detected against 12 selected antimicrobial agents using disc diffusion method. Thirty-two isolates were identified as follows; 22 (68.7%) Salmonella Enteritidis, five (15.6%) Salmonella Virchow, three (9.3%) Salmonella Typhimurium and two (6.2%) Salmonella Hadar. In all Salmonella isolates, antibiotic resistance were detected. Out of 32 Salmonella strains, 22 (68.75%) displayed multi-drug resistance. Thirty-two (100.0%) of the isolates were found to be resistant to penicillin G, 20 (62.5%) to nalidixic acid, four (12.5%) to cephalothin, two (6.2%) to streptomycin and two (6.2%) to tetracycline. Fifteen (68.1%) Salmonella Enteritidis, one (33.3%) Salmonella Typhimurium, two (100.0%) Salmonella Hadar and two (40.0%) Salmonella Virchow were shown to be resistant to nalidixic acid. Cephalothin resistance was detected in 9.0%, 33.3%, and 20.0% for Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Virchow, respectively. The results indicate that Salmonella recovered from chicken carcasses were resistant to multiple antimicrobials and that resistance among these isolates varies by serotype. Also, this emerged as a significant public health problem.
  • Öğe
    Comparison of Virulence Gene Profiles of Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis Chicken Neck Skin and Faeces Isolates
    (Kafkas Univ, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2010) Doğru, Aylin Kasımoğlu; Gencay, Yılmaz Emre; Ayaz, Naim Deniz
    The objective of this study was to find out the distribution of major virulence determinants asa1, gelE, cylA, esp, and hyl by multiplex PCR in 132 Enterococcus faecium and 67 Enterococcus faecalis isolates originated from chicken neck skin samples at slaughterhouse and faeces samples from intensive broiler enterprises and rural poultry establishments. In the study, 31.2% (62/199) of the enterococcal strains harbored at least one virulence determinant. The gelE gene was the predominant (30.2%) virulence trait among the enterococci investigated followed by asa1 (15.6%). Both gelE and asa1 genes were significantly higher in E. faecalis than E. faecium. The hyl, esp and cylA genes were detected with percentages of 1.5%, 1.5% and 0.8% in E. faecium isolates. None of the E. faecalis strains harbored cylA, esp and hyl genes. The results indicate that a clear difference was observed in the kind of virulence factor present in strains between faecal samples and skin samples. Also. E. faecium strains isolated from both chicken skin samples and faeces presented lower pathogenicity potential than did E. faecalis.
  • Öğe
    Determination of Aflatoxin M1 Levels and Antibiotic Residues in the Traditional Turkish Desserts and Ice Creams Consumed in Burdur City Center
    (Medwell Online, 2010) Mutlu, Ayşe Gül; Kursun, Özen; Kasımoglu, Aylin; Dukel, Muzaffer
    Aflatoxins display an insufficiently recognized risk to human health. Aflatoxins M1 and M2 are oxidative metabolites of aflatoxins B1 and B2 in milk. They can be found in a variety of food items and are not destroyed by normal industrial processing or cooking. Also, foods from animals may contain residues of antibacterial drugs. In this study, totally 47 traditional milky dessert and ice cream samples including sutlac, gullac, muhallebi and ice cream were investigated for aflatoxin M1 by ELISA and for antibacterial drugs by bacterial growth inhibition methods. Aflatoxin values of the 8 samples exceeded 50 ng kg(-1) and among them only one sample exceeded 250 ng kg(-1). Thirty-one of the 47 milky dessert samples were positive. According to the results, antibiotic residues were detected in 32 out of 47 samples of milky desserts (68.1%). The milky desserts including aflatoxin M1 and/or antimicrobial drug residues are potential risk for public health. Prevention of the contamination of aflatoxin B1 and B2 in the animal food may prevent formation of aflatoxin M1 in animal products. Also, the farmers should be educated for the prevention of antibiotic residues in milk.
  • Öğe
    Prevalence and antibiotic resistance profiles of Enterococcus species in chicken at slaughter level; absence of vanA and vanB genes in E. faecalis and E. faecium
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2010) Kasimoğlu-Doğru, Aylin; Gencay, Y. Emre; Ayaz, N. Deniz
    The prevalence of enterococci in neck skin samples of poultry from Ankara region in Turkey was investigated and their antibiotic resistance patterns were determined. In the study, 83 of 106 analyzed neck skin samples were positive for Enterococcus, with E. faecium as the most prevalent species (48%) followed by E. durans (23%) and E. faecalis (19%). Lower numbers were detected for E. gallinarum, E. hirae, E. mundtii and E. casseliflavus. Using the disc diffusion method, it was established that over 90% of E. faecium and E. faecalis isolates were high-level resistant against erythromycin and tetracycline. Four E. faecium isolates were additionally resistant to chloramphenicol, gentamicin and streptomycin, though they were susceptible to penicillin G. The most frequently observed multiple resistance in E. faecium (25%) was against erythromycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol and streptomycin. Of the E. faecalis isolates, 44% were multiple resistant to erythromycin, tetracycline and streptomycin. Vancomycin resistance could not be demonstrated phenotypically and vanA or vanB genes were not detected by multiplex PCR in any of the isolates. Nevertheless, the observed resistance patterns are of concern for public health. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.